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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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JB1981 said:
troy director's cut blu-ray looks pretty weak
Yeah because they had to starve the bitrate to make the encode fit on an a 30GB HD DVD as well as the 50GB BD. Good thing Warner won't have to do that lowest common denominator shit anymore. :lol


Post Count: 9999
Nicodimas said:
Hey Onix answer my question about the releases and let get this circlejerk back on topic.

For BD:

I would suspect what transpired with Warner (and possible Paramount and Uni) is probably the reason more wasn't announced at CES.

They try to keep a decent spread of releases in general, and especially prevent too many big releases from coinciding with each other.

Since there is now going to at least be an influx of Warner releases (and likely the others soon), they need to rework the release dates for everything. I'd expect more info relatively soon though.


See above ... only its the opposite problem :D


Post Count: 9999
polyh3dron said:
Yeah because they had to starve the bitrate to make the encode fit on an a 30GB HD DVD as well as the 50GB BD. Good thing Warner won't have to do that lowest common denominator shit anymore. :lol

Truth ...

But remember, the size and bitrate advantages of BD are meaningless :lol




Junior Member
Wow @ the thread. As a member of the Purple camp, news of companies jumping ship does not really bother me. In the end, lets just have one format ASAP.
Kolgar said:
On the one hand, it made sense. What better way to sneak blu-ray into millions of homes than on the back of the next PlayStation? On the other hand, I wasn't sure a video game player, essentially a toy, could carry the responsibility of winning a movie format war.

Consoles are only essentially a toy when they have the Nintendo label on them.

I'm not trying to be a wise ass, but the PS2/Xbox did a fine job of realizing the potential for a set-top box. Why have multiple devices in your entertainment center, when you can have one that does both?

Since I snagged my PS3, I've retired the DVD (w/ DIVx playback) player I received as a gift and moved my PS2 to my bedroom where I can watch my DVD's while I go to sleep.

I think it's more so packaging like devices. So a Playstation that makes waffles and plays games may fail, but playing shiny disks - not so much of a stretch. :p

and I received Shoot'em Up finally! Shipped from Phoenix AZ last Monday. :( :( :(


Gold Member
JB1981 said:
troy director's cut blu-ray looks pretty weak

and the "director's cut" footage feels like it should have stayed on teh cutting room floor

Except for Helen of Troy's tits, of course.


Gold Member
ghostmind said:
Holy Crap at the TRU BOGO... comes out to $12.25 per title locally...

Because TRU sells the Disney discs $10-$15 less than anywhere else. They're $19-$24 at TRU and $29-$34 at Fry's/BB.


ghostmind said:
Holy Crap at the TRU BOGO... comes out to $12.25 per title locally...

Disney also has printable coupons for 5 dollars off I believe - or perhaps even 10 search on Blu Ray.com people are really taking advantage of the sale.
Retailers mixed on impact of Warner's HD DVD snub

While there's no doubt Warner Bros.' decision to support Blu-ray exclusively is a major setback to the HD DVD camp, retailers say it's too soon to declare "game over."

Circuit City CEO Philip J. Schoonover, who has had precious little to be happy about of late, said the move is a sign that the battle is starting to shake out.

"We're very excited to see progress of any type," Schoonover said. "We see this as progress."

The head of consumer electronics merchandising at Target said the move "probably moves things a little bit," but said consumers are still largely sitting on the sidelines until there is a single choice. "By no means do we think we are ready to declare a winner."

Best Buy CEO Brad Anderson said the decision will help the company decide where to put its energy. "It makes it easier for us as a retailer to push it to one format." But he said, it's still a tough sell as long as retailers can't promise a customer that the next hit release will play on their pricey new player.



GauntletFan said:
Retailers mixed on impact of Warner's HD DVD snub

While there's no doubt Warner Bros.' decision to support Blu-ray exclusively is a major setback to the HD DVD camp, retailers say it's too soon to declare "game over."

Circuit City CEO Philip J. Schoonover, who has had precious little to be happy about of late, said the move is a sign that the battle is starting to shake out.

"We're very excited to see progress of any type," Schoonover said. "We see this as progress."

The head of consumer electronics merchandising at Target said the move "probably moves things a little bit," but said consumers are still largely sitting on the sidelines until there is a single choice. "By no means do we think we are ready to declare a winner."

Best Buy CEO Brad Anderson said the decision will help the company decide where to put its energy. "It makes it easier for us as a retailer to push it to one format." But he said, it's still a tough sell as long as retailers can't promise a customer that the next hit release will play on their pricey new player.


Wow, everyone expects to be paid off? American entitlement stereotype validated 100x over.


Post Count: 9999
Xisiqomelir said:
Wow, everyone expects to be paid off? American entitlement stereotype validated 100x over.

Actually, your missing the intent. If you read between the lines, that is not what they are after.

The head of consumer electronics merchandising at Target said the move "probably moves things a little bit," but said consumers are still largely sitting on the sidelines until there is a single choice. "By no means do we think we are ready to declare a winner."

Best Buy CEO Brad Anderson said the decision will help the company decide where to put its energy. "It makes it easier for us as a retailer to push it to one format." But he said, it's still a tough sell as long as retailers can't promise a customer that the next hit release will play on their pricey new player.

These statements COMPLETELY gel with the info that's been coming out of CES. The big box stores are in the process of applying major pressure on Universal and Paramount to switch over to BD. They wanted this shit ended ... NOW.

This is their PR version of their 'message' ... I can only imagine what's happening behind the scenes.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Has Warner said anything yet about how much they're going to delay HDDVD releases in comparison to the BD releases for the next several months until May (as alluded to in the PR)? Looks like their next movie to ship is The Invasion and that's still listed as Jan. 29 for both formats


It's quite clear Harry Knowles is being paid to extol the virtues of HD DVD. Why would a true cinephile have a preference and not want both? Why does a movie gossip site post so many stories about a format war? This is my favorite quote:

I know the good folks at HD DVD, and it'll be fascinating to see how they bounce back from this blow. Losing WARNER BROTHERS isn't quite the kiss of death, but it is a blow that needs immediate miraculous attention. Now excuse me... I get to rediscover most of my existing HD DVD collection and my ever-growing BLU-RAY collection... and I have to get the new DVD column together. The war wages on, but Blu Ray won quite a victory today, there's no doubting that.



distantmantra said:
It wasn't instrumental so much in North America, but didn't DVD help push PS2s in Japan early on?

How? If there's any territory where Sony didn't need any help, it'd have to be Japan. The GC was just as much of a non-starter there as anywhere else, and the xbox was a joke. It my have been instrumental in selling 1 of the 80 or whatever million ps2s out there, but come on.

I'm not saying it didn't sell a few million units. That doesn't make it instrumental.
shantyman said:
It's quite clear Harry Knowles is being paid to extol the virtues of HD DVD.

Knowles' latest update:

"Movieweb does not have the CLOVERFIELD Monster and Paramount is not dumping HD DVD - Financial Times

Hey folks, Harry here... working on my DVD column - I got hit with some dire dreaded strain of some evil viral infection and have just come out of the haze of strange colored substances flung from me lungs... And I get to the computer to see... "CLOVERFIELD MONSTER ONLINE" and "PARAMOUNT SAYS HELLO BLU-RAY" --

Well... ok, let's check on these. The alleged CLOVERFIELD monster comes from MovieWeb - That is not an early design - nor is it - the final design. It is, according to my sources (and my sources do kick ass) - "BUNK"

SO I looked up "BUNK" and found that it is a built in platform bed... or a trough for feeding cattle... or sleeping quarters... or...... HUMBUG, NONSENSE! So... I guess you can sleep on that image, feed it to your cattle... or just know that it's total bullshit.

NOW for rumor number 2... Paramount dumping HD DVD because Warners did. Not True. I generally consider THE FINANCIAL TIMES above such rumor mongering, but it seems some folks are eagerly advancing the complete and total obliteration of the HD DVD format. We're hearing rumors like Paramount dropping the format (NOT TRUE) as well as rumors that Sony paid Warners through the nose, because they fear that Disney and Fox may leave them (Also not true). There's rumors aplenty - I just wanted to settle these two HUGE rumors going around the net today.

THE CLOVERFIELD MONSTER is not online... yet.

PARAMOUNT is not leaving HD DVD.

That's the gosh darned truth of the matter."


Post Count: 9999
maharg said:
How? If there's any territory where Sony didn't need any help, it'd have to be Japan. The GC was just as much of a non-starter there as anywhere else, and the xbox was a joke. It my have been instrumental in selling 1 of the 80 or whatever million ps2s out there, but come on.

I'm not saying it didn't sell a few million units. That doesn't make it instrumental.

For quite some time, the PS2 was effectively the cheapest DVD player in Japan. Supposedly many initial purchasers did factor in its playback as part of the decision. A very high percentage of PS2 owners were considered early adopters of DVD ... and bought lots of titles, back when the market was in its infancy.


Incredibly Naive
thanks for the heads up on the TRU bogo. I got pirates 3 for christmas so i went out and grabbed 1 and 2. While I was there, I couldn't resist cars and ratatouille:D


Onix said:
For quite some time, the PS2 was effectively the cheapest DVD player in Japan. Supposedly many initial purchasers did factor in its playback as part of the decision. A very high percentage of PS2 owners were considered early adopters of DVD ... and bought lots of titles, back when the market was in its infancy.

Which is fine. But the argument there tends to be that the PS2 was instrumental in the success of DVD, not the other way around. In the US, DVD players were already cheaper than the PS2 when it came out. In Japan, they weren't.

The PS2 would have been successful in Japan with or without DVD playback. There was just plain no competition for it to have NOT been successful. On the other hand, the writing was on the wall for DVD at that point, but the PS2 helped kick it into high gear and spur mainstream adoption.

(just to remind as to what I'm arguing with, and to make sure it's clear that it's on topic):
Don't forget, inclusion of DVD was instrumental in the success of the PS2 and the inclusion of BD in the PS3 has always been a selling point in the marketing message.


I wouldn't say that PS2 was instrumental to DVD but I know the reason I bought one, as well as a lot of my friends, within its first year was because of the DVD playback. I was just entering grade eight and for someone to tell their parents that for only 50 dollars more they can get a dvd player which plays dvds as well as PS1 and PS2 games basically sealed the deal.


Post Count: 9999
maharg said:
Which is fine. But the argument there tends to be that the PS2 was instrumental in the success of DVD, not the other way around. In the US, DVD players were already cheaper than the PS2 when it came out. In Japan, they weren't.

Actually, my statement implies it worked both ways. The PS2 owners purchased a lot of DVD titles in what was then a market in its infancy.

That isn't to imply it was necessarily a tipping point ... ala PS3/BD.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Yeah, more and more I get the feeling that they'll be dual, not Blu-Ray exclusively.

Not that that will matter.

Nah, they'll leave HD-DVD out to dry, it's the best option for them in the long run.
Kittonwy said:
Nah, they'll leave HD-DVD out to dry, it's the best option for them in the long run.

Their $150 million lock in deal is likely to be more money than they would make in Blu-Ray sales in a year if they switched now.


Not Banned from OT
Big-E said:
I wouldn't say that PS2 was instrumental to DVD but I know the reason I bought one, as well as a lot of my friends, within its first year was because of the DVD playback. I was just entering grade eight and for someone to tell their parents that for only 50 dollars more they can get a dvd player which plays dvds as well as PS1 and PS2 games basically sealed the deal.

I highly doubt PS2 owners bought many DVDs for it. The PS2 was rotten at DVD play back with horrible PQ/SQ and issues with certain discs. If a person was serious about DVD they got a cheaper better standalone player. The PS3 might be the best blu player out there but the launch PS2s were the worst DVD players ever.


Post Count: 9999
quest said:
I highly doubt PS2 owners bought many DVDs for it. The PS2 was rotten at DVD play back with horrible PQ/SQ and issues with certain discs. If a person was serious about DVD they got a cheaper better standalone player. The PS3 might be the best blu player out there but the launch PS2s were the worst DVD players ever.

Read my reply chain.

I was referring to Japan. They did in fact by lots of DVD's for it ... and it was the cheapest player for a while.


Post Count: 9999
GauntletFan said:
Their $150 million lock in deal is likely to be more money than they would make in Blu-Ray sales in a year if they switched now.

Who said all of that was cash?

Obviously some was for advertising, replication subsidies, etc. That doesn't really do much good if its for a product no one is buying.


Not Banned from OT
Onix said:
Read my reply chain.

I was referring to Japan. They did in fact by lots of DVD's for it ... and it was the cheapest player for a while.

My bad I replied to the wrong post I ment to reply to big-e. Fixed my post thanks for pointing it out.


lacks enthusiasm.
Nicodimas said:

So much for people arguing that about download speeds. Here is Blu-rays new enemy~My enemy..:

The XStreamHD solution will be available to consumers in early Q4 2008. The introductory price for a complete XStreamHD home solution, including a Media Server and a Media Receiver, is available to initial subscribers starting at just $399.

You missed one...

- No studio support.


quest said:
I highly doubt PS2 owners bought many DVDs for it. The PS2 was rotten at DVD play back with horrible PQ/SQ and issues with certain discs.

No, it wasn't.

I owned a Toshiba DVD player, which was then replaced by my PS2. It certainly wasn't a top of the line DVD player, and it occasionally had a problem or two with certain titles (think over the years I had 5~6 titles that wouldn't play or had issues), but by no means was it "rotten" or did it have "horrible PQ/SQ." It was better than the Toshiba that I had, and I saw little difference between it and the dedicated DVD players most of my friends had.

Edit: Just to be clear, though, I never owned a launch PS2. I got mine about half a year later.


quest said:
I highly doubt PS2 owners bought many DVDs for it. The PS2 was rotten at DVD play back with horrible PQ/SQ and issues with certain discs. If a person was serious about DVD they got a cheaper better standalone player. The PS3 might be the best blu player out there but the launch PS2s were the worst DVD players ever.

I know that but only after. For a 13 year old seeing a dvd for the first time the PS2 was more than adequate.


i love how everyone in this thread doesn't give a shit about movies anymore, just who wins.
Anyways i just bought and seen 3:10 to Yuma on bluray. It was a blind buy for me but it was so worth it! What a great movie. Bale and Crowe are so freaking awesome. Especially near the end, don't know why but i got emotional. lol.
Btw the PQ is top notch. Some scenes have an almost 3d feel its so crisp. 5/5 Definitely reccomended.


GuessWho said:
i love how everyone in this thread doesn't give a shit about movies anymore, just who wins.
Anyways i just bought and seen 3:10 to Yuma on bluray. It was a blind buy for me but it was so worth it! What a great movie. Bale and Crowe are so freaking awesome. Especially near the end, don't know why but i got emotional. lol.
Btw the PQ is top notch. Some scenes have an almost 3d feel its so crisp. 5/5 Definitely reccomended.

I just blind bought it too and I'm going to watch it shortly.


Post Count: 9999
quest said:
the launch PS2s were the worst DVD players ever.

iirc, the launch PS2's weren't all that bad ... but that's because they were interlaced-only (your basically just dumping data from the MPEG decoder).

What was pretty crap was their initial progressive output models. Later ones were improved, though they were never that good (in progressive mode).

The thing is, most people were using their PS2 on an interlaced TV for much (if not all) of its life ... so it never was that big of a deal.


Big-E said:
I just blind bought it too and I'm going to watch it shortly.
it's amazing. You can really tell when you have such a good cast how much it adds to the movie. Crowe really makes his presence felt in the movie. Good supporting cast to boot as well.


Not Banned from OT
shidoshi said:
No, it wasn't.

I owned a Toshiba DVD player, which was then replaced by my PS2. It certainly wasn't a top of the line DVD player, and it occasionally had a problem or two with certain titles (think over the years I had 5~6 titles that wouldn't play or had issues), but by no means was it "rotten" or did it have "horrible PQ/SQ." It was better than the Toshiba that I had, and I saw little difference between it and the dedicated DVD players most of my friends had.

There were more than 5-6 because some titles had warnings on them about issues with the PS2. I am talking launch era units not the newer slim which are fine for DVD play back. The PS2 play back was so bad I never bothered to use it. My toshiba DVD player I got that year pissed on the PS2. Much better PQ/SQ never ever had an issue with a disc it never even had problems with cheap DVD-Rs. That toshiba DVD player is a tank and was in use till a few months ago and that was replaced by a hd-dvd player.
GuessWho said:
it's amazing. You can really tell when you have such a good cast how much it adds to the movie. Crowe really makes his presence felt in the movie. Good supporting cast to boot as well.

Fucking great great movie, and I will confess that I usually hate westerns.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Nicodimas said:
Just finished Zodiac....very chilling some parts actually bothered me. A must buy for hd-dvd owners.

I wanted this to be my final high def purchase, but naturally, I can't find a copy anywhere.


Unconfirmed Member
Well this whole HD war didn`t cost me too much money. I just sold my A3 on ebay for $175. I bought it for $199. So I am not out too much. PS3 should be here on Friday. :)


GuessWho said:
i love how everyone in this thread doesn't give a shit about movies anymore, just who wins.
Anyways i just bought and seen 3:10 to Yuma on bluray. It was a blind buy for me but it was so worth it! What a great movie. Bale and Crowe are so freaking awesome. Especially near the end, don't know why but i got emotional. lol.
Btw the PQ is top notch. Some scenes have an almost 3d feel its so crisp. 5/5 Definitely reccomended.

I love that people are enjoying this movie. All my buddies said it was boring and slow and I couldn't believe that we had seen the same movie. Haven't picked it up yet, it came down to 3:10 or Sunshine and I chose Sunshine because I hadn't seen it. Pleasantly surprised at how good it turned out to be. PQ is great.
Stinkles said:
If you didn't crack the wrapper, it's not too late to take it back. I turned it off after Kieth Richards.

I had the first 2 Pirates already on BD. Really liked the first one, but I really forced myself to watch the 2nd one (which I thought was really, really average). The irony is that I had it already on DVD before owning it on BD, but I never took the time to watch it because of the bad reviews.

Still decided to buy the 3rd one just to complete the trilogy, even though I'm sure I'll hate it :lol
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