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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Post Count: 9999
borghe said:
umm.. you're seriously reaching. Or you've virtually never participated in this thread before today. I entered into HDM with both formats on the exact same day (a 360 add-on and a 60GB PS3). I own exactly 26 HD-DVD's and 27 Blu-rays. I'm just not going to suck on Ken K's dick after he took what seemed like a sure thing at the time, leading Sony to another easy win in the console market, and threw them into an uncontrolled spiral landing them in a third place even more distant than Nintendo had been in for two generations.

You do realize that Sony will end up in second ... and likely 1st in SW sales by the end of this gen?
OokieSpookie said:
Transformers in the order system at Circuit City?
(As well as other Paramount being back in the system)


Not really sure what to make of this, I guess they could be in the system from way back.
Really crappy pics on page 6 or so in that thread.


Oh, don't f'n play with my heart!! I'll rip off my arm just to beat you with it for getting my hopes up!
juicyfruitas said:
Most of the mainstream media coverage of the PS3 throughout 2007 was along the lines of 'PS3 = D.O.A." If Sony could weather the storm of such repeated negative coverage I would think that Toshiba has a sliver of a chance as well.

Hey Nico , seems you have someone else for your merry band ( or someone hoping for a tag :lol )


Nicodimas said:

This is really a great strategy actually if analyzing it instead of being so negative its called faking death.. Can't wait to see how this is going by the warner exit.
hd-dvd = hunter class confirmed!!!


Dear HD-DVD,
"'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November er-February rain

We've been through this such a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain

But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away"
Love, Walmart

Dear HD-DVD,
"It's the final countdown.
The final countdown.
Love, Neogaf

Dear HD-DVD,
"we´re no strangers to love
you know the rules and so do i
a full commitments what i´m thinking of
you wouldn´t get this from any other guy

i just wanna tell you how i´m feeling
gotta make you understand

never gonna give you up
never gonna let you down
never gonna run around and desert you
never gonna make you cry
never gonna say goodbye
never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"
Love, Nicodimas


Nicodimas said:
As much as all this negative news is harmful, luckily its just a nasty week for Hd-dvd as lots of good things happened recently. The format has some stellar releases coming to over the course of this year. I can't wait to see how Tosh/Para/Uni responds to all this news. Hopefully it is something fun like a five year contract for para/universal.

-Someone on another forum called toshiba customer service and they said all is well over there and not to worry.

(Of course this all would work wonders in selling the best combo format players if they release them low enough price wise and have para/universal on board. Food for thought..not saying this is happening-but would be a genious move. Have all the blu-ray releases and two studios exclusive to your players..)

This is really a great strategy actually if analyzing it instead of being so negative its called faking death.. Can't wait to see how this is going by the warner exit.

I know you're doing this to entertain us and live upto your persona and all... but it's only fun when it's not blatantly transparent.

Stick a fork in this one, its done.


Nicodimas said:
As much as all this negative news is harmful, luckily its just a nasty week for Hd-dvd as lots of good things happened recently. The format has some stellar releases coming to over the course of this year. I can't wait to see how Tosh/Para/Uni responds to all this news. Hopefully it is something fun like a five year contract for para/universal.

A lot of people say "LOL" even when they really don't mean it. They just say it to acknowledge some corny joke that their fellow posters and chatters made. But I actually did laugh out loud at this.

Thank you so much Nicodimas.
People are saying that Transformers thing at Circuit City is real. Other Paramount blu-rays are also showing back up like Shooter, Trading Places, and Blades of Glory....
drohne said:
the rob enderle has sung

his encore will be a rendition of 'bobobo digital distribution'

Well, he only sings the songs his corporate puppetmasters pay him to sing after all.

The main question should be directed to the lazy journalists who keep sourcing him for their stories...why are you still talking to this shill?


Kittonwy said:
Teh HD-DVD dudes over at avsforums are pretty bitter lolz.

ive been lurking there a while, the same hddvd folks who in one thread will proudly boast about there $4000 TV's in custom made home theatres and 300+ films are crying some bitter tears right now.

'iam not buying blu-ray until profile 3.0 is finalized and the players are $15!! the players are far too expensive if toshiba can release $99 players so can sony*'

and suddenly 'digital downloads are the way forward!' the same people who apparently cant enjoy a film unless its in a specific top range codec suddenly singing the praises of cut down films compressed to death.

*the fact that toshiba is losing a holy shit-ton on each player at such stupidly low price completely escapes many of the hddvd fanboy's.

Duke Togo

Kittonwy said:
Teh HD-DVD dudes over at avsforums are pretty bitter lolz.
So they took a poll for the reason that hd-dvd died. One guy says its Nintendo's fault that HD-DVD lost because because they couldn't keep Wii in stores, and that probably lead to additional ps3 sales. There are some people that are still in denial over there too. All in all a very funny forum to read at this point.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
dalin80 said:
*the fact that toshiba is losing a holy shit-ton on each player at such stupidly low price completely escapes many of the hddvd fanboy's.

I'm always amazed when people complain about prices being too low. For example, I'm glad that Sony and MS are so desperate for early adopters that they subsidize the shit out of their console prices each gen. I know I care a lot more about myself than I do about their shareholders. Nintendo is always interested in making a profit on hardware. Fuck Nintendo's bottom line. Give me hardware that isn't a rip-off compared to your competition.




NHK standard = Nikkei standard for me.

It's official then.


NHK article, summary from blu-ray.com forums

- Toshiba is withdrawing from the market
- All production of HD-DVD units at their factory in Aomori has been halted
- Toshiba will not be developing any newer models
- Toshiba has lost hundreds of millions of dollars
- The next generation DVD standard will be Blu-ray
kamuid said:

TOKYO (Reuters) - Toshiba Corp is planning to stop production of equipment compatible with the HD DVD format for high-definition video, allowing the competing Blu-Ray camp a free run, public broadcaster NHK reported on Saturday.

Toshiba is expected to suffer losses amounting to tens of billions of yen (hundreds of millions of dollars) to scrap production of HD DVD players and recorders and other steps to exit the business, Japan's NHK said on its website.


Toshiba plans to continue selling HD DVD equipment at stores for the time being but will not put resources into developing new devices, NHK said.

So now the Japanese press and their sources within Japan are saying the same thing.

This, is it. It is finally over.


HD DVD still lives if you want it too! You have the power!!

But the fact is that throughout these weeks of awful press for HD DVD....the HD DVD players continue to sell! There are now over 1 million players in existence and still growing. Now...is it becoming clearer for you now?? If everyone just calms down and continues to buy hd dvd movies for their players and new players are sold.....HD DVD cannot and will not die, no matter what anybody TELLS you and how many times they TELL you. Be your own person and think for self.




Some people take this so seriously...

Trenchalicious said:
They may kill our format, but they will NEVER take our freedom!

Men and Women, it's been a long war, a cold war... we all may not have joined the good fight at the same time, but it's been an honor to share the same HDM format with you. We gave it our best efforts, but some things are out of our control. The people who we served, decided to turn on us because they became gutless and of instead of having competition breed better products for all, they killed what we were fighting for...and took the front runner... just so they can make it easier for the dumb consumers who cannot choose what they want based on research, choice, or facts.

My veins will never bleed blu... but at some point in the future, the distant future, I will bleed again and it will be purple. Nothing less than that, my friends. My pure red brother and sisters, we will be alright. We did what we felt was right and enjoyed the time we have together. We didn't play both sides, we devoted ourselfs to the cause.

Should it all end tomorrow, I just want to say Thank You. Thank you for keeping the dream alive, long after the majority defected to the front runner. Those people will never have what we shared. In the end, we came, we saw, we enjoyed.

Thank you my friends.


avaya said:
Some people take this so seriously...

oh Christ I think I'm going to throw up :lol :lol :lol

This is actually scary, I dread to think what these people are like in real life...

EDIT: " - 4 Titles so far (5 for ordering coming one day)."

He only has 4 titles too hahahaha joke post?


avaya said:
NHK standard = Nikkei standard for me.

It's official then.


NHK article, summary from blu-ray.com forums

- Toshiba is withdrawing from the market
- All production of HD-DVD units at their factory in Aomori has been halted
- Toshiba will not be developing any newer models
- Toshiba has lost hundreds of millions of dollars
- The next generation DVD standard will be Blu-ray

A winner is Blu-Ray!


How long til Paramount/Universal titles hit store shelves, ya think?

Can't wait to see the flood of announcements (and subsequent sales).
JB1981 said:
How long til Paramount/Universal titles hit store shelves, ya think?

Can't wait to see the flood of announcements (and subsequent sales).

Personally, I can't wait for Universal's releases, provided they are top quality. I can respect that they played the game fair-and-square, but came up short.

Paramount on the other hand had better come hat-in-hand with some really awesome deals if they want me to just forget about the fact that they decided my money was no good to them as a Blu-ray owner back in August.

They want me back as a customer after their little gamble to screw me over failed? Fine. They'll have to earn it.
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