Onix said:
For SW, BD has outsold HD DVD 2:1 in the US, 3+:1 in Europe 10+:1 in Japan for a year.
we covered this like 10 pages ago. SW sales are irrelevant when trying to point out the consumer choice. When you have Fox, Disney and Sony exclusively propped up against Universal and Paramount, guess which format is going to receive the most sales. To put it another way, if HD-DVD had Fox, Disney, and Sony exclusive and BRD had Universal and Paramount, do you think consumers would have made the same choice to go with BRD?
The comparisons to betamax are moot. Beta and VHS had virtually identical major studio support backing and releases backing them. Consumers didn't have to make their decision based on what they wanted to watch. They had to make it based on the format itself. That's not the case here.
So were BRD sales always over? Of course. But was that because the consumer made a sound decision on what format they were going with based on the tech specs of the format? No, it was made based on what studio was where, WHICH was a decision made in the board rooms.
The only real choice available to consumers was which movies would they be more willing to live without. It had nothing to do with the format or hardware.
Ignatz Mouse said:
1) Almost no competing formats get a shot to go head-to-head with no advantages. Betamax vs VHS is a significant exception. Even there, I assume there were some studios only publishing on one.
very true.. however I would argue that in this case, studio support wasn't an advantage of the "competing format" as much as like has been said, corporate politics. HD-DVD didn't lose to BRD, Uni and Paramount lost to Disney, Fox, and Sony.
2) Even though the studios may have determined the winner, you haven't asked the question of why the studios chose the way they did. At least some saw that BD players sold well despite a price disadvantage, and a competing PS3.
It is a chain reaction. BRD had more of the must have titles. The price difference was meaningless considering you couldn't use one of those cheaper players to watch, say, Spider-Man 3.