So I got kicked out of Best Buy because of this format war.
I purchased No More Heroes for in store pick up and after work I went in to pick it up. In line in front of me was a lady with 2 children and she was buying an HDDVD player. I couldnt stand letting her leave without knowing about the format war, so I decided to educate her...
'Ma'am, I dont usually do this, but that is a dead format.'
'What are you talking about? I was just talking to the manager (looks over to him behind the customer service counter) and he said that this was the best option available and it upscales on top of everything.'
'Well at the moment there is very little studio support for HDDVD and within a year, there will likely be none. Blu Ray is the way to go for HD movies and their players upscale as well.'
She then went and yelled at the manager who directed her to one of his underlings. After that he came up to me and asked me to leave the store for 'misinforming the public.'
I told him that I had an online order to pick up, which he grudgingly let me get, then escorted me to the door...