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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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beermonkey@tehbias said:
He's going on the assumption that Sony would just veto them somehow, but that's not really the way format licensing works, not to mention that Sony doesn't run the BD association.
I'd say this should be posted in big bold letters in the OP but 1) no one reads the OP in threads anymore and 2) it's so many pages away.
FnordChan said:
Of course we aren't. Laserdisc was far more successful than HD-DVD.



DJ_Tet said:
No, I'm comparing Laserdisc to VHS, obviously.

Star Wars wasn't out on VHS for a LONG time, many many years after it was on Laserdisc. Plus, it was hardly even on tv or HBO, to be honest.

buried after people trying to be funny...but true :lol


MS could release an add on, but it certainly wouldnt be sony manufacturing the player.

I dont doubt it will happen, but i feel its much more down the line, im sure partner companies wouldnt want to out and piss their BDA partner sony when this is something REALLY good for the PS3.

Captain N

Junior Member
I went and saw Sweeney Todd tonight and saw the movie is brought to us by both Dreamworks & Warner Brothers...what will it be released on? HD DVD only? or both?
Captain N said:
I went and saw Sweeney Todd tonight and saw the movie is brought to us by both Dreamworks & Warner Brothers...what will it be released on? HD DVD only? or both?
In the US, where Dreamworks has distribution rights, it will be HD DVD only(unless Paramount uses some escape clause to go Blu, word to Martin Short :lol ). WB has the international rights to the movie though, so in Europe, Australia, Japan etc it will BD exclusive.


What's great about that ad is how Toshiba has a $120 dvd upconverter right above it that goes all the way to 1080p while the $300 'dvd upconverter' only goes to 1080i :lol

edit: and the cheap one records! wow, talk about a hard sell!

Captain N

Junior Member
polyh3dron said:
In the US, where Dreamworks has distribution rights, it will be HD DVD only. WB has the international rights to the movie though, so in Europe, Australia, Japan etc it will BD exclusive.

Will that be region locked? I guess it will, but I'm not sure.


Post Count: 9999
And in celebration ... I just took advantage of Amazon's BluRay BOGO!!! :lol

First 4 Harry Potters
28 Days Later / 28 Weeks Later
Good Night and Good Luck
Happy Feat

So ... add another 8 to my collection :p
FnordChan said:
Of course we aren't. Laserdisc was far more successful than HD-DVD.


Laserdisc had every studio and lasted for 20 years, so you are actually correct.

Sure, it was a niche format, but the enthusiasts didn't give a shit what the mainstream thought. They just wanted the best quality and good support, and they got it.


Post Count: 9999
VictimOfGrief said:
Because of my Sega avatar. That's an interesting conclusion.

Well ... it was actually based on your supposition of a possible win for a dying format being Lucas. That simply sounds like something Deadmeat would do/say.

When I then saw Sega in your avatar ... it all made sense :p
VictimOfGrief said:
And yet no one has said..... MS could release a hybrid HD DVD/Blu Ray drive.... strange.

Because most people have received the memo that Microsoft doesn't care about hd-dvd and is going on with their vod plans as well as IPtV.
Microsoft is NOT in the hardware business, they have enough to worry about designing the next gen xbox so they do not have a red ring repeat.


I just counted up all my movies today, somehow I have 50 now (like 15 hd, rest blu). How the hell did that happen? :lol andddd I'm buying 3:10 To Yuma on Tues.

I feel bad for my wallet and it's only gonna get worse after CES :(


OokieSpookie said:


<unreal announcer>[B]OWNAGE[/B]!</unreal announcer>

[QUOTE]Have you guys seen this?


Is that official?


One thing that would have been nice, and I'm not sure how feasible this is:

Is if either HD-DVD or Blu Ray had mandated a DVD stream embedded in the disc, or somehow downscaled itself so that every disc worked in a DVD player at 480i.

The hd-dvds I have look amazing on my hdtv, but they offer me no value outside of my living room, or others who might own one. I can't take it on my video ipod as a consumer (well, thanks to copy protection I could, but the average consumer couldn't,) I can't play it in portable dvd players in a car, or at a friends house that only has a dvd player.

If either of these discs had been able to offer that to the consumer at no extra cost (and not in a shitty flipper format, although that's better than nothing) then that would have been great and really helped mainstream adoption. Because of that, unfortunately it's going to take a lot longer for some people to make the switch. I agree that once you see HDM vs upscaled dvds there is no argument, but it will take a long time, if ever for Blu to really take the place of dvds.

Simply because people can already play DVDs in so many ways, while even if you did have a blu ray player in your car, would your screen even be good enough for you to tell much difference? This means people will have to either buy a blu player for travel/car/airplane (although laptops would benefit from blu drives obviously) or buy two copies of the movie. Some will choose to stick with their $5-$10 dvds, and frankly I can't blame them.

Edit: as an hd movie lover, I'm glad Blu won, even though I went red originally. I think and thought Blu was better for the movie and computer industry especially. When you're talking about the difference of being able to back up an extra 20 gigs a disc, it was a no-brainer. Not even considering the possibilities for longer movies like LOTR at potentially better quality (higher bitrate encodes.)
DJ_Tet said:
One thing that would have been nice, and I'm not sure how feasible this is:

Is if either HD-DVD or Blu Ray had mandated a DVD stream embedded in the disc, or somehow downscaled itself so that every disc worked in a DVD player at 480i.

The hd-dvds I have look amazing on my hdtv, but they offer me no value outside of my living room, or others who might own one. I can't take it on my video ipod as a consumer (well, thanks to copy protection I could, but the average consumer couldn't,) I can't play it in portable dvd players in a car, or at a friends house that only has a dvd player.

If either of these discs had been able to offer that to the consumer at no extra cost (and not in a shitty flipper format, although that's better than nothing) then that would have been great and really helped mainstream adoption. Because of that, unfortunately it's going to take a lot longer for some people to make the switch. I agree that once you see HDM vs upscaled dvds there is no argument, but it will take a long time, if ever for Blu to really take the place of dvds.

Simply because people can already play DVDs in so many ways, while even if you did have a blu ray player in your car, would your screen even be good enough for you to tell much difference? This means people will have to either buy a blu player for travel/car/airplane (although laptops would benefit from blu drives obviously) or buy two copies of the movie. Some will choose to stick with their $5-$10 dvds, and frankly I can't blame them.

I'm pretty sure that blu-ray technology requires a "blue laser" for reading anything on the disc. HD DVD tried their Combo disc solution at a premium price.
DJ_Tet said:
One thing that would have been nice, and I'm not sure how feasible this is:

Is if either HD-DVD or Blu Ray had mandated a DVD stream embedded in the disc, or somehow downscaled itself so that every disc worked in a DVD player at 480i.

The hd-dvds I have look amazing on my hdtv, but they offer me no value outside of my living room, or others who might own one. I can't take it on my video ipod as a consumer (well, thanks to copy protection I could, but the average consumer couldn't,) I can't play it in portable dvd players in a car, or at a friends house that only has a dvd player.

If either of these discs had been able to offer that to the consumer at no extra cost (and not in a shitty flipper format, although that's better than nothing) then that would have been great and really helped mainstream adoption. Because of that, unfortunately it's going to take a lot longer for some people to make the switch. I agree that once you see HDM vs upscaled dvds there is no argument, but it will take a long time, if ever for Blu to really take the place of dvds.

Simply because people can already play DVDs in so many ways, while even if you did have a blu ray player in your car, would your screen even be good enough for you to tell much difference? This means people will have to either buy a blu player for travel/car/airplane (although laptops would benefit from blu drives obviously) or buy two copies of the movie. Some will choose to stick with their $5-$10 dvds, and frankly I can't blame them.

It is illogical.
Yes now it seems such a huge difference.
In no time the media prices will be down and portable devices will be all over, not only that but blu has spoken for a while about having a downloadable verson of a movie on its blu disk.
Hd tried the combo gimmick and it made no difference.


Not Banned from OT
Here is a post I made at another forum.

I really want to hear the reason you think the average joe is ever going to go to blu now they have won. I want to hear why you think they average person is going to replace 3+ dvd players in the house the car and other portable units.

DVD did not win because of the PQ/SQ. That is all HDM media has going for it. DVD won because it was a revolution. No rewind, small form factor, did not degrade every viewing, chapter skip and special features are what won the public over.

Also people only had to replace the 1 or 2 vcrs they had. Most people pre dvd watched movies in the living room. They added a DVD player to the living room TV plain and simple. Then something happened DVD players got insanely cheap. People started putting them in the bedroom, kids rooms, play areas kitchen ect. Then another revolution happened portable units got sub 100 dollars cars/mini vans started to come equipped with DVD players. The DVD player in the minivan is like a god send to many a parent.

Seriously you expect people to replace all those players with blu units? The issue is a blu disc plays in a blu player. It does not play in the many DVD players people have. Why would the average person buy a 30 dollar movie that won't play in the car, bedroom or where ever else they watch movies these days? People are buying less 14.99 dollar DVDs you really expect them to buy a 29.99 dollar movie and the DVD version? If the BDA studios wanted to include the DVD version that would change my stance. If the BDA came up with a real combo disk that worked well that would change my stance. As of right now only a wishfull thinker would have the notion the average person would ever go to blu. These are the same people who are to cheap to get HD cable for the new HD tv. They still run the sound through the TV speakers or at best they have a cheap HTiaB for the sound.

While we are on the subject of HD tvs. People are buying them for the form factor not the PQ. They like the 3 inch think TV vs the monstrous CRTs of the past. Most of the public thinks anything played through that new tv is HD materal. That the tv magically turns anything in to real HD. So they see no reason to ever get go OTA HD cable.

Before I hear about the analog cut off forcing people to get HD tvs. 3 types of people have OTA these days and that is a small number. The elderly who don't care for cable. The poor who cant afford cable. The HDM enthusist like me who gets free HD programing OTA. None of these people are going to be affected by the cut off. They are not going to run out and get a blu player because of it. Hell most will just get a cheap converter box or get cable. I have friends with HD tvs and won't do an antena because they are an eye sore to them.

I would like to hear any reasonable argument that any HDM blu or downloadable will not be the next laser disc a pure enthusist format.

The best I ever see is some sort of combo disc and there is a coexistance with dvd.


Blu-ray is evolving along with the HD era, so no I don't think anyone expects there to be a huge shift. The shift will be gradual just like the HD shift.


OokieSpookie said:
Hd tried the combo gimmick and it made no difference.

They tried it, but it wasn't quite what I was looking for. First off, flipper tech makes the disc look cheap. Second, every combo disc was more expensive than regular HD media, which is already expensive, that kind of defeats the purpose. Third, not every movie had a combo version. They should have ALL been combos and they should have eaten the cost.

They aren't giving j6p enough of a reason to upgrade every piece of equipment he owns. His portable dvd player isn't going to look all that much better if at all when it's a portable blu player. It certainly isn't going to sound any better. The car player is the same stuff. J6p already owns all this stuff. His laptop will look better, I'll give you that.

But as it stands, j6p is looking at spending $10 for a DVD he can play anywhere, even his friends house who doesn't have an hdtv, or spending $25 for a Blu disc he can only play at his house on his nice tv. If he wants to watch the movie on all his equipment today, he has to buy the movie twice for $35. Or he can buy it once, for $10 and play it upscaled and save $25 per movie.

Sure, we know it doesn't look as good, but upscaled dvds do look good. And those savings add up. I'm just saying, if that tech had been mandated into the design, I think it would have sped up the process of people buying HDM. As it is, there's still a chance that DVD could ultimately kill Blu.

As long as Blu gets all new releases and catalog titles, I personally could care less if DVD continues to sell the majority of disc volume. But I'm afraid that this next battle won't be as easy as it was for HD-dvd, and it could have been made irrelevant with a little forplanning and 9 gigs of space.
Yes Blu-ray will never really take off because it's impossible to imagine Blu-ray players and software ever coming down in the price the way DVD did.



Defuser said:
You're right,people should just stick to CD instead of DVD.

That's exactly my point. There's likely NEVER going to be another physical music format, and CD will likely continue to ALWAYS be produced. Super CDs never caught on despite it's audio advantage. CDs offerent the portability, lack of copy protection ultimately that gave the consumer ultimate control over it's content. They may not sell like they used to, but they still sell a ton. So do dvds. And likely will for a LONG time.

Blu could have stopped that with a little foresight, but potentially it's only going to be a living room/computer format. I don't see it killing DVD.


Gary Whitta said:
Yes Blu-ray will never really take off because it's impossible to imagine Blu-ray players and software ever coming down in the price the way DVD did.


That's not what I'm saying. But one of the reasons for Blu's existence is because the studios don't want to give us $10 movies. If Blu ever gets down to $20 at Walmart, you can bet there will be a $5 dvd version. And so on, the players are everywhere.

edit: holy shit quest that's like exactly what I was saying...crazy


Unconfirmed Member
Anyone have 'The Fifth Element' on Blu-Ray? How does it look?


Not Banned from OT
Defuser said:
You're right,people should just stick to CD instead of DVD.

CD was a revolution over cassette tapes that is the reason it won. MP3 was a revolution over CD that is why it won. DVD was a revolution hence winning. HD-DVD/blu/hd downloads is a evolution hence it won't win.


Not Banned from OT
DJ_Tet said:
That's not what I'm saying. But one of the reasons for Blu's existence is because the studios don't want to give us $10 movies. If Blu ever gets down to $20 at Walmart, you can bet there will be a $5 dvd version. And so on, the players are everywhere.

edit: holy shit quest that's like exactly what I was saying...crazy

That is why I posted it. Hell I love HDM as much as anyone here. I think people are crazy to think the winner of this war was going to be anything other than a niche format. Studios know this that is why pricing is going to stay high. Studios know the videophiles will pay a premium. The bogos besides padding stats are like a crack dealer giving free samples. People have a taste and want more and will pay for it. Studios will not make the mistake they made with DVD and erode prices so soon and over supply causing the 5 dollar bargin bin. The studios and CEs want to keep margins high this time around.


:lol car DVD players? Does anyone on GAF even have a DVD player in their car? That shit is for soccer moms and mini-vans dudes. I am sure the kids will be fine watching barney in SD. The "pimp my ride" segment will move up to in car bluray for sure. But they are also the dudes with 10 LCDs in the trunk.

As for my bedroom, I watch the news and late night TV in there. Blu-ray is a HOME THEATER format. I have a DVD player in my bedroom but its not even hooked up to the tv.
quest said:
CD was a revolution over cassette tapes that is the reason it won. MP3 was a revolution over CD that is why it won. DVD was a revolution hence winning. HD-DVD/blu/hd downloads is a evolution hence it won't win.

People who are less bitter might disagree with you.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Shepherd said:
Anyone have 'The Fifth Element' on Blu-Ray? How does it look?

Looks great. The first version looked like crap so Sony went back and remastered it (and offered everyone who bought the original one a replacement disc in exchange of the original one).


Not Banned from OT
Flo_Evans said:
:lol car DVD players? Does anyone on GAF even have a DVD player in their car? That shit is for soccer moms and mini-vans dudes. I am sure the kids will be fine watching barney in SD. The "pimp my ride" segment will move up to in car bluray for sure. But they are also the dudes with 10 LCDs in the trunk.

As for my bedroom, I watch the news and late night TV in there. Blu-ray is a HOME THEATER format. I have a DVD player in my bedroom but its not even hooked up to the tv.

Thank you for supporting what I am saying. The masses will not go for HDM making it a niche format. I don't have a player in my car but do have a portable unit which is great for trips or killing time like waiting at the doctors office.


Not Banned from OT
OokieSpookie said:
People who are less bitter might disagree with you.

I am not bitter I have had the same position before the news broke. If it is just bitterness I want to hear your counter argument.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
quest, you're nothing but a broken record. People have responded to your various points but you've conveniently ignored most of them. These "revolutions" you speak of are conveniently recalled through rose-tinted glasses that compress the timeframes of the inception of these formats and with hindsight of the successful outcome. But if we were back in 1996, you'd be saying the same thing about DVD that you're saying about HD media now.


quest said:
Here is a post I made at another forum.

I really want to hear the reason you think the average joe is ever going to go to blu now they have won. I want to hear why you think they average person is going to replace 3+ dvd players in the house the car and other portable units.

DVD did not win because of the PQ/SQ. That is all HDM media has going for it. DVD won because it was a revolution. No rewind, small form factor, did not degrade every viewing, chapter skip and special features are what won the public over.

Also people only had to replace the 1 or 2 vcrs they had. Most people pre dvd watched movies in the living room. They added a DVD player to the living room TV plain and simple. Then something happened DVD players got insanely cheap. People started putting them in the bedroom, kids rooms, play areas kitchen ect. Then another revolution happened portable units got sub 100 dollars cars/mini vans started to come equipped with DVD players. The DVD player in the minivan is like a god send to many a parent.

Seriously you expect people to replace all those players with blu units? The issue is a blu disc plays in a blu player. It does not play in the many DVD players people have. Why would the average person buy a 30 dollar movie that won't play in the car, bedroom or where ever else they watch movies these days? People are buying less 14.99 dollar DVDs you really expect them to buy a 29.99 dollar movie and the DVD version? If the BDA studios wanted to include the DVD version that would change my stance. If the BDA came up with a real combo disk that worked well that would change my stance. As of right now only a wishfull thinker would have the notion the average person would ever go to blu. These are the same people who are to cheap to get HD cable for the new HD tv. They still run the sound through the TV speakers or at best they have a cheap HTiaB for the sound.

While we are on the subject of HD tvs. People are buying them for the form factor not the PQ. They like the 3 inch think TV vs the monstrous CRTs of the past. Most of the public thinks anything played through that new tv is HD materal. That the tv magically turns anything in to real HD. So they see no reason to ever get go OTA HD cable.

Before I hear about the analog cut off forcing people to get HD tvs. 3 types of people have OTA these days and that is a small number. The elderly who don't care for cable. The poor who cant afford cable. The HDM enthusist like me who gets free HD programing OTA. None of these people are going to be affected by the cut off. They are not going to run out and get a blu player because of it. Hell most will just get a cheap converter box or get cable. I have friends with HD tvs and won't do an antena because they are an eye sore to them.

I would like to hear any reasonable argument that any HDM blu or downloadable will not be the next laser disc a pure enthusist format.

The best I ever see is some sort of combo disc and there is a coexistance with dvd.

So in 1996, before DVD got it's major kick going, do you think you could have predicted its startling success and adoption rate at that point in its life? All those ways you've illustrated how DVD's have permeated our lives, was that apparent to you over 10 years ago?

High Def media is just starting to reach the eyes and ears of non-early adopters. Relax man. No one is saying the adoption will happen congruent to DVD, as fast as DVD, or if it even will come near it. People just want to enjoy HD content on their nice shiny HD TV's. These people are entitled to that as consumers if the studios want their money, and obviously they do. Warner, Sony, Toshiba, Fox, etc... they'd all love to have the birth of DVD Market No. 2 here with these BD and HD-DVD disc sales, so they're grooming it as such. And who knows what kinds of conveniences or inventions may spring up in the next decade to accommodate its growth and the market demands. Let's try to be a little open-minded and a little patient here. You don't have buy a Blu-Ray player if you don't want one, you know. No one's got a gun to your head and demanding you replace your DVD collection.
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