Yes, but pressing an apparently random sequence of buttons is not a good combat system.
Yeah it's not always the same button presses. DOH!
Yes, but pressing an apparently random sequence of buttons is not a good combat system.
Woah, Rev re-preordered? Neat.
Expect him to cancel it again tomorrow.
fuck it
I pre-ordered it on GMG and I've beenwasting my dayplaying the Sniper Challenge. 1.6m points and I think I've hit a wall. No multiplier.yea rite
I thought I hit a wall, but then I managed to get it in the high 2 mil range. The moving headshot combo + hidden body bonus is the key. Some of the bodies are bloody difficult to hide though, and require precise timing and a bit of luck.
Depending on your approach, it might be very important. Melee was pretty useful in BM.
It still is and, unless you are unarmed, all melee takedowns are one button. That is nit basically every melee action.
add me on steam. i need some friends to compare scores with. "CelticKennedy"
No, it's not a step up because now it actually breaks the pace, while not being any actually harder.
And again, it depends on your playstyle.
As for saying the game is filled with QTEs, I saw two scenes in particular that left me quite... embarassed, let's put it that way. They were basically QTEs, yeah.
It's optional, sure, but it's there, it's important and it should've been done better.
How does it break the pace? Unless you are running around the entire level and not taking your time, I don't see how it does. It's slow yes, but Hitman is a slow game in general. Unless you go guns crazy of course. In BM you would just punch a guy until he fell over awkwardly. There was no actual combat system to speak of. Punching someone in BM was hilarious and fun, but it was also super awkward.
Actually, to anyone who has the game already, can you punch people without a weapon in your hand like you could before or is a button prompt always needed?
How does it break the pace? Unless you are running around the entire level and not taking your time, I don't see how it does. It's slow yes, but Hitman is a slow game in general. Unless you go guns crazy of course. In BM you would just punch a guy until he fell over awkwardly. There was no actual combat system to speak of. Punching someone in BM was hilarious and fun, but it was also super awkward.
Actually, to anyone who has the game already, can you punch people without a weapon in your hand like you could before or is a button prompt always needed?
It's about being sneaky and creating accidents!
If you are unarmed and attack someone, you will go into the qte.
Alright that's a little lame. Can you push people at all?
What do you think is wrong with disguises Dyni?
Anyone know any Youtubers who are really good at Hitman playthroughs?
To put it simply - the disguises rely on the Istinct bar. Now, the bar doesn't reload on higher difficulties, if I understand this correctly. This makes sense since the bar also works for point shooting, but it doesn't work well for disguises because there are only two apparent ways to recharge it: reaching the objective and killing. Assuming I don't want to kill anyone more than necessary (Silent Assassin), the game basically becomes trial and error, because as soon as the bar runs out enemies start to spot you, which ends in either you playing hide and seek - which loses the purpose of the disguise - or in killing someone, which goes against what I intended to do. That's what I figured from the gameplays.
To put it simply - the disguises rely on the Istinct bar. Now, the bar doesn't reload on higher difficulties, if I understand this correctly. This makes sense since the bar also works for point shooting, but it doesn't work well for disguises because there are only two apparent ways to recharge it: reaching the objective and killing. Assuming I don't want to kill anyone more than necessary (Silent Assassin), the game basically becomes trial and error, because as soon as the bar runs out enemies start to spot you, which ends in either you playing hide and seek - which loses the purpose of the disguise - or in killing someone, which goes against what I intended to do. That's what I figured from the gameplays.
To put it simply - the disguises rely on the Istinct bar. Now, the bar doesn't reload on higher difficulties, if I understand this correctly. This makes sense since the bar also works for point shooting, but it doesn't work well for disguises because there are only two apparent ways to recharge it: reaching the objective and killing. Assuming I don't want to kill anyone more than necessary (Silent Assassin), the game basically becomes trial and error, because as soon as the bar runs out enemies start to spot you, which ends in either you playing hide and seek - which loses the purpose of the disguise - or in killing someone, which goes against what I intended to do. That's what I figured from the gameplays.
To put it simply - the disguises rely on the Istinct bar. Now, the bar doesn't reload on higher difficulties, if I understand this correctly. This makes sense since the bar also works for point shooting, but it doesn't work well for disguises because there are only two apparent ways to recharge it: reaching the objective and killing. Assuming I don't want to kill anyone more than necessary (Silent Assassin), the game basically becomes trial and error, because as soon as the bar runs out enemies start to spot you, which ends in either you playing hide and seek - which loses the purpose of the disguise - or in killing someone, which goes against what I intended to do. That's what I figured from the gameplays.
It's about being sneaky and creating accidents!
To put it simply - the disguises rely on the Istinct bar. Now, the bar doesn't reload on higher difficulties, if I understand this correctly. This makes sense since the bar also works for point shooting, but it doesn't work well for disguises because there are only two apparent ways to recharge it: reaching the objective and killing. Assuming I don't want to kill anyone more than necessary (Silent Assassin), the game basically becomes trial and error, because as soon as the bar runs out enemies start to spot you, which ends in either you playing hide and seek - which loses the purpose of the disguise - or in killing someone, which goes against what I intended to do. That's what I figured from the gameplays.
Sometimes its just about finding the right disguise for the level. Some you will not have to use blend at all. Or just keep you distance from one or two types of enemies. Also staying hidden in crowds helps as well.
I'm pretty sure anytime you put a knockd out person in a dumpter, or say turn off a survaliance terminal or anything thats crucial to the level progression you get more instinct. IIRC.
Instinct only lets you "improve" your disguises by letting you walk right next to someone and then hiding your face. If you are dressed as a guard then non guards will just think that you are a guard but other guards will be suspicious if you get to close. Without Instinct the system is almost exactly like the BM system. Stand to close to someone and they will notice you, keep a decent distance and you will be just fine.
Made 10 avatars for use. Enjoy!
To put it simply - the disguises rely on the Istinct bar. Now, the bar doesn't reload on higher difficulties, if I understand this correctly. This makes sense since the bar also works for point shooting, but it doesn't work well for disguises because there are only two apparent ways to recharge it: reaching the objective and killing. Assuming I don't want to kill anyone more than necessary (Silent Assassin), the game basically becomes trial and error, because as soon as the bar runs out enemies start to spot you, which ends in either you playing hide and seek - which loses the purpose of the disguise - or in killing someone, which goes against what I intended to do. That's what I figured from the gameplays.
Of course it is. But, especially with that disguise system, things might get nasty, which is why I could need a quick disarming. I'd rather take the awkward but fast system from BM, honestly.
Once again, it is meant to be like this. Subduing someone is slow, but quiet. A kill is faster, but loud. You decide if the tradeoff is worth it. With planning, it always is I have come to find.
And disguises are a lot harder to use, which I like much more than the older system. As I have said before, this makes some levels very much like Splinter Cell. Lots of slow, methodical movement, distractions and good use of cover. It feels great the sneak through a group of guys you are disguised as, then come around a corner and walk right past someone else. As far as stealth games go, this one is very good.
You can also recharge it by picking up evidence scattered around each mission. They are basically collectibles, but I don't know what other function they serve (I'm guessing there's a challenge to collect all of the evidence).
you already got your GMG key? Did you pre-order today or a while back?
I thought I hit a wall, but then I managed to get it in the high 2 mil range. The moving headshot combo + hidden body bonus is the key. Some of the bodies are bloody difficult to hide though, and require precise timing and a bit of luck.
add me on steam. i need some friends to compare scores with. "CelticKennedy"
That doesn't sound like the kind of game I'd play. Splinter Cell worked because it had the really great shadow system, but I think this one doesn't have any, right? Level design could be the saving grace, but I'm not impressed with what I've seen (although certainly not disappointed - it simply feels average).
I'm sure previous Hitman games took into account of shadows and sounds, for example. It may have not had a meter, but running out in the rain in Tracking Hayamoto in Silent Assassin allowed you to run at a closer distance to enemies before getting alerted. There was also the ability of turning off lights, making it harder for enemies to see you.
Hey is it true that picking up these collectibles helps your end-level rating?
That doesn't sound like the kind of game I'd play. Splinter Cell worked because it had the really great shadow system, but I think this one doesn't have any, right? Level design could be the saving grace, but I'm not impressed with what I've seen (although certainly not disappointed - it simply feels average).
I don't actually have the game yet, I've just seen some videos showing people pick up evidence.
I'm not sure if it affects your rating, but somebody who has the game should know.
So you have been trying to tell me how the game works for half a page now, and you haven't even played it. Wow.
So you have been trying to tell me how the game works for half a page now, and you haven't even played it. Wow.
Wait...what? MINDBLOWN. Man.....only on Gaf.
So you have been trying to tell me how the game works for half a page now, and you haven't even played it. Wow.
Yes? While I do have the money to buy it, I don't intend to spend money without first realizing whether I'd like it or not. I've studied gameplay videos to understand the mechanics, and this is what I found out.
Nevermind.... He has studied gameplay videos guys. We've got an expert here.
Never said I was one.
Sorry, we just saw a couple of your posts, then analyzed them and assumed you were an expert...
@ The Perfect Dark
Do you think Hitman: Absolution is THE best looking third party game on 360?
I can't wait to play the game.
I think the GlacierEngine2 is really awesome and yeah, it's one of the best looking games of the current gen. Best looking third party game? Hmm...yes (imo!)
I would ease up a little on that man. Hyping it up way too much. It seems some people are just waiting to find something about this game to tear it apart.