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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
captive said:
Oh please, where do you draw the line then?

I was in the stereo cables isle one time, and a girl wanted a cord to hook up an Ipod to a stereo. What did the clerk give her? A Y adapter RCA to red and white RCA. The right cord to do that would be a stereo 1/8th jack to red and white RCA, as an RCA cord will fall out of the Ipod. Should i have been kicked out for correcting the incompetent clerk? Am I an asshole for correcting him?

Depends; if in a case like that you have a quiet word to the clerk out of earshot of the customer politely informing him of his mistake then that's fine. If you barge in and in front of the customer and correct the salesperson then that's an arsehole thing to do regardless whther you're right or not.

captive said:
Lets say you know a TV has known defects and you see someone looking at said TV about to buy it, should you advise them? Or is that an "asshole" thing to do?

How do you know it has a defect? Unless there's been a blatant product recall in the paper informing people that the goods are faulty and a potential hazard and they're still selling the product in the store then you may be right but in every other instance you know squat about the product they're buying that's coming sealed in the box.

Oh, what about all the problems I've read about X model? Speculation. You may have read threads on the internet or an article in a specialist magazine warning against purchasing said product due to some defect but you don't know that for sure.

How do you know that particualr model is affected? How can you be sure the problems you've read about are rampant or even exist at all? There are many people with axes to grind whom would go out of their way to heap aspersions against a brand/product.

Responsibility also rests on the consumer's shoulder to be informed about a purchase. And even if he/she isn't then that's what warranties are for.

In other words, keep your nose out of other people's business.

EDIT: If someone buys an Xbox 360 due to the suggestion of a salesperson, is that person in the wrong despite the reported faults of the unit? No. Would you have the right to step in and tell the customer they've been wroughted and should buy a PS3/Wii instead? Of course not.

Some of you need to grow up and stop acting like zealous fanboys.


Gold Member
And even then you're free to say whatever you want outside of the store. But while in the store if you're talking people out of buying something there you're affecting their bottom line for the day and they have every right to throw you out.
ManaByte said:
And even then you're free to say whatever you want outside of the store. But while in the store if you're talking people out of buying something there you're affecting their bottom line for the day and they have every right to throw you out.
The guy was actually telling her to buy a Blu-ray player instead which would have been a bigger sale :)


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Witchfinder General said:
He was in the right; you had no reason to be discussing the sale with the customer as it goes against common retail policy.
So what would your stance be if the HDDVD customer had initiated the discussion with BelligerentOC instead? Would he then have been required to exclaim, "I'm sorry ma'am, I mustn't interfere with a sale!"

That's your opinion but you don't know the full details.
Apparently, he managed to guess the details pretty well, considering the information he provided the woman was important enough in her mind to warrant reversing the purchase.


BelligerentOC said:
So I got kicked out of Best Buy because of this format war.

I purchased No More Heroes for in store pick up and after work I went in to pick it up. In line in front of me was a lady with 2 children and she was buying an HDDVD player. I couldnt stand letting her leave without knowing about the format war, so I decided to educate her...

'Ma'am, I dont usually do this, but that is a dead format.'
'What are you talking about? I was just talking to the manager (looks over to him behind the customer service counter) and he said that this was the best option available and it upscales on top of everything.'
'Well at the moment there is very little studio support for HDDVD and within a year, there will likely be none. Blu Ray is the way to go for HD movies and their players upscale as well.'

She then went and yelled at the manager who directed her to one of his underlings. After that he came up to me and asked me to leave the store for 'misinforming the public.'

I told him that I had an online order to pick up, which he grudgingly let me get, then escorted me to the door...


You saved that lady good money, which I'm sure she appreciates, and screw that tool of a manager for trying to offload poisoned inventory on the ignorant public. Well done.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
VanMardigan said:
Anybody else just go that route with Netflix or BB Online?
I've definitely seen BD movies on my Netflix queue with long waits, but it generally hasn't been a problem for me because I'm on the one-at-a-time plan and by the time I get to the next thing on my queue, the waits are usually gone.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Witchfinder General said:
Depends; if in a case like that you have a quiet word to the clerk out of earshot of the customer politely informing him of his mistake then that's fine. If you barge in and in front of the customer and correct the salesperson then that's an arsehole thing to do regardless whther you're right or not.
Where did i say i barged in and acted like an idiot?
A store can throw you out for almost anything they want, though.

How do you know it has a defect? Unless there's been a blatant product recall in the paper informing people that the goods are faulty and a potential hazard and they're still selling the product in the store then you may be right but in every other instance you know squat about the product they're buying that's coming sealed in the box.
Because you read sites like AVS and know that there is a defect with the tv?

Oh, what about all the problems I've read about X model? Speculation. You may have read threads on the internet or an article in a specialist magazine warning against purchasing said product due to some defect but you don't know that for sure.
Clearly we are talking about the type of consumer that doesnt read tech sites and sites like AVS.

In other words, keep your nose out of other people's business.
I have had people ask me in stores for help and i dont even fucking work there. Sure i could be an asshole and not help, even though i knew exactly what they were talking about.

EDIT: If someone buys an Xbox 360 due to the suggestion of a salesperson, is that person in the wrong despite the reported faults of the unit? No. Would you have the right to step in and tell the customer they've been wroughted and should buy a PS3/Wii instead? Of course not.
That clearly depends, if its a "mom" type its entirely possible she doesnt know. Then again it could be someone replacing one of their previous broken ones.
However Microsoft offers a replacement plan for free for a year.
Is toshiba going to replace HD DVD players with Blu-ray players? I think not.

Some of you need to grow up and stop acting like zealous fanboys.
And in response to that i say some of you need to stop being corperate shills. Defending multimillion dollar corperations
WG, I look at it this way:

Lets say you are on a business in Vegas and need to get laid. You go to a brothel. I'm a rich Vegas resident and know this brothel very well.

You say you are in on business and want the best fuck of your life. The brothel owner directs you to this smokin hot chick.

However, therein lies a problem: she's got crabs. Being that I frequent this brothel I know this and realize that the pimp didnt mention this.

Should I mention this to you? She fulfills your criteria for what you want and yet there is something that you should know about that could potentially change your decision.

Ultimately, I feel that at this point, retailers need to point this fact out to consumers. Yeah it sucks to lose a sale, but its a sale that might not have gone down had all the relevant information been given to the consumer prior.


Junior Member
StoOgE said:
i wouldnt have said a word. people that dont research purchases deserve to be parted with their money.
that's like 90% of the country...

If this holds up then you'll get bullshit stores like Best Buy continuing to prosper and you'll have to deal with their bullshit for a long time or you can help in a small way and force them to change for the better. I'm just saying, turning a blind eye isn't really beneficial to you or the victim.


Hmm, I just picked up Stranglehold Collector's edition and was wondering what people thought of the encode of Hard Boiled. I thought I remembered some disappointment about it, but didn't get a chance to read up. Anyone out there with some insight? Can't beat game+movie for $40 =)


Hail to the KING baby
BelligerentOC said:
Ultimately, I feel that at this point, retailers need to point this fact out to consumers. Yeah it sucks to lose a sale, but its a sale that might not have gone down had all the relevant information been given to the consumer prior.

Retailers are going to be pushing it until they run out of stock. And really, it's not the retailer's responsibility to give the consumer news updates unless, e.g., the format is officially discontinued or there's a recall, etc. Sucks for ignorant consumers that don't do research, but then again so do all of their electronics purchases I'd imagine.

Of course the minute the stock is gone and someone asks for an HD-DVD, the line will be "oh, that's dead. Here, get one of these . . . ."


Gold Member
Mirimar said:
Hmm, I just picked up Stranglehold Collector's edition and was wondering what people thought of the encode of Hard Boiled. I thought I remembered some disappointment about it, but didn't get a chance to read up. Anyone out there with some insight? Can't beat game+movie for $40 =)

It's about as good as you're going to get for Hard Boiled. The source material isn't pristine.


ManaByte said:
It's about as good as you're going to get for Hard Boiled. The source material isn't pristine.

I ask mostly because I'd been considering the Criterion DVD once I had some spare cash around. I still can't believe how expensive it is.


Post Count: 9999
She then went and yelled at the manager who directed her to one of his underlings. After that he came up to me and asked me to leave the store for 'misinforming the public.'

Ummm :lol

Isn't that what the manager did?!!?! :lol


Post Count: 9999
Witchfinder General said:
How do you know it has a defect? Unless there's been a blatant product recall in the paper informing people that the goods are faulty and a potential hazard and they're still selling the product in the store then you may be right but in every other instance you know squat about the product they're buying that's coming sealed in the box.

Not all defects are manufacturing-related. Many are design 'flaws'.

Oh, what about all the problems I've read about X model? Speculation. You may have read threads on the internet or an article in a specialist magazine warning against purchasing said product due to some defect but you don't know that for sure.

Oh bullshit. Its one thing if you don't know what you are talking about, but if you do ... there is nothing wrong with sharing your knowledge.

Are you honestly implying that if a customer hasn't researched a product, they should take the advice of a sales clerk at a big-box store?

How do you know that particualr model is affected? How can you be sure the problems you've read about are rampant or even exist at all? There are many people with axes to grind whom would go out of their way to heap aspersions against a brand/product.

Again, there are design flaws in products. Why is it wrong to share this info if you are knowledgeable? As for actual defects, if you are aware of them ... what's wrong with sharing the info, if you make sure to state that it may not be pervasive ... but that they should be on the lookout for its symptoms?

Responsibility also rests on the consumer's shoulder to be informed about a purchase. And even if he/she isn't then that's what warranties are for.

I agree a consumer should research these things. If they are not net-savvy however, they don't likely have the tools to do so unfortunately. For audio/video products, magazines are really pretty far behind in terms of reviews, not to mention many magazines of some conflicts of interest with advertisers.

Beyond that most A/V magazines aren't even carried in a lot of stores. Finding the review of a given product at a certain time period is pretty much impossible if you aren't on the internet.

As for warranties, those are useless for design flaws, etc.

In other words, keep your nose out of other people's business.

That why you present to the person that you have a lot of knowledge about the topic in question (assuming you do) ... and you ask if they would like any info. Certainly that isn't a person's job, but some people actually like helping out others regarding their hobby.

EDIT: If someone buys an Xbox 360 due to the suggestion of a salesperson, is that person in the wrong despite the reported faults of the unit? No

The salesperson? No, they aren't in the wrong for a recommendation. However, they should mention that the issue exists in the name of full disclosure.

. Would you have the right to step in and tell the customer they've been wroughted and should buy a PS3/Wii instead? Of course not.

In a similar vein, it would not be wrong to give someone the 'full picture' if the sales person is withholding valuable information.

Some of you need to grow up and stop acting like zealous fanboys.



Witchfinder General said:
Depends; if in a case like that you have a quiet word to the clerk out of earshot of the customer politely informing him of his mistake then that's fine. If you barge in and in front of the customer and correct the salesperson then that's an arsehole thing to do regardless whther you're right or not.

If the person helping her is wrong, then that's all the reason you need to step in. The customer shouldn't suffer due to a stupid clerk because I'm supposed to feel some sort of responsibility to the store.

You're entitled to your opinion, but others are entitled to think your opinion is stupid and instead try to help out a fellow human if possible.


This war is not even close to being over. HD-dvd still has two major studies with a ton of good releases potentially. The lower pricepoint is huge:

NPD: Sky Isn't Falling for HD-DVD, Blu-ray Isn't Champ Yet

Sales data for HD-DVD and Blu-ray players and movies has been misconstrued lately by various outlets, with reports implying that HD-DVD sales have fallen at an amazing pace while Blu-ray sales have blasted through the roof.

Not so fast, says the NPD Group.

While select articles have implied that HD-DVD as a format is doomed and the sky is falling for the format's supporters, the NPD Group this afternoon reinforced that sales results from a single week do not necessarily indicate a trend, and that the week in question had several intriguing variables that have gone unreported.

The NPD Group attempted to quiet the storm of online scuttlebutt with the following statement:

"As you may have seen, there are attempts being made to portray NPD's weekly sales tracking figures for next generation DVD as a trend. We want to remind you and make clear that it is not accurate to make long term assumptions based on one week of sales -- a cautionary point that NPD has made as well.

"The facts are that during the week that is being singled out, both Blu-ray disc players and software were being given away for free with the purchase of 1080p TVs. It is also important to note that the instant rebate promotions that had previously netted Toshiba's players' MSRPs to $199 and $249 had actually ended on Jan. 5th -- causing an increase in HD DVD's MSRP back to $299 and $399 during that same week. Since Toshiba's retail price move on Jan. 13th to $149 / $199 -- Toshiba is seeing very positive sales trends at retail. This reinforces the fact that price is a significant driver of sales.
"Toshiba's HD DVD players represent a significant value to the consumer and the marketing campaign that just began is proving effective."


Until support is withdraw from HD, Blu-ray will not be able to be determined victor. This should scare blu fans because HD is a few choice moves from winning the players market. If they can sell 2 million more by the end of this year Studios will jump.

The company is in its corner and fighting.
Nicodimas said:
This war is not even close to being over.
The company is in its corner and fighting.

The problem is if everyone thinks it's over... then it is. And that word is definitely getting spread rapidly right now.


Post Count: 9999
Nicodimas said:
This war is not even close to being over. HD-dvd still has two major studies with a ton of good releases potentially. The lower pricepoint is huge:

NPD: Sky Isn't Falling for HD-DVD, Blu-ray Isn't Champ Yet

Sales data for HD-DVD and Blu-ray players and movies has been misconstrued lately by various outlets, with reports implying that HD-DVD sales have fallen at an amazing pace while Blu-ray sales have blasted through the roof.

Not so fast, says the NPD Group.

While select articles have implied that HD-DVD as a format is doomed and the sky is falling for the format's supporters, the NPD Group this afternoon reinforced that sales results from a single week do not necessarily indicate a trend, and that the week in question had several intriguing variables that have gone unreported.

The NPD Group attempted to quiet the storm of online scuttlebutt with the following statement:

"As you may have seen, there are attempts being made to portray NPD's weekly sales tracking figures for next generation DVD as a trend. We want to remind you and make clear that it is not accurate to make long term assumptions based on one week of sales -- a cautionary point that NPD has made as well.

"The facts are that during the week that is being singled out, both Blu-ray disc players and software were being given away for free with the purchase of 1080p TVs. It is also important to note that the instant rebate promotions that had previously netted Toshiba's players' MSRPs to $199 and $249 had actually ended on Jan. 5th -- causing an increase in HD DVD's MSRP back to $299 and $399 during that same week. Since Toshiba's retail price move on Jan. 13th to $149 / $199 -- Toshiba is seeing very positive sales trends at retail. This reinforces the fact that price is a significant driver of sales.
"Toshiba's HD DVD players represent a significant value to the consumer and the marketing campaign that just began is proving effective."


Until support is withdraw from HD, Blu-ray will not be able to be determined victor. This should scare blu fans because HD is a few choice moves from winning the players market. If they can sell 2 million more by the end of this year Studios will jump.

The company is in its corner and fighting.

The reason why I thought that guy was right: I would want somebody to point out to me if they think I'm buying something that's a bad idea. ANd I'm free to disagree once I have the facts. He didn't tell the lady anything that was a lie-- he just provided the info that the manager conveniently omitted.

Stooge says that uninformed people deserve to be parted with their cash-- I say misleading managers deserves to be parted with his customers. Had the manager told the lady the whole story and she still wanted it, that's different.


lacks enthusiasm.
I used to have a good laugh when Nicodimas was doing this stuff right after the announcement, but now it's just kind of sad.


The problem is if everyone thinks it's over... then it is

Really everyone knows? I doubt 1% of people know who will buy players this year about who has support, VC-1 vs AVC, what Lossless audio is,etc. They see a recession coming and are being told to spend less. They see two formats and one that costs half as less upconverts there dvds and one called blu-ray.

Toshiba need to make a choice move of getting retail in there corner. Put a 3-5 dollar spiff(dollars per player sold to those who never done retail) out on them at Best buy, circuit city and you got people telling the general public that they want this player with there new LCD television. The next 9 months are huge for hd-dvd to make it and if they can't sell the players...then that is that.

I will concede that point if hd-dvd can pull this off..this war may continue.

On a side note my BR player comes out in August at 600 bucks is what it is looking like.


Nicodimas said:
This war is not even close to being over. HD-dvd still has two major studies with a ton of good releases potentially. The lower pricepoint is huge:

NPD: Sky Isn't Falling for HD-DVD, Blu-ray Isn't Champ Yet

Sales data for HD-DVD and Blu-ray players and movies has been misconstrued lately by various outlets, with reports implying that HD-DVD sales have fallen at an amazing pace while Blu-ray sales have blasted through the roof.

Not so fast, says the NPD Group.

While select articles have implied that HD-DVD as a format is doomed and the sky is falling for the format's supporters, the NPD Group this afternoon reinforced that sales results from a single week do not necessarily indicate a trend, and that the week in question had several intriguing variables that have gone unreported.

The NPD Group attempted to quiet the storm of online scuttlebutt with the following statement:

"As you may have seen, there are attempts being made to portray NPD's weekly sales tracking figures for next generation DVD as a trend. We want to remind you and make clear that it is not accurate to make long term assumptions based on one week of sales -- a cautionary point that NPD has made as well.

"The facts are that during the week that is being singled out, both Blu-ray disc players and software were being given away for free with the purchase of 1080p TVs. It is also important to note that the instant rebate promotions that had previously netted Toshiba's players' MSRPs to $199 and $249 had actually ended on Jan. 5th -- causing an increase in HD DVD's MSRP back to $299 and $399 during that same week. Since Toshiba's retail price move on Jan. 13th to $149 / $199 -- Toshiba is seeing very positive sales trends at retail. This reinforces the fact that price is a significant driver of sales.
"Toshiba's HD DVD players represent a significant value to the consumer and the marketing campaign that just began is proving effective."


Until support is withdraw from HD, Blu-ray will not be able to be determined victor. This should scare blu fans because HD is a few choice moves from winning the players market. If they can sell 2 million more by the end of this year Studios will jump.

The company is in its corner and fighting.

Please tell me you're bein a joke character. :lol:
Nicodimas said:
Really everyone knows? I doubt 1% of people know who will buy players this year about who has support, VC-1 vs AVC, what Lossless audio is,etc. They see a recession coming and are being told to spend less. They see two formats and one that costs half as less upconverts there dvds and one called blu-ray.

Toshiba need to make a choice move of getting retail in there corner. Put a 3-5 dollar spiff(dollars per player sold to those who never done retail) out on them at Best buy, circuit city and you got people telling the general public that they want this player with there new LCD television. The next 9 months are huge for hd-dvd to make it and if they can't sell the players...then that is that.

I will concede that point if hd-dvd can pull this off..this war may continue.
so my ps3 didn't upconvert the DVD I just watched to 1080p? I was imagining that, right? I know what you're getting at but don't talk bullet points for one if it's true for both.


Bune you totally took that out of its context and you know it.

I am saying the general person might not realize that Blu-ray upconverts dvd is all. They go for the deal not the technical stuff.

Not a joke character btw..see you all when I something else to post about how well Hd-dvd is doing. :D Get all crazy defensive about it all you want.


Post Count: 9999
Nicodimas said:
They see two formats and one that costs half as less upconverts there dvds and one called blu-ray.

All BD players do as well ... and don't try and say that people 'may not know this' ... they don't magically know that about HD-DVD either.

They know all of them do when they get to the store because all of them clearly say it on the box, literature, tags, etc.

Your above simplification, also completely disregards that they also see a fairly significant difference in SW selection as well ... in terms of numbers, shelf-space, and 'quality' of titles. Obviously in the favor of BD.

Seriously, where have you been for the last several months (if not year)? HD-DVD always had the price advantage, and what did it do for them? NOTHING.

Content is king ... get over it.

On a side note my BR player comes out in August at 600 bucks is what it is looking like.

Why don't you just get a PS3? Do you hate money?
Nicodimas said:
Really everyone knows? I doubt 1% of people know who will buy players this year about who has support, VC-1 vs AVC, what Lossless audio is,etc.

All they need to know is which one is predicted to be the dead format.
Nicodimas said:
Bune you totally took that out of its context and you know it.

I am saying the general person might not realize that Blu-ray upconverts dvd is all. They go for the deal not the technical stuff.

Not a joke character btw..see you all when I something else to post about how well Hd-dvd is doing. :D Get all crazy defensive about it all you want.
no, I said if you're going to talk bullet points talk one that doesn't apply to both sides.


Authorized Fister
jjasper said:
Jesus guys he is a joke character just quit replying. He is posting these things just to get people to react.

The quotes are not from NPD, they're from a Toshiba rep. The NPD only quoted that. It was debunked on HighDefDigest.


Nicomdimas is to HDDVD as Manics was to the Leafs. At least Manics was joking around...

Thanks! Sadly Hockey is my only big sport I am not into..(besides nascar). It that like saying I am a hardcore cubs fan?

I will try to post cold hard facts and less opinions from this point on. I think you guys get the fact I like Hd-dvd. Hopefully with these you will see the situation..but we shall see.


okay what a joke. toshiba seriously, what are you doing?

for the past year and a half i have seen absolutely no commercials promoting HD DVD. besides the HD DVD tag at the end of Universal or Paramount commercials, theres been nothing.

i'm watching some tv right now and twice, twice ive seen some new HD DVD commercial. it promotes Shrek 3 and HD DVD and its features.

why did they decide to release this just now? i was a fanboy but theyve lost and need to give up.


ROFLMAO @ the people defending the poor helpless best buy retailer for kicking out a customer because he tried to interject and give a reasoned opinion.

It's well within the manager's right to kick anyone out, I suppose, but it's also my right to inform customers of a dead format that they'd also be wasting their money on.

And who is to say that the person cost the store $2-300? What if she purchased a blu-ray player instead?

It's not like he told her, "Hey, don't buy ANY HD product, you're wasting your money", he just did the right thing and told her to buy blu.

I'm sorry but there are a lot of ignorant consumers out there and Toshiba still continues to let this thing drag on, he did this poor woman a service by informing her that HD-DVD was dead. Not everyone is an internet geek that keeps up with how badly HD-DVD is dying. For all we know she could have seen HD-DVD's "aggressive" TV ad campaign that is out right now and decided to pick one up, unknowing that the format is decided by Warner going exclusive
Snah said:
ROFLMAO @ the people defending the poor helpless best buy retailer for kicking out a customer because he tried to interject and give a reasoned opinion.

It's well within the manager's right to kick anyone out, I suppose, but it's also my right to inform customers of a dead format that they'd also be wasting their money on.

And who is to say that the person cost the store $2-300? What if she purchased a blu-ray player instead?

It's not like he told her, "Hey, don't buy ANY HD product, you're wasting your money", he just did the right thing and told her to buy blu.

I'm sorry but there are a lot of ignorant consumers out there and Toshiba still continues to let this thing drag on, he did this poor woman a service by informing her that HD-DVD was dead. Not everyone is an internet geek that keeps up with how badly HD-DVD is dying. For all we know she could have seen HD-DVD's "aggressive" TV ad campaign that is out right now and decided to pick one up, unknowing that the format is decided by Warner going exclusive

What happened to the informed consumer? What kind of person doesnt research before making a significant purchase? This wasnt a candy bar or a bottle of soft drink this was several hundred dollars. Having said that I have informed customers about not buying over priced HDMI cables or surge protectors. I have and will continue to interject when something is an outright lie or cheat but this was neither really.


favouriteflavour said:
What happened to the informed consumer? What kind of person doesnt research before making a significant purchase? This wasnt a candy bar or a bottle of soft drink this was several hundred dollars. Having said that I have informed customers about not buying over priced HDMI cables or surge protectors. I have and will continue to interject when something is an outright lie or cheat but this was neither really.

What does this even have to do with the argument? I'm all for making informed decisions, but not everyone is informed. If someone is clearly uninformed, then I will take it upon myself to inform them instead of being an asshole.

Was this a "lie" or a "cheat" uhh, probably to a certain extent. The best buy retailer probably didn't say a word about how dead HD-DVD is now or else she wouldn't have purchased it.
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