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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It's amazing that it's really over..

Looking back on the first pages of this thread, it's amazing it's been over a year.
borghe said:
umm.. you're seriously reaching. Or you've virtually never participated in this thread before today. I entered into HDM with both formats on the exact same day (a 360 add-on and a 60GB PS3). I own exactly 26 HD-DVD's and 27 Blu-rays. I'm just not going to suck on Ken K's dick after he took what seemed like a sure thing at the time, leading Sony to another easy win in the console market, and threw them into an uncontrolled spiral landing them in a third place even more distant than Nintendo had been in for two generations.

Ken K was NOT a visionary. He took one of the biggest marketing names OF ALL TIME and turned it into a running joke. He tanked one of the largest divisions in one of the largest companies of the world, and arguably he sparked off a company-wide down swing in most other related divisions. Just because BRD is now the only niche HD movie format around doesn't change ANY of that. Let's not get stupid here.

As part of what Days Like These alluded to, Stringer deserves much more credit than Ken K. If anything Stringer SAVED this and made it all actually work, vs. just letting the entire debacle ruin the company. He fixed what Kutagari broke. Kutagari put the pieces in place but completely fumbled the execution. It's like congratulating the quarterback for winning the game even though the only points scored were field goals.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

You mean the same Ken K who made the PS2 the staggering success it still is? (Note: PS2 sold 200K+ in Jan...it's 8 years old).

You mean the same Ken K who predicted people would be getting online to play their games with each other (though he did exaggerate) on consoles in a manner that no one had seen before (which is coming true).

The same Ken K, who by golly, made a heavy push to put Blu-Ray technology in the PS3, ultimately giving the PS3 both a technological edge over all the competition, and securing the format as a sure fire 'winner'?

That Ken K? Not sure if we're talking about the same person.

Just to make sure, the Ken K who made a huge push to get DVD in the PS2, and as an end result, ultimately gave it a staggering push into homes around the world? The guy who put nearly 100 Million PS2's into the hands of people all over the world? That guy?

Maybe his comments got into your panties, but trying to sell his achievements short is nothing short of a joke. As a result, I can do nothing but laugh as you're utterly ridiculous post.

Edit: In ref to your football analogy (which is stupid) it only supports the claims for Ken K. The QB had to get them into field goal range, hand the ball off to the RB, and call the plays / read the defense. Without him (Ken K) the team wouldn't have gotten into field goal range.


Ya saying KK wasn't a visionary is a pretty stupid comment to make seeing as how its because of KK that the console gaming industry is as strong as it is today.


Blu Ray upgrade this weekend it is:D

I love how the news broke on the walmart blog and there was still denial over it.

As an aside. We must support Ms. Laar by buying PS3 and some games.


About Tifanie Van Laar
I am the video game software buyer for Wal-Mart
Ripclawe said:
Blu Ray upgrade this weekend it is:D

I love how the news broke on the walmart blog and there was still denial over it.

As an aside. We must support Ms. Laar by buying PS3 and some games.


Your avatar is awesome.


borghe said:
Ken K was NOT a visionary.

Opinion which many would contest, with good basis.

He took one of the biggest marketing names OF ALL TIME and turned it into a running joke.

He was the one who created the name. Is it really a running joke? You're going OTT here.

He tanked one of the largest divisions in one of the largest companies of the world, and arguably he sparked off a company-wide down swing in most other related divisions.

SCEI is just fine, it's a midget division compared to SEL and what he did to SEL is what Stringer is reaping the benefits from now. Joining Samsung on LCD, scrapping CRT, Plasma and other technologies where they didn't invest. Instigating partnerships with NEC, Toshiba and others to realise synergies in products before they are commoditised. Removing fixation with closed standards like ATRAC for open standards like MP3 and MP4.

Stringer is more responsible for Blu-ray's victory, he has extensive contacts within Hollywood after his stint at CBS and Sony Corporation of America. That was one of the reason's he was bought in as CEO aside from the fact that Idei felt a foreigner was better able to make drastic changes without people taking it personally.

Sony Pictures works independently of Group and Amy Pascal is the chief architect of the studio's record breaking performance over the last couple of years. Miles Flint at Sony-Ericsson is an example of another independent operation from group that has really contributed to the bottom line of late.

It's primarily SEL that has changed Sony's outlook and that is what the company really cares about. Kutaragi's changes are what Stringer inherited, added to the upturns from Pascal's SPE and Flint's SE Stringer is able to tout his 5% margin and shout success.

People forget Kutaragi was removed by Stringer for not being open and transparent with him about the operation at SCEI. That is what Stringer wanted overall and Kutaragi was his own man. When Kutaragi revealed the situation with the PS3 it blindsided Stringer and enough was enough.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I guess it's natural that a few people going too far in the direction of praising Kutaragi would spark a few going to the opposite extreme and giving him credit for nothing...

borghe said:
Ken K was NOT a visionary.
And here I thought being a visionary was about having a longer view...apparently it's a more shortsighted thing.

He took one of the biggest marketing names OF ALL TIME and turned it into a running joke. He tanked one of the largest divisions in one of the largest companies of the world,
PS2, circa first year? Is that what you're talking about?

arguably he sparked off a company-wide down swing in most other related divisions.
I guess that would be arguable if you could at least correlate a downturn with the PS3, but haven't most of the other electronics divisions been on an upturn for the last year or more?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
borghe said:
umm...... even if it continued to outsell the 360 (which it won't for the near future) at the same rate as it did in January, it will take MULTIPLE YEARS for it to catch up to 360 in the US. And it has STILL never outsold Wii in US.

As for take the sale-age bullshit elsewhere, what the fuck is going on in here but jerking off to the ultimate win IN SALES of the BRD format?

his point still remains valid. Ken K sacrificed SCE at the altar of next-gen video, and considering Ken's job was head of SCEI, that's not a very bright move. Did this move directly result in the success of the BRD movie format? It's looking to have played a good factor in it. But did it likely tank the entire division for half a generation or more? Yup. It's hard to pat Ken K on the back when he effectively crashed and burned what he was in charge of. Of course it paid off for other areas of the company, but it shouldn't be let go that the once invincible playstation brand name was reduced to a running gag in the process.
All im going to say is that the US isnt the only territory selling video games. And im not going to further the sales age bullshit.


Delicious meltdowns:

HD DVD still lives if you want it too! You have the power!!

But the fact is that throughout these weeks of awful press for HD DVD....the HD DVD players continue to sell! There are now over 1 million players in existence and still growing. Now...is it becoming clearer for you now?? If everyone just calms down and continues to buy hd dvd movies for their players and new players are sold.....HD DVD cannot and will not die, no matter what anybody TELLS you and how many times they TELL you. Be your own person and think for self.

Wal mart didnt sell anything anyway

LOL how can you drop a product? Regardless Wal mart never had any HD DVD's in stock anyway. Sony is going to go bankrupt with all the money they are dishing out. Maybe Wal mart should drop the PS3 because it sells so poorly. Funny.

HD DVD and Blu-Ray only cared for by enthusiasts

The writing is on the wall... it doesn't matter what consumers want, the industry is pushing Blu-Ray. 2:1 sales don't mean shit... the total sales of HD media are not even significant compared to SD sales anyway.


Xbox marketplace has been full of great shows and movies lately... waiting for them to hit HDM so I can see a few more pixels in resolution is dumb. 720p looks great and 5.1 audio allows me to see the movie and have a great experience.

700 dollars for an unfinished product

you have to be kidding. the price of br players is too much for what they are.
I cant see how someone could justify that purchace.

:lol :lol :lol


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Jill Sandwich said:
I have to be on this legendary page of this legendary thread. Any satan-related movies on Blu?

Not that I can think of. Hellboy doesn't count.
But End of Days is on HDDVD.
The weirdest thing about that cover is that it's right outside my office building. If I were to walk straight out the front door and face left, that would be my view.


What's hilarious is that, unsurprisingly, that amazing fake cover will likely be 10x better than the real thing. That's such a fantastic mock up, I wonder if they would/could really do covers that minimalist in regards to text.

Oh yeah legendary thread etc etc 666 pages would have been a great place to end it but I guess we still have a few more months before it's truly finished. In a nice coincidence on my way home tonight I stopped at the dinky HMV near my place and they had 3:10 to Yuma on BD finally. Picked that up along with Ratatoille for the hell of it. Any mild hesitations I still had about diving head first into high def movie buying are now fully over.
smurfx said:
jeez some of those quotes just proves that most of the hd-dvd hardcore fans were just 360 fanboys.
Hell I like the 360 too even though I'm on my 3rd console and 2nd Wifi adaptor, but I saw the writing on the wall with Blu-ray a year ago.


smurfx said:
jeez some of those quotes just proves that most of the hd-dvd hardcore fans were just 360 fanboys.
Just the most vocal and irrational ones I think, and there are a fair number of rather extreme Sony-haters for various reasons (think of the /. crowd as an example) out there in electronics enthusiasm. To be fair though you wouldn't have to look far in that subforum to find plenty of batshit crazy BD fanboys, a surprising number of whom might seem pretty anti 360. ;) Basically that whole smackdown forum was set up as a dumping ground for the truly annoying and trollish elements to go fling feces at each other, and I'd say it served it's purpose. :lol


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
it's great that you guys point out everything ken did during the 90s and early 00s. Yes, the guy revolutionized the industry in those respects. But in business you're only as great as your most recent disaster. ask steve jobs before apple rebounded in the late 90s. ask bernie stolar who launched the PSX AND Dreamcast in the US.

I mean seriously, you are implying the guy gets a free pass on tanking his division because of shit he did 10 years ago? Oh my.. I wish I could live in the world of business you guys operate in. "Hey boss.. Sorry for taking the national network down for two days.. But remember back in the 90's when I launched the ecomm system?" He tanked SCEI which subsequently tanked SCEE and SCEA. While these divisions weren't impacted greatly financially, again, they went from 60% market share in the face of superior hardware to less than 20% market share. that is a fucking tanking of epic proportions.

All im going to say is that the US isnt the only territory selling video games. And im not going to further the sales age bullshit.
no, of course you're not going to further it. Because then you'd have to explain 1 month ever of Sony outselling MS in NA. and sony outselling MS in Europe less than 25% of the time. The only territory Sony is handedly whooping MS is the one territory MS has NEVER been able to grasp, and it's not doing it by enough to compensate for the other two losses. and let's not even get to the monsterous first place the Wii has. Will this change? Who knows? But in the meantime the fact remains that Sony went from controlling almost 60% of the industry to controlling less than 20% on the back of ONE SYSTEM. ONE SYSTEM that fell directly under the control of Ken K. So again, should the guy really get a free pass? I can't think of any other business model where he would.

And all of this goes back to the original topic of this tangent. He deserved to be fired. No matter what he did during the 90s and early 00s, no matter how big he built the PS brand to. He failed at his job, and crediting BRDs victory to him over a year after he was let go from the position is as much an insult to the people who rode this out and made it happen as it is to the intelligence of every person you are trying to feed this to. Going back to business, if my predecessor puts in a network that doesn't work and constantly crashes, does he still get the credit for the awesome network after I come in and fix it? Really?

And lest you people really think I have an agenda.. Again, I own a PS3. I own a 360. I own a Wii. I have almost 50/50 split between BRD and HD-DVD. I don't care about any of this format war bullshit and I don't care about console war bullshit because I make enough to own all of them. But I'm not going to sit here gazing into a portrait of Ken K telling myself how dreamy he is when, the fact remains, he has nothing to do with ANY of this. Putting a BRD inside every PS3 was not a brilliant or visionary move. Under his leadership that move practically cost Sony it's entire business in the video game market. It's what the people did after that, aka the lemonade they made from his lemons, that turned things around.

Edit: In ref to your football analogy (which is stupid) it only supports the claims for Ken K. The QB had to get them into field goal range, hand the ball off to the RB, and call the plays / read the defense. Without him (Ken K) the team wouldn't have gotten into field goal range.
while your attempt at spin is noble, in football a quarterback who is known for getting down the field but never getting the TD is rarely kept as a starter for long. ken had all these great plans for the PS3 but failed on executing most. this is why he deserved to be removed.


I remember this thread the day of the Paramount announcement, August 26th was it?

Some were saying even if Warner went Blu tomorrow that the war couldn't end. :lol

Then it happened only 4months later.


I don't know what you call this but it's delicious, spin? Damage control? But it's hilarious.


Don't buy a Blu-ray player right now. Wait until the Profiles get sorted out. Wait until Profile 2.0 is finalize. You never know if movies that take advantage of profile 2.0 features will have problems playing profile 1.0 and profile 1.1 blu-ray players.

It's like buying a wireless router with 802.11n draft. Compatibility issues arise.

The Samsung lawsuit is just the beginning.


It's come to the point where they're just trying to convince you to not buy anything blu-ray for the sake of it.


Junior Member
100 posts per page? Too difficult to find anything, and massive pic threads are a killer for any system. 666 FTW!


More support is dropping...


Not like it's any huge surprise or anything -- after all, the HD DVD deathwatch is already in full effect -- but Niveus has just informed us that due to "customer demand and format war influences," it will be adding support for Blu-ray and "ceasing production of HD DVD-based servers." According to CEO Tim Cutting, "incorporating Blu-ray into its offerings has always been part of the plan, but the demand from its customers, market trends, and recent announcements expedited its decision to come to market with Blu-ray support sooner rather than later." Adding more salt to the wound, he continued by saying that "while it has stood behind HD DVD as a viable high-definition platform, company engineers have been running Blu-ray in its testing facilities and are very impressed with the performance and integration with its servers." Another one bites the proverbial dust, eh?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Warm Machine said:
It is amazing how much Warner's decision effected the outcome. Had they swung the other way I wonder if a similar result would still have occured?

The dominoes have been in the process of being placed for a while now, Warner started them falling.
Suikoguy said:
The dominoes have been in the process of being placed for a while now, Warner started them falling.

Big domino though. It became a self fullfilling prophecy over night. I knew the moment the switch happened that it was lights out but it really is incredible how it was picked up. I bet Toshiba's heads are spinning by the avalanche.


As much as all this negative news is harmful, luckily its just a nasty week for Hd-dvd as lots of good things happened recently. The format has some stellar releases coming to over the course of this year. I can't wait to see how Tosh/Para/Uni responds to all this news. Hopefully it is something fun like a five year contract for para/universal.

-Someone on another forum called toshiba customer service and they said all is well over there and not to worry.

(Of course this all would work wonders in selling the best combo format players if they release them low enough price wise and have para/universal on board. Food for thought..not saying this is happening-but would be a genious move. Have all the blu-ray releases and two studios exclusive to your players..)

This is really a great strategy actually if analyzing it instead of being so negative its called faking death.. Can't wait to see how this is going by the warner exit.
Nicodimas said:
I can't wait to see how Tosh/Para/Uni responds to all this news. Hopefully it is something fun like a five year contract for para/universal.

Holy shit. :lol

Even if they were to be offered another contract (which they won't, HD-DVD is dead buddy), there's no way in hell they'd take it.
Nicodimas said:
As much as all this negative news is harmful, luckily its just a nasty week for Hd-dvd as lots of good things happened recently. The format has some stellar releases coming to over the course of this year. I can't wait to see how Tosh/Para/Uni responds to all this news. Hopefully it is something fun like a five year contract for para/universal.

-Someone on another forum called toshiba customer service and they said all is well over there and not to worry.

(Of course this all would work wonders in selling the best combo format players if they release them low enough price wise and have para/universal on board. Food for thought..not saying this is happening-but would be a genious move. Have all the blu-ray releases and two studios exclusive to your players..)

This is really a great strategy actually if analyzing it instead of being so negative its called faking death.. Can't wait to see how this is going by the warner exit.

I bet at night you cry yourself to sleep.


Nicodimas said:
As much as all this negative news is harmful, luckily its just a nasty week for Hd-dvd as lots of good things happened recently. The format has some stellar releases coming to over the course of this year. I can't wait to see how Tosh/Para/Uni responds to all this news. Hopefully it is something fun like a five year contract for para/universal.

-Someone on another forum called toshiba customer service and they said all is well over there and not to worry.

(Of course this all would work wonders in selling the best combo format players if they release them low enough price wise and have para/universal on board. Food for thought..not saying this is happening-but would be a genious move. Have all the blu-ray releases and two studios exclusive to your players..)

This is really a great strategy actually if analyzing it instead of being so negative its called faking death.. Can't wait to see how this is going by the warner exit.

Taking it up the ass like a man.


Chiggs said:
It's quite obvious he is a joke character.


I think he started faking this for a while, this one looks a little bit too forced Nico, but I still appreciate the effort to humour us. :lol

Free with every HD-DVD player! Get'em while they last!

You've convinced me to switch! :D


y'all should be ashamed
Wow...I can't believe all the developments so far. A one format future could happen in just a few short months.

Holy crap.
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