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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Yup. As I said, the PS3/BluRay marriage may be cost the game side, but it's a huge boost for the BD side. This year will see a record amount of HDTV sales, and with that goes in increased appetite for the PS3 (as well as standalones or both flavor, or course). PS3 is only going to fade out in this battle when player prices drop well, well below it.


Picked up both Pirates movies at Best Buy. I was pleasantly surprised to see they had a bunch in stock unlike when Casino Royale was released.

I am watching the first one tonight, I'll post impressions later.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
joesmokey said:
Picked up both Pirates movies at Best Buy. I was pleasantly surprised to see they had a bunch in stock unlike when Casino Royale was released.

I am watching the first one tonight, I'll post impressions later.
Damn you, mine get here tomorrow from Amazon.
I suppose 10% off plus free shipping plus no tax is worthwhile.
joesmokey said:
Picked up both Pirates movies at Best Buy. I was pleasantly surprised to see they had a bunch in stock unlike when Casino Royale was released.

I am watching the first one tonight, I'll post impressions later.

You must have gotten there before the viral marketers!


has calmed down a bit.
500k a month this holiday is going to be a struggle, even WITH a $100 price drop.

Still, I know that it will outsell the HD DVD/BRD standalones. So the only question is "by how much". Before the Feb/April NPD, I'd have thought that it would end the format wars this holiday season. Now, I'm not so sure.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
VanMardigan said:
500k a month this holiday is going to be a struggle, even WITH a $100 price drop.

Still, I know that it will outsell the HD DVD/BRD standalones. So the only question is "by how much". Before the Feb/April NPD, I'd have thought that it would end the format wars this holiday season. Now, I'm not so sure.

You are in for a surprise then


has calmed down a bit.
Suikoguy said:
You are in for a surprise then

You think it'll sell what? 500k, 600k, 1 million? And what month would that be, November or December?

edit: Van, you're working hard on the Uncertainty and Doubt vectors. Too hard. Relax, time will tell.

Hey, we're all speculating here. Things change in a hurry. And I AM relaxed, I'm at work and my boss is off-island. :lol
joesmokey said:
Picked up both Pirates movies at Best Buy. I was pleasantly surprised to see they had a bunch in stock unlike when Casino Royale was released.

I am watching the first one tonight, I'll post impressions later.

I didn't have any problems getting them at Best Buy either (decided against Cicruit City, since I would've used over a gallon of gas on the way to the nearest one), they had about ten copies of each sitting on the shelf in the Blu Ray section. No display or anything for them.


Junior Ace
Just got both Pirates movies at CC for, essentially, $15 a piece. I think the deal's supposed to be that you get a single $15 gift card with the purchase of both, but he gave me one $15 gift card for each movie. Awesome.


I don't care who wins. I already have an HD-DVD player (Xbox) and as soon as I see a Blu-Ray player for $300 max I will buy. Then I will build my collection. I really want Pirates, so I hope that by the time the third movie comes to home video the players will be cheaper. I just saw an "in-store only" BDD player for $500 at BestBuy.com so it's getting close.

Oni Jazar

Bog said:
Just got both Pirates movies at CC for, essentially, $15 a piece. I think the deal's supposed to be that you get a single $15 gift card with the purchase of both, but he gave me one $15 gift card for each movie. Awesome.

It's not just you!

Circuit City has a glitch in their matrix :) yielding two $15 gift cards for the purchase of Pirates 1 & 2 on Blu-ray!

Great deal! Unfortunately I just got mine at BestBuy for only $10 off.


Anyone who wants in better go now!
Bog said:
Just got both Pirates movies at CC for, essentially, $15 a piece. I think the deal's supposed to be that you get a single $15 gift card with the purchase of both, but he gave me one $15 gift card for each movie. Awesome.

I'm not a big fan (never even saw the second movie) but for $30 combined I'll probably get these.


Post Count: 9999
VanMardigan said:
I don't expect the sales to teeter off like UMD, I was just pointing out that you couldn't expect Ps3 to sustain BR sales long term.

I think it will. Even though the tie-in ratio will go down over time, I think the PS3 will outpace sales of standalone players for quite some time. Therefore, even the PS3 owners that only casually purchase BD titles will still continue to make an impact.


First tragedy, then farce.
Oh boy Oh boy, my French import of Les Pact des Lups (Brotherhood of the Wolf) should be here any day now. Love that movie. Very few movies I would pay 40 bucks to import, but thats on a short list.

I'll post impressions of the transfer here since you probably wont see reviews of it anywhere. Most studio canal transfers have been top notch for video... audio has been iffy, but I dont speak French anyway, so what do I care?
just bought ultimate matrix box set, flags of our fathers, letters from iwo jima, and 40-year old virgin on hd-dvd.

i'll start buying more blu-rays once ps3 can output in 720p; the prestige looks like shit in 1080i.


StoOgE said:
Oh boy Oh boy, my French import of Les Pact des Lups (Brotherhood of the Wolf) should be here any day now. Love that movie. Very few movies I would pay 40 bucks to import, but thats on a short list.

I'll post impressions of the transfer here since you probably wont see reviews of it anywhere. Most studio canal transfers have been top notch for video... audio has been iffy, but I dont speak French anyway, so what do I care?

It is a great movie, interested to hear about the HD version.

Got Pirates 1 and 2 and Flags today:)

I too thought The Prestige looked great in 1080i


xS1TH L0RDx said:
just bought ultimate matrix box set, flags of our fathers, letters from iwo jima, and 40-year old virgin on hd-dvd.

i'll start buying more blu-rays once ps3 can output in 720p; the prestige looks like shit in 1080i.

Can your TV not do 1080p?


Any news on back-catalog releases? I have been watching all kinds of classic films on HDnet movies and am pretty impressed with how well some of the older material holds up in HD. HD-DVD seems better about this than blu-ray at the moment...
Christopher said:
Can your TV not do 1080p?

No, 720p. It'll do 1080i, but it's my opinion that interlaced looks like garbage compared to progressive. I've gotten into discussions here on GAF before about it, and everyone's been helpful, but I just think an hd-dvd title on my 360 in 720p looks better than a BR title on my ps3 in 1080i...which is even more frustrating, because i know that blu-ray CAN look a lot better.

I do plan on getting a 1080p capable set by the end of the year though, so by then my hesitation to jump into the blu-ray format will be moot.

To be honest, i can't wait, there's a couple movies out right now (closer just came out today and I that's a must-own for me) i want on BR but there's a shitload coming out that i'm looking forward to.
Flo_Evans said:
Any news on back-catalog releases? I have been watching all kinds of classic films on HDnet movies and am pretty impressed with how well some of the older material holds up in HD. HD-DVD seems better about this than blu-ray at the moment...

as i mentioned, i just got matrix box set, and there was an insert for all of Kubrick's films to come out on hd-dvd by the end of the year.

Full Metal Jacket, Clockwork Orange, and The Shining FTW.


Gold Member
Best Buy had two entire shelves of their BRD section filled with Pirates for $29.99.

Too bad for them Fry's was selling it for $24.99 and BB refused to price match. :lol


lol @ phonies saying "1080i looks like shit compared to 720p or 1080p". :lol

Amazing how you THINK that you can notice such a big difference btwn the 2.

If you were shown a 1080i picture and told it was 720p you would believe it.
ManaByte said:
Best Buy had two entire shelves of their BRD section filled with Pirates for $29.99.

Too bad for them Fry's was selling it for $24.99 and BB refused to price match. :lol

The movies are $24.99 at Best Buy if you buy both.
pel1300 said:
lol @ phonies saying "1080i looks like shit compared to 720p or 1080p". :lol

Amazing how you THINK that you can notice such a big difference btwn the 2.

If you were shown a 1080i picture and told it was 720p you would believe it.

lol @ phonies who think there isn't a difference between an interlaced signal and a progressive one.


My quick observation on both PotC movies. The first one looked stunning, although some scenes had a bit of grain, but nothing that took away from the experience. However, DMC was absolutely jaw-dropping. The whole movie was a visual masterpiece, especially the scenes were Jack sends Will to negotiate with Davy Jones(who looks incredible, almost too good) and it's raining. I was in awe. Gonna pop in Apocalypto in a few to check that out. :D


xS1TH L0RDx said:
lol @ phonies who think there isn't a difference between an interlaced signal and a progressive one.

Of course theres a difference. But its not like your eye can even tell the freakin difference on a normal sized tv between 1080i and 720p. And its not like theres some consensus that 720p is "better" than 1080i. Some would argue the opposite. Me? I don't give a crap. Once you reach the 720p/1080i/1080p level, you can't even tell the difference. Maybe if I had a 20 foot screen....

For you to suggest that you won't buy something that can't output in 720p because 1080i looks like "shit" is just laughable.

I guess by your logic, 480p looks better than 1080i....


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Replies like that xS1TH L0RDx, will get your ass banned in a hurry.
You can make a point without spending half your post personally attacking the other poster.

The point the original poster was attempting to make, was the difference between 720p and 1080i is far less, and depending on the display almost imperceptible,

When the difference between 480p and either 1080i or 720p is significantly greater.


xS1TH L0RDx said:
That's the most retarded thing I've ever read in my life. And yes, a normal eye can tell the difference.

I didn't think i'd have to explain this, but since you're ignorant i guess i'll have to. Static images look better when interlaced, motion looks better in progressive. Moving pictures displayed in an interlaced signal look a lot more jaggy and grainy due to 540 lines of color being displayed at once, whereas progressive moving pictures do not because the whole image is being displayed at once, not just 540 horizontal lines.

The bottom line is that you're an idiot and you're talking out of your ass, I suggest you stop before you make yourself look like a bigger fool than what you've already accomplished. I especially liked the part when you suggested you can't tell a difference between 720p and 1080p... if you couldn't tell a difference (which you can), then there wouldn't be as much attention given to 1080p as there is.

Yeah that's right sith lord. On a normal sized tv, you can't even tell the difference between 720p/1080i. I don't care which is technically the most advanced. 480i to 480p is a noticeable improvement. 480p to eitehr 720p or 1080i is a huge improvement. After that, I doubt you can even tell. I'd go as far as to say that, yes, you can't even see much of a visible improvement in 1080p. I have a tv in my room right now where I switch from 720p to 1080p while playing the Ninja Gaiden demo. No difference whatsoever.

I watch all types of programming from 480p(dvds) to 720/1080p(mostly ps3 games) to 1080i(pretty much all HD news, sports, and shows). The 1080i picture is not at all visibly inferior.

You sound like someone who would claim that theres a big difference in the picture quality you get between different brand name cables.


xS1TH L0RDx said:
XD You can't tell a difference because the NG demo is native 720p. And you probably get a great picture from news and sports in 1080i because that is the native broadcast. Different tv stations broadcast in different signals.

And anyone who bothers to do any research knows that it's not the brand name that makes the cable, it's the cable that makes the cable (albeit an incredibly small difference).

Learn high definition please.

1. I'm so sorry that I was SO ignorant not to know that the NG demo is native 720p...if thats even true. :lol

Forget the Ninja Gaiden demo then. All the other games that are labeled as being 1080p or bluray movies, none of them look noticeably better than 1080i or 720p.

2. My point was that you seem like the type of person who would pay over $50 for HDMI cables thinking that you see an actual difference.

Please stop trying to pretend that your technical knowledge can convince my eyes to see things any differently.


xS1TH L0RDx said:
Please stop trying to pretend that your eyes can convince me that my technical knowledge is false.

I never once tried to claim that your "technical knowledge is false". Work on your reading comprehension.

I was talking about one thing and one thing only - the VISIBLE improvement that you can actually SEE. I could care less about 1080p being so technically superior if I can't even notice the improvement.
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