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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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slept with Malkin
Now that there is pretty much a clear winner in bluray, I'm ready to start buying movies now. What are some of the most recommended ones out there, I already have Planet Earth and 300.


Ugh I don't know what to do with my Heroes set..when Uni inevitably goes Blu in the next few weeks I really don't want to have different seasons on a different format and I definitely don't want to spend 70 bucks on it for a Blu version when it comes out :(

I fucking opened this thing and never even watched it yet too... such a waste. (i didn't actually pay for it, but i did trade 4 movies I bought at full price for it). i'd sell it on ebay but it's worth less than the DVD from what I've seen.


Gold Member
purg3 said:
Now that there is pretty much a clear winner in bluray, I'm ready to start buying movies now. What are some of the most recommended ones out there, I already have Planet Earth and 300.

Blade Runner
Close Encounters of the Third Kind


Just saw another report on the local news from CES. Showed off all the new thin HDTV's and Proclaimed the HD War over with Blu-Ray winning, Even had Andy Parsons talking for a few seconds.

Panasonic 150 inch HDTV = fap fap fap

Ploid 3.0

Costanza said:
Ugh I don't know what to do with my Heroes set..when Uni inevitably goes Blu in the next few weeks I really don't want to have different seasons on a different format and I definitely don't want to spend 70 bucks on it for a Blu version when it comes out :(

I fucking opened this thing and never even watched it yet too... such a waste. (i didn't actually pay for it, but i did trade 4 movies I bought at full price for it). i'd sell it on ebay but it's worth less than the DVD from what I've seen.

I should buy it from you heh. Thinking about buying people's hd dvd stuff. I don't mind little support behind it as long as the stuff there works. You should keep it really. It's not going to melt.


MassiveAttack said:

Of course they won't confirm until it's officially announced.

The FT report sounds like it has some meat to it. Wouldn't be surprised to see Paramount make a statement about this issue very soon.

I mean, Paramount and Universal absolutely cannot avoid the issue much longer. They're going to have to directly address it.
xsarien said:
Yeah, and didn't Warner, about a month ago, say they were remaining agnostic? ;)

It's all a PR formality at this point. I expect Paramount and Dreamworks to announce their allegiance to Blu-ray by the end of the week.
Figure I'd feed you guys with some anecdotal evidence from my store (Best Buy in Canada). Since Warner's announcement on Friday, I've seen 8 HD-DVD standalone units returned and no real idea on the 360 add-ons as I don't see the videogame products come back (I sell home theatre). I have definitely noticed in the last quarter the increased number of Blu-Ray standalones being sold, outselling HD-DVD standalones, and being bundled into television sales quite a bit. Canada never really got the ridiculous price cuts on the HD-DVD players nor the insane amount of free discs (I know some of you guys in the States got like 12 free discs on some 199-299$ players). In fact, some of the Blu-Ray players had more free discs here (3 free of your choice and 5 mail-in) than HD-DVD players (2 in the box and five mail-in). I know HD-DVD fought tooth and nail in America with incentives but outside it didn't seem to be on the same level.

mr stroke

Ploid 3.0 said:
I should buy it from you heh. Thinking about buying people's hd dvd stuff. I don't mind little support behind it as long as the stuff there works. You should keep it really. It's not going to melt.

I don't know why people are trying to fire sale there HD DVD stuff so fast? Its not like there going to stop working. Its not like you would throw away all of your Dreamcast games once Sega got out of the gaming business would you? If you have been dual format for awhile no reason to let up now right?


mr stroke said:
I don't know why people are trying to fire sale there HD DVD stuff so fast? Its not like there going to stop working. Its not like you would throw away all of your Dreamcast games once Sega got out of the gaming business would you? If you have been dual format for awhile no reason to let up now right?

they should keep them as a collector's item.


mr stroke said:
I don't know why people are trying to fire sale there HD DVD stuff so fast? Its not like there going to stop working. Its not like you would throw away all of your Dreamcast games once Sega got out of the gaming business would you? If you have been dual format for awhile no reason to let up now right?
Because they can sell them now and make a good deal of change back before people realize it's dead in the water.
I didn't comment on the Paramount thing when it first came out...for a reason.

I have a few friends in the CE business who are in Vegas right now. Man I wish I'd been able to go this year, but I haven't been shooting much CE stuff lately, (business in general kinda sucked last year) and I couldn't justify paying my own way for the trip...

Anyway, the guys I've been talking to had all heard of the article, but most of them say they didn't believe it was true when the story started hitting everybody's Blackberrys and iPhones. Not because they don't believe Paramount wants to get out of their contract and have an escape clause--they certainly do believe that--but because they don't think Paramount's escape clause would kick in until Warner's contract is officially over and they quit producing HD DVD discs later this year.

Without getting too much into it, I can say that more than one person I have communicated with indicated that their may be another escape clause in the contract pertaining to sales that might kick in for Paramount though. If HD DVD sales totally crater as expected after the Warner announcement, they may have another opportunity for an early out, but that would likely be based on quarterly sales targets, if his speculation is correct, and still wouldn't likely kick in until the end of the next quarter, at earliest.

All of them thought it was more likely that Universal would jump before Paramount, and that was the main reason they were surprised by the news when it came out. According to them, nobody in Vegas would be very surprised to see Universal jump at any point now.

Please note, I'm not claiming this is any "insider news" or anything. It's not. These guys I'm communicating with are in the CE business but in completely unrelated fields and are not involved in the Blu-ray or HD DVD business at all. None of them are claiming to have any knowledge of Paramount's contract, or anything of that nature, either. They are just telling me what they are hearing on the show floor and in the bars after the show where CE folks party and talk, and combining that with their own personal speculation based on how they know things are done in the business.

Having said that, according to everyone I've spoken to so far, the main impression among everybody in Vegas is that it is all over for HD DVD. Buyers for retailers are telling them this too, which is significant. Lots of other rumors are going around, but that's always the case, and I'm not going to repeat them.

And with that, I'm going to bed. It's been a long night.


I do remember Maxpower1987 over at blu-ray.com saying a while ago that Paramount had escape clauses in their contract, but Warner dropping HD DVD support wouldn't immediately trigger them. It sounded to me like HD DVD would have to take a severe beating in sales (like say 90-10%) over a sustained period of time for them to get out of their contract, but that's just a guess on my part. It's possible he was misinformed, but it's possible that the FT article is premature too.

That being said, it's a matter of when and not if at this point.

Edit: Found it.



Witchfinder General said:
Vinyl superior to CD from a technical standpoint? No

Short answer....thanks.

You said SACD, DVD-A and CD were inferior formats to Vinyl as if it was factual, and not an opinion. I said it wasn't. I asked you how so and if you could prove it with factual data, not subjective posturing and useless verbiage. Your response? It sounds "natural and organic" and has that extra "something". Basically gibberish, and nothing factual. If you're going to throw out opinions like facts, back them up with facts, not "adjectives".


Fair-weather, with pride!
End the war already Universal. Let me buy Serenity on your sweet sweet Blu Ray disc and I'm set.


antiloop said:
End the war now Universal!

It's not getting cheaper for HD-DVD supporters to switch over with time.

Sure it is...if they were smart, HD DVD supporters would stop buying their discs. I too was once a HD DVD buyer (shudders). I pretty much realized the shit was dead in back in August and sold off my stand-alone player and movies. Best decision I ever made.



Fair-weather, with pride!
Yeah I got out a while back myself. March or so I think. Only cost me about 80 dollars total, not bad for a learning experience.


Bebpo said:
Same. I'd really like to get a fixed replacement. The first movie is pretty good.
The replacement process (re: PotC BD) was ultra-easy, at least in Canada. I called them on Thursday morning and had the replacement disc at my house by Monday.

And regarding the rest of the conversation here, I'll be a little choked if Universal decide to make any sort of switch before Profile 2.0 is on the market. Even though the web features on their HD DVDs can often be kind of lame, I still think it's slick that most of their newer titles seem to have them.


correct me if im wrong, but isnt Universal a main part of HD-DVD? I thought i remember reading that someone from Universal is the copresident of the HD-DVD...thing. if thats true, universal probably wont leave until HD-DVD is ready to completely give up, no?


im still not happy the topic was changed from HD-DVD v Blu-Ray when the war is still on and until May WB are still releasing HD-DVD. Its like calling it VJ-Day on the day Hiroshima was bombed.


GAF's Bob Woodward
painey said:
im still not happy the topic was changed from HD-DVD v Blu-Ray when the war is still on and until May WB are still releasing HD-DVD. Its like calling it VJ-Day on the day Hiroshima was bombed.

Well, it hasn't been changed to just "Blu-ray "...yet. I guess that's some concession :p
btf1980 said:
Sure it is...if they were smart, HD DVD supporters would stop buying their discs. I too was once a HD DVD buyer (shudders). I pretty much realized the shit was dead in back in August and sold off my stand-alone player and movies. Best decision I ever made.

*HD-DVD picture*
OK, that's enough. Someone has to take a time out and explain to me the point of a DVD collection.

How many times can you watch Aeon Flux before shooting yourself? I couldn't make it 20 minutes into the movie.
The Hulk? Four Brothers?

Consumer dollars are our votes. Unless you really, REALLY love a movie and can watch it 50 times, don't vote for it. And no matter how different your tastes are from mine, there's no way you absolutely love every movie in that stack.


Ashhong said:
correct me if im wrong, but isnt Universal a main part of HD-DVD? I thought i remember reading that someone from Universal is the copresident of the HD-DVD...thing. if thats true, universal probably wont leave until HD-DVD is ready to completely give up, no?

Depends on whether they're losing a lot of credibility and more importantly, scads of money by sticking to a dead format. I expect there is also a financial consideration to switching since authoring, packaging and replication will change, but I doubt it's reason enough to stick if you stand to make a pile of money by moving.


Fair-weather, with pride!
painey said:
im still not happy the topic was changed from HD-DVD v Blu-Ray when the war is still on and until May WB are still releasing HD-DVD. Its like calling it VJ-Day on the day Hiroshima was bombed.

That is the worst analogy I've ever heard in my entire life.

After the Hiroshima bombing, President Truman announced, "If they do not not accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air the likes of which has never been seen on this earth." On August 8, 1945, leaflets were dropped and warnings were given to Japan by Radio Saipan. (The area of Nagasaki did not receive warning leaflets until August 10, though the leaflet campaign covering the whole country was over a month into its operations.)[25][26]

The Japanese government still did not react to the Potsdam Declaration. Emperor Hirohito, the government and the War council were considering four conditions for surrender: the preservation of the kokutai (Imperial institution and national polity), assumption by the Imperial Headquarters of responsibility for disarmament and demobilization, no occupation and delegation to the Japanese government of the punishment of war criminals.


Battersea Power Station said:
OK, that's enough. Someone has to take a time out and explain to me the point of a DVD collection.

How many times can you watch Aeon Flux before shooting yourself? I couldn't make it 20 minutes into the movie.
The Hulk? Four Brothers?

Consumer dollars are our votes. Unless you really, REALLY love a movie and can watch it 50 times, don't vote for it. And no matter how different your tastes are from mine, there's no way you absolutely love every movie in that stack.

They were free. (Four Brothers, Aeon Flux)

About half of those titles were not even bought retail. I do alot of trading and selling of titles. I'm probably the biggest film snob there is, but hell, if a title is free (rebates) or I can trade around cheap titles on various sites, i'll do it, why not?


mr stroke said:
I don't know why people are trying to fire sale there HD DVD stuff so fast? Its not like there going to stop working. Its not like you would throw away all of your Dreamcast games once Sega got out of the gaming business would you? If you have been dual format for awhile no reason to let up now right?

not the same. If you sold your dreamcast games, you couldn't rebuy them on the PS2.


Please help me with my bad english
Laurent said:
I meant to said that the transition will not start before a minimum of 5 years. That means that we will start to see stronger sales figures of BRD in 2013...


DrXym said:
Depends on whether they're losing a lot of credibility and more importantly, scads of money by sticking to a dead format. I expect there is also a financial consideration to switching since authoring, packaging and replication will change, but I doubt it's reason enough to stick if you stand to make a pile of money by moving.

but hes copresident...


My Grandmother, who has a 17" LCD hooked up to a freeview box, a DVD player and a VHS recorder, just told me that Blu-Ray has won the war and Toshiba isn't happy and then asked me to explain it all.

Confusing talk but she loved the quality of Casino Royale.


Zaptruder said:
It's just a figurehead position. It's not like he can't resign. His job takes precedence over his role of a supervisory board.

oh ok, that makes sense. i didnt know it was a supervisory board. i figured since he is a copresident, he had the most invested in it and was a huge part of it. i stand corrected.


Ashhong said:
oh ok, that makes sense. i didnt know it was a supervisory board. i figured since he is a copresident, he had the most invested in it and was a huge part of it. i stand corrected.

AFAIK, the role of the HD-DVD group is about as important as the BDA group...

That is to say, it's extremely important, but hey, if the group itself means shit, then the head role will also similarly mean shit all.

It's not like the guy is co-president of Toshiba as well. Then... then he'd really have a vested interest in the format.
Shit I really don't know what to right now. I supported both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD and have over 40 HD-DVD movies. Granted I own over 80 Blu-Ray titles but I thought HD-DVD would stick around ALOT longer then I think it is now.

I could either buy another HD-DVD player and keep it in storage just incase my stand-alone craps out on me or try to cut my loss's. The problem is I dunno when alot of my HD-DVD titles will be on Blu-Ray. Im leaning towards just keeping my HD-DVD's because even if they do release a bulk of those titles on Blu-Ray I would feel like a real ass re-buying the movies again on Blu-Ray.

Fuck me for actually trying to support both formats. :(


DoctorWho said:
Official Blu-Ray Disc Thread

Keeping the Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD part combined with the information that Warner has defected was more logical. If you look at the original post, it still presents the latest information regarding BRD vs HD-DVD, so why remove it? The war is probably over, but that doesn't mean the topic of the 550 first pages of this thread have changed...


GAF's Bob Woodward
I think when the deal is formally sealed with Paramount's defection, if not both Universal and Paramount's, we should just start a new official Blu-ray thread and leave the mess of the war behind.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
btf1980 said:
Short answer....thanks.

You said SACD, DVD-A and CD were inferior formats to Vinyl as if it was factual, and not an opinion. I said it wasn't. I asked you how so and if you could prove it with factual data, not subjective posturing and useless verbiage. Your response? It sounds "natural and organic" and has that extra "something". Basically gibberish, and nothing factual. If you're going to throw out opinions like facts, back them up with facts, not "adjectives".

Except I was talking about the sound.

At the end of the day masses upon masses of people agree vinyl is superior.

I'm guessing you've never heard a decent vinyl set up in your life.
gofreak said:
I think when the deal is formally sealed with Paramount's defection, if not both Universal and Paramount's, we should just start a new official Blu-ray thread and leave the mess of the war behind.

Best idea.


GameOver117 said:
Shit I really don't know what to right now. I supported both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD and have over 40 HD-DVD movies. Granted I own over 80 Blu-Ray titles but I thought HD-DVD would stick around ALOT longer then I think it is now.

I could either buy another HD-DVD player and keep it in storage just incase my stand-alone craps out on me or try to cut my loss's. The problem is I dunno when alot of my HD-DVD titles will be on Blu-Ray. Im leaning towards just keeping my HD-DVD's because even if they do release a bulk of those titles on Blu-Ray I would feel like a real ass re-buying the movies again on Blu-Ray.

Fuck me for actually trying to support both formats. :(

I am keeping my addon and HD-DVD's, it's paid for, why sell them for cheap? HD = HD, who gives a shit on what format. It's not like my player stopped working. And why would I rebuy them on BD (probably) at a higher price on BD, I am sure Warner is going to just use their HD-DVD masters to print BD's. I bet they won't remaster those HD movies, waste of time and money for them.


First tragedy, then farce.
Team Blu, I need help.

I need a 1.1 player (preferably 2.0) that does internal decoding of TrueHD and DTS-MA (or DTS-HD, whatever they are calling it). This is crucial, because passing a bitstream is useless if you want to watch PIPs. Preferably something that will be out by Q2 at the latest. I'm willing to wait for a player that does what I want.. but dont want to wait too long. I figure firesale HDDVD purchases and my existing collection will keep me going for a few months.
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