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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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FFObsessed said:

Not a full scale dropping of HD-DVD, but a step in the right direction.

OK Toshiba, it's time to throw in the fucking towel already and release Uni and Para from whatever obligations holding them back from going blu.
HD-DVD owner checking in.

As of today - for me it is over. For me it was a cheap barrier to entry as I received the HD-DVD add on for the 360 for Christmas. But I'll admit - it is over. I give up. It was a battle I didn't even want to enter but I really like HD movies and well, I lose.

Saddest thing is that apart from planning to switch from Netflix to Blockbuster for the next 6 months till THEY TOO stop buying new HD DVD's, I guess I am still hanging on. In other words I am not running out tomorrow to get a PS3 (which is the only BR player I will consider) because at least in the short term there is no emergency.

When does the emergency really happen? If Blockbuster is smart they'll capitalize on this and help out some lowly HD-DVD hold outs.


jjasper said:
I would be willing to bet that they cut shelf space for HD DVD too.

Press Release said:
is taking a step forward

Seems like BB is trying to not piss off too many people, too quickly - some of who may have just bought a player from them, or intended to buy some new releases - by "officially" ramping it down slowly instead of all at once.

Then comes the second step.


my reputation is Shadowruined
rc213 said:
Heat: Special Edition will be on Blu-Ray right?

I want to see my old workplace shot to hell in HD!

They're going to do a brand new 1080p transfer supervised by Michael Mann.

Warner is discovering that many catalog titles don't have transfers which are good enough for Blu-ray release, including 'Clash of the Titans' (which has been delayed for restoration) and 'Heat' (which Michael Mann has just agreed to supervising a new 1080p transfer). Rest assured, Warner will continue to scrutinize every release to ensure it looks and sounds as good as possible before being released to the public.

Jim said:
Seems like BB is trying to not piss off too many people, too quickly - some of who may have just bought a player from them, or intended to buy some new releases - by "officially" ramping it down slowly instead of all at once.

Then comes the second step.

Best Buy still sells Toshiba laptops and tvs so they do not want to be burning bridges.
The Main Event said:
I don't get that part.

Maybe they've budgeted a certain amount towards HD movies and instead of allocating some of that towards HD DVD, it can all be dedicated towards BR which in turn gives them a wider selection as well as more copies of popular titles meaning better availability.
i think netflix didn't like the format war either.

They can now use the money to buy more copies of bluray movies instead of having to split the money with both formats.

Oni Jazar

TOKYO, 02-11-2008/PRNewswire/ -- Toshiba is quite surprised and disappointed by Best Buy's decision to abandon HD DVD in favor of Blu-ray, despite the fact it is extremely early to spot which format will eventually win. We’re confident that HD DVD’s affordability, fantastic choice of movies, great consumer experience and upcoming promotions will help it continue to strengthen its share of the market. Not forgetting our hugely successful Superbowl advert, which went down a storm. We were particularly disappointed that this decision was made in spite of the significant momentum HD DVD has gained in the US market as well as other regions in 2007. HD DVD players and PCs have outsold Blu-ray in the US market in 2007.
We will assess the potential impact of this announcement with the other HD DVD partner companies and evaluate potential next steps. We remain firm in our belief that HD DVD is the format best suited to the wants and needs of the consumer.

New PR! (fake)


wow now that is some big news :lol at Van emailing them, like they give a shit.

One step closer to a Blu Future.

So who will break first Universal or Paramount?


Junior Member
Christopher said:
So who will break first Universal or Paramount?
I bet Paramount will be next since Universal are HD-DVD member.

Someway I want Uni first because it make all of left over studios will have a last jump from the sinking ship.


As an owner and supporter of both formats, it sort of saddens me that one format is "done" so quickly.

Will this cause a lull in innovation and new features?


ntb825 said:
As an owner and supporter of both formats, it sort of saddens me that one format is "done" so quickly.

Will this cause a lull in innovation and new features?

These are movies, not video games.
ntb825 said:
As an owner and supporter of both formats, it sort of saddens me that one format is "done" so quickly.

Will this cause a lull in innovation and new features?

No, it will cause an upturn.
No longer will studios have to split their r&d between two formats and no longer will they have to take into account the lowest denominator.


ntb825 said:
Wow. :lol

Sorry if you didn't get the support you were looking for. This argument has been used in the past by HD-DVD supporters and people that want the "war" to continue and I thought it was dumb then and I think its dumb now.

These are movies, not interactive entertainment. If it means enhanced chat room and downloading ringtones over my set top HD disc player at the expense of drawn out unneeded format war with studios holding back movies afraid to commit and the inability to catch on because consumers don't want to commit one or the other and are confuse, then screw it, I really never wanted that ringtone to begin with. Commentaries, behind the scenes interviews and a few trailers is the extent of what I want in a movie. The rest is fluff at a cost.


Jim said:
Seems like BB is trying to not piss off too many people, too quickly - some of who may have just bought a player from them, or intended to buy some new releases - by "officially" ramping it down slowly instead of all at once.

Then comes the second step.

I think that Best Buy have probably gotten rid of enough of their HD DVD stock that they don't feel exposed if they push on Blu Ray. The rest of the stock can be used to satisfy any remaining demand.

I think it is worth pointing out too that the 5 HD DVD deal ends Feb 28. After that point, who is going to pay $150 for one of these players? To me the end of February looks like a very real cutoff for the format. Nothing has been said of course, but maybe the reason they're flogging boxes right now is because they're trying to clear their stock while there is still a chance to.


OokieSpookie said:
No, it will cause an upturn.
No longer will studios have to split their r&d between two formats and no longer will they have to take into account the lowest denominator.

An example would be the video encoding. I doubt Warner bothers to produce a separate video encoding for HD DVD and Blu Ray. They probably slap the same VC-1 encode on both and are therefore limited by the space of HD DVD (or single layer BD).

With a single format they can utilise the full space it offers meaning better quality movies, more features or whatever.


awesomeapproved said:
HD-DVD owner checking in.

As of today - for me it is over. For me it was a cheap barrier to entry as I received the HD-DVD add on for the 360 for Christmas. But I'll admit - it is over. I give up. It was a battle I didn't even want to enter but I really like HD movies and well, I lose.

Saddest thing is that apart from planning to switch from Netflix to Blockbuster for the next 6 months till THEY TOO stop buying new HD DVD's, I guess I am still hanging on. In other words I am not running out tomorrow to get a PS3 (which is the only BR player I will consider) because at least in the short term there is no emergency.

When does the emergency really happen? If Blockbuster is smart they'll capitalize on this and help out some lowly HD-DVD hold outs.

No emergency?

The Warner announcement was the final nail in the coffin to such a large extent that you are now seeing all of these subsequent announcements from Best Buy, NetFlix, et. al.

HD-DVD cannot recover from the Warner announcement. It's done.

What exactly are you holding on to?


Post Count: 9999
VanMardigan said:
I have the option of selecting the superior version, regardless of format. Do you? No, so go back to rationalizing of spending far too much for a barebones copy of a movie you never saw before.

There are no rationalizations here. I simply cannot justify spending $900+ to play a handful of movies on a dead format. That is obviously a hell of a lot more than I'm paying to import some titles.

BTW - are you going to answer how the video is gimped in the BD rev of Children of Men? Do you have some information you'd like to share, or was that simply FUD to 'prove' the superiority of being purple?
Snah said:
No emergency?

The Warner announcement was the final nail in the coffin to such a large extent that you are now seeing all of these subsequent announcements from Best Buy, NetFlix, et. al.

HD-DVD cannot recover from the Warner announcement. It's done.

What exactly are you holding on to?

Now Snah, have you forgotten the imminent defection of Disney to hd-dvd?


Snah said:
No emergency?

The Warner announcement was the final nail in the coffin to such a large extent that you are now seeing all of these subsequent announcements from Best Buy, NetFlix, et. al.

HD-DVD cannot recover from the Warner announcement. It's done.

What exactly are you holding on to?

No emergency?


The plane has crashed into the fucking MOUNTAIN.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
This is clearly what happens when I complain about the news being slow :lol
Really, how long will Toshiba keep this thing going? They need to just cut their losses and start making blu-ray players. End the confusion among consumers. Make there be 1 choice for high def movies!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
BoboBrazil said:
Really, how long will Toshiba keep this thing going? They need to just cut their losses and start making blu-ray players. End the confusion among consumers. Make there be 1 choice for high def movies!

If this really does continue for much longer, there will be some management changes after everything is over.

If it lasts even longer, there will be management changes before everything is over :lol

It's getting to the point where it makes no financial sense, in any way possible, to continue.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Snah said:
No emergency?

What exactly are you holding on to?

Well, maybe he isn't all that excited by the current library of Blu-ray titles and is waiting for either a better selection (and the reinstatement of the 5 free mail-in promotion, if that ever happens) or a price drop on the PS3.

I bought a PS3 over the weekend because of the inevitability of the purchase and right now I'm not entirely sure what I want to do. It was a decent deal (better than the standard $399) but I'd really have preferred to pay around $100 less all told; also, there aren't a whole lot of current releases that grab me -- I got Sunshine and Apocalypto with the system and Volver is on the way -- and there are a few upcoming movies I'll buy, but beyond these...? I guess I'm just waiting on Warner to start putting out some BR-exclusive catalog titles.


Cosmic Bus said:
Well, maybe he isn't all that excited by the current library of Blu-ray titles and is waiting for either a better selection (and the reinstatement of the 5 free mail-in promotion, if that ever happens) or a price drop on the PS3.

I bought a PS3 over the weekend because of the inevitability of the purchase and right now I'm not entirely sure what I want to do. It was a decent deal (better than the standard $399) but I'd really have preferred to pay around $100 less all told; also, there aren't a whole lot of current releases that grab me -- I got Sunshine and Apocalypto with the system and Volver is on the way -- and there are a few upcoming movies I'll buy, but beyond these...? I guess I'm just waiting on Warner to start putting out some BR-exclusive catalog titles.

I'm with you on the relative weakness of the Blu-ray catalog. BD seems to skew more blockbuster explosiony while HD-DVD has those great Universal and Paramount back catalogs.

Congrats on your PS3 purchase, though. It won't be too long before BD catches up in the non-action department.


Post Count: 9999
Mifune said:
I'm with you on the relative weakness of the Blu-ray catalog. BD seems to skew more blockbuster explosiony while HD-DVD has those great Universal and Paramount back catalogs.

Many of the studios are holding their back catalog releases because of 2k and 4k restorations being in progress.

While its nice that Universal and Paramount have opened up more of their back catalogs a bit more, the average quality has been ... average :p. There hasn't been a huge incentive to double-dip a lot of them.


Onix said:
Many of the studios are holding their back catalog releases because of 2k and 4k restorations being in progress.

While its nice that Universal and Paramount have opened up more of their back catalogs a bit more, the average quality has been ... average :p. There hasn't been a huge incentive to double-dip a lot of them.

Yeah, this is true too. I always forget that a lot of the HD-DVD transfers on these older movies are subpar, since I don't own a HD-DVD player. I just stare at them in stores with great envy.

Eventually there will be a great BD back catalog, I'm sure.
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