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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Ignatz Mouse said:
nico post further up the page (or back one page depending on how many posts/page you have set).

Said "insiders" were saying Uni signed up for another year of hd-dvd

Link provided no such detail

Hasn't cited a source

And hasn't specified that it's exclusive, or just delivering HD-DVD titles.

In other words, no substance.

I see, thanks. Penton's last comment on the situation was "Be patient". His integrity so far has been impeccable so let's see. Others are NDA'ed.

krypt0nian said:


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Stinkles said:
Did they touch up the special effects in Blade Runner? I am not seeing any matte lines around the models - it looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than I remember.
Yes, but they only did cleanup of visible wires and some minor stuff like that. No scenes were re-shot or recreated in CG, other than scene with running through the glass, which has a real actress' face and hair overlay using CG. In the old versions of the movie you could much too obviously see stunt's face, and her hair looked very wrong.

It looks way better than I remember it too, but that's mostly because DVD release of this movie was simply atrociously bad looking (and the same goes for all the TV showings I've seen).


Cosmic Bus said:
Warner is/was giving all of the Dirty Harry movies 4K restorations, so these should look stunning.

oh shit yes! They better not fuck this up.

Chief: Have you been following that man?
Harry Callahan: Yeah, I've been following him on my own time. And anybody can tell I didn't do that to him.
Chief: How?
Harry Callahan: Cause he looks too damn good, that's how!



DarkJediKnight said:
Dirty Harry is A Funny Woman?

Usa playing with fire, friendo. What if Harry heard you?

AFW = Patented abbreviation dreamt up by the brilliant Dr. Kittowny, means Awesome Fucking Wowsome


Post Count: 9999
VanMardigan said:
That's a red herring you're using to justify not getting a player that in the end would be of more use to you than most of the niche equipment you buy.

It isn’t a red herring at all ... its a simple cost analysis. If I thought the 'war' was going to continue for years, and there were a number of titles I wanted on HD DVD, I'd buy a player.

As far as niche equipment, I'm not sure why you think I have a lot of that? I don't actually have an LD player; was simply citing it as an example.

If you are half the AV phile you claim to be, you have a 1080p tv capable of properly deinterlacing,

That is simply a bunk statement for two reasons. A/V-philes may tend to be early adopters, but that doesn’t mean they have unlimited funds. If someone purchased a 1080p TV relatively early on, it is quite likely it does not properly handle 1080i deinterlacing. This is especially true since there wasn’t an automatic correlation between the TV’s that had the better overall IQ, and having proper 1080i deinterlacing.

Secondly, assuming an A/V-phile would even want to defer deinterlacing duties to their TV is just kind of weird. Since the availability of quality film-based HD broadcasts are VERY dependant on ones location, the reality is that most movie buffs are using an HD player for most serious watching.

As for me, my set actually does deinterlace 1080i video-based material properly. I does not however properly perform inverse-telecine.

and you won't be using the HD DVD player to upscale dvds either, since you'll already have a player for that, or else your Ps3 can handle that job.

This again, is a problematic assumption. Being an A/V-phile does not automatically assume indiscriminant spending. Many people look to consolidate playback if it does not seriously compromise quality. Why get a separate DVD-A and SACD player if you can get a universal?

In my case, I have (when it finally shows up) quality scaling/deinterlacing handled through my pre/pro … so this is moot.

What I’m wondering is why you even brought this up? Do you think the reason I would get an X-A2 over the other models is for DVD upconversion? If that is what you think, you may want to do a little bit more research on the differences between the Toshiba models.

At $120, you get an A3, let your tv handle the deinterlacing, and run HDMI out to your receiver for lossless sound. You get access to the dozens of HD DVD exclusive movies at great prices (or free if you rent)

How is renting free? :p

As for the A3 … it would NOT fit what I need. No 1080p60 output, let alone 1080p24. It also doesn’t output bitstream audio iirc.

and wait for HD DVD to completely fold and for those movies to appear on Blu Ray. imo, that's more bang for your buck. Remember, that even if Uni flips tomorrow, there will still be a delay in getting the titles out on Blu, not to mention the smaller titles like Mystery Men or Big Lebowski etc.

And as I’ve been saying … I’d need to get an X-A2, which I really don’t fell like purchasing at this point.


VanMardigan said:
Did you sell your HD DVD player? If not, pick up that movie ASAP. The transfer is very sharp, and the HDi extras are some of the best on the format, something that import can't touch. It's on sale at Amazon right now.
Really? At 6.88 pounds, it sounds like a steal, I'll definitely pick it up then.


Is the UK disk the same as the French import? HDD didn't exactly give it a glowing review.

I actually just ordered Terminator 2 from BlahDvd for 8.9 pounds. Those are great great deals.

No, I don't intend on ever selling my HD-D2, well unless I can pick up a combo player at some point. In fact, I might pick up another player in the coming months as a back-up, and collect on the 5 five free... I heard the offer ends on 02/28 or so though. At the low player prices, I have a feeling they may not renew the offer, and discontinue it completely, as at present it's basically a free player with the value of the included movies.


Post Count: 9999
VanMardigan said:
I don't care for PCM either if there's a TrueHD track, but I remember how a lot of BD folks on the HDD forums used to whine if they didn't get PCM because they felt the TrueHD track was inferior and was only used because HD DVD didn't have enough room. There's a lot of rabid PCM BD folks who felt that they weren't getting lossless if the track wasn't PCM.

Then they are fools if they are generalizing this. That said, lossless isn't always the same ... you have to look at the specs for the encode.

There are examples where the TrueHD encode was inferior to the PCM ... and vice-versa.


Cosmic Bus said:
Wizard of Oz will be incredible to see...

TNT HD broadcast it for the first time in high def in December. I caught it and it was fascinating.

It almost looked too detailed - like you're watching a live action play. I can imagine the 1080p BRD version is going to look incredible.


FFObsessed said:
Q2 - Dirty Harry: Ultimate Collector's Edition Box Set

Q3 - Batman Begins: Limited Collector's Edition Box Set
- The Dark Knight

Hell motherfucking yeaaaaaaaaah!

(Still need Matrix and V for Vendetta tho.)

Hunt updated the article after speaking with Warner reps yesterday.

Dirty Harry is DVD & Blu-ray only

Matrix, Mutiny on the Bounty, Forbidden Planet, Casablanca, Excalibur, The Adventures of Robin Hood, Grand Prix & V for Vendetta apparently coming, but unannounced. The Adventures of Robin Hood is supposed to be the first.

And Clash of the Titans (yes!)


Gold Member
Jim said:
Hunt updated the article after speaking with Warner reps yesterday.

Dirty Harry is DVD & Blu-ray only

Matrix, Mutiny on the Bounty, Forbidden Planet, Casablanca, Excalibur, The Adventures of Robin Hood, Grand Prix & V for Vendetta apparently coming, but unannounced. The Adventures of Robin Hood is supposed to be the first.

And Clash of the Titans (yes!)

Everyone here who does not buy Forbidden Planet the DAY it is released on BRD (if you don't already have the HDDVD) deserves to have their BRD privilege taken away and forced to watch VHS for the rest of their life.

That is the one disc I will not give up my HDDVD player for until it's on BRD (Apollo 13 too, but Forbidden Planet is FORBIDDEN PLANET).

There would be NO Star Trek, BSG, B5, or Modern SciFi if it wasn't for that movie.


^^ thanx Jim i just checked the article now:

All five Dirty Harry films will also be available in Blu-ray disc (but not HD-DVD - this corrects an error in our original Tuesday post). The Batman Begins: Ultimate Collector's Edition will be released in Blu-ray this year, and it will have everything that was on the HD-DVD release and possibly more. Warner is at work on bringing the rest of the Batman live-action films (from their previous Batman Anthology on DVD) to Blu-ray, but that might take longer

For example, those of you who have been upset about the fact that certain key classic (and newer catalog) titles were released on HD-DVD, but still haven't been released on Blu-ray, needn't worry. They're ALL coming to Blu-ray in the months ahead. Think Mutiny on the Bounty, Forbidden Planet, Casablanca, Excalibur, The Adventures of Robin Hood, Grand Prix, V for Vendetta. Yes, all of The Matrix films are coming. The first of these previously HD-DVD exclusive titles hat you're likely to see on Blu-ray very soon is The Adventures of Robin Hood, a title for which the Blu-ray "disc image" is already complete.

Speaking of audio, Warner has heard your cries, and they will start releasing all high definition titles with lossless audio. Obviously, the switch to Blu-ray exclusivity makes this move easier, as the format has much more storage and bandwidth.


Harry Callahan to HD-DVD:
You're out of bullets. And you know what that means... you're shit outta luck.

Oni Jazar

Sweet news:

It's Warner's goal (by mid to late summer) that going forward, EVERY TIME they issue a new catalog special edition on standard DVD, the title will also available day-and-date on Blu-ray Disc as well. George wanted to stress Warner's absolute commitment to Blu-ray, not just on the new release front but with catalog material too. They don't want situations where people have to wonder, "Should I buy the DVD now or should I wait for a Blu-ray version?" of a classic title. They intend for that choice to be available day-and-date with every new restoration/special edition release they do. Warner doesn't want there to BE a wait.

Jim said:
Oh, it'll look absolutely ridiculous. But I can't wait.

Great great movie, and it makes me cringe every time they talk of a remake.
I seriously had the biggest crush on the princess for my entire preteen and teenage year :lol


OokieSpookie said:
Great great movie, and it makes me cringe every time they talk of a remake.
I seriously had the biggest crush on the princess for my entire preteen and teenage year :lol
Damn, son...how fast did you grow?
VanMardigan said:
What movie is CoTt?
Clash of the Titans


Gold Member
Oni Jazar said:

That makes since as ever since the 2002/2003/2004 two-disc Warner SEs they have been trying to do new 2k masters for the catalog titles (Not ALL got them, but the majority did). Going forward from Blade Runner it looks like the big ones will be getting 4x masters as with the case of the Dirty Harry set. I'd imagine the 90's Batman movies will too, thus the long wait they're hinting at.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Does anyone know when Sin City will be released on Blu-ray? I just bought LOST on blu-ray and there was a preview of Sin City on the first disc.
neojubei said:
Does anyone know when Sin City will be released on Blu-ray? I just bought LOST on blu-ray and there was a preview of Sin City on the first disc.

Its been advertised on BD films for over a year now. I wouldn't expect to see it on BD until they begin promoting Sin City 2.


Heat needs a new 1080p transfer, but director Michael Mann has agreed to supervise one,


People have the expectation of perfection right now - perfect images are what's selling high-definition. Clash of the Titans

My favorite as a kid! Well that and Secret of Nymn.

My brotherhood of the wolf arrived (Hd-dvd) and am watching it.

a) Studio Canals intro is awesome. Best one I have scene.
B) Movie is phenomnal. Subbed mind you.


Gold Member
Valkyr Junkie said:
Its been advertised on BD films for over a year now. I wouldn't expect to see it on BD until they begin promoting Sin City 2.

Why? Sin City 2 isn't being done by Disney; it's the Weinsteins. I doubt very much Disney would want to promote a movie by a different studio.
picked up a PS3 last night and connected it with my PS2 component cables. When I watch Casino Royale, the PS3 does a resolution switch, and reverts to a lower res despite me setting 1080P in the settings. Reading the PS website I am told that bluray movies with copy protection will not display in 1080P unless I use a HDMI cable. If this is the case it sucks. Please tell me I am just doing something wrong and that I can indeed watch my blurays in 1080P with just component cables.
favouriteflavour said:
picked up a PS3 last night and connected it with my PS2 component cables. When I watch Casino Royale, the PS3 does a resolution switch, and reverts to a lower res despite me setting 1080P in the settings. Reading the PS website I am told that bluray movies with copy protection will not display in 1080P unless I use a HDMI cable. If this is the case it sucks. Please tell me I am just doing something wrong and that I can indeed watch my blurays in 1080P with just component cables.

There have been no releases yet which use that protection on it, your information sources are flawed.
You are doing something wrong.
Will edit with possible solutions when I get out of work.
favouriteflavour said:
picked up a PS3 last night and connected it with my PS2 component cables. When I watch Casino Royale, the PS3 does a resolution switch, and reverts to a lower res despite me setting 1080P in the settings. Reading the PS website I am told that bluray movies with copy protection will not display in 1080P unless I use a HDMI cable. If this is the case it sucks. Please tell me I am just doing something wrong and that I can indeed watch my blurays in 1080P with just component cables.

Does your tv even accept 1080p through component? Most TVs don't. Looks like it's monoprice.com to the rescue with it's $5 HDMI cables!
OokieSpookie said:
There have been no releases yet which use that protection on it, your information sources are flawed.
You are doing something wrong.
Will edit with possible solutions when I get out of work.

I set the PS3 to display in 1080P in the home page, What other setting is there. I am on firmware 2.1 also so its not a scaling issue. Homer Simpson man my TV does support 1080P over componenet. Its doing it for everything but watching the blurays. I actually just went and bought a one of these at lunch http://www.htmarket.com/auhdhdca.html . Hopefully that will resolve any issues I have.
favouriteflavour said:
I set the PS3 to display in 1080P in the home page, What other setting is there. I am on firmware 2.1 also so its not a scaling issue. Homer Simpson man my TV does support 1080P over componenet. Its doing it for everything but watching the blurays. I actually just went and bought a one of these at lunch http://www.htmarket.com/auhdhdca.html . Hopefully that will resolve any issues I have.

Wait, wait, wait! You bought a HDMI cable, good, but please tell me you didn't buy one for $95?!
HomerSimpson-Man said:
Wait, wait, wait! You bought a HDMI cable, good, but please tell me you didn't buy one for $95?!

Don't worry I paid 95 AUD, like 80 bucks US :)
I'm one of those nuts that believes in cable quality. I have paid more than this for RCA's on my stereo, so tis is actually not bad. Plus Monoprice doesnt ship to Australia.


Post Count: 9999
Nicodimas said:
My favorite as a kid! Well that and Secret of Nymn.

OMG 0_o I'd love for that to come out.

An interesting anecdote from my past ... the band I was in a decade ago, was named nimh :)

How awesome would it be if Henson's 'Fantasy Film Collection' (Labyrinth / MirrorMask / The Dark Crystal) also gets the HD treatment!?!?

Some other dark/surreal titles I'd like to see ...

City of Lost Children
Dark City


Clothed, sober, cooperative
HomerSimpson-Man said:
Wait, wait, wait! You bought a HDMI cable, good, but please tell me you didn't buy one for $95?!

You guys are always telling people to get $5 monoprice cables. And you claim to be videophiles. These expensive cables have dielectric metal hydride woven shielding. This allows the data to surf smoothly from the player to the TV without picking up noise thetans. Resulting in a much better picture with more resolutions attached.


Post Count: 9999
OokieSpookie said:
There have been no releases yet which use that protection on it, your information sources are flawed.
You are doing something wrong.
Will edit with possible solutions when I get out of work.

Actually, you're wrong.

By default, AACS (on both BD and HD DVD) makes 1080i/720p the maximum non-protected (ie. analog) output resolution.

You are thinking about either the 'image constraint token', which down rez's analog output to 540p, or the 'digital only token', which blocks all analog output ... neither of which have been used to this point. I don't expect digital-only to ever get used ... ICT, it will be interesting to see if they actually follow through on the 'sunset date'.
Stinkles said:
You guys are always telling people to get $5 monoprice cables. And you claim to be videophiles. These expensive cables have dielectric metal hydride woven shielding. This allows the data to surf smoothly from the player to the TV without picking up noise thetans. Resulting in a much better picture with more resolutions attached.

Nah, for one dollar more you can get your cables Tom Cruise thetan certified


Post Count: 9999
Stinkles said:
You guys are always telling people to get $5 monoprice cables. And you claim to be videophiles. These expensive cables have dielectric metal hydride woven shielding. This allows the data to surf smoothly from the player to the TV without picking up noise thetans. Resulting in a much better picture with more resolutions attached.

Onix said:
Actually, you're wrong.

By default, AACS (on BD and HD DVD) makes 1080i/720p the maximum non-secure output resolution.

You are thinking about either the 'image constraint token, which down rez's analog output to 540p, or the 'digital only token', which blocks all analog output ... neither of which have been used.

Ah gomen, you are correct I was thinking of the Image constraint.
Wait so it is lowering its res on me over component right?

Wait I take it you people dont believe in the merits of quality speaker cable or RCA's either? The clarity I get from my QED cables is incredible compared to the old monster cables I had. Please note that I never bought the monster cables, those were a hand me down.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
favouriteflavour said:
Wait so it is lowering its res on me over component right?

Wait I take it you people dont believe in the merits of quality speaker cable or RCA's either? The clarity I get from my QED cables is incredible compared to the old monster cables I had. Please note that I never bought the monster cables, those were a hand me down.

Digital cables (HDMI, DVI) either work or they don't. On longer shitty cables, "sparkling" is possible, but it's so immediately noticeable, you effectively have a busted cable at that point. But a six foot HDMI cable for $5 will do precisely the same thing as a $100 cable.

For analog cables, carrying analog signals, yes, quality is important. But other things are way more important. For example, buying a $100 speaker cable for a $500 speaker is probably dumb.
favouriteflavour said:
Wait I take it you people dont believe in the merits of quality speaker cable or RCA's either? The clarity I get from my QED cables is incredible compared to the old monster cables I had. Please note that I never bought the monster cables, those were a hand me down.
Digital vs analog. Would you buy a new keyboard cable so your keyboard inputs don't lose quality on the way to a computer?


Post Count: 9999
favouriteflavour said:
Wait so it is lowering its res on me over component right?

AACS prevents 1080p output from non-secure connections. HDMI is the only one that supports proper AACS encryption.

Wait I take it you people dont believe in the merits of quality speaker cable or RCA's either? The clarity I get from my QED cables is incredible compared to the old monster cables I had. Please note that I never bought the monster cables, those were a hand me down.

There is a difference between analog and digital cables (within reason of course).
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