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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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StoOgE said:
Team Blu, I need help.

I need a 1.1 player (preferably 2.0) that does internal decoding of TrueHD and DTS-MA (or DTS-HD, whatever they are calling it). This is crucial, because passing a bitstream is useless if you want to watch PIPs. Preferably something that will be out by Q2 at the latest. I'm willing to wait for a player that does what I want.. but dont want to wait too long. I figure firesale HDDVD purchases and my existing collection will keep me going for a few months.

New Panasonic, Q2 i think $400 street or lower.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
heh.. I laugh at all you guys liquidating your HD-DVDs.. hopefully I can get in on a few of those fire sales. Considering my 360 will be in heavy service for at least 3-4 more years, I am not worried in the slightest about an "obsolete" format. Of course I'm not picking up any new movies but I'll gladly hop on, say $10 a disc for some of this stuff.

I never understood people's panic when a format becomes obsolete. I had my laserdisc player hooked up til around 2000, and it still showed my existing library just fine giving me no need to replace those discs with DVDs. I'm not seeing HD-DVD as any different. I'm not really going to buy new ones, but I'm also not going to rebuy Serenity, Heroes, Mummy, Batman Begins, etc when I have a player hooked up 24/7 able to play them.

StoOgE said:
This is crucial, because passing a bitstream is useless if you want to watch PIPs.
???? huh?? pip should work fine with the HD formats over HDMI. And I know for a fact (RE:Extinction on my PS3) that they work fine with bitstream over optical.


First tragedy, then farce.
borghe said:
???? huh?? pip should work fine with the HD formats over HDMI. And I know for a fact (RE:Extinction on my PS3) that they work fine with bitstream over optical.

with HDDVD at least, if you dont mix it in the player, I heard that you can only get the movie soundtrack, and not the PIP. maybe that was wrong.

That Q2 release sounds good enough for me. Give me time to convince the woman that this is critical purchase. :lol
Battersea Power Station said:
OK, that's enough. Someone has to take a time out and explain to me the point of a DVD collection.

just talking personally, i don't buy films that everyone else buys. i buy stuff i really like that most people won't have. i found pretty early on, that the films i watched the most were the ones most other people hadn't seen.

if you come over to my house and browse through my films, you'll probably going to spot something interesting that you haven't seen, and i'll throw it on... usually prefaced by something like 'You haven't seen They Live? Good god man'.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
StoOgE said:
with HDDVD at least, if you dont mix it in the player, I heard that you can only get the movie soundtrack, and not the PIP. maybe that was wrong.
eh, I do bitstream out of my x360 and it plays fine and even switches the number of dolby channels from 2 to 5.1 during the change.

but yeah, my PS3 plays RE3 fine and also switches 2.0 to 5.1 back and forth.


Intenal DACs are important so they play the PiP as the same thing as the movie.

Otherwise True HD/dts-HD on the movie and Dolby Digital+ on PiP/commentary. People think this sounds bad.

obviously thet are important if receiver/processor lacks them. Spending a couple hundred bucks is better thans spending 1-4k to upgrade this peice


DTSHD-MA is a completely fucked audio format at the moment. If it is that important to you, you'll want to wait it out. Lots of players decode Dolby TrueHD and output via LPCM, but DTSHD-MA is fubar at the moment. Most players won't even pass it via bitstream, only the very latest receivers can decode it, and no player can decode it internally.
Azrael said:
I do remember Maxpower1987 over at blu-ray.com saying a while ago that Paramount had escape clauses in their contract, but Warner dropping HD DVD support wouldn't immediately trigger them.

Looks like Maxpower's clarified his position:

Maxpower said:
If they think that the money made in HDM is more than the penalty of buying themselves out of a contract then why wouldn't they do it.

I'm not saying they will, but what they are doing is weighing up how much money they could make with Blu-ray against the amount it will take to buy themselves out of any exclusivity arrangements they have with Toshiba.

If he's right, I highly doubt that Paramount stands to make more than $150 million in blu-ray sales over the next year. Of course, they could have someone else foot the bill for them......


DTSHD-MA is a completely fucked audio format at the moment. If it is that important to you, you'll want to wait it out. Lots of players decode Dolby TrueHD and output via LPCM, but DTSHD-MA is fubar at the moment. Most players won't even pass it via bitstream, only the very latest receivers can decode it, and no player can decode it internally.

Theres many receivers that decode it via bitstream. Now panny is releasing a blu-ray player to decode it/TrueHD also. So this is a huge jump.



Nicodimas said:
Theres many receivers that decode it via bitstream. Now panny is releasing a blu-ray player to decode it/TrueHD also. So this is a huge jump.

Does the PS3 decode TrueHD or DTSHD internally?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Battersea Power Station said:
OK, that's enough. Someone has to take a time out and explain to me the point of a DVD collection.
The point to our DVD collection was simple.

Cost of two going to a matinee and getting two sodas: $22
Cost of a new movie typically on week of release: $18

But we're not done yet.

Cost of renting movie on PPV: $4

That may SEEM like a good deal.. a $14 savings!! However you then have

Overly compressed picture
Fullscreen picture
less than SD picture (480x480 on DirecTV)

You are no longer experiencing the movie with PPV. Is that really worth $7 per person?

With DirecTV recently adding more HD PPV channels this might change some. For instance I completely avoided Die Hard 4.0 on Blu-ray instead renting the uncut version on HD PPV. and there are certainly other movies that I will probably check out on HD PPV before buying them.

DirecTV (and cable) pay channels were mostly the same problems as PPV, but add into that them not playing certain movies all of the time. Sure there's DVR, but then you have to search the guide for upcoming showings. However, as with PPV, DirecTV recently upgraded all of their main and some secondary movie channels to HD. So this may alleviate the desire to purchase some movies on Blu-ray.

BUT, back to DVD, the bottom line was that DVD was cheaper than going to the movie, and provided a much much much much grander movie watching experience than either PPV or the premium channels. I guess those habits just carried over to HDM. Still, with DirecTV really stepping up their HD game, I do see less movies being purchased this time around. Die Hard 4 really being the perfect example of a movie I probably would have bought before (didn't see it in the theater), but probably won't end up buying at all now. I mean it was alright, and it will look perfectly fine when it hits HBO-HD later this spring.

gkrykewy said:
Does the PS3 decode TrueHD or DTSHD internally?
I believe it might do TrueHD internally and pass PCM through HDMI. I am almost positive (99.9%) that it does not do DTS-MA. This is one of the biggest complaints and requests of the system.


borghe said:
With DirecTV recently adding more HD PPV channels this might change some.

Yeah, I've noticed that Comcast HD PPV movies ($4.99) seem to have higher bitrates than regular HD cable. Certainly acceptable for movies I'd only want to see once.


gkrykewy said:
Does the PS3 decode TrueHD or DTSHD internally?

The PS3 decodes TrueHD interally and passes it out via LPCM. It does not decode DTSHD-MA. It cannot pass TrueHD or DTSHD-MA via bitstream.

Nicodimas said:
Theres many receivers that decode it via bitstream. Now panny is releasing a blu-ray player to decode it/TrueHD also. So this is a huge jump.


The new receivers decode it via bitstream yes, but not many players can even pass out the bitstream. It's really pretty fucked up at the moment. The panny player is a huge jump though, hope it actually does what it says.


borghe said:
heh.. I laugh at all you guys liquidating your HD-DVDs.. hopefully I can get in on a few of those fire sales. Considering my 360 will be in heavy service for at least 3-4 more years, I am not worried in the slightest about an "obsolete" format. Of course I'm not picking up any new movies but I'll gladly hop on, say $10 a disc for some of this stuff.

I never understood people's panic when a format becomes obsolete. I had my laserdisc player hooked up til around 2000, and it still showed my existing library just fine giving me no need to replace those discs with DVDs. I'm not seeing HD-DVD as any different. I'm not really going to buy new ones, but I'm also not going to rebuy Serenity, Heroes, Mummy, Batman Begins, etc when I have a player hooked up 24/7 able to play them.

???? huh?? pip should work fine with the HD formats over HDMI. And I know for a fact (RE:Extinction on my PS3) that they work fine with bitstream over optical.

Same here. I never understood that mentality. I wasn't in a panic to dump my DVD's, I don't see a difference with HD. I am completely on the opposite end of this. I need a standalone as a backup to my add-on so I can assure myself of being able to play my HDDVD's for as long as possible. I'm not going to stop buying the movies either but of course I won't be paying full price.


First tragedy, then farce.
Nicodimas said:
Theres many receivers that decode it via bitstream. Now panny is releasing a blu-ray player to decode it/TrueHD also. So this is a huge jump.


looks like my new player. Thanks. Any idea on pricing/release?

I really wish I could get a good combo format player.. be much easier, but after browsing AVS owners thread they dont play a ton of movies, including anything Fox put out with BD+.


As far as digital distribution goes, I think the connectivity problems people have been experiencing with XBL over the holidays and continuing on through today is pretty telling. By MS's own admission, they have at most 10 million people using the service. Are we to believe that this very same service is ready for hundreds of millions to be start downloading 20-30gig movies on a daily basis? We just aren't there yet, and won't be for years to come.


Witchfinder General said:
Except I was talking about the sound.

At the end of the day masses upon masses of people agree vinyl is superior.

I'm guessing you've never heard a decent vinyl set up in your life.

You guessed wrong and are insinuating things that aren't even true. I get all my hifi gear from the premier shop on the East Coast. Stereo Exchange in Soho, Manhattan. It doesn't get more hi end than that. And i've auditioned everything from pro-ject turntables to everything in between, on high end speakers (B&W, Dali, Monitor, Sonus Faber, Gallo etc) and a good portion of the people I know have the same passion I share, music and have gear that is far more expensive than mine. I currently own Rotel (RSP 1069, RMB-1075 and CDP-1072) and B&W(Pair of CM7's, Pair of CM1's, CMC and a PV1 sub) gear, and prior to that I owned a seperate Classe CDP and Amps with B&W 805s. So, no...i'm not exactly listening to a boombox nor am I an uninformed, you're very mistaken. It's not a billionaires set-up, but it's still 20K worth of gear in 2 set-ups, and that counts for something, so I think i've earned to right to talk here.




Let me be clear, I never said Vinyl was bad or inferior. You're the one making statements about superiority and inferiority here. If you said. "I think Vinyl is superior to SACD, DVD-A and CD." That would be one thing. No, you compared it to Beta losing to VHS...i.e. an inferior format beating a superior format. You even said it, there is nothing inferior from a technical standpoint. That is a fact. If you want to talk about sound preference, there is no arugement there, some people prefer Vinyl. My contention was that there is no factual data of it being superior, it's just a preference for some.

Telling me what "masses upon masses" of audiophiles do is irrelevant. Many of them are clearly insane. I don't care what "masses upon masses" think or do. I've seen many of the masses of audiophiles drop thousands on Nordost cables and interconnects, and they swear by it. I'm a member of an audio club (Bernardsville), and we've done AB testing with Nordost, Kimber and Canare 4s11 cables, of course most of the "experts" went on and on about this cable sounding "warm" that one being "rigid" etc....lol. We never told them that we all used Canare 4s11 cables for everything. We just let them believe what they wanted. Some people buy cable lifts because of the interference it will make if it touches the floor, whatever the fuck that means. I know people that wrap tin foil on their equipment. Just because masses upon masses do something or believe something doesn't make it factual. It makes it either their preference, or sadly in some cases, group think.

If you gave me a choice between a pro-ject-turntable or a CDP. I would take the pro-ject turntable, sell it on Audiogon and purchase a quality CDP with phenominal DAC's (Classe, Rotel, Musical Fidelity)
The PS3 decodes TrueHD interally and passes it out via LPCM. It does not decode DTSHD-MA. It cannot pass TrueHD or DTSHD-MA via bitstream

Hopefully the PS3 will be able to internally decode DTS-MA, but bitstream a definite no thanks to hardware limitaions.

Im worried about buying another PS3 incase Sony later on release an updated version with the 9134 chip enabling bitstream support.


The Main Event said:
I e-mailed Disney regarding replacement. They never replied to it.

I emailed them 12/21 and hadn't heard anything.

I emailed then again yesterday morning with my full address and UPC number and got a response yesterday evening.



Rabid Wolverine said:
Hopefully the PS3 will be able to internally decode DTS-MA, but bitstream a definite no thanks to hardware limitaions.

Im worried about buying another PS3 incase Sony later on release an updated version with the 9134 chip enabling bitstream support.

WOW I didn't know that. It's technically impossible?


btf1980 said:
most of the "experts" went on and on about this cable sounding "warm" that one being "rigid" etc....lol. We never told them that we all used Canare 4s11 cables for everything.

LOL - awesome.

Here's a very basic question for the experts. I'm an audio novice, and not very fussy. I recently got my first surround receiver, a Sony DG910, and I've been very happy with it. It accepts TrueHD via HDMI PCM as decoded in my Toshiba HD-A3, and sounds great.

My question concerns speaker wire. For my center and front speakers, I've used very heavy (low gauge, I guess) wire, but for my rear speakers, which are maybe 20 feet of wire length away, I've used rather thin wire, as those were the only long enough strands I had on hand. I'm not sure what gauge it is, but it feels quite thin. Is there something I can do to test whether it's good enough? It sounds more hollow than my front speakers when playing 360 games, but that could be the nature of the mix. My front speakers are larger Sony bookshelf speakers, and my rear speakers are smaller Sony bookshelf speakers. Not audiophile grade, but highly regarded for the price.
polyh3dron said:
Yeah, but it's an ESCAPE CLAUSE.

I wasn't even thinking about that part, just the blue guy against the red guy and the escape clause thing.
except the red guy won in the movie.
Crisis said:
By and large they seem to have quit doing that.
Con Air and The Rock both have that ugly swoosh according to press releases. Hopefully it's changed when I go to pick them up later today.


I wonder if HD-DVD could limp along for a few years if Toshiba started putting out exclusively dual-format players @ $300 while managing to keep Universal exclusive.


we all knew her
sh4mike said:
I wonder if HD-DVD could limp along for a few years if Toshiba started putting out exclusively dual-format players @ $300 while managing to keep Universal exclusive.

I don't understand the point in doing this. Trying to squeeze out some royalties?


First tragedy, then farce.
sh4mike said:
I wonder if HD-DVD could limp along for a few years if Toshiba started putting out exclusively dual-format players @ $300 while managing to keep Universal exclusive.

they could, but within 2 years I would imagine this will be 30-40% of home video sales (lets hope), so why would Uni do that? Right now, they can probably keep them for a few months.. but once BRD really takes off (as I imagine it will with increased confidence in the format), Uni and Paramount will have to jump.

Right now, you can moneyhat for 200-300 million, thats because the studios lose money on these formats. Once they start making actual profits off of them, the moneyhat price will become prohibitive.


nods at old men
btf1980 said:
Let me be clear, I never said Vinyl was bad or inferior. You're the one making statements about superiority and inferiority here. If you said. "I think Vinyl is superior to SACD, DVD-A and CD." That would be one thing. No, you compared it to Beta losing to VHS...i.e. an inferior format beating a superior format. You even said it, there is nothing inferior from a technical standpoint. That is a fact. If you want to talk about sound preference, there is no arugement there, some people prefer Vinyl. My contention was that there is no factual data of it being superior, it's just a preference for some.

Telling me what "masses upon masses" of audiophiles do is irrelevant. Many of them are clearly insane. I don't care what "masses upon masses" think or do. I've seen many of the masses of audiophiles drop thousands on Nordost cables and interconnects, and they swear by it. I'm a member of an audio club (Bernardsville), and we've done AB testing with Nordost, Kimber and Canare 4s11 cables, of course most of the "experts" went on and on about this cable sounding "warm" that one being "rigid" etc....lol. We never told them that we all used Canare 4s11 cables for everything. We just let them believe what they wanted. Some people buy cable lifts because of the interference it will make if it touches the floor, whatever the fuck that means. I know people that wrap tin foil on their equipment. Just because masses upon masses do something or believe something doesn't make it factual. It makes it either their preference, or sadly in some cases, group think.
Great post! Completely agree!

In this thread here you see what he listens to 95% of the time anyway.


Some insider comments

PS3 and DTS-MA

Maxpower1987 said:
Profile 1.1 was not given to the PS3 until at least one standalone player was on the market with it, DTS-MA will be no different.

Remaining Holdouts

Maxpower1987 said:
I know Paramount are not best pleased with Toshiba atm, and are reconsidering their exclusivity arrangement.

I can't really talk about Universal, it isn't my place. [This post was edited, he intially said he signed an NDA this morning preventing him talking about Universal. Since it could imply that a shift was imminent he edited the post]

I will try and give some advance warning beforehand if anything does go down, but for now that is all I can say.



sh4mike said:
I wonder if HD-DVD could limp along for a few years if Toshiba started putting out exclusively dual-format players @ $300 while managing to keep Universal exclusive.

I hope Toshiba continues to support hd-dvd by putting out dual players for many years now, but I doubt it will hold any influence over the market at this point. That would only be for legacy discs.

What I'm curious is if Paramount will release the last two seasons of Star Trek on Blu, HD-DVD, or both. I'm also curious to see when the first one will be had at a good price :D


GameOver117 said:
Shit I really don't know what to right now. I supported both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD and have over 40 HD-DVD movies. Granted I own over 80 Blu-Ray titles but I thought HD-DVD would stick around ALOT longer then I think it is now.

I could either buy another HD-DVD player and keep it in storage just incase my stand-alone craps out on me or try to cut my loss's. The problem is I dunno when alot of my HD-DVD titles will be on Blu-Ray. Im leaning towards just keeping my HD-DVD's because even if they do release a bulk of those titles on Blu-Ray I would feel like a real ass re-buying the movies again on Blu-Ray.

Fuck me for actually trying to support both formats. :(

I'm keeping my add-on and A2 and all my movies. Many of them are Universal and Paramount titles that may not show up on BD right away, and many of them are Combo discs I can play anywhere.

Heck, I just emailed my friend who bought a <$100 A3 the week of the Wal-Mart sale and offered to buy him out of his player and discs. If he agrees, I'll keep the A3 in storage as a backup player.

In my house, high def is high def. I'm glad to have bought into HD DVD as I was able to do so affordably and I've had a good time with it.

That said, my PS3, bought nearly a year ago, is looking like a better and better purchase all the time.

Any word on when Sony is going to hire Ken Kutaragi back and crown him King of the World? :lol


nods at old men
I've heard that as well.

That they're waiting for a another player to decode DTS-HD MA internally before giving that to the PS3.


First tragedy, then farce.
dallow_bg said:
I've heard that as well.

That they're waiting for a another player to decode DTS-HD MA internally before giving that to the PS3.

I guess its to keep CE companies in the BDA happy.. but at the expense of the consumer. Doesnt Fox release DTS-HD titles now?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
the thing about the star trek discs, and I actually support this, is that they were released as combo discs only. Not combo discs and no regular HD-DVDs, but combos and not other HD-DVDs OR regular DVDs. Granted this put the set quite high, but it avoided having duplicate sets on the market, especially considering the series had already been released to DVD.

As for the HD-DVD versions..... if/when they announce the final season for HD-DVD (season 2 is already dated for next month) I would consider picking them all up after season 3 is released on HD-DVD... see my previous posts for my lack of care that the format is considered obsolete. HOWEVER, only AFTER the last season is released, EPECIALLY because this is paramount we're talking about. Basically whatever format gets season 3 first is the one I'll pick up the show on.

StoOgE said:
I guess its to keep CE companies in the BDA happy.. but at the expense of the consumer. Doesnt Fox release DTS-HD titles now?
yes, Die Hard, The Fly, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, The Simpsons, etc all have DTS-MA tracks.


nods at old men
StoOgE said:
I guess its to keep CE companies in the BDA happy.. but at the expense of the consumer. Doesnt Fox release DTS-HD titles now?
Yeah, Fox does for all their titles.
There's a few smaller indie releases that use it as well.

A few on HD DVD use it as well.


borghe said:
the thing about the star trek discs, and I actually support this, is that they were released as combo discs only. Not combo discs and no regular HD-DVDs, but combos and not other HD-DVDs OR regular DVDs. Granted this put the set quite high, but it avoided having duplicate sets on the market, especially considering the series had already been released to DVD.

As for the HD-DVD versions..... if/when they announce the final season for HD-DVD (season 2 is already dated for next month) I would consider picking them all up after season 3 is released on HD-DVD... see my previous posts for my lack of care that the format is considered obsolete. HOWEVER, only AFTER the last season is released, EPECIALLY because this is paramount we're talking about. Basically whatever format gets season 3 first is the one I'll pick up the show on.

yes, Die Hard, The Fly, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, The Simpsons, etc all have DTS-MA tracks.

Ahh I forgot about that about the Star Trek discs. I hope that doesn't keep their price artificially high. And yeah, I'd definitely hold off on the discs if I found out Season 2 or 3 were cancelled.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
yeah, given that paramount cancelled/shelved/pulled like 5-6 super high profile titles to switch to HD-DVD, I am not committing to anything with that show until the discs are sitting on the store shelves.


You know for all the shit that Kutaragi gtes for his final years at SCEI his final acts at Sony really did help turn the company around, things Stringer inherited:

-Set up S-LCD with Samsung
-Channel resources to LCD and OLED away from CRT/SXRD
-Set-up JV with NEC Optiarc for optical discs
-Adopt MP3/MP4/WMA/AAC and open standards for SEL
-Break vice-grip that music and pictures had on SEL policy
-Put Blu-ray in PS3 in early 2004 (before the format issue became an issue)

Really his only mistake was going far too heavy on the Semiconductors and keeping the management misinformed about the crazy PS3 situation. Things that affected less than 15% of the business. He is the root cause of SEL resurgence since 2004 and SEL is >66% of Sony.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
So, Sunshine is out today. Anyone got it yet? I want to get this movie on BRD, as it had some really outstanding looking scenes, and was one of the most interesting sci-fi movies in years, despite not living up to the greatness of 2001 Space Odyssey that it was so clearly aspiring to.

That got me thinking, there's SO few sci-fi movies that even try to reach that kind of philosophical heights... Solyaris, 2001, Clockwork Orange and Blade Runner (even that last one is a 'maybe', actually) are almost the only ones I can think of, Sunshine actually goes there, but doesn't quite reach where those have.


First tragedy, then farce.
borghe said:
yeah, given that paramount cancelled/shelved/pulled like 5-6 super high profile titles to switch to HD-DVD, I am not committing to anything with that show until the discs are sitting on the store shelves.

I too am very glad I didnt buy the Star Trek set yet. I nearly did.. but will hold off now.

dallow_bg said:
A few on HD DVD use it as well.

very, very few. Mostly imports, and I believe New Line. Basically means I cant get the good audio off the disc at this point and am stuck using the core.

Oni Jazar

Marconelly said:
So, Sunshine is out today. Anyone got it yet? I want to get this movie on BRD, as it had some really outstanding looking scenes, and was one of the most interesting sci-fi movies in years, despite not living up to the greatness of 2001 Space Odyssey that it was so clearly aspiring to.

That got me thinking, there's SO few sci-fi movies that even try to reach that kind of philosophical heights... Solyaris, 2001, Clockwork Orange and Blade Runner (even that last one is a 'maybe', actually) are almost the only ones I can think of, Sunshine actually goes there, but doesn't quite reach where those have.

Netflix sent it to me yesterday and I should be getting it today!


has calmed down a bit.
So basically there is no way to output DTS MA right now? And I don't mean have it converted to PCM, I mean to pass it through and have it light up your receiver as DTS MA. There are no players on either side that do that?


VanMardigan said:
So basically there is no way to output DTS MA right now? And I don't mean have it converted to PCM, I mean to pass it through and have it light up your receiver as DTS MA (receiver decoding). There are no players on either side that do that?

Yep. Nothing till Q2.
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