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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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VictimOfGrief said:
91 posts in this thread huh? welp, 92 now. :lol

I did trade my Xbox 360 HD DVD drive for an A2. Looks a HELL of a lot better now that I'm running it through HDMI.

Anyways--- PS3 or not, I'll pick up a Blu player simply because I am a fan of movies.

What I don't get is why all the Blu players are still $300+.

There are two things I can take away from this thread :

1) Snah is a little bitch.
2) Format wars are never friendly. Bias or no bias---Fan boy or Fanboi--- HD DVD or Blu-Ray--- nothing is ever pretty. I will most likely stick with both pending if Universal ever goes completely Blu pending the Toshiba announcement sometime in the next week or so.

I hope with 1 format that prices dip down a bit with the players and the movies. And don't bullshit me about "you pay premium for High-Def..." --- Go back and re-read some of my comments in this thread about DVD's first adoption rate and how movies were selling for $9.99-$13.99 when the industry was trying to get people to switch. The problem with the High Def players is they are "niche" since they do cost more and consumers will most likely stick out with the normal DVD players.

Who knows, I'll stick around this thread to see what happens but HD DVD did have a good run and ultimately if the Blu-Ray format wins we'll see that adoption rate % go up which will lead to more studios producing more Blu movies and cheaper prices.

why all the Blu players are still $300+
Because they are selling pretty well while still giving the companies profit.
They will come down when they are ready to, period.

Snah is a little bitch.
I don't know about all of that, but it could almost be mistaken for bitter tears.


:))Beliefs or assertions that BR won because consumers favored Blu-Ray are pure BS. Studios, and now the retailers, have chosen it for the sheeple. Wal-mart, Best Buy, NetFlix, etc. are nothing more than corporate shills for Blu-Ray. Look y'all, especially the 15-30 year old younguns, the Beta vs. VHS war started in 1975/1976 and took at least several YEARS to resolve-not 18 months like HD DVD vs BR. Sony didn't make a VHS player until the late 80's or early 90's, some 15 YEARS later! Studios and retailer format exclusivity played a much smaller role, if any, in which tape format won. FOR YEARS and YEARS you could find either Beta or VHS machines and software at just about any major electronics retailer. It was truly the consumers that decided which tape format came out on top and IT TOOK SOME CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF TIME. I owned and supported both VHS and Beta, just as I own BR and HD-DVD now. Gee.. do you think that competition is good thing? HD DVD did not get a fair chance in this competition. BR was rammed down the consumers throats. Bend over and enjoy as the Blu-Ray and friends corporate sheisters laugh all the way to the bank, while giving you less choice.



Warm Machine said:
Are they not like 6 million more machines entrenched in NA? Sony still loses money on PS3 consoles and MS will always enjoy faster price leverage against them for a variety of reasons (if the units sold continues into 2008 with PS3 winning month to month till march expect a price cut quickly). The larger install base allows MS more royalties per piece of software sold and makes 3rd parties prioritize for the machine.

Don't discount the collosal losses due to pricing that Sony has had to bear, this victory is great for them but if I were them I'd be looking for this to improve my bottom line through this, not give me more leverage to lose money. Have you ever seen such obvious tactics such as insane giveaways and bogos for a format war ever? End of the day someone has to pay for that. I'd expect the next 7 months to be recoup tactics and then full on assault for the holidays.

Given the current situation it's not like MS is dominating NA by any means, and depending on this year's and next year's line-up, it remains to be seen whether they can keep Sony from gaining too much momentum on them, because on Blu-Ray alone the PS3 will benefit from an increased uptake, and that's in addition to the strong upcoming line-up, Japan is a complete lost-cause for MS, and Europe aka Sonyland would eventually become dominated by Sony as well, and that in itself can also sway publishers in Sony's favor. Having Blu-Ray as a revenue generator makes Sony much more competitive overall and that includes their game division who can now afford to compete more aggressively on exclusivity as well as spend more on both development and marketing both in terms of advertising as well as in terms of the retail space, retailers like BBY might want to focus more on the PS3 because they also want to drive the movie sales, giving Sony more natural leverage on retailers to recommend PS3 over 360, these things tend to snowball, and a resolution to this hi-def format war in Sony's favor will benefit them tremendously across the board.

The more Blu-Ray player sold, the cheaper it becomes for Sony to make the PS3, it's not like MS can benefit from the economy of scale in terms of their optical drive the way Sony can with the PS3, ultimately it goes back to Blu-Ray ending up being a tremendous revenue generator for them that it will both add to the PS3 userbase as well as loosen Sony's purse strings, the same way that MS would have been able to make more acquisition had they not been forced to deal with the likes of Google, it's just a matter of having to fight two wars instead of one, because Sony already won the format war, and to the victor goes the spoils.
Stinkles said:
This is weird cognitive dissonance. This thread is fueled in part by the PS3's enviable success as a Blu Ray player - and in fact a tiny percentage of Blu Ray owners here have dedicated players. Most have PS3s and most use them heavily as a Blu Ray player. It's not off-topic, it's very relevant in fact.

And there's no need to be defensive about this being a PS3 still doomed issue - it's not, the PS3 can look forward to continued, accelerated success. If part of that is Blu Ray related, then so what?

It's not cognitive dissonance-- Even a large majority of the HD movie base makes up a fraction of the PS3 userbase. Different scales. There were a number of articles about the low attach rates of BD software to PS3 players. You and I are not the average guy. Most people who bought PS3s bought them to play games. As I stated, late Summer the numbers were somehting like only 1 in 4 PS3 owners had purchased a single Blu-ray movie. That's why Toshiba was always counting the PS3 when the talked attach rates, but dismissed it when counting players sold.

This is legendary already, if you followed this thread.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
teiresias said:
Now begins the punishment:

Sony: "Oh, hello there Paramount and Universal . . . what's that? You need access to some Blu-Ray replication lines to make some product to sell? Well, well . . . I'm afraid there's a bit of a queue. Warner's got quite a bit in the pipeline, and that crazy Disney and Pixar, well, who knows when they'll be done.

Now, now... there's no need to nitpick Blu-Ray's weaknesses compared to the vanquished competition at this point.


Right now, you may or may not realize that Sony has been paying off EVERYBODY that it can find in order to deny consumers choice in format. That's right, unlike the VHS/Beta war, consumers never had a chance to vote on this one. This contest was decided by paying off all of the right companies until HD DVD which had an exceptional product at launch and played an honest game had nowhere to turn. If studios had been neutral throughout this contest is there ANYBODY out there that honestly believes that HD DVD wouldn't have CRUSHED Blu-Ray?



Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
bill0527 said:
Are you kidding me?

What do you think PS3 owners are buying then? Have you seen the software sales charts?

Here's a hint: They aren't buying games.

As for me, I've got 15 blu-ray movies, 1 physical PS3 game and a downloaded Warhawk on my hard drive.
Yes they are. Call of Duty 4 has sold over a million in the US on Ps3, irrespective of how well it did on 360, it still did very well on ps3.
Also Ngai hinted that Burnot Paradise 360 to ps3 ratio is less than 2:1.

Personally i have somewhere between 80-90 movies and about 10 games, and 8DLC.
Kittonwy said:
Given the current situation it's not like MS is dominating NA by any means,

Fact is that MS is dominating though and by a significant amount. You cannot argue that in the least. The rest is all possibility and we'll see if the possibility comes true. Only thing Sony needs to concern themselves with is with BR format now is if it takes off with the general public.

Beyond that they have other CE manufacturers supporting the business with their own players which will inevitably take the focus off PS3 as a the only decent BR player available.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Xater said:
Even if Disney should release those titles soon I will still wait for the whole bloody affair. I want to finally see the japanese cut of Vol. 1 :(

I'm pretty sure those are Japanese, which is really too bad since I only want 2 and import Blu-Rays are fucking expensive.
Xater said:
Even if Disney should release those titles soon I will still wait for the whole bloody affair. I want to finally see the japanese cut of Vol. 1 :(
Why hasn't that been cut to the theater and released on DVD yet? F'ning joke if you ask me. We were promised that version almost 2 yrs ago.


TAJ said:
I'm pretty sure those are Japanese, which is really too bad since I only want 2 and import Blu-Rays are fucking expensive.

I am pretty sure those are fan made covers that he likes to post. And yes it's a travesty that the "Whole bloody affair" is not yet out.

And pls don't quote all those pictures ARGH!
captive said:
Yes they are. Call of Duty 4 has sold over a million in the US on Ps3, irrespective of how well it did on 360, it still did very well on ps3.
Also Ngai hinted that Burnot Paradise 360 to ps3 ratio is less than 2:1.

Personally i have somewhere between 80-90 movies and about 10 games, and 8DLC.

COD4 has done about 3:1 360 to PS3. We can use BR / HD-DVD Pac-mans to illustrate how significant that is if you like. If the Pac-Mans tell the story to the likes of the movie companies for their product what do you think it does to the game publishers?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Warm Machine said:
COD4 has done about 3:1 360 to PS3. We can use BR / HD-DVD Pac-mans to illustrate how significant that is if you like. If the Pac-Mans tell the story to the likes of the movie companies for their product what do you think it does to the game publishers?
Yes im sure Activision is cursing themselves for putting the game out on PS3 after selling over 1 million. 4+ million 360+PS3 > 3+ million 360.
Money is money, and activision has clearly made money on both version of the games and thats all they care about.

Also your analogy fails because as regulars in this thread have always said console warz != format wars. And the pacman your referring to is tens of thousands(high def media) compared to millions(of games).

ignatz mouse said:
Please take the PS3/360 bullshit back to the other forum.
Technically you started this argument off. We wouldnt have this problem if people wouldnt make assinine statements like "no one with a ps3 buys games."

The war is over, this thread should just be locked anyway. :p


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Xater said:
And yes it's a travesty that the "Whole bloody affair" is not yet out.

I said that I don't want The Whole Bloody Affair. Unfortunately, it's probably all we'll get.


TAJ said:
I said that I don't want The Whole Bloody Affair. Unfortunately, it's probably all we'll get.

The second part wasn't directed at you but at Victimofgrief. SHould have made that clear.
This guy named 1080p is having a huge meltdown.

I used the word cheated because when you hear "the customer choose's bd" it's a lie!!
Sony didn't have the balls to let the consumer choice, if they did want to play it that way, then they should have been neutral.
If they were then all the studios would have been, so then we could have called this a war like VHS Vs Beta and then the consumer would have choosen.
Sony was scared of HD DVD, hance they cheated.
Do you understand?



Sony cheated in a format war? LOL

"There are always casualties in war, if not then it wouldn't be war, just a rather nasty argument with lots of pushing and shoving."


FFObsessed said:
Sony cheated in a format war? LOL

"There are always casualties in war, if not then it wouldn't be war, just a rather nasty argument with lots of pushing and shoving."

Before it drives me nuts where is that quote from? :lol


SolidSnakex said:
This guy named 1080p is having a huge meltdown.



The OP in that thread layed it down though. Betamax was half successful for Sony, HD-DVD has no place in broadcast or backup.

After Betamax lost the format war to VHS, VHS became the home video format. However, outside the the home video market, the broadcasting industry used Betamax as the industry standard format, and Sony continued to produce and sell Betamax to the broadcasting industry. In the end, Betamax actually outlived VHS. As DVD replaced VHS, the broadcasting industry actually continued to use Betamax, and Sony earned back its investment on Betamax from the broadcasting industry.

In the case of HD DVD, it's a completely different ending. HD DVD is completely DEAD. According to The Hollywood Reporter and Japan Broadcast Corporation (NHK), Toshiba will basically just bail and pull out of HD DVD production. Which means when that point onward, there will be no more HD DVD being made or sold. There will be no place for HD DVD to exist -- not the home video industry, nor the broadcasting industry, not even the PC industry.

It's a complete and utter defeat for HD DVD. Toshiba is completely humilated and defeated.

The system warz jibe at the end probably pushed Mr. 1080p off the cliff :lol
DeathNote said:
this is why the group hug threads aren't working. we are licking butthurt hd-dvd supporters right now. :lol it's fun reading meltdown.
Yeah, they should change the Smackdown forum's name to "HD DVD Meltdown".
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