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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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SlaughterX said:
What the hell are you talking about? There are people chosing to buy an HD-DVD player every day, just because they're not the majority doesn't mean that they're wrong and that everyone should chose Blu-Ray...

The problem is are the few people still buying hd-dvd players just confused consumers that don't know better?


Ignatz Mouse said:
It was nicer here when the fanboys stopped posting and we could just talk about HD in general....
I really wish the mods would start bringing down the banhammer (on Nicodimas and SlaughterX to start). It's so fucking annoying.


SlaughterX said:
What the hell are you talking about? There are people chosing to buy an HD-DVD player every day, just because they're not the majority doesn't mean that they're wrong and that everyone should chose Blu-Ray...


If they're not part of the solution, they're part of the problem....
BoboBrazil said:
The problem is are the few people still buying hd-dvd players just confused consumers that don't know better?

Believe that if you want. I sold 2 to a customer yesterday who was fully aware of the WB annoucement. Is it that hard to believe that people would spend $100 on a nice (HD)DVD player that comes with 7 free movies? I know it's a hard chose for some of you when compared to the $500 alternative...

Also please explain exactly how I'm a fanboy?


SlaughterX said:
What the hell are you talking about? There are people chosing to buy an HD-DVD player every day, just because they're not the majority doesn't mean that they're wrong and that everyone should chose Blu-Ray...

Are you Nicodimas second account? You can't be serious with this bullshit. Anyone logical enough knew from the beginning that two disc formats competing each other is not a viable solution and that for HD to become mainstream someone must eventually give up. Consumers worldwidely chose Bluray by a big margin so why don't some of you get it through your thick head that fortunately this format war is now finished and that it's good for the industry?

Geez we're having the same argument in every page.
Costanza said:
I really wish the mods would start bringing down the banhammer (on Nicodimas and SlaughterX to start). It's so fucking annoying.

Lol, and what reason would they have to ban me? Just because I don't agree with what some of the people here say? Lol, communism FTW!

My arguement isn't about who should win the format war, it's about some of the replies I've seen in this thread which are obviously more fanboyish than anything I've ever said on this forum (lol @ anyone calling me an HD-DVD fanboy when I also own a BR player and about 37 BR discs).


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
SlaughterX said:
Believe that if you want. I sold 2 to a customer yesterday who was fully aware of the WB annoucement. Is it that hard to believe that people would spend $100 on a nice (HD)DVD player that comes with 7 free movies? I know it's a hard chose for some of you when compared to the $500 alternative...

Also please explain exactly how I'm a fanboy?

Wow, Blu-ray players are $500 now
Damn them for increasing the price..

Good thing I bought my Dad a PS3 for Christmas for 399 that plays blu-ray movies, before they increased the price.
I almost bought him that $300 blu-ray player from Amazon.. but I figured he would play some of the games too. I had no idea they raised that one to 500 too!

If $ony keeps this up, blue-ray is gonna lose!
The cheapest stand alone player we sell is $500. Many people (mostly older folks) will not buy a gaming system to play movies on because they tend to look down on games for some reason. NVM, just remembered the Sony BDPS300 is $400, but I personally wouldn't buy one since it doesn't support any type of HD audio...

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
SlaughterX said:
Believe that if you want. I sold 2 to a customer yesterday who was fully aware of the WB annoucement. Is it that hard to believe that people would spend $100 on a nice (HD)DVD player that comes with 7 free movies? I know it's a hard chose for some of you when compared to the $500 alternative...

Also please explain exactly how I'm a fanboy?

Just leave them to their circle jerk. I swear I'll never understand the winning and whining mentality or I should say won and still whining mentality of alot of Blu-ray supporters.

How are things any better for them or HDM in general now that Blu-ray has won? Have SA prices come down? Are Blu-ray players flying out the stores? Where is Batman, Matrix and all the titles that they were waiting for? Have they even been announced? That goes without mentioning Universal and Paramount.

To each his own I suppose...
How are you *not* a fanboy?

- Bitterness, check
- adoration of a faceless corporation, check
- distorted view of reality, check
- rationalizations, check

I'm not saying that spending $100 for a player and movies is worng-- heck, think of it as an expensive rental if you must-- but you've got a hate on here for anybody who wants this to be a one-format situation jsut like, you know, DVD, VHS. One format makes sense for video.

And I don't think it's wrong to dissuade people from the format if they don't know what's going on. People buying lame-duck HD-DVD at this point can hard the whole HD adoption.


nods at old men
Days like these... said:
How are things any better for them or HDM in general now that Blu-ray has won? Have SA prices come down? Are Blu-ray players flying out the stores? Where is Batman, Matrix and all the titles that they were waiting for? Have they even been announced? That goes without mentioning Universal and Paramount.
Yes, SA prices have been coming down.
Yes, there has been a jump in BD players sold.
Yes Batman, Matrix, etc were all being prepped by Warner for BD. They've said so.
dallow_bg said:
Yes, SA prices have been coming down.
Yes, there has been a jump in BD players sold.
Yes Batman, Matrix, etc were all being prepped by Warner for BD. They've said so.

Shhh, you'll disturb his self-rigtheous smugness. It's all he has left.
dallow_bg said:
Yes, SA prices have been coming down.
Yes, there has been a jump in BD players sold.
Yes Batman, Matrix, etc were all being prepped by Warner for BD. They've said so.
not forgetting that this makes it a lot easier for smaller companies to start putting out films in high def. as a big horror fan, it's companies like Tartan that mean a lot to me, and while bigger companies can afford to either support both, or take the financial risk of supporting just one, now that's all gone. we'll see more independant/smaller/foreign stuff on Blu-Ray as a result of this.

all the fence sitters gone.

it isn't going to make Fox put out Alien, as much as i might want that, but it might get The Weinstein Company to put out FUCKING SOMETHING.


Oh, and before I forget: I'm lending my PS3 to my friend tomorrow since she really wants to watch Blu-Ray stuff. Are there any female-audience oriented titles in particular (good transfers of course) that I should pick up to impress her? :D
Lol, looks like you just summed up most of the BR supporters here in a single post. What am I bitter about? I am just annoyed at all the people here acting like a good deal on a HD-DVD player is the worst thing in the world. If they're not worried about it then why make such negative replies, just ignore it and there is no harm done to you or you precious BR players and movies.

What makes you think I adore Toshiba? Other than the fact that I've owned a well built DVD player that has lasted me for well over 5 years, they are no different than any other electronics company out there. Distored view of reality... huh? Last time I checked people were buying HD-DVD players, does that someone mean that I think it's going to turn the game around for Toshiba and somehow win them the war? No, but I don't call people stupid and act all butt hurt when someone mentions it.

Rationalizations? I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I was supposed to be irrationalizational. I didn't chose a side in this format war, I chose both thanks to the fact that I got a good deal on a Japanese PS3 a year ago, and many good deals on various HD-DVD players that pretty much paid for themselves in movies that I wanted and would have bought anyway. The true indication of fanboyism is trying to tell other people the choices that they made were/are wrong, and acting like a very similar format is vastly superior to the other. For people who say they don't care you all sure do cry a lot about nothing.


SRG01 said:
Oh, and before I forget: I'm lending my PS3 to my friend tomorrow since she really wants to watch Blu-Ray stuff. Are there any female-audience oriented titles in particular (good transfers of course) that I should pick up to impress her? :D

:lol I had this happen to me this week. That and I need to finish some work so I agreed.

I'd recommend Disney titles.


avaya said:
:lol I had this happen to me this week. That and I need to finish some work so I agreed.

I'd recommend Disney titles.

Hmm. I'll probably pick up Ratatoulle and some other ones then!
Costanza said:
I really wish the mods would start bringing down the banhammer (on Nicodimas and SlaughterX to start). It's so fucking annoying.

As much as I hate to be the advocate, until Hoshiba packs it in everyone has the right to their fanaticism...
SlaughterX said:
So what, they run a business and it is their job to sell these things. I for one am glad that they are still trying instead of jsut throwing in the towel like say Sega did in the last days of the Dreamcast. Even in failure those are redeeming qualities for a company...

Nope, not a fanboy.


shidoshi said:
HD-DVD camp just issued a press release, stating that it is still too early in the race, and that CNN was out of line for making that projection. HD-DVD is still polling well in Ohio and North Dakota, and the reason so many states are blue at this point has to do with HD-DVD not putting its focus on those states. HD-DVD has been spending all of its time in California and New York, so it is confident that once those states have their say, things will be a much different story.
:lol Absolutely brilliant.
SRG01 said:
Oh, and before I forget: I'm lending my PS3 to my friend tomorrow since she really wants to watch Blu-Ray stuff. Are there any female-audience oriented titles in particular (good transfers of course) that I should pick up to impress her? :D
i'd reccommend Pan's Labyrinth. if she doesn't like it, she isn't worth trying to impress.
You clearly feel Toshiba is an admirable company. You have praised them quite a bit.

I call anybody who praises a company-- especially one engaged in as much muddying of the waters right now-- a fanboy.

Just look at the old saw about attach rates they just put out today. I'm not saying any other company wouldn't be doing the same, but for some reason you glorify them.

If you weren't a fanbot, you wouldn't be advocating a format with a marginal future (if any) without being upfront about the caveats and tradeoffs of doing so. Hence, fanboy.

And the bitterness-- I don't think anybody who uses the term "circle jerk" is not is some way feelign hurt.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
dallow_bg said:
Yes, SA prices have been coming down.
Yes, there has been a jump in BD players sold.
Yes Batman, Matrix, etc were all being prepped by Warner for BD. They've said so.

Batman and Matrix have been officially anounced? Oh and by the by if you can tell me where I can get decent player (not clearanced profile 1.0) for under $400 and I'll bite. I'm not gonna cut off my nose to spite my face. lulz


djkimothy said:
Check out the blu-ray review list at highdef digest. I'm sure some films will suit her taste. Like Stranger than fiction?

That movie made me cry, so I'm not sure whether I should watch that with her. :lol

plagiarize said:
i'd reccommend Pan's Labyrinth. if she doesn't like it, she isn't worth trying to impress.

Hmm good choice!

*writes these down*
Lol, so I am a fanboy for respecting Toshiba for not throwing in the towel once WB made their exclusive annoucement like you and many other BR advocates would have liked them to? I think most HD-DVD owners would eb a lot more pissed if Toshiba had just said fuck it and stopped making the things, that would be bad business and ruin their future reputation. I've already acknowledged the cons of buying into HD-DVD, but those are far outweighed by the fact that you can find a player for the price of a decent upconverting DVD player that also plays actual HD movies and comes with a decent amount of free movies on top of that, not to mention that fact that when it finally does happen you'll still be able to pick up a bunch of HD movies (that by the way look just as good as their Blu counterparts) for cheap.

You know what, I think I'm done replying to anything you have to say, I have better ways of wasting my time than talking to someone who tries to label me a fanboy for not thinking in the same fucked up way as them.


SRG01 said:
That movie made me cry, so I'm not sure whether I should watch that with her. :lol

Hmm good choice!

*writes these down*

Man up soldier. :lol

Also, skimming through the list, there's also Pearl Harbour, Phantom of the Opera, Big Fish, Dream Girls, Failure to Launch.... Kind of a stereotypical selection but whatever.
People always forget...

Golden compass specs revealed.


Shared across both versions will be an audio commentary with Weitz, eleven making-of featurettes, multiple still galleries, and the film's original theatrical teaser and full trailers.

Exclusive to the Blu-ray will be a picture-in-picture "Enhanced Visual Commentary" featuring Weitz and other cast and crew. (There's no confirmation yet from the studio as to whether the PIP track will be Profile 1.1-enabled, but we'll keep you posted.)
Tech specs boast 1080p video, English DTS-HD Lossless Master Audio 7.1 Surround and Dolby Digital-Plus Surround EX audio tracks, and subtitle options in English and Spanish.

A reversal of sorts?


SlaughterX said:
I think most HD-DVD owners would eb a lot more pissed if Toshiba had just said fuck it and stopped making the things, that would be bad business and ruin their future reputation.

So let me get this straight. It's better for Toshiba to

-String along the tiny number of HD-DVD adopters and even sucker in new consumers into a format that will be like the dodo come this Christmas.
-Irritate the rest of the CE industry by continuing with futile resistance
-Irritate the vast majority of Hollywood by continuing with futile resistance
-Irritate retail by continuing with futile resistance

All of this plus the lame upconversion attempts constitute a roadblock to the launch of a new robust revenue stream for CE, Hollywood and retail.

Toshiba is the kid in the playground who doesn't want to play with everyone else.

Toshiba's name and reputation is being savaged in the media. The more they continue their resistance the less likely their corporate partner's would be willing to work with them on future technologies in this field.

You really think they should continue with this just to earn the “respect” of the remaining HD-DVD holdouts, who let's be honest, are the Sony-hatin’ or totally delusional crew?

You really think that?

I have better ways of wasting my time than talking to someone who tries to label me a fanboy for not thinking in the same fucked up way as them.


VanMardigan said:
No, they didn't. You recall incorrectly.

Read down, I owned myself :lol
SlaughterX said:
Lol, so I am a fanboy for respecting Toshiba for not throwing in the towel once WB made their exclusive annoucement like you and many other BR advocates would have liked them to? I think most HD-DVD owners would eb a lot more pissed if Toshiba had just said fuck it and stopped making the things, that would be bad business and ruin their future reputation.

They are going to throw the towel eventually, they'll just end up pissing off even more people when that happens.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
SRG01 said:
That movie made me cry, so I'm not sure whether I should watch that with her. :lol
FWIW, Stranger than Fiction was recommended to me by several women, so you may just have to suck it up since it seems like a good choice. ;)

There's always the POTC movies as general crowd-pleasers - action for the guys, Depp and Bloom for the ladies.

I doubt you could go wrong with Planet Earth...
SlaughterX said:
The cheapest stand alone player we sell is $500. Many people (mostly older folks) will not buy a gaming system to play movies on because they tend to look down on games for some reason. NVM, just remembered the Sony BDPS300 is $400, but I personally wouldn't buy one since it doesn't support any type of HD audio...
On Amazon the Panasonic DMP-BD50 (The only standalone people should be buying) which supports BD-J 1.1 and HD audio bitstreaming as well as internal TrueHD decoding is $417.


As generous as that is from Sony, I doubt you'll ever see it in the US, the number of HD-DVD players that have been sold it would be far too expensive.

Germany and other places round Europe wouldn't be that expensive, HD-DVD never really took off out side of the US.


nods at old men
Days like these... said:
Batman and Matrix have been officially anounced? Oh and by the by if you can tell me where I can get decent player (not clearanced profile 1.0) for under $400 and I'll bite. I'm not gonna cut off my nose to spite my face. lulz
You want me to tell you which Profile 1.1 standalones have dropped in price when there's only 1 out there at the moment???

Like someone mentioned.
The Panny BD50 1.1 player is $417.

Sell one of your HD DVDs and presto, you have enough now.
plagiarize said:
not this again.

consumers had every chance to choose hd-dvd.

they didn't.

we can talk about the reasons they didn't be driven by studio support or whatever, but the fact is, blu-ray sales were better for a year. so studios and businesses acted accordingly.

toshiba did a good job staying in the game as long as they did, but know the only thing they're in is denial.

Did they... did they really? Or did Warner choose for them?
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