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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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It doesn't really matter if they sell out this week or in six months. I'm sure that at these prices, Toshiba isn't making any more-- and one way or another, they'll get liquidated. The only thing that could possibly make a difference was if sales were to spike dramatically, consistently. That's a total pipe dream.

Based on information provided by various sources, the following HD DVD titles from Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures will be released in the United Kingdom soon... details are still subject to changes.

* We Own The Night (Universal) - April 7, 2008
* The Kite Runner (Paramount) - April 28, 2008
* Tomb Raider II - Cradle of Life (Paramount) - May 12, 2008
* Cloverfield (Paramount) - May 26, 2008
* Zoolander (Paramount) - July 21, 2008

There's the possibility of these HD DVD titles being announced for release in other countries soon. Do stay tuned...

Cloverfield and Zoolander in HD? Awesome.
Oni Jazar said:
Weekly Numbers:

Week: 74:26
YTD: 76:24
SI: 65:35

Week ending February 3, 2008

3:10 to Yuma 100.00
Planet Earth 95.72
PotC At World's End 95.68
Saw IV 88.39
Transformers 88.24
300 87.09
Bourne Supremacy 84.00
Game Plan 83.90
Invasion 76.78
Ratatouille 69.25

Interesting analysis from Grubert of AVS & Blu-ray forums. Based on external reports and ratios, he was able to get a rough calculation of sales volumes for Jan 08 & Jan 07: (in thousands)

Week     BD    HD DVD
01/06   301     162
01/13   322      57
01/20   200      41
01/27   177      39
02/03   147      52

Week        BD     HD DVD
1/7/07    44,779   25,943
1/14/07   45,754   21,362
1/21/07   53,050   25,233
1/28/07   47,803   21,634
2/4/07    45,723   20,535

Blu-ray has already sold 1Million BD titles in one month.

All those HD DVD titles in double digits were BOGO at Best Buy. Shows how much pull B&M store has.


kaching said:
Cloverfield has got to be simulated home video footage, I'm sure it would look fine in HD.

Someone posted HD mov files in the Cloverfield thread. It should be close to what we would be getting in HD.
Didn't WalMart stop selling HD DVD movies? I saw a guy last Sunday rolling out of Sam's Club with a new HDTV and a new A3, but browsing the movie section, I saw nothing but Blu-Ray movies, so I thought they had quit selling them.

Even if this mythical "Joe Six Pack" is just buying on price, you'd think that if he took a few moments to browse the movie section, he'd notice the disparity (or in this case, the lack of) movies for that format.


Post Count: 9999
favouriteflavour said:
Thanks onix, love your work.

No problem.


Cinema Conversion - 'Automatic'

Use that unless you watch a lot of TV shows, music videos, etc., or you have a DVD that is wrongly flagged (which can be quite a few) and you see scrolling text 'break up'. Sometimes the Automatic setting gets confused with mixed content. Setting it to Video forces it to Video (instead of Film) mode which does clean up some of the interlacing artifacts.

There is no one setting for all use, if you want to tweak the most out of a particular SD DVD. However, if you're unsure, leave Cinema Conversion at Automatic.

DVD Wide Display - 'Letterbox'

This should preserve the proper aspect ratio of your movies on a widescreen TV.

DVD Upscaler - 'Normal'

This is the general consensus. If you have a 1080i/p screen, you can try out 'Double Scale ' as well. It won't fill the entire screen (as it is doing an exact doubling of 480p to 960p), but it keeps all of the original pixels of the image and simply adds new ones. Traditional scaling ends up recomputing the original samples since it needs to create an image that isn't a multiple of 480p ... so technically double scaling is more 'accurate'.

In general, you may need to experiment a bit depending on your TV and its available settings.

BTW - Don't forget the press triangle while actually watching a movie ... not only can you change the scaling, etc. on the fly ... you can also access stuff like noise reduction! A lot of people don't realize that's there.
Oni Jazar said:
I haven't seen Cloverfield, but based on the previews, isn't that shot on a non HD camera? Like Blair Witch and 28 Days Later?
Nope, Cloverfield is definitely HD. Check out the trailer on the PSN or XBLM.


Post Count: 9999
Nicodimas said:
Not all TVs have global settings, or you have adjust every input one at a time. My TV is like that..annoying.

Not sure why you'd consider that annoying?

Its far more annoying to have to have to readjust settings every time you use a different component.


Gold Member
Oni Jazar said:
I haven't seen Cloverfield, but based on the previews, isn't that shot on a non HD camera? Like Blair Witch and 28 Days Later?

Cloverfield was shot on a Genesis HD camera. Necessary for the effects shots.


has calmed down a bit.
Barnes & Noble is having a huge HD DVD sale. Same titles as amazon, but for less. Some like $11 or so if you're a member. Click here for a coupon code to get the biggest discount.


has calmed down a bit.
OH YEAH!! How long is this sale for? I really didn't want to buy anything until next week, but with Heartbreak Kid, Children of Men, and Zodiac now on this list, plus tons of catalog stuff like Trading Places and Top Gun, I don't know how I can resist. :(
VanMardigan said:
OH YEAH!! How long is this sale for? I really didn't want to buy anything until next week, but with Heartbreak Kid, Children of Men, and Zodiac now on this list, plus tons of catalog stuff like Trading Places and Top Gun, I don't know how I can resist. :(

I just bought 3 movies from the last Universal sales last week (Time Cop, The Last Starfighter, Out of Sight). This new one is even sweeter. I don't know if I'll be able to resist buying more. I'm guessing it'll be there for the whole week-end.
That's not a BOGO sale. If it was the movies would be around $5 cheaper per title...

Anyway I will probably pick up Zodiac and a few other $15 movies. Sucks Eastern Promises and The Kingdom aren't part of the sale, they really want me to pay $20+ for those two movies it seems...


kaching said:
Where are your "No More BOGOs" tears now, HDM crowd?

I'm still waiting for a BR BOGO so I can grab Pirates 3 and something else. The prices actually went up at Amazon and my local Fry's. I snoozed and I lost.
SlaughterX said:
Anyway I will probably pick up Zodiac and a few other $15 movies. Sucks Eastern Promises and The Kingdom aren't part of the sale, they really want me to pay $20+ for those two movies it seems...

Eastern Promises is well worth it. Just realize that as soon as you buy it, it will drop in price the next day.


DoubleTap said:
I'm still waiting for a BR BOGO so I can grab Pirates 3 and something else. The prices actually went up at Amazon and my local Fry's. I snoozed and I lost.

Well sales are still going on. I got Lost for 48$ CND. :D

Anyways, just finished watching season 3. Amazing quality.

I seem to like Season 3 more than season 2. But that's mostly cause Michael was a no show and the character developments were good.

Didn't much care for the cliffhanger in the end. I still think that they're in
purgatory and that everyone is dead.
I feel I got a lot of closure with season 3. Now the long and painful wait for season 4 on Blu-ray. :( I refuse to watch it on TV.


Oni Jazar said:
With the writers strike you may be waiting a reeealy long time for a full season disc set.

Yah, I had a feeling that would bite me in the butt. The strike never really affected me but Lost is the only show I watch on TV so that makes me a sad panda.

Anyways, I hope Hell's Kitchen is still good to go by April.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
My wife wants Brokeback Mountain on HD.

Can anyone who has it tell me if the audio/video is up to snuff? I plan to get the UK Blu-Ray version which I imagine is the same as the US HD-DVD.


dallow_bg said:

Wow, how retarded of Samsung. Well that means no stand alone Samsung for me in the future.

Witchfinder General said:
My wife wants Brokeback Mountain on HD.

Can anyone who has it tell me if the audio/video is up to snuff? I plan to get the UK Blu-Ray version which I imagine is the same as the US HD-DVD.

IMO the video-quality wasnt very hot.. It looked a lot like upscaled DVD at times, though a bit sharper. I can take pics if you want.


Some anime BluRays my brother picked up for me last week when he was in Japan.


Yukikaze LE set


Utawarerumono Box Set

Haven't watched much of Yukikaze outside of making sure it had the full english options (and it does), Utawarerumono I watched the 1st 2 eps and OMFG it is amazing!!!!





Full eng subs and a english dub (same as the US DVDs). Great set :D

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
markom58 said:
Just ordered 6 HD DVDs from Amazon for $98.86 so it comes out to $16.67 per title. Not bad. WTH, why is my HD DVD collection growing :lol

With a modicum of effort you could've saved roughly $5 per title (assuming they were all 50%-off Universal discs) by going through Barnes & Noble instead.

I ordered the HD-DVD of Assassination of Jesse James for $20 shipped from them a couple nights back.
How do I know which Blu-ray will work on my player (PAL PS3)?I know about the three regions, but I hear some Blu-ray from other regions will work and some will not. I am usually good with tech stuff, but I am all confused here :(


Keyser Soze said:
How do I know which Blu-ray will work on my player (PAL PS3)?I know about the three regions, but I hear some Blu-ray from other regions will work and some will not. I am usually good with tech stuff, but I am all confused here :(

If your looking to import both Axelmusic and HD Movie Source have seperate list for movies that work in Yurope.

Otherwise, there are lists of region free moviez.


Post Count: 9999
Witchfinder General said:
I plan to get the UK Blu-Ray version which I imagine is the same as the US HD-DVD.

That may or may not be the case.

For example, Pan's Labyrinth has 3-4 different HD encodes across the world. At least 3 of which are on BluRay ... yes, its pretty weird.

I specifically imported the distributor's version that has the best video quality.


What were the numbers for this week?

Correct Nielsen/VideoScan ratio : 74:26

Hd-dvd back on the rise. With these prices we are looking at a slow comeback and entrenchment by hd-dvd. Now if Universal/Paramount would release a list of movies like Godfather..
Nicodimas said:
Correct Nielsen/VideoScan ratio : 74:26

Hd-dvd back on the rise. With these prices we are looking at a slow comeback and entrenchment by hd-dvd. Now if Universal/Paramount would release a list of movies like Godfather..
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Don't ever change!
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