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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Kolgar said:
I know I said I was done with this thread--and I am, after this post--but I don't see what's to be gained by calling out posters from the other side, no matter how verbose they may have been.

Who cares where they are? It's Valentine's weekend, maybe they're on vacation having sexy time. Maybe they're crying in their beers. Or maybe they just have more important things to do than watch certain people gloat about the Blu-ray victory on NeoGAF.

As I've said, this format war has been ugly. Why make it uglier?

It's over now. Let's show some sportsmanship and class and make sure people know that we're all supporters of HDM rather than fanboys of any one format.

Oh calm down. I didn't say "Hey, you have to come here and answer for dozens of your past posts!" I was noting that they had vanished now when at times they were very vocal.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Warm Machine said:
And so would BR fanboys had the reverse happened. It is always interesting and fun to think of it especially because this one hinged on a single event.

Hardly, there was a series of events that led up to the Warner Annoucement. Warner was the tipping point.

From Blu-ray's choice to still include Region Formatting and BD+, thus getting the support of Fox and Disney.
Blu-Ray being the first format in Development.
And the Playstation 3 helping to get people to buy movies before the format war was decided on.
Not forgetting the increased disc capacity.

All of these factors contributed to Warner's decision.


Stinkles said:
But on this forum, where a lot of games are bought by college and high school kids, limited income probably makes it literally true. In this short and mid-term Blu Ray is counterproductive to Sony's gaming efforts as a quick glance at the NPDs side by side with the red/blu pie illustrates.

The problem with BluRay was that it jacked up the price of the console. I never really bought into this "people buying movies instead of games" theory that much. You could say the same about any system that plays DVDs. It took the PS2 a year or so to get past the "LOL It's just a DVD player!" angle, but there was no-harm, no-foul in the long run.

I tend to think people don't really budget themselves in such a fashion where they just spend everything they have on whatever is available, and a $30 movie would have somehow AUTOMATICALLY have gone towards a game purchase. They make careful selections and just purchase what they are most interested in, as schedule and means dictates.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
border said:
The problem with BluRay was that it jacked up the price of the console. I never really bought into this "people buying movies instead of games" theory that much. You could say the same about any system that plays DVDs. It took the PS2 a year or so to get past the "LOL It's just a DVD player!" angle, but there was no-harm, no-foul in the long run.

I tend to think people don't really budget themselves in such a fashion where they just spend everything they have on whatever is available, and a $30 movie would have somehow AUTOMATICALLY have gone towards a game purchase. They make careful selections and just purchase what they are most interested in, as schedule and means dictates.

I agree to a certain extent - the discs and players are overpriced right now and that curve will flatten. But right now, even for me with a good job and a fair budget for this stuff, I often choose a movie or two instead of a game.

I think 360/PS3 dual platform ownership exacerbates this. Those people buy games on one, movies on the other at a significant rate.


Stinkles said:
Congrats - far as I can tell your post is the most complete list on the interweb.

I'm going to rent Shoot Em Up and see if I can do it.

AVP 2 has it included as well. It seems Fox is pushing it hard. Its really obvious which ones have it, with that disgusting metal banner on the top of their boxarts.
Suikoguy said:
Hardly, there was a series of events that led up to the Warner Annoucement. Warner was the tipping point.

From Blu-ray's choice to still include Region Formatting and BD+, thus getting the support of Fox and Disney.
Blu-Ray being the first format in Development.
And the Playstation 3 helping to get people to buy movies before the format war was decided on.
Not forgetting the increased disc capacity.

All of these factors contributed to Warner's decision.

I meant the how nearly instantaneous this was, being due to Warner's decision.


Now begins the punishment:

Sony: "Oh, hello there Paramount and Universal . . . what's that? You need access to some Blu-Ray replication lines to make some product to sell? Well, well . . . I'm afraid there's a bit of a queue. Warner's got quite a bit in the pipeline, and that crazy Disney and Pixar, well, who knows when they'll be done. What's that? But you don't have anything to sell? Come on guys, I know you Paramount are sitting on at least a nice little $150 million nest egg to hold you over until your turn comes up. Was it worth it? Come to think of it, Paramount, don't you have some Blu-Ray discs sitting in a warehouse somewhere? Why not use those? Oh, the masters and encodes were made with the lowest common denominator in mind so they don't look as good as they could? That's a pity . . . a real pity . . . who's gonna buy those?"


Stinkles said:
I agree to a certain extent - the discs and players are overpriced right now and that curve will flatten. But right now, even for me with a good job and a fair budget for this stuff, I often choose a movie or two instead of a game.
Maybe this is a debunked Toshiba talking point, but if you include PS3 in the BluRay userbase, doesn't the movie attach rate drop to less than 1? It would seem that if forced to a choice most people are picking up games instead of movies (or maybe neither).
border said:
Maybe this is a debunked Toshiba talking point, but if you include PS3 in the BluRay userbase, doesn't the movie attach rate drop to less than 1? It would seem that if forced to a choice most people are picking up games instead of movies (or maybe neither).

Most PS3 owners aren't buying movies at all. I don't think it's a question of money, it's that they didn't buy the PS3 for movies.

I imagine we'll see an uptick now that the format war is over.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
teiresias said:
Now begins the punishment:

Sony: "Oh, hello there Paramount and Universal . . . what's that? You need access to some Blu-Ray replication lines to make some product to sell? Well, well . . . I'm afraid there's a bit of a queue. Warner's got quite a bit in the pipeline, and that crazy Disney and Pixar, well, who knows when they'll be done. What's that? But you don't have anything to sell? Come on guys, I know you Paramount are sitting on at least a nice little $150 million nest egg to hold you over until your turn comes up. Was it worth it? Come to think of it, Paramount, don't you have some Blu-Ray discs sitting in a warehouse somewhere? Why not use those? Oh, the masters and encodes were made with the lowest common denominator in mind so they don't look as good as they could? That's a pity . . . a real pity . . . who's gonna buy those?"

Not a chance. They need to jump start sales. Winning the HD DVD battle is not the end of the war. The real war is with the well entrenched and technically adequate DVD format.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Ignatz Mouse said:
Most PS3 owners aren't buying movies at all. I don't think it's a question of money, it's that they didn't buy the PS3 for movies.

I imagine we'll see an uptick now that the format war is over.

Have you seen the "show us your setup" thread? Or my own collection of movies?


Now begins the punishment

Utterly crazy.

Blu-ray assoc. wants these releases and will welcome them with open arms this means more money for the pool holders. Just like Toshiba hedged its bets by being in with samsung and has a 51% percent stake in there players. I fully except them to release a combo player for their first one so no worries. I am looking how toshiba will sneak into the profit BR pool.

Random note: Each shareholder< you can have multiples> in Dvd makes 16 cents per disk sold. Theres 1.7 billion disks sold a year in dvd. So DTS/ dolby digital/ Sony/ Toshiba/etc all get paid.


yes, that talented of a member
Ignatz Mouse said:
Most PS3 owners aren't buying movies at all. I don't think it's a question of money, it's that they didn't buy the PS3 for movies.

I imagine we'll see an uptick now that the format war is over.

Oh man, I'm just a freak then.


Stinkles said:
Have you seen the "show us your setup" thread? Or my own collection of movies?
Are there people who still actually believe that NeoGAF is indicative of the market at large?

If PS3 inclusion sinks attach rates in the BRD market as much as claimed, I don't see how you can argue with that.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Most PS3 owners aren't buying movies at all. I don't think it's a question of money, it's that they didn't buy the PS3 for movies.

I imagine we'll see an uptick now that the format war is over.

I can only speak for myself, but my PS3 collection:
- 1 game
- 11 BDs

Id say I bought mine for as a BD player first, gaming system second.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
border said:
Are there people who still actually believe that NeoGAF is indicative of the market at large?

If PS3 inclusion sinks attach rates in the BRD market as much as claimed, I don't see how you can argue with that.

NeoGaf does not equal the opposite of the market either. The fact is that every single PS3 setup shown in that thread has BIG quantities of movies. And small quantities of games. If NeoGaf is indicative of anything, it should be hardcore gaming, no?

But you're right, it's all still small-sample evidence.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Solo said:
I can only speak for myself, but my PS3 collection:
- 1 game
- 11 BDs

Id say I bought mine for as a BD player first, gaming system second.

I'm 5/64

About the same ratio


Stinkles said:
Have you seen the "show us your setup" thread? Or my own collection of movies?

All 3 Million NA PS3 owners posted in that thread? Interesting.

It's good to know that the "show us your setup" thread includes 'most' PS3 owners, and not just a small percentage of tech heads.
From Team Xbox forums:

Plain and simple, Sony won ONLY because the masses are slow and stupid. Blue Ray is a two syllable phrase whereas HD DVD is a 5 syllable phrase. The format that was easier to pronounce by the lazy ass massess won. I feel ashamed.


Junior Member
I have:

5 games, soon to be 7 (traded in 2, getting 2 more soon, Burnout and DMC4)
20 movies (3 of those are the M:I box set), plus 4 more are on the way

there goes your "theory"...


What I find interesting is that people are saying the PS3 is a 'blu ray player' for most.

As opposed to saying "well, movies are half the price of games, and there are hundreds more movies than games".

Who's to say if there weren't more games available for PS3, the ratio would change? Quite frankly, it doesn't make sense.

People buy movies for PS3 in high def because the CAN, not because that's all they want to do. Is it seriously that bad for the PS3 if it plays high def movies and people OWN high def movies for it?
tha_con said:
What I find interesting is that people are saying the PS3 is a 'blu ray player' for most.

As opposed to saying "well, movies are half the price of games, and there are hundreds more movies than games".

Who's to say if there weren't more games available for PS3, the ratio would change? Quite frankly, it doesn't make sense.

People buy movies for PS3 in high def because the CAN, not because that's all they want to do. Is it seriously that bad for the PS3 if it plays high def movies and people OWN high def movies for it?

History would say no. It's well established that PS2 sold in huge numbers primarily as a DVD player in 1999/2000 in many areas of the world.


MassiveAttack said:
From Team Xbox forums:

Hilarious. Wasn't HD-DVD supposed to benefit the most from its name early on.

"HD-DVD will surely win by just its name. I mean, what the hell is blu-ray anyways? Your average joe will see DVD in the title and know exactly what it is!"


Junior Member
dabig2 said:
Hilarious. Wasn't HD-DVD supposed to benefit the most from its name early on.

"HD-DVD will surely win by just its name. I mean, what the hell is blu-ray anyways? Your average joe will see DVD in the title and know exactly what it is!"
Is he related to Joe Six-Pack by any chance?
Solo said:
I can only speak for myself, but my PS3 collection:
- 1 game
- 11 BDs

Id say I bought mine for as a BD player first, gaming system second.

I'm much more heavily weighted to movies myself, but there were a ton of reports in late Summer about how only a quarter or so of PS3 owners had purchased a single movie.

Edit: this thread seems to have morphed into some kind of "PS3 is still doomed" thread.

More responses after Solo's trying to assert that this is somehow bad for Sony selling games... which is completely off topic.


I have 6 PS3 games (not including probably 8 DLC games) and about 15 BD movies. I have two brothers with PS3s who have a few games each and 1 movie that I gave them. I also have a brother who has about as many games as me with about 30 BD movies.

Uh... I forget what we're trying to prove/disprove.

EDIT: thanks to my reply here I realized that my youngest brother still has my Uncharted, AC and Planet Earth that I lent him at christmas when he got his ps3. Time to start bugging him to bring that shit back.:lol
Solo said:
I can only speak for myself, but my PS3 collection:
- 1 game
- 11 BDs

Id say I bought mine for as a BD player first, gaming system second.

- 11 Games
- 2 BDs.

Bought it as a gaming console, BR player is a bonus.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Most PS3 owners aren't buying movies at all. I don't think it's a question of money, it's that they didn't buy the PS3 for movies.

I imagine we'll see an uptick now that the format war is over.

Are you kidding me?

What do you think PS3 owners are buying then? Have you seen the software sales charts?

Here's a hint: They aren't buying games.

As for me, I've got 15 blu-ray movies, 1 physical PS3 game and a downloaded Warhawk on my hard drive.
8 games
22 Blu-ray


Always used my HD DVD XA2 as my primarily HD movie player, got a PS3 a few months later (paid something like $100 after trade) for games and of course, enjoying the missing content from the HD DVD format.

Planning to get a good dual format player so that I can use one player strictly for movies, and I'll use the PS3 only for games.


MassiveAttack said:
History would say no. It's well established that PS2 sold in huge numbers primarily as a DVD player in 1999/2000 in many areas of the world.
It was my first DVD player and the first in my familiy.

I predict the PS3 will follow suit for me when the price drops.
bill0527 said:
Are you kidding me?

What do you think PS3 owners are buying then? Have you seen the software sales charts?

Here's a hint: They aren't buying games.

As for me, I've got 15 blu-ray movies, 1 physical PS3 game and a downloaded Warhawk on my hard drive.

Have you seen the absolute numbers sold for HD titles? Only a handful of titles were over 100K prior to December.

Only a fraction of PS3 owners had to be actively buying movies to drive software sales compared to relatively small market of dedicated HD players.
10 ps3 games
11 psn games

39 Blu-Rays

To be fair though, I also own a 360 and *most* of the multiplatform games I own are on that platform. This has already started to change, however (Burnout, DMC) and will continue to throughout the year.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Ignatz Mouse said:
I'm much more heavily weighted to movies myself, but there were a ton of reports in late Summer about how only a quarter or so of PS3 owners had purchased a single movie.

Edit: this thread seems to have morphed into some kind of "PS3 is still doomed" thread.

More responses after Solo's trying to assert that this is somehow bad for Sony selling games... which is completely off topic.

This is weird cognitive dissonance. This thread is fueled in part by the PS3's enviable success as a Blu Ray player - and in fact a tiny percentage of Blu Ray owners here have dedicated players. Most have PS3s and most use them heavily as a Blu Ray player. It's not off-topic, it's very relevant in fact.

And there's no need to be defensive about this being a PS3 still doomed issue - it's not, the PS3 can look forward to continued, accelerated success. If part of that is Blu Ray related, then so what?


Dot50Cal said:
Well guys this certainly was a fun time right? Come here, lets laugh together!

this is why the group hug threads aren't working. we are licking butthurt hd-dvd supporters right now. :lol it's fun reading meltdown.


Warm Machine said:
And so would BR fanboys had the reverse happened. It is always interesting and fun to think of it especially because this one hinged on a single event.

That in itself is a "whatif" scenario. You would need a "whatif" scenario in order to propose a "whatif" scenario to assume teh Blu-Ray defense force would do what HD-DVD fanboys would do.
91 posts in this thread huh? welp, 92 now. :lol

I did trade my Xbox 360 HD DVD drive for an A2. Looks a HELL of a lot better now that I'm running it through HDMI.

Anyways--- PS3 or not, I'll pick up a Blu player simply because I am a fan of movies.

What I don't get is why all the Blu players are still $300+.

There are two things I can take away from this thread :

1) Snah is a little bitch.
2) Format wars are never friendly. Bias or no bias---Fan boy or Fanboi--- HD DVD or Blu-Ray--- nothing is ever pretty. I will most likely stick with both pending if Universal ever goes completely Blu pending the Toshiba announcement sometime in the next week or so.

I hope with 1 format that prices dip down a bit with the players and the movies. And don't bullshit me about "you pay premium for High-Def..." --- Go back and re-read some of my comments in this thread about DVD's first adoption rate and how movies were selling for $9.99-$13.99 when the industry was trying to get people to switch. The problem with the High Def players is they are "niche" since they do cost more and consumers will most likely stick out with the normal DVD players.

Who knows, I'll stick around this thread to see what happens but HD DVD did have a good run and ultimately if the Blu-Ray format wins we'll see that adoption rate % go up which will lead to more studios producing more Blu movies and cheaper prices.


Stinkles said:
This is weird cognitive dissonance. This thread is fueled in part by the PS3's enviable success as a Blu Ray player - and in fact a tiny percentage of Blu Ray owners here have dedicated players. Most have PS3s and most use them heavily as a Blu Ray player. It's not off-topic, it's very relevant in fact.

And there's no need to be defensive about this being a PS3 still doomed issue - it's not, the PS3 can look forward to continued, accelerated success. If part of that is Blu Ray related, then so what?

More people buy PS3s to play Blu-Ray movies, they pick up a couple of games, usebase grows, publishers get stoked, everybody wins.

PS3 success=Blu-Ray success=PS3 success


VictimOfGrief said:
91 posts in this thread huh? welp, 92 now. :lol

I did trade my Xbox 360 HD DVD drive for an A2. Looks a HELL of a lot better now that I'm running it through HDMI.

Anyways--- PS3 or not, I'll pick up a Blu player simply because I am a fan of movies.

What I don't get is why all the Blu players are still $300+.

There are two things I can take away from this thread :

1) Snah is a little bitch.
2) Format wars are never friendly. Bias or no bias---Fan boy or Fanboi--- HD DVD or Blu-Ray--- nothing is ever pretty. I will most likely stick with both pending if Universal ever goes completely Blu pending the Toshiba announcement sometime in the next week or so.

I hope with 1 format that prices dip down a bit with the players and the movies. And don't bullshit me about "you pay premium for High-Def..." --- Go back and re-read some of my comments in this thread about DVD's first adoption rate and how movies were selling for $9.99-$13.99 when the industry was trying to get people to switch. The problem with the High Def players is they are "niche" since they do cost more and consumers will most likely stick out with the normal DVD players.

Who knows, I'll stick around this thread to see what happens but HD DVD did have a good run and ultimately if the Blu-Ray format wins we'll see that adoption rate % go up which will lead to more studios producing more Blu movies and cheaper prices.

he loves the bitter tears, he truly does.
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