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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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bill0527 said:
Holy shit, some of those people are still in denial. I guess final acceptance won't happen unless they get a personal phone call from the CEO of Toshiba.

Those guyz in denial am total.


borghe said:
right now, it is absolutely an issue given AFAIK there are only 2-3 players (aside from PS3) that support 1.1. even by this holiday I expect it to be a small issue with 2.0 and likely small adoption of that. These are the things that BDA has to concentrate on. If they can make profile worries meaningless by this holiday season that would be great.

of course we all know everyone could just buy a PS3 and never worry about it again... but really... it IS a big issue. My own sister-in-law took both my brother AND I to finally convince her truthfully that the PS3 is the best option for a blu-ray player. She gave him the go ahead on a blu-ray player but absolutely refused to let him get a PS3 because he was getting a 360 at the same time. She even gave him the go ahead to basically buy a $400 Blu-ray player but NOT a PS3... this is a really big deal to a lot of mainstream consumers for some bizarre reason. and as long as that is true, the BDA is going to have to get moving quick on all of the outstanding format issues (universal Profile support, universal internal decoding of DTA-MA and Dolby TrueHD, etc). As long as they are still pieceworking all of the outstanding features there are going to be a portion of consumers who are going to hold off as to not get burned.

Back to my example, she basically told him to hold off on a blu-ray player then if the only good one to get was the PS3... it took some time but we almost have her understanding. On the other end of the spectrum, his brother-in-law bought a BRP and is pissed when I told him he can't do picture-in-picture and that my player only takes like 5 seconds to load pirates 3. BDA really needs to get this stuff solved and implemented in a widespread manner.
The bigger problem is that your brother lets his wife make the decisions.


Banstick Emeritus
Ignatz Mouse said:
Whatever happened to rubso and Sir Fragula and other Sony-haters?
Down in a hole, feelin so small
Down in a hole, losin my soul
I'd like to fly,
But my wings have been so denied
djkimothy said:
Are they 100% that isn't referring to the old Transformers cartoon? Or does the old movie contain the "The Movie" moniker?

Yeah, in the thread that this came from on bluray.com we did a upc comparison, the prefix is definitely Paramount.


OokieSpookie said:
Yeah, in the thread that this came from on bluray.com we did a upc comparison, the prefix is definitely Paramount.

Plus I doubt the 1986 movie would get a 2 disc treatement on Blu-ray. Can't wait!


Ignatz Mouse said:
Whatever happened to rubso and Sir Fragula and other Sony-haters?

bishoptl said:
Down in a hole, feelin so small
Down in a hole, losin my soul
I'd like to fly,
But my wings have been so denied

I know I said I was done with this thread--and I am, after this post--but I don't see what's to be gained by calling out posters from the other side, no matter how verbose they may have been.

Who cares where they are? It's Valentine's weekend, maybe they're on vacation having sexy time. Maybe they're crying in their beers. Or maybe they just have more important things to do than watch certain people gloat about the Blu-ray victory on NeoGAF.

As I've said, this format war has been ugly. Why make it uglier?

It's over now. Let's show some sportsmanship and class and make sure people know that we're all supporters of HDM rather than fanboys of any one format.


Kolgar said:
I know I said I was done with this thread--and I am, after this post--but I don't see what's to be gained by calling out posters from the other side, no matter how verbose they may have been.

Bu-bu-but making fun of people in despair is awesome! ;)
Xater said:
Bu-bu-but making fun of people in despair is awesome! ;)

Yeah, while I have nothing against 90% of hd-dvd backers and want nothing more than to move on to the future there is that handful that were rather militant in their stances and there is still some comedic value to be had.
But I do give mad respect to those who did see this through from the start and also those who came aboard along the way.
It has been a good ride and should be even better from here on through.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Whatever happened to PSP mini version being included on Blu Ray disc. Did that ever happen? If so, what movies have it?
Stinkles said:
Whatever happened to PSP mini version being included on Blu Ray disc. Did that ever happen? If so, what movies have it?

Shoot Em Up had one, Hitman has it coming and others though off of the top of my head I do not remember which
I'm a little sad that the format that got 99% of things right from the get go lost to the one that bungled up almost everything that could be bungled. Still, a single format future is far greater than that anyway as it allows the world to have been given a standard. Now everything can go forward without questions and all this crap will have been forgotten in about 9 months.

Never have I seen two competitors been so blood thirsty to win ever. This war was straight up mean. I wonder if someone will get the inside story of how the war went down and write a book about it.
Pachter could possibly be redeemed now with his PS3 ends on top view.

I really didn't think the war would end this soon, I thought it might drag on for another year or so. But the retailers & studios said "No . . . end it now."


Distinguished Air Superiority
Warm Machine said:
I'm a little sad that the format that got 99% of things right from the get go lost to the one that bungled up almost everything that could be bungled.

I always knew Blu-ray was going to end up on top for 2 specific reasons,

1. More storage space.

2. Bundled with PS3.

The world would definitely not be Blu if Microsoft decided to stock every 360 with HD-DVD... but hey, hindsight is 20/20.
TONX said:
I always knew Blu-ray was going to end up on top for 2 specific reasons,

1. More storage space.

2. Bundled with PS3.

The world would definitely not be Blu if Microsoft decided to stock every 360 with HD-DVD... but hey, hindsight is 20/20.

It was an impossibility at the time though. HD-DVD launched in April of 2006, 6 months after the 360 did.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
OokieSpookie said:
Shoot Em Up had one, Hitman has it coming and others though off of the top of my head I do not remember which

Congrats - far as I can tell your post is the most complete list on the interweb.

I'm going to rent Shoot Em Up and see if I can do it.


Distinguished Air Superiority
Warm Machine said:
It was an impossibility at the time though. HD-DVD launched in April of 2006, 6 months after the 360 did.

Well that was MS's call. Either have a year head start on the PS3 without HD-DVD, or have a 6 month head start with HD-DVD. We'll see how that turns out in the years ahead.
TONX said:
Well that was MS's call. Either have a year head start on the PS3 without HD-DVD, or have a 6 month head start with HD-DVD. We'll see how that turns out in the years ahead.

The 360 is entrenched now and has the brand power and good will moving forward. Had they gone the Sony route they would have had their own $599 Lol fest and at best 6 month lead on PS3.


Warm Machine said:
The 360 is entrenched now and has the brand power and good will moving forward. Had they gone the Sony route they would have had their own $599 Lol fest and at best 6 month lead on PS3.

They're not THAT entrenched, I doubt they thought Nintendo would be out-selling them, not to mention they're currently too third-party reliant and things can change quickly when it comes to third-party support.

I think if they included an HD-DVD internal drive it would have driven the price up too much for the year lead to really have an impact, couple with their hardware reliability problem they would be in trouble. The fact is they can't go the Sony route even if they try, for them it's not cross-enterprise leverage the way Blu-Ray is for Sony, short-term the PS3 helps Blu-Ray adoption but with the format war won, it's going to be revenue city for Sony and frees up the purse strings for Sony to be more aggressive in terms of their game division, MS enjoys none of those benefits, either way it's just spending more money when their ultimate goal is for the physical formats to fail, and still that doesn't guarantee they won't have competition in terms of digital download which will take a long time to mature.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
just wondering...if the roles were reversed and hd-dvd won, would it be this much celebration in this thread?


jobber said:
just wondering...if the roles were reversed and hd-dvd won, would it be this much celebration in this thread?

Maybe, maybe not, it doesn't matter now, HD-DVD is dead and I'm happy to dance on its grave rawr.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Kittonwy said:
They're not THAT entrenched, I think if they included an HD-DVD internal drive it would have driven the price up too much for the year lead to really have an impact, couple with their hardware reliability problem they would be in trouble. The fact is they can't go the Sony route even if they try, for them it's not cross-enterprise leverage the way Blu-Ray is for Sony, short-term the PS3 helps Blu-Ray adoption but with the format war won, it's going to be revenue city for Sony and frees up the purse strings for Sony to be more aggressive in terms of their game division, MS enjoys none of those benefits.

In this thread, we should always be cognizant that a $30 movie purchase for a PS3 is $30 less spent on video games. I don't personally think that arithmetic bears heavy scrutiny, but it is the precise math used by Sony's own IP lawyers when discussing piracy, for example.

But on this forum, where a lot of games are bought by college and high school kids, limited income probably makes it literally true. In this short and mid-term Blu Ray is counterproductive to Sony's gaming efforts as a quick glance at the NPDs side by side with the red/blu pie illustrates.

A year or so down the line, it will be less of an issue. But it seems to me that they sacrificed early success of their gaming endeavor to the benefit of their movie plan.
Kittonwy said:
They're not THAT entrenched, I think if they included an HD-DVD internal drive it would have driven the price up too much for the year lead to really have an impact, couple with their hardware reliability problem they would be in trouble. The fact is they can't go the Sony route even if they try, for them it's not cross-enterprise leverage the way Blu-Ray is for Sony, short-term the PS3 helps Blu-Ray adoption but with the format war won, it's going to be revenue city for Sony and frees up the purse strings for Sony to be more aggressive in terms of their game division, MS enjoys none of those benefits.

Are they not like 6 million more machines entrenched in NA? Sony still loses money on PS3 consoles and MS will always enjoy faster price leverage against them for a variety of reasons (if the units sold continues into 2008 with PS3 winning month to month till march expect a price cut quickly). The larger install base allows MS more royalties per piece of software sold and makes 3rd parties prioritize for the machine.

Don't discount the collosal losses due to pricing that Sony has had to bear, this victory is great for them but if I were them I'd be looking for this to improve my bottom line through this, not give me more leverage to lose money. Have you ever seen such obvious tactics such as insane giveaways and bogos for a format war ever? End of the day someone has to pay for that. I'd expect the next 7 months to be recoup tactics and then full on assault for the holidays.
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