SlaughterX said:
I think most HD-DVD owners would eb a lot more pissed if Toshiba had just said fuck it and stopped making the things, that would be bad business and ruin their future reputation.
So let me get this straight. It's better for Toshiba to
-String along the tiny number of HD-DVD adopters and even sucker in new consumers into a format that will be like the dodo come this Christmas.
-Irritate the rest of the CE industry by continuing with futile resistance
-Irritate the vast majority of Hollywood by continuing with futile resistance
-Irritate retail by continuing with futile resistance
All of this plus the lame upconversion attempts constitute a roadblock to the launch of a new robust revenue stream for CE, Hollywood and retail.
Toshiba is the kid in the playground who doesn't want to play with everyone else.
Toshiba's name and reputation is being savaged in the media. The more they continue their resistance the less likely their corporate partner's would be willing to work with them on future technologies in this field.
You really think they should continue with this just to earn the respect of the remaining HD-DVD holdouts, who let's be honest, are the Sony-hatin or totally delusional crew?
You really think that?
I have better ways of wasting my time than talking to someone who tries to label me a fanboy for not thinking in the same fucked up way as them.
VanMardigan said:
No, they didn't. You recall incorrectly.
Read down, I owned myself :lol