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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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First tragedy, then farce.
michaeld said:
I watched the video and heard that guy say the stores will only sell BR players in store, but HD-DVD players can be bought online, and I didn't hear anything about movies. What part of the video does he say that they are BR exclusive?

Its pretty clear he was talking about Target. That describes their stance to the T.


First tragedy, then farce.
HDM in 2009.

What do ya'll think will happen in 2009 for movies in general? Its very possible with the strike that new move releases will become really thin after this year in theaters, meaning once this summers slate of big blockbusters come out on home video this Christmas, there could be a shortage of new releases. Obviously some stuff is allready shooting that will come out next year, but there could be open dates where few new movies release.

This normally would seem like a bad thing, but could this be the perfect time for Spielberg/Lucas/etc to open the flood gates on their catelog titles? I know I'm talking more than a year from now, but that would signal a much earlier release than expected.


A friend and I were talking about this the other day. We were hoping for a bunch of remasters of great catalogs (like the new Blade Runner) being released into theaters.
85:15. I was curious just how fast the announcement woudl have an effect. Pretty fucking fast, it appears.

And you know it's over when a rumor that Wal*Mart is going exclusive-- even a poorly-substantiated, probably-mistaken one-- doesn't cause even a flurry in this thread.


has calmed down a bit.
MaX_PL said:
yeh cause uh, does anyone even care anymore?

I think it still matters to Blu Ray only folks. They STILL don't have any idea when they'll get the Uni and Para/Dreamworks movies. Remember, they didn't gain any movies with the Warner announcement, similar to how we didn't really gain any movies with the Para deal. So, while HD DVD-only people miss out on Warner movies after May, Blu only owners don't really have anything new.

Until the inevitable Uni and Para/Dreamworks announcement, Blu only folks still have to wonder when they'll get those movies. It's why I haven't sold my add-on. I have no idea when most of the movies I own will be released on Blu, and I already have them, so why sell them off if I don't know when I'll be able to own them again?


Post Count: 9999
IronicallyTwisted said:
The battle is over. Stores switching to Blu Ray exclusive is simply a reaction, not an action, at this point. Its a good thing, because now anybody sitting on the fence knows what to buy and those silly 1500 dollar dual format players that people were buying to be "safe" are now redundant for the most part.

However, the faster stores switch, the faster Uni and Paramount will (within the confines of the contractual obligations).


yeh true. speaking of which, i'm getting $200+ for my add on and movies on ebay right now. i spent ~$400 on everything but oh well, ive thought about the pros and cons of selling for a while now and decided to sell.

my collection isnt that big and i realized that a year from now when hd dvd is likely done, i'll look at the add on and just think its a waste of space. i'm not as passionate about movies as others here, and wont really miss the movies that havent made it to bluray yet.


First tragedy, then farce.
Those numbers are a big deal, because its all mindshare.

HDDVD hasnt lost a single release yet and BRD hasnt gained one, and yet the mindshare shifted so dramatically that BRD quadrupaled HDDVD sales when previously they were only doing 50-80% more. My guess is its a combination of HDDVD owners not running out and buying anything, and PS3 owners who have been on the fence deciding they are safe to buy movies now.

Edit: I'm keeping my collection. Between hardware and moves Im allready well over 1000 dollars invested in this, probably closer to 2. I doubt I could even get 500 for the set at this point. I'll just hold onto them, the movies work just fine, and if Sammy gets their dual format player up and running, I wont have any issues playing the movies.


So which was it people:
A) Buying more Blu Rays
B) People jumping off HD DVD

I am thinking it is probably a little of both but mostly B.


Post Count: 9999
StoOgE said:
HDM in 2009.

What do ya'll think will happen in 2009 for movies in general? Its very possible with the strike that new move releases will become really thin after this year in theaters, meaning once this summers slate of big blockbusters come out on home video this Christmas, there could be a shortage of new releases. Obviously some stuff is allready shooting that will come out next year, but there could be open dates where few new movies release.

This normally would seem like a bad thing, but could this be the perfect time for Spielberg/Lucas/etc to open the flood gates on their catelog titles? I know I'm talking more than a year from now, but that would signal a much earlier release than expected.

I would agree ... this is actually a good scenario for catalog releases.

Obviously no one title will likely get the numbers of a new blockbuster, but the aggregate catalog sales will likely be far better than they would have otherwise been. To be honest, this is a nice situation for the bigger studios. They can sit on their investment capital for a bit, and simply make residuals on previous IP's.


Post Count: 9999
jjasper said:
So which was it people:
A) Buying more Blu Rays
B) People jumping off HD DVD

I am thinking it is probably a little of both but mostly B.

Actually, probably more of A.

There were a lot of BOGO's going on (for both HD DVD and BD), and I'm guessing a ton of BD titles were purchased ... especially from some fence-sitting PS3 owners. Obviously some HD DVD owners held out as well.


jjasper said:
So which was it people:
A) Buying more Blu Rays
B) People jumping off HD DVD

I am thinking it is probably a little of both but mostly B.

I think A had a lot to do with it as well. The PS3 owners especially, Warner will really have energised the base - those not previously willing to commit to buying Blu-ray would have jumped in. I for one pulled the trigger on a number of titles that I was unsure about after the 4th. The key now is to see whether this was just a reactionary week or a pattern really begins to establish itself.

EDIT: Beaten.


i think 60/40 weeks for the past few months and now 85/15 means one thing, people stopped buying HD DVDs.

maybe bluray sales went up a bit, but that ratio is entirely due to a dramatic decrease in HD DVD sales.


I'm thinking of buying a used 60 GB PS3 in-box for $380 shipped, depending on how much $$ I can get by ebaying some older stuff. Are there any better deals out there on 20 GB or 60 GB systems? I really want PS2 BC.
That's a nice ad:



has calmed down a bit.
gkrykewy said:
I'm thinking of buying a used 60 GB PS3 in-box for $380 shipped, depending on how much $$ I can get by ebaying some older stuff. Are there any better deals out there on 20 GB or 60 GB systems? I really want PS2 BC.

60GB is the best option. 20GB without the wifi was a dealbreaker for me. The minute you have to move stuff around, you need wifi. I got ripped off on a 60GB on Ebay though, so look out. Eventually, I found a 20% coupon and jumped on a 80GB, since it retains most of the Ps2 functionality, plus it comes with a decent game. The extra memory card and usb slots are nice to have, though not a deal breaker.


VanMardigan said:
60GB is the best option. 20GB without the wifi was a dealbreaker for me. The minute you have to move stuff around, you need wifi. I got ripped off on a 60GB on Ebay though, so look out. Eventually, I found a 20% coupon and jumped on a 80GB, since it retains most of the Ps2 functionality, plus it comes with a decent game. The extra memory card and usb slots are nice to have, though not a deal breaker.

Maybe I'll wait for a dualshock3 bundle and roll the dice that they restore PS2 BC. Fuckers. Wifi isn't a big deal for me - I'd actually probably have my 60 GB connected via ethernet anyway.


has calmed down a bit.
gkrykewy said:
Maybe I'll wait for a dualshock3 bundle and roll the dice that they restore PS2 BC. Fuckers. Wifi isn't a big deal for me - I'd actually probably have my 60 GB connected via ethernet anyway.

Nope, Sony seems hell bent on removing features to lower costs. I can't blame them, but I definitely panicked and decided to pick up my Ps3 before BC disappears completely. I can't wait for the DS3, either. I hate not having rumble, and I haven't bought a single Ps3 game.

The Blu Ray playback is awesome, and the dvd upscaling works great too. Best I've seen.
VanMardigan said:
60GB is the best option. 20GB without the wifi was a dealbreaker for me. The minute you have to move stuff around, you need wifi.

Some of us stream fat content from our PCs to our consoles and we wouldn't touch that shitty wi-fi in a million years. Everybody has their own priorities, and not everyone would even consider wi-fi in buying one of these systems.
VanMardigan said:
I think it still matters to Blu Ray only folks. They STILL don't have any idea when they'll get the Uni and Para/Dreamworks movies. Remember, they didn't gain any movies with the Warner announcement, similar to how we didn't really gain any movies with the Para deal. So, while HD DVD-only people miss out on Warner movies after May, Blu only owners don't really have anything new.

Until the inevitable Uni and Para/Dreamworks announcement, Blu only folks still have to wonder when they'll get those movies. It's why I haven't sold my add-on. I have no idea when most of the movies I own will be released on Blu, and I already have them, so why sell them off if I don't know when I'll be able to own them again?

Van Speaks Truth. I'm sure everything goes Blu sooner or later, but after a year of going without Universal (especially the catalog titles) as well as the missing WB titles, I'm very eager.

Also, Van-- if you like old old school shooting, get Super Stardust HD. I think it's better than Geometry Wars (although to be fair, they aren't much alike at all).

Some of the best PS3 games are under $10 and not sold in stores.


VanMardigan said:
Nope, Sony seems hell bent on removing features to lower costs. I can't blame them, but I definitely panicked and decided to pick up my Ps3 before BC disappears completely. I can't wait for the DS3, either. I hate not having rumble, and I haven't bought a single Ps3 game.

The Blu Ray playback is awesome, and the dvd upscaling works great too. Best I've seen.
OT, but hey Van, are you going to finally pick up MGS2: Substance and MGS3: Subsistence?

It's time to earn that avatar pre-MGS4!


miyamotofreak said:
HDDVD is dead. I'm considering cancelling my Twit sub after hearing that garbage this week.
The engadget guy was just awful. He was desperately tripping all over himself to say "It's not over yet," while really doing nothing to say how Toshiba can stop the bleeding. Leo pretty much saw the writing on the wall, but then he always loves to declare things "dead" or "over" at the first sign of defeat. :D Leo asks why HD-DVD will be the consumer's choice when 70% of movies are on Blu, and the engadget goon just goes off on a tanget about upscaling DVDs and other nonsense.

I'll keep listening, but the show has been on a pretty terrible downhill slide for the last couple months.
border said:
I'll keep listening, but the show has been on a pretty terrible downhill slide for the last couple months.

I'm really saddened by Leo's constant defense of sponsor Audible.com. Leo and John were way too hard on the Kindle, wanting to declare it dead from day one. I don't know what happened to that show.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
I'm really saddened by Leo's constant defense of sponsor Audible.com. Leo and John were way too hard on the Kindle, wanting to declare it dead from day one. I don't know what happened to that show.
I don't really care about audible stuff, it's just that for a few weeks it was useless chit chat, and blabbing about internet memes ("Wow Leo, thanks for introducing me to lolcats!"). Aside from Laporte it doesn't seem like anyone on the show is that interested in it, though maybe it's just due to a lack of cool news.


I will definately get the Eastern Promises disc.

I am just suprised at the Beowulf cover because for Germany it was announced as the "Director's Cut", I guess it will be identical to the US unrated version.


Anyone else catch the Blu-ray Walmart commercials. I saw the first one last night, just your basic Blu-ray comercial but at the end were it says the future is Blu it changes into the Walmart logo. I assume this is a pretty clear statement that Walmart is going Blu-ray, I know its over but HD-DVD is dead and buried now.


has calmed down a bit.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Some of us stream fat content from our PCs to our consoles and we wouldn't touch that shitty wi-fi in a million years. Everybody has their own priorities, and not everyone would even consider wi-fi in buying one of these systems.

I CONSTANTLY stream music and video (including HD) to both my Ps3 and 360 via wifi. Haven't had any issues doing that, but I guess there are variables you have that affect performance. But yeah, I can understand if its not a priority for everyone, though it doesn't change my recommendation. Both the 60GB and 80GB allow you to hook up your ethernet cable. You just have an OPTION for wifi, which you don't have with the 20GB. If you were ever to need it, your SOL with your 20GB unless you buy extra equipment, whereas you're set with 60GB or 80GB.

OT, but hey Van, are you going to finally pick up MGS2: Substance and MGS3: Subsistence?

I already played a ton of MGS3 back when I first got my Ps3, though it wasn't my copy. I'll be picking both of those titles for sure, even if I think 2 was the weakest in the series by far. I'd already played and beaten both those games multiple times even though I never owned a Ps2. There's a lot of catching up that I have to do. FF12 was so much fun in the 4-5 hours I played of it.

Also, Van-- if you like old old school shooting

I don't. LBP has me excited though.


Xater said:
I will definately get the Eastern Promises disc.

I am just suprised at the Beowulf cover because for Germany it was announced as the "Director's Cut", I guess it will be identical to the US unrated version.

Play.com (UK) have Beowulf Blu-ray listed as "Director's Cut"


They're usually reliable. Tho it's quite expensive and the movie is meh.

Eastern Promises I'll probably pick up.


Kolgar said:
LOL, I'm sorry, but what did everyone expect after the Warner announcement?

I think a ton of Blu-ray owners probably bought discs in celebration (and relief knowing their purchases were safe) and a few reds went blu as well.

This is not a surprise.

edit: Is Wal-Mart going Blu-ray exclusive? They'd better, and the rest of the retailers had better follow along quickly. This is virtually over, but it needs to be over for REAL.

I liked HD DVD as much as anyone, but I saw a commercial for it last night and it felt like seeing a ghost.

thats what i did. I stopped buying blurays after the Paramount announcement. I bought 7 in the last 2 weeks

darscot said:
Anyone else catch the Blu-ray Walmart commercials. I saw the first one last night, just your basic Blu-ray comercial but at the end were it says the future is Blu it changes into the Walmart logo. I assume this is a pretty clear statement that Walmart is going Blu-ray, I know its over but HD-DVD is dead and buried now.

yeah i saw one a few days ago... kinda caught me off guard when the big wal mart logo popped up at the end.


VanMardigan said:
doing that, but I guess there are variables you have that affect performance. But yeah, I can understand if its not a priority for everyone, though it doesn't change my recommendation. Both the 60GB and 80GB allow you to hook up your ethernet cable. You just have an OPTION for wifi, which you don't have with the 20GB. If you were ever to need it, your SOL with your 20GB unless you buy extra equipment, whereas you're set with 60GB or 80GB.

Exactly. It makes FAR more sense to get a model that has the wi-fi built in, even if you don't think you're going to be using it now. That way, when/if you do need it, it's there. It isn't like you're suddenly forced to use the PS3 wirelessly or anything.

And 85:15... man. I thought we'd see a definite swing higher for Blu-ray, but I honestly wasn't expecting that much.
avaya said:
I think A had a lot to do with it as well. The PS3 owners especially, Warner will really have energised the base - those not previously willing to commit to buying Blu-ray would have jumped in. I for one pulled the trigger on a number of titles that I was unsure about after the 4th. The key now is to see whether this was just a reactionary week or a pattern really begins to establish itself.

EDIT: Beaten.
yeah, the Warner thing and the $20 coupon at Best Buy caused me to get 12 discs in one week.


Post Count: 9999
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Some of us stream fat content from our PCs to our consoles and we wouldn't touch that shitty wi-fi in a million years. Everybody has their own priorities, and not everyone would even consider wi-fi in buying one of these systems.



It's not that hard to buy a wireless bridge if you eventually need WiFi for a 20GB PS3. And if the difference in price between the 60GB and the 20GB is more than the cost of a wireless bridge, then you win.....


jjasper said:
So which was it people:
A) Buying more Blu Rays
B) People jumping off HD DVD

I am thinking it is probably a little of both but mostly B.

For me it was A.

When Paramount went HD-DVD exclusive, I stopped buying Blu-Rays immediately because it put just enough FUD into my head to make the outcome uncertain and I don't want to invest a lot of money into a format that's going to die.

When Warner Bros accounced BD exclusivity, I ran out the very next day and started buying BD movies.
An article from Tom's Hardware :

Snip :
Also, keep in mind that more than 90% of all Blu-ray hardware sales come in the form of the Playstation 3. A video game console is a solid platform on which to launch a new format medium, but it's hardly enough to sustain the medium for years to come.

We're not exactly looking at new turf here. Sony has doled out countless formats, all of which were technologically superior and impressive on a specification sheet. However, the company has had a pathetic success rate with these formats. I'm talking about Betamax, which was actually better than VHS; the Digital Audio Tape and Minidisc were both the first to explore the field of recordable digital audio but both failed, and Sony's Hi8 video camcorder tape format also sunk.

And of course, looking at the Playstation 3 factor is a must when we are talking about Blu-ray. While it seems good to have such huge support from a device, it seems very difficult to swallow the idea that a game console can determine the result of an entire format war.
VictimOfGrief said:
An article from Tom's Hardware :

Snip :
Also, keep in mind that more than 90% of all Blu-ray hardware sales come in the form of the Playstation 3. A video game console is a solid platform on which to launch a new format medium, but it's hardly enough to sustain the medium for years to come.

We're not exactly looking at new turf here. Sony has doled out countless formats, all of which were technologically superior and impressive on a specification sheet. However, the company has had a pathetic success rate with these formats. I'm talking about Betamax, which was actually better than VHS; the Digital Audio Tape and Minidisc were both the first to explore the field of recordable digital audio but both failed, and Sony's Hi8 video camcorder tape format also sunk.

And of course, looking at the Playstation 3 factor is a must when we are talking about Blu-ray. While it seems good to have such huge support from a device, it seems very difficult to swallow the idea that a game console can determine the result of an entire format war.

More last-ditch FUD. Blu-ray standalones caught up. They are now cheaper than the PS3 and will remain that way. This is a non-started of a topic.

Oh, and another repeat of "Sony formats fail" which neglects to mention the other Blu-ray partners, or some of Sony's successes when they've been in partnerships like this one-- CD and DVD.

I like the article title, too. :lol


VictimOfGrief said:
An article from Tom's Hardware :

Snip :
Also, keep in mind that more than 90% of all Blu-ray hardware sales come in the form of the Playstation 3. A video game console is a solid platform on which to launch a new format medium, but it's hardly enough to sustain the medium for years to come.

We're not exactly looking at new turf here. Sony has doled out countless formats, all of which were technologically superior and impressive on a specification sheet. However, the company has had a pathetic success rate with these formats. I'm talking about Betamax, which was actually better than VHS; the Digital Audio Tape and Minidisc were both the first to explore the field of recordable digital audio but both failed, and Sony's Hi8 video camcorder tape format also sunk.

And of course, looking at the Playstation 3 factor is a must when we are talking about Blu-ray. While it seems good to have such huge support from a device, it seems very difficult to swallow the idea that a game console can determine the result of an entire format war.

What is worse, that the PS3 is 90% of the Blu Ray player sales or that during Dec. the other 10% doubled HD DVD stand alones?
The rest of the article is just as much comedy gold. I like it when he insists that the war is still to early to call.

Or when he points out that HD-DVD is cheaper for studios. That doesn't seem to be swaying them any!


VictimOfGrief said:
An article from Tom's Hardware :

Snip :
Also, keep in mind that more than 90% of all Blu-ray hardware sales come in the form of the Playstation 3. A video game console is a solid platform on which to launch a new format medium, but it's hardly enough to sustain the medium for years to come.

We're not exactly looking at new turf here. Sony has doled out countless formats, all of which were technologically superior and impressive on a specification sheet. However, the company has had a pathetic success rate with these formats. I'm talking about Betamax, which was actually better than VHS; the Digital Audio Tape and Minidisc were both the first to explore the field of recordable digital audio but both failed, and Sony's Hi8 video camcorder tape format also sunk.

And of course, looking at the Playstation 3 factor is a must when we are talking about Blu-ray. While it seems good to have such huge support from a device, it seems very difficult to swallow the idea that a game console can determine the result of an entire format war.

Betamax was not better than VHS.

Beta provided a better picture than VHS however VHS allowed you to record for far longer, which was more important than marginal difference in quality. Sony let JVC scope out the Beta technology expecting them to comeback and license it.

Instead JVC designed a longer tape, sacrificing quality. Sony’s engineers were unwilling to compromise on quality. Morita wouldn’t accept it. So JVC took it to Matsushita who worked together behind the scenes to finalise VHS while publicly debating with Sony whether they should license Beta.


Ok I have a question about digital copy. Fox is including it in BDs so if your computer only has a DVD drive how will you extract the file for your ipod?
Well at this point I could care less since in less than a couple weeks, I'll have both.

What shocked me about both formats is that which one had the better tech in it. Right now (IMO) the HD DVD format has the better tech of which Blu is adding.

I mulled over what the hell I was going to do on getting a stand alone Blu player... or like with my 360.... get the console that updates the tech as time progresses.

To me.... I'm amazed that they (meaning both the HD DVD and Blu Ray camp) haven't hammered out final details on a "final" spec on what they want to include because I'm sure stand along players (and people who buy them) who aren't going to be able to use features that get included in the new disc's are going to be pissed.

This way, I get a Blu player that gets updated when the spec gets updated and I don't have to worry about a $400 dollar paper weight. Same as with my 360 add-on.
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