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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
NIghtWolf said:
The bolded part can piss anyone off, you "generalized" saying fanboys and then finished with "it will likely be a few years before most consumers share that enthusiasm" that statement doesn't quite help to balance the things up either.

The word fanboy in your reply makes you look like one, like a bitter HD-DVD fan, thats why you may had annoyed some ppl. Also I agree with Costanza your avatar is annoying.

Well in the name of peace, I relent -starting with the avatar. It was never my intention to cause this much trouble; on the other hand I did feel the overwhelming urge to...defend...myself.

Go Blu-ray, good riddance HD-DVD, whatever I gotta say to smooth things over, I'm saying it now.

EDIT: for the record, when I said, "Blu-ray fanboys", in no way did I mean to suggest that I think all Blu-ray adopters are fanboys...


DOO13ER said:
Well in the name of peace, I relent -starting with the avatar. It was never my intention to cause this much trouble; on the other hand I did feel the overwhelming urge to...defend...myself.

Go Blu-ray, good riddance HD-DVD, whatever I gotta say to smooth things over, I'm saying it now.

We are anonymous. We do not forgive. We do not forget. We are Legion.


Metalmurphy said:
So it's finally over. Thank God.

Now re-release all the HD-DVD exclusives!
I will double or even triple-dip just to have one player. (I'd probably sell or trade in my HD-DVD add-on for my Xbox 360) Fortunately I've only bought 5 DVD's so far not counting the free King Kong. Also fortunately, none of them is really hugely high priority anyway.. Willy Wonka is the only important one in my collection. Yes.. Willy Wonka... the movie from 1971 with Gene Wilder. I will buy it on Blu-Ray day one. It's an amazing HD-DVD. It'll be an amazing Blu-Ray. Just get it done, WB! (My other non-important HD-DVD's are Superman II, Superman Returns, Apollo 13 and Army of Darkness. And eventually I will get them on Blu-Ray.. whether they're already out or will eventually come out again.)

I just have to find the right player. I still can't decide whether to bite it and get a PS3 (Which will require guaranteed PS2 playback and a way to use an IR universal remote or I won't budge.) or find a deal on a stand-alone.

Yes. I consider Willy Wonka, a movie made 30 years before the HD revolution, my most important must have HD-DVD's.

Also, that is the greatest, nay, the most AWESOME commercial ever.

Awesome. :lol



Actually no. I will never cave. My hate for Sony runs deeper than you'd think. I can definitely say "set in stone" that I will never ever buy a BluGay player in my lifetime. I will just choose to not watch movies. Not only will I not buy one, but I also plan to never support Sony, MGM, WB, Fox, or Disney at the Box Office from here on out. My loyalties will lie with Paramount and Universal forever. May sound stupid to some of you, but I could care less. I'm a loyal person and always have been. I'll just wait for the movies to come to DirecTV and record them on my HR20........... unless Sony runs a universal DRM program with all major broadcasters. Maybe Sony will allow us to breathe without paying them royalties.......... oh boy I hope so.




Incredibly Naive
So when should we expect those universal/paramount announcements? It's surreal at this point that it's over. Can't wait to see all those exclusives comin out on Blu now. Eternal Sunshine, Lost in Translation, bourne movies, children of men, so much more.:D
msdstc said:
So when should we expect those universal/paramount announcements? It's surreal at this point that it's over. Can't wait to see all those exclusives comin out on Blu now. Eternal Sunshine, Lost in Translation, bourne movies, children of men, so much more.:D
Toshiba announcement might take as long as the last week of this month.
Paramount and Universals will come maybe that friday.


Zaptruder said:
We are anonymous. We do not forgive. We do not forget. We are Legion.

Like Michael Bay we r teh awesome.


Not only will I not buy one, but I also plan to never support Sony, MGM, WB, Fox, or Disney at the Box Office from here on out. My loyalties will lie with Paramount and Universal forever.

Being loyal to a company.... can't believe how advanced are the human degradation...thats whats goes beyond fanaticism. Two things, he must be or too young or too old to say that.

Anyways, hope Advent Children BD get to US this year and some other Tv series I like (Band of Brothers :( )


SolidSnakex said:
I hadn't seen that before, do people honestly believe DD actually poses a thread to BR currently?

Yes. But they obviously don't pay attention to the music industry which has easier access to downloads and a better structure and yet still only accounts for about 15 percent of the industry.


With the HD DVD platform going south in a hurray now, look for the other shoe to fall in the months ahead - Blu Ray will also fail. While BD will surely gloat that they have won the format war - the fact is, they will have won the battle, but will become a casualty of the overall war themselves - the SD to HD disk conversion war.

The comments section of this AICN article detailing the demise of HD-DVD is hilarious. Anyone who remembers Harry's original article backing HD-DVD and his bullshit uninformed reasoning for doing so will appreciate this even more. One such example:

Go fuck yourself, Harry
by Frankenblogger

You're a fucking idiot who was obviously working for the HD DVD camp and who doesn't have a clue as to which format is better. How about doing a little research before making a post. Might make you appear a bit smarter even if you aren't.

4 HD DVD players? What a fucking moron.


the aint it cool comments are fairly scary.

'i is an expert the ps3 is a failure it cant play ps1 games or upconvert, i have one its a waste of 600 dollars and sony is dropping the psp anyway cos its losing them millions'

plus who the hell buys 300 HD movies? that's a awful lot of shite HD or not.

someone needs to give that 'expert_40' kid a slap.
purnoman3000 said:

The comments section of this AICN article detailing the demise of HD-DVD is hilarious. Anyone who remembers Harry's original article backing HD-DVD and his bullshit uninformed reasoning for doing so will appreciate this even more. One such example:

Sad. Even sadder to know that there probably are even more people like this on the other side feeling vindicated.


PjotrStroganov said:
Sad. Even sadder to know that there probably are even more people like this on the other side feeling vindicated.
It is sad, but Harry deserves to be burned on this one. He made a large statement, hoping that people would back him and understand his choice, but based it on false information.

Hell, the dude cited a reason of choosing HD-DVD was because it was backwards compatible.


Costanza said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Originally Posted by malandra View Post
allow me to eleborate then...

girl: let's go see spiderman 6
logan: I can't
girl: why not?
logan: I'm a loyal person
girl: wtf are you talking about?
logan: well, remember like ten year ago there was that war about which format would replace DVDs?
girl: you mean the war with terror?
logan: no, anyway, there were two competing formats: toshiba's hd dvd and sony's blu ray, I spent money on a toshiba HD DVD and several HD DVD movies
girl: what's a format? you mean like times new roman?
logan: no, it was a movie player, anyway even though hd dvd was better people chose blu ray so I ended up with lots of paperweights and since then I have a problem with sony and I refuse to see any of their movies
girl: I thought spiderman was a tobey maguire movie
logan: no, its a columbia movie and it's own by sony
girl: colombia?
logan: no, columbia, therefore I decided never to give any money to sony
girl: well, then I'll buy the movie tickets and you buy the popcorn
logan: you don't understand, it's a principle thing
girl: are you gay?
logan: no, I'm a loyal person
girl: you mean you already seeing somebody?
logan: (walks away)

:lol :lol



yes, that talented of a member
DeathNote said:
With the HD DVD platform going south in a hurray now, look for the other shoe to fall in the months ahead - Blu Ray will also fail. While BD will surely gloat that they have won the format war - the fact is, they will have won the battle, but will become a casualty of the overall war themselves - the SD to HD disk conversion war.

I find that a lot more believable than digital distribution coming out of nowhere and mangling blu-ray like some people are saying.


erlim said:
I find that a lot more believable than digital distribution coming out of nowhere and mangling blu-ray like some people are saying.

I still don't get people with digital distribution. Didn't broadband only become mainstream like 3-4 years ago? An average HD movie is like what, 20 gigs? Also after, where would you store it? While pay-per-view on demand has become popular, renting and buying movies is still far more popular. Digital distribution will come, however it is at least a decade away.


M3wThr33 said:
It is sad, but Harry deserves to be burned on this one. He made a large statement, hoping that people would back him and understand his choice, but based it on false information.

Hell, the dude cited a reason of choosing HD-DVD was because it was backwards compatible.

I think Harry should be burned. He made some profoundly ignorant comments about HD DVD and Blu Ray, claiming that HD DVD was backwards compatible but Blu somehow wasn't.

If this were just some random idiot then no one would think twice, but this is meant to be someone with their finger on the pulse. Wherever his finger is, it certainly isn't on the pulse.


yes, that talented of a member
KGKK said:
I still don't get people with digital distribution. Didn't broadband only become mainstream like 3-4 years ago? An average HD movie is like what, 20 gigs? Also after, where would you store it? While pay-per-view on demand has become popular, renting and buying movies is still far more popular. Digital distribution will come, however it is at least a decade away.

Yeah not to mention places like Best Buy aren't going to just lay down and let the profits from physical media formats just go away.

DrXym said:
I think Harry should be burned. He made some profoundly ignorant comments about HD DVD and Blu Ray, claiming that HD DVD was backwards compatible but Blu somehow wasn't.

If this were just some random idiot then no one would think twice, but this is meant to be someone with their finger on the pulse. Wherever his finger is, it certainly isn't on the pulse.

He's too lazy to walk, why wouldn't he be too lazy to check the facts on hd-dvd and blu-ray?


:lol :lol :lol

And I thought the only thing we wanted was a way to watch our movies in HD. Sony camp had more to lose anyhow, PS3 in all. :)
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