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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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shantyman said:
I just read an AP article on CES:

This quote jumps out at me:

Do people really care a bout garbage special features like this in their media?

I'd heard the new AVP Blu-ray would include an online multiplayer game. Not sure if this is the same game, but I'd like to see it. Who knows? It could be fun.

There's another movie announced that will come with a trivia game. I don't know if you actually compete with people online or if you just compete for scores, which are posted online, but again, bring it on.

Even if some of this interactivity turns out to be lame or gimmicky, there's bound to be some that's cool as hell.
I personally don't give a shit about any fancy special features at all. The only things I watch are deleted scenes and filming-diary kind of things, like in Superbad which had the film diary and Everybody Hates Michael Cera. Commentaries are useless because I don't want to watch the movie AGAIN with some people speaking over it. PiP commentaries? Online features? I would never ever touch those.


neverknowsbest said:
I personally don't give a shit about any fancy special features at all. The only things I watch are deleted scenes and filming-diary kind of things, like in Superbad which had the film diary and Everybody Hates Michael Cera. Commentaries are useless because I don't want to watch the movie AGAIN with some people speaking over it. PiP commentaries? Online features? I would never ever touch those.

I used to feel the same way but I watched with the extras turned on during Batman Begins and Transformers and it was actually pretty damn interesting and entertaining.


the only feature i like is sonys idea with the psp movies...but seriously how needs crap like live bloging while watching a movie (lionsgate will do this with saw 4 bd) ...


neverknowsbest said:
I personally don't give a shit about any fancy special features at all. The only things I watch are deleted scenes and filming-diary kind of things, like in Superbad which had the film diary and Everybody Hates Michael Cera. Commentaries are useless because I don't want to watch the movie AGAIN with some people speaking over it. PiP commentaries? Online features? I would never ever touch those.

That's cool, but Blu-ray ain't got a convenient new form factor to set it apart from standard DVD. To be successful, to be really successful, the format's going to have to offer a bit more to people than just prettier pictures. Interactive and web-enabled content is one way to do this.
MechDX said:
I used to feel the same way but I watched with the extras turned on during Batman Begins and Transformers and it was actually pretty damn interesting and entertaining.

Shia LaBeouf: "In this scene I felt that it warranted saying 'No' 20 times in rapid succession instead of the standard 12 times seen in prior scenes to draw attention to the iconic symbolism at play..."


polyh3dron said:
Shia LaBeouf: "In this scene I felt that it warranted saying 'No' 20 times in rapid succession instead of the standard 12 times seen in prior scenes to draw attention to the iconic symbolism at play..."

Naw, the Transformers HUD was pretty damn cool.


the bda pk is kinda boring till now .. hope it gets a bit better. They should watch more e3/gc/tgs pks and learn how to make a good one ;P


Ignatz Mouse said:
There's that.

Toshiba and its remaining studios haven't conceded yet.

edit: What happened? Is the conference over?

I think someone kicked Engadget's power cord out of the wall. :lol

edit2: Power cord's back in, but I can't understand what they're saying. Knew I should have taken Broken English and Grammatical Errors 101 in school. :\


How come during the Q&A session all the questions are about hardware? Dont they know these guys are all from studios except for Parsons.:lol


With Blu-ray the aparent winner, are we going to see more catalogue titles?
Bob says song of the south won't be covered here today, but one of the pinnacle moments was when we decided to take out Snow white, which signaled it was mass market, sing this was a most cherished title. This time they are releasing Snow while this October. "And what's the price point Bob?" "Wow" -- and as a result we know where this is going. David Bishop says most of lived through DVD and just like it we look at the core and try to release products that are valuable to them.

What in the blathering hell is being blathered about here? Is this Babelfish?


Witchfinder General said:
Before I answer your question let me first ask you one:

After playing back the same track on good quality Hi-Fi for both vinyl and CD, have you ever heard someone proclaim they preferred the CD?


I worked in Hi-Fi for years and own a very nice set up for both CD and vinyl and can state that vinyl wins hand down. I used to demo the differences to customers and 9/10 would state that they preferred the record, even when played back on a uch more expensive CD set-up over the vinyl.

The problem with the digital medium is that it takes the original signal and samples it, which takes away something from the sound no matter how big the sample.

Vinyl is analog and thusly gives you 100% of the pie.

Sure, vinyl isn't perfect (what is?) but there's a reason it sounds so natural and organic.

Yes. I know people that will take CD over vinyl, and many have. I like how you replied with digital takes away "something", and Vinyl is natural and organic. Natural and organic are not proof of anything other than what you find appealing. Yeah, more or less no facts, just more words of nothingness. I'm surprised you didn't use "warm" as well, that's a favorite with the vinyl crowd. What that lost "something" is has yet to be determined, and of course you failed to mention it, because it's not there. It's like the Yeti or something. That "something" is pure conjecture. Even you don't know what it is. The DACS in todays high end CD players are fantastic. Like I said, some people prefer Vinyl, and that's fine. I have no problem with that. Alot of people like the snap, crackle and pop and to them it authenticates the sound. So be it. But to say Vinyl is SUPERIOR to SACD, DVD-A or CD as a factual statement is wrong and pure baloney.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
btf1980 said:
Yes. I know people that will take CD over vinyl, and many have. I like how you replied with digital takes away "something", and Vinyl is natural and organic. Natural and organic are not proof of anything other than what you find appealing. Yeah, more or less no facts, just more words of nothingness. I'm surprised you didn't use "warm" as well, that's a favorite with the vinyl crowd. What that lost "something" is has yet to be determined, and of course you failed to mention it, because it's not there. It's like the Yeti or something. That "something" is pure conjecture. Even you don't know what it is. The DACS in todays high end CD players are fantastic. Like I said, some people prefer Vinyl, and that's fine. I have no problem with that. Alot of people like the snap, crackle and pop and to them it authenticates the sound. So be it. But to say Vinyl is SUPERIOR to SACD, DVD-A or CD as a factual statement is wrong and pure baloney.

Of course I'm going to use adjectives when describing sound; how the hell else do you state how something sounds?

Vinyl superior to CD from a technical standpoint? No, but neither is any digital format superior to vinyl from a technical standpoint.

Superior in sound quality? Like I said, you won't find anyone stating that vinyl is inferior.
Witchfinder, sorry to break it to you, but these days, essentially ALL MUSIC is recorded digitally and then mastered digitally, so anything on vinyl from the last 8-10 years usually won't have a complete analog path from the performance to the record. Most music dating back even further has been mastered digitally even if it was recorded and mixed on 2-inch analog tape, so the same thing applies.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
polyh3dron said:
Witchfinder, sorry to break it to you, but these days, essentially ALL MUSIC is recorded digitally and then mastered digitally, so anything on vinyl from the last 8-10 years usually won't have a complete analog path from the performance to the record. Most music dating back even further has been mastered digitally even if it was recorded and mixed on 2-inch analog tape, so the same thing applies.

I'm well aware of this but aside from a few cases the vinyl version of the album always sounds better to me.


has calmed down a bit.
StoOgE said:
i want my reparations from the bda!

That would be great. A discount on a player would be sweet.

I'm more hesitant about the Warner titles I have. This really hasn't been as easy as I figured when Warner switched. Happy Feet and 16 Blocks are combo discs, Matrix and Batman aren't out on Blu, and 300 is just flat out better on HD DVD.

Oh well, I guess I have the rest of this year and into next year to figure out how to transition my library to Blu.


Paper or plastic?
You know what I want on BR? Star Wars, but I feel as though Lucas will be a few months from being on his deathbed before he releases it in HD. Than again, he loves to dou-triple-quadr-hell I lost count-dip with his movies. I hope the recent events have given him motivation to put them out sooner.


Snah said:

Hmm...I wonder if in their contract there was a stipulation that if one of the other major studios switched to exclusive Blu-ray (basically that would be Warner), they could switch as well.

Either that, or there is some monetary penalty, but they feel it is worth it to bite the bullet now as they feel that the financial gains are better to do the move now.
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