Christoff Yurievich
well, back when the PS3 was first announced it was due to play CD, SACD, and HD-SACD but that was clarified as a printing error. who knows.Mr. Banana Grabber said:Has there been any talk of Blu-Ray Audio like DVD-Audio? That would be sweet.
Yahoo tech blog:
two of the comments (same person):Paramount Set to Drop HD DVD for Blu-ray
Tue Jan 8, 2008 10:54AM EST
See Comments (47)
How many "death blows" will it take for Blu-ray to finally win the format war against HD DVD? I've been hearing that phrase (and writing about it) since July 2007. Well here comes another one. Following in the footsteps of Warner Brothers' abandonment of the HD DVD format, reports are surfacing that Paramount is headed to Blu-ray as well.
This is huge news not just because it would leave just one major studio (Universal, plus the mini-major DreamWorks) producing HD DVD content. It would mark the first time in the high-def war that a studio has abandoned one exclusive format and switched to another. Warner was producing both HD DVD and Blu-ray discs and merely dropped the HD DVD ones. Paramount will have to switch entirely to Blu-ray, which it has not been producing up to now.
According to the Financial Times, Paramount has a clause in its contract with the HD DVD camp allowing it to switch to Blu-ray in the event that Warner was to do so. And exercising that clause is what's about to happen. It's also theorized that DreamWorks will follow Paramount, since the studios are closely tied together.
Nothing's been announced yet, but this should be wrapped up in fairly short order. Stay tuned.
Well I can definitely see a HUGE class action lawsuit over these recent moves, especially considering how many HD players were sold this holiday season...
I wish him luck with that, all the good it's going to do for him.The class action suit has been filed vs Warner and Paramount.
check what came in the mail today:

thanks Warner!