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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
teiresias said:
You're complaining about doorstops yet I bet you bought an HD-DVD player.

Movies have always worked and continue to work flawlessly on my player, which is something that can't necessarily be said about quite a few Blu stand-alones.


Cosmic Bus said:
Movies have always worked and continue to work flawlessly on my player, which is something that can't necessarily be said about quite a few Blu stand-alones.

:lol :lol :lol

Then don't be an idiot consumer and get a PS3 and just STFU, seriously.

There are plenty of issues with certain models of Toshiba's HD-DVD players, just as there are issues with certain stand alone Blu-Ray players.

Luckily I haven't had a single problem with my PS3 in terms of Blu-Ray playback. It's perfect.


Cosmic Bus said:
Movies have always worked and continue to work flawlessly on my player, which is something that can't necessarily be said about quite a few Blu stand-alones.

Well, if you insist lack of ability to download ringtones and trailers a doorstop but lack of 1080p support in a HD player not so much then thats your right to say so. I guess. Thumbs up for you.


Cosmic Bus said:
Movies have always worked and continue to work flawlessly on my player, which is something that can't necessarily be said about quite a few Blu stand-alones.
I question your data results. Whose to say you didnt use bought unused HD DVD's on the HD DVD player and scratched netflix discs on blu-ray standalones.

<---Busting balls.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Ponn01 said:
Well, if you insist lack of ability to download ringtones and trailers a doorstop but lack of 1080p support in a HD player not so much then thats your right to say so. I guess. Thumbs up for you.

Except that it isn't just the inability to access certain features; players (including the PS3) that aren't up to snuff, profile-wise, can have problems simply playing newer discs, freezing or looping at menus, limiting or even disabling use of even the most basic functions like fast-forwarding or pausing. I've seen this first-hand. And if your player can't be upgraded to the newest specs, then what? Buy a new player? Classy.

Obviously, 1080p versus 1080i has absolutely nothing to do with being able to play a disc, and having a slightly lesser video output hardly makes something useless, particularly for those of us without monstrously large sets where the difference is virtually indistinguishable. If dropping that progressive output for a budget line of (still fully-functional) players helps to get prices into a more accessable range for many consumers, I can't see why Sony and/or the Blu camp hasn't taken the opportunity.

Snah said:
Then don't be an idiot consumer and get a PS3 and just STFU, seriously.

As I said, I've been waiting for prices to go down and I'd like to believe a basic movie-only unit will be less expensive sooner than the PS3. I'd much prefer a low-cost, functional stand-alone, mainly because the PS3 offers more hardware than I need or want (not a gamer anymore, despite having attempted to get back into it a few times), but also for - admittedly less important - aesthetic reasons and little annoyances, like having to buy a remote seperately.

Also, really nice with the "idiot consumer" comment, as if it's their fault these obsolete players are still (or were ever) being sold.
Cosmic Bus said:
Movies have always worked and continue to work flawlessly on my player, which is something that can't necessarily be said about quite a few Blu stand-alones.

Every movie will always work on every blu ray player.
No exceptions.
Read real information instead of hd zealot bullet points.


Cosmic Bus said:
Except that it isn't just the inability to access certain features; players (including the PS3) that aren't up to snuff, profile-wise, can have problems simply playing newer discs, freezing or looping at menus, limiting or even disabling use of even the most basic functions like fast-forwarding or pausing. I've seen this first-hand. And if your player can't be upgraded to the newest specs, then what? Buy a new player? Classy.

Oh, you mean like a bunch of HD-DVD's awhile back? And what do both camps do? offer fixes, either updates or disc replacements. Stop being intentionally obtuse.


Firmware is awesome. I am believer as Toshiba has lent a ton of support to its players.

If you have the ability to update a piece of complicated hardware they absolutely should!
Cosmic Bus is taking one of the last FUD talking points and running with it.

How come a player that can't do PiP or web stuff is obsolete, but one which simply stops getting much of a volume of releases isn't? :lol I'll take a full release slate without PiP over a feeble release schedule with PiP, thanks.

As far as the rest of that stuff about player glitches-- more FUD. Read the forums and you can find plenty of examples of flaky playback on both sides, especially with Web features involved.


Post Count: 9999
Cosmic Bus said:
There are millions of 720p/1080i HDTVs out there, and not releasing a lower-priced line of 1080i players is one of the biggest mistakes the Blu-Ray camp is making. Instead, there will be plenty of people (myself included) who are going to be waiting for a year... two years? for a decently priced stand-alone that isn't an outmoded doorstop.

The pricing of HD DVD versus BluRay has absolutely NOTHING to do with 1080i versus 1080p output.

It is due to Toshiba taking the risky direction of subsidizing players. Unfortunately for them, that plan backfired completely.


Post Count: 9999
Cosmic Bus said:
Movies have always worked and continue to work flawlessly on my player, which is something that can't necessarily be said about quite a few Blu stand-alones.


The Tosh players are pretty frigging bug-riddled.
As someone who doesn't really understand the technology, can somebody explain something. When I rip a DVD, it goes down in size by an enormous amount, and the same is true of Blu Ray. So why then can't Blu Ray quality movies be put into DVD's encoded in the good ol' .avi format and be done with it? Is it a quality issue or what?

Oni Jazar

IronicallyTwisted said:
As someone who doesn't really understand the technology, can somebody explain something. When I rip a DVD, it goes down in size by an enormous amount, and the same is true of Blu Ray. So why then can't Blu Ray quality movies be put into DVD's encoded in the good ol' .avi format and be done with it? Is it a quality issue or what?

Yes. It is a quality issue.


IronicallyTwisted said:
As someone who doesn't really understand the technology, can somebody explain something. When I rip a DVD, it goes down in size by an enormous amount, and the same is true of Blu Ray. So why then can't Blu Ray quality movies be put into DVD's encoded in the good ol' .avi format and be done with it? Is it a quality issue or what?

At one point, this was actually proposed. It was called 3xDVD and it failed.

It was basically a lower quality encoding of a HD-DVD put on a regular DVD disc.
Penton Man has confirmed that Universal and Paramount have made known to at least Sony that their intention is to join Blu-ray.

He's usually very cryptic about these things (and he's always right), but this one is pretty clearly told.

Originally Posted by Penton-Man

The remaining hold-outs have already expressed (in private discussions) their eventual intentions as to seeing the Blu light. No worries there, it is just a matter of time.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
DarkJediKnight said:
Penton Man has confirmed that Universal and Paramount have made known to at least Sony that their intention is to join Blu-ray.

He's usually very cryptic about these things (and he's always right), but this one is pretty clearly told.

Good, the sooner they do, the quicker retailers only carry blu-ray the quicker this is all over.


The issue now is that Paramount and Universal need product ready to sell the day they make the announcement. Titles like Titanic, Forrest Gump, the Star Wars series, the Star Trek series.
You know, small titles. :D


Gold Member
cjdunn said:
The issue now is that Paramount and Universal need product ready to sell the day they make the announcement. Titles like Titanic, Forrest Gump, the Star Wars series, the Star Trek series.
You know, small titles. :D

Star Wars is FOX and FOX has no say whatsoever as to when the HD version is released.

It won't be seen in HD until Lucasfilm says so, and not a moment sooner. And that will happen right before the live action TV series starts in order to build hype and fund the marketing and promotion of the series.

Here's how Lucasfilm works:

George wants to do something, say a new Star Wars movie or TV series. But George hates the Hollywood studios and wants to finance them himself. How does he do that? By selling videos, DVDs, books, and toys. Right before the need for cash arises; Lucasfilm will do a major licensing release be it a major toy rollout or big home video release. They'll take the profits from that release and pour it directly into George's current pet project.

The Star Wars Prequels were funded completely by Lucas and he got the funding from the Special Edition theatrical re-releases, home video releases, and Kenner's new line of action figures. How did he finance the Special Editions? Remember the VHS release of the OT where they preached that it would be the final time you can own the original trilogy? And the novels kicked off by Timothy Zahn's trilogy? Yup.

So around 2009 or 2010 there will be 3D theatrical re-releases of all six Star Wars movies. It'll be like the Special Edition releases; but spread across six months as opposed to three months like before. It'll be a huge "Star Wars is Back" hype thing for the first half of the year. And then right in time for Christmas you'll get your six Star Wars movies on HD along with a massive DVD boxed set (and yes, Yoda will be CGI in Phantom Menace). Then the following year, the live action TV series will premiere on FOX, ABC, or SciFi; whoever wins the bidding war.


Just saw 3:10 to Yuma for the first time on blu-ray. Started off pretty good, but wow, that was the shittiest ending I've seen since The Departed.


cjdunn said:
The issue now is that Paramount and Universal need product ready to sell the day they make the announcement. Titles like Titanic, Forrest Gump, the Star Wars series, the Star Trek series.
You know, small titles. :D

I just finished watching Paprika, so right now the title I want from Paramount (er, Dreamworks in this case) the most is Millennium Actress.


IronicallyTwisted said:
Oh God, where to begin.

Seriously, what is it about people that they completely miss the reason why Wade did what he did?

This is like the third time on GAF I've read that someone didn't like the ending, and it's always because it flies over their heads.
Cosmic Bus said:
Movies have always worked and continue to work flawlessly on my player, which is something that can't necessarily be said about quite a few Blu stand-alones.

I'm totally with you brother, my HD-DVD player works perfectly.

<inserts Children of Men>

Duderz said:
I just finished watching Paprika, so right now the title I want from Paramount (er, Dreamworks in this case) the most is Millennium Actress.

Right on the money. Millennium Actress in HD would be amazing.


Crazymoogle said:
Right on the money. Millennium Actress in HD would be amazing.

I'm wondering where I could find info regarding when Dreamwork's right to Millennium Actress expire - so long as they have them, MA ain't happening anytime soon.


purnoman3000 said:
I'm totally with you brother, my HD-DVD player works perfectly.

<inserts Children of Men>


Are there any movies confirmed not to work in the HD-DVD add-on? I haven't tried all of mine yet, or even most of them.


Dot50Cal said:
RB Films Drops HD-DVD Support because of HD-DVD AVS Forum posters (yes, seriously)

Yes, but I made that decision before Warner made any announcement. By decision was based on my experience with the HD-DVD audience and the abuse I took in the AVS Forum. It is obvious they do not appreciate our efforts to raise the bar ... and in all honesty, they were not very nice about it .... so we are excluding HD-DVD with respect to our future releases.
:lol :lol :lol

If I recall this guy did get lam-basted on the AVS boards. He was adimant about doing two separate encodes of his films to maximize their bitrate on both platforms. Lots of the HD-DVD fans took offense at him saying that Blu-ray offered more, and thus looked better.

Wow. Idiot fanboys do have an impact...maybe just not the impact that they were hoping for.


I was watching Spiderman 3 the other day (construction scene fight) on a Sony Bravia with 120Hz enabled. Is it just me, or did it look slightly... off? While the motion was more fluid, the actors "popped out" from the background compared to the theatre. Is 120Hz supposed to do that?

Oh, and it made bluescreen portions look really bad. :lol


has calmed down a bit.
DJ_Tet said:
Are there any movies confirmed not to work in the HD-DVD add-on? I haven't tried all of mine yet, or even most of them.

I've tried dozens of movies, and only one (Chuck & Larry) I couldn't get working. It was a combo, so I just flipped it over. There was a problem with some Children of Men discs and I think Departed, but it's not an add-on problem and I believe that problem was fixed. I'm not sure if I had a bad chuck & larry disc since it was a rental.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
surprised this wasnt posted.

According to a new Video Business report, some retail chains have begun adjusting their high-def shelf space to make more room for Blu-ray discs (and less for HD DVD).

The industry trade says that Trans World Entertainment, Newbury Comics, Video Buyers Group members and Hastings Entertainment are among the retailers beginning to emphasize Blu-ray in the wake of Warner's announcement that it would abandon its support of the HD DVD format as of this coming June.

Trans World, which operates over 800 stores under several brand names (including FYE, Suncoast, Coconouts and Wherehouse), says that though it will continue to order key new releases on HD DVD, it will begin dedicating more shelf space to Blu-ray, both for new releases and catalog titles.
theBishop said:
Maybe its fud, maybe it isn't. Why I don't understand is why Gizmodo is being so transparently biased. Engadget used to have a bit of that spillover from the anti-Sony ******* readers, but as Blu-Ray took over sales, they softened their hate considerably

A few sites are still like that.
Who knows, Toshiba shareholders?


VanMardigan said:
I've tried dozens of movies, and only one (Chuck & Larry) I couldn't get working. It was a combo, so I just flipped it over. There was a problem with some Children of Men discs and I think Departed, but it's not an add-on problem and I believe that problem was fixed. I'm not sure if I had a bad chuck & larry disc since it was a rental.

Cool, I guess I should test my CoM disc when I get home just to make sure it's good.


SRG01 said:
I was watching Spiderman 3 the other day (construction scene fight) on a Sony Bravia with 120Hz enabled. Is it just me, or did it look slightly... off? While the motion was more fluid, the actors "popped out" from the background compared to the theatre. Is 120Hz supposed to do that?

Oh, and it made bluescreen portions look really bad. :lol

Turn off 120hz. You're basically ruining the picture. You're taking source material that is 24fps, and bumping the refresh rate upto 120fps (hz).

Turn that stuff off and I promise it will look much much better.


Post Count: 9999
tha_con said:
Turn off 120hz. You're basically ruining the picture. You're taking source material that is 24fps, and bumping the refresh rate upto 120fps (hz).

Turn that stuff off and I promise it will look much much better.

If done correctly, it shouldn't be a problem. 120 is divisible by 24.


Onix said:
If done correctly, it should be a problem. 120 is divisible by 24.

It still creates a bad picture, compared to the 24fps native picture, or even the 30hz to 60hz picture. IMO at least. I think the 120hz force feature on HDTV's like Sony and Samsun are a waste of time until source material actually runs that fast.

And I'm sure most of you are familiar with this petition?


Well, I was bored.

Let's have a laugh and see if what I 'think' is indeed true.


Should be interesting.

Never mind. Petition Online is blocked.
tha_con said:
It still creates a bad picture, compared to the 24fps native picture, or even the 30hz to 60hz picture. IMO at least. I think the 120hz force feature on HDTV's like Sony and Samsun are a waste of time until source material actually runs that fast.

The 120hz is mainly (imo) for sports and whatnot on tv where there is fast action.
You should be able to break down 1080p/24 with the 120hz off


I don't know why we keep posting news to or articles about HD DVD or entertaining it's fans with arguements in this thread - it's dead - over with.
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