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Hitman: Absolution |OT| Police do not suspect Blood Money is involved.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
He had good thesis' that he couldn't back up because he was hung up on being a giant douche. Mega-Care opinions on games are not hard to come by, and you could find the same ones he had with a lot less hostility or negativity.

Pretty sure GAF can survive however long it is without him.

In Hitman news, I've now put more hours into 47's latest adventure than I did Dishonored. 20 hours to 14. Good year for stealth games, even if I hated one of the biggies.

Play Mark of the Ninja if you haven't. Great game.

Also, I got hit by that shitty save corruption ~15 hours in. Guess it says a lot about the game that I marathoned up to Attack of the Saints already, lol. Really weird how it works, I still have all the scores, outfits, playstyles, etc. and lost the challenges and main story progress. Hope they fix that shit.


That game... why can one turn off instinct options when you're totally fucked on >hard (or trying to ghost) without them? :( terminus level was pure trial and error although I like the realistic touch of the disguise system. The library level feels like work now. Don't know if I will play the game to the end.
I cannot say enough about how much I love the need to be constantly moving from cover to cover. Enemies patrol routes are great in that they overlap each other and you need to be moving, otherwise if you stay too long in one place you will be discovered.
33 500 total on Terminus, 5/13 challenges done. Hell yeah, it is incredibly satisfying to pull off some of the challenges, esp. if you don't check them online and do them on Expert.


Still going through a no reset run. Killing a lot of people and getting in a lot of shootouts, but it's satisfying to get through a section no matter what, just as 47 would do. Killed pretty much half the guards in the prison on the way to find Victoria. The fake surrender into human shield has saved my ass in multiple ways several times. It's actually pretty great to get into a shootout, get back in the clear, then have another guard find all the bodies and call in for help whilst flipping his shit. Again, the voice acting in this game is top notch on all accounts.

The initial section of Outgunned again devolved into a shootout, though not without first hearing some great guard banter. Two guards were talking about finding 47 and one wasn't sweating it. the other responds with, "Yeah, you're fine until you get fiber wire'd and stuffed into a dumpster." I lost my ass laughing.

This is a great game.
Though I will say I'm not a big fan of 47 getting taken out during cutscenes. When it happened the second time I got kinda frustrated. Love the cutscenes themselves though.


Any PS3 players who have made contracts themselves? If so, do you mind if I add you on PSN? Shameless call due to the fact that if I play a Contract made by a friend, I'll get the final achievement needed for the Platinum Trophy. :p

This is a great game.
Though I will say I'm not a big fan of 47 getting taken out during cutscenes. When it happened the second time I got kinda frustrated. Love the cutscenes themselves though.

Agreed. Makes him out to be a bit of a buffoon at times. :lol
Probably well deserved. His negativity was out of control.


The controls in this game are starting to get on my nerves. I mean couldn't some of this shit been consolidated. I liked Blood Money's controls. There were a lot of functions mapped to a few buttons. Here I'm using half the damn keyboard for no reason. T to grab disguises, B to drag bodies, F to pick things up, X to use human shields, Q to melee, E to use. Why can't I drag bodies with E? Or why can't I pick up disguises with F? It picks up everything else.

And I'm now at the orphanage level and the so-called classic Hitman style levels are honestly pretty bad. Just wait for the target to go somewhere and activate X to cause accidental death. There's no real planning involved, nothing much standing in your way. They're basically cheap lip service to the previous games with no understanding of what made those good.

Basically I'm in the same camp as a lot of other people so far. It's a pretty good stealth game, but I've played a bunch of those. I was really hoping for another Hitman.

If anyone cares I'll probably give my thoughts on the story when it's done since I actually thought Blood Money had a pretty great narrative.



The controls in this game are starting to get on my nerves. I mean couldn't some of this shit been consolidated. I liked Blood Money's controls. There were a lot of functions mapped to a few buttons. Here I'm using half the damn keyboard for no reason. T to grab disguises, B to drag bodies, F to pick things up, X to use human shields, Q to melee, E to use. Why can't I drag bodies with E? Or why can't I pick up disguises with F? It picks up everything else.

And I'm now at the orphanage level and the so-called classic Hitman style levels are honestly pretty bad. Just wait for the target to go somewhere and activate X to cause accidental death. There's no real planning involved, nothing much standing in your way. They're basically cheap lip service to the previous games with no understanding of what made those good.

Basically I'm in the same camp as a lot of other people so far. It's a pretty good stealth game, but I've played a bunch of those. I was really hoping for another Hitman.

If anyone cares I'll probably give my thoughts on the story when it's done since I actually thought Blood Money had a pretty great narrative.
Probably because there's up to 3 or 4 things you can do simultaneously sometimes. I like the controls; haven't fumbled anything yet.
Another small tweak i'd make if I was in charge - when in cover, 47 should not automatically move around the corner of a wall. It should be a button press to do this. I'm tired of accidentally moving slightly too far and being seen, because of the slight delay in starting/stopping movement. While we're at it: enemies should also not be able to see you if they walk past you sidled up against a wall. Selective realism ftl.


Skyrim thread? Looks like it. I like Derrick, but God damn can he be abrasive at times. Hopefully the ban isn't too long.

I told him in this thread that he can share any of his game his opinions but he needs to present them in a much better way than he usually does. I agree with him on most of his points dealing with Skyrim, but the way he would berate and put people down for not embracing his mindset shows he gets more heated than the people he's speaking to.

I think he loves saying something and then getting targeted by other posters to debate with. For someone as argumentative as him, he really needs to approach discussions in a more reserved and modest manner.


Part 3 of this game is seriously difficult.

I spent most of the time on Professional shooting my way out. That market in Hope? Blasted my way to the end. 30+ odd enemies bitch slapped by 47's superior tootin'. :lol

I find the difficulty mode to be difficult unless I take my time though. Despite my inclination to shootbang everything, I still stalked enemies, learned pathways of the AI, etc. so that I knew that once shit hit the fan, I could still deal with it because I knew the entire layout and AI pathways to a T. Plus after a few kills, you have enough juice for point shooting to take out an extra 3 or 4 lads.

Anyway, this is my GOTY. I've decided (this was the last game I will purchase this year).
I finished the game last night and was actually pleasantly surprised by the quality of the story, I thought it was very well done. The OTT seedy characters are a staple of the Hitman series and I thought they worked pretty damn well, and the voice acting and animation was brilliant. The one scene that did make me roll my eyes was towards the end, where
Victoria suddenly becomes an unstoppable killing machine. It's a bit cliché, and they could have gotten the same story effect with something much more subtle and understated. You know, demonstrate superhuman (and completely unexpected) reflexes or something like that, there was no need to make her a one man army in that scene.

Ps3 version is the best console version according to DF but the crashes suck. I got about 3 during my campaign. One during the very last cutscene of the entire game, like 5 seconds before the credits. The sound also muted a few times during cutscenes. All this shit usually happened after getting a trophy.
I had two 'black screen' crashes, but thankfully neither ended up damaging my save file. I was backing my save file up to flash drive after every session anyway, just to be safe. One of those two crashes was right at the point you're talking about though (the other crash was when trying to restart a new checkpoint).

MAJOR ENDING SPOILERS: On that note, I have a question for anyone who's finished the game:
I saw the scene where 47 caps Travis, then the scene where he watches Victoria and Diana through the sniper scope. When it got to the score screen (where you can see which items you picked up during the mission, and which ones you missed etc.) I hit Continue only to have the crash at that moment. I never got to see any credits or anything like that. Did I miss any story related tidbits or Easter eggs?

I hear a static sound when hiding when someone is nearby, is that normal?
It seems to play when you're in hiding/cover, and indicates that if you leave hiding/cover at that point you'll be spotted immediately. I found it very helpful.

i was 3 levels away from the end. game froze, i hard reset my ps3 and lost my game save. :(

That sucks man. For anyone else playing on PS3, make sure you back up your save file to a flash drive regularly (XMB > Game > PS3 Save Data Utility > highlight your Hitman Absolution save and press triangle > select Copy (don't worry about the PS+ icon, it works even if you don't have PS+) and then specify your USB flash drive as the destination.

He ran onto a mine for me
Really? I'm not even sure how that would work! I'm really looking forward to going back and playing the missions again, especially the ones that I fucked up (playing on Hard) and ended up shooting my way out of.

Also I'm ranked #7 in Australia on PS3 for the last mission, woohoo!
I didn't do anything special, clearly very few Aussie PS3 players have finished the game yet lol

I like the controls; haven't fumbled anything yet.
On PS3 there is nothing more annoying than having an object sitting right next to a cupboard/hiding spot. Want to get in there immediately because your cover is about to be blown? Sure thing! You just need to press triangle to pick up this book 19 times first.

I'm about halfway through the game and I've come to the realisation I may not even properly finish it.
Which mission are you up to? I think the second half of the game is definitely the best half, although that might not be enough to change your mind.


Stormy Grey
Maybe he'll take the time to be more thorough as I suggested, and actually play the game so his opinion holds more weight.

I'm itching to play this right now.

He shouldn't judge it entirely without hands on, but he has more than enough people in this thread to confirm his suspicions to the point where having him pay that much money for a game he is already pretty much dead set against is a stupid idea. Let's do a kickstarter "Funds for games Derrick will possibly hate the shit out of."


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
4 questions for you gaf!

1) It's been a while and I'm sure people have finished it by now, how long was it?
2) I see tons of weapon dlc on steam, are these for single player?
3) What are the incentives to replay the game on higher difficulties?
4) Is it worth the $30 it costs me on GmG?

Thanks in advance
4 questions for you gaf!

1) It's been a while and I'm sure people have finished it by now, how long was it?
2) I see tons of weapon dlc on steam, are these for single player?
3) What are the incentives to replay the game on higher difficulties?
4) Is it worth the $30 it costs me on GmG?

Thanks in advance

1. 10-20hrs for the campaign, and a lot more if you want to replay it on higher difficulty. There is also multiplayer mode where you compete in contracts made by others.

2. Yes, single player. Not necessary at all. They are mainly used for Contracts mode.

3. More enemies, faster reaction time, higher score modifier.

4. Yes, the game is a lot of fun.

He shouldn't judge it entirely without hands on, but he has more than enough people in this thread to confirm his suspicions to the point where having him pay that much money for a game he is already pretty much dead set against is a stupid idea. Let's do a kickstarter "Funds for games Derrick will possibly hate the shit out of."

He made his position clear. If he is unwilling to add anything to the discussion by experiencing the game he should stop posting here. All the others are playing the game, complaining or praising it, while he does nothing else than repeat what he said 50 times before.


4 questions for you gaf!

1) It's been a while and I'm sure people have finished it by now, how long was it?
2) I see tons of weapon dlc on steam, are these for single player?
3) What are the incentives to replay the game on higher difficulties?
4) Is it worth the $30 it costs me on GmG?

Thanks in advance

1) First playthrough on hard or normal will take about 12 to 16 hours if you played past Hitman's.

2) They're for contracts mode, so yes.

3) Pain.

4) If you want a great stealth game but not a great classic Hitman, get it ASAP.


This game should be of levels like hotels, mansions and go as far as the Chinatown one, for example. Not huge levels like the Dexter Industries, fuck me.
He shouldn't judge it entirely without hands on, but he has more than enough people in this thread to confirm his suspicions to the point where having him pay that much money for a game he is already pretty much dead set against is a stupid idea. Let's do a kickstarter "Funds for games Derrick will possibly hate the shit out of."

The problem with him is he thinks his word and right and true; with this game he's basing his opinions on not his own, but others who say what he wants to hear to validate his bloated ego. Sorry, if you want me to take you seriously as a critic, then shit or get off the pot. As I said, he had an excuse pre-release; he's so predictable that him playing it won't change much. I've already explained my point with this. I'm curious how many people have had their fears slightly quelled after playing the game; that's my point. Playing it and observing it indirectly via other people are two completely different experiences. The former means more.

Anyway, enough about Derrick. I'm starting to realize that there's a lot to this game that has me coming back.


4 questions for you gaf!

1) It's been a while and I'm sure people have finished it by now, how long was it?
2) I see tons of weapon dlc on steam, are these for single player?
3) What are the incentives to replay the game on higher difficulties?
4) Is it worth the $30 it costs me on GmG?

Thanks in advance

Can't answer the first or the second but the rest I can

3) difficulty is not balanced at all, so there is no reason to play through higher ones other than a higher score and a lot of frustatration.

4) Even though I hate it as a Hitman game because its not one, it serves as pretty decent stealth game. So if your looking for more Blood Money don't spend anymore than 10$-$15, but if you enjoy older Splinter Cell games, its worth the $30.


1) First playthrough on hard or normal will take about 12 to 16 hours if you played past Hitman's.

2) They're for contracts mode, so yes.

3) Pain.

4) If you want a great stealth game but not a great classic Hitman, get it ASAP.

I think he meant for SP campaign. So no, the dlc is useless. Ballers remain the best weapon. I have the Bartoli Custom and it sucks.


I was enjoying the hell out of this game yesterday (bought it yesterday). It felt good to be playing Hitman again after so many years, graphics were mindblowing, gameplay was fun, etc.

But today it has been very frustrating, levels have been mostly shit, missions have been more of the same, etc. Very disappointing.


My favorite mission is the courthouse and blackwater (after gaining access with costume). Surprise surprise they are the most Blood Money-esque levels. Going to hate live and start game on purist now.


The beginning of Blackwater is structured pants-on-head stupidly on Hard and above. There's no room to move and experiment without dodging past a cavalcade of guards first.


I was having fun up until the second mission. Why? Because now I can't launch the damn game. It starts, flickers on a black screen and then closes and gives me the "game is not available" error on Steam. I've been searching for a while now trying to fix it but I'm fed up. This is ridiculous.


When dealing with Lenny, here is a rather hilarious Easter Egg.

1. Don't hurt Lenny
2. Shoot all the vultures
3. Keep your eye on Lenny and wait for the lulz

What am I supposed to be seeing here? Him trying to get the hatchet or shooting his shitty weapon at me?
My favorite mission is the courthouse and blackwater (after gaining access with costume). Surprise surprise they are the most Blood Money-esque levels. Going to hate live and start game on purist now.

Courthouse is one of my favorites too, it's where I left off last night.
I have never played a Hitman game in my life. SO I'm planning to pick up the whole series, including this one, and play them all in order.

Good idea? :p


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Just did Blackwater and goddamn that was a great mission. I'm going to really enjoy knocking out the challenges, that one might be near the top for me just based off the potential amount of options.

LMAO. Oh, what the fuck. That's neat.

This game seems to have a load of easter eggs.

Some more I've seen:

On the last section of Dexter's Industries, there's a room full of explosives and a nuke is hanging above. Shoot the nuke and you see an actual cutscene play off of it.

In Death Factory, you can get behind the house things on the left side and see a pig. Shoot it.

In the prologue you can open the window gates, shoot the 2 seashell things and see the loch ness monster in the water outside.
Question about Fight Night:
I'm guessing you have to take down Patriot and put on his disguise to fight Sanchez but how do you do that? is there no way to do it except to go guns blazing? there's several guys there. And what's the teddy bear for?
Question about Fight Night:
I'm guessing you have to take down Patriot and put on his disguise to fight Sanchez but how do you do that? is there no way to do it except to go guns blazing? there's several guys there. And what's the teddy bear for?

Steal the teddy and wait. Eventually Patriot will start bitching that his good luck teddy is missing, and all of his buddies will spread out to look for it. That's when you have a tiny window of opportunity to grab him. It always goes a little rough though (body found, subduing too slow etc). Not found a way to do it with SA rating yet.



Off to a good start on purist


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Steal the teddy and wait. Eventually Patriot will start bitching that his good luck teddy is missing, and all of his buddies will spread out to look for it. That's when you have a tiny window of opportunity to grab him. It always goes a little rough though (body found, subduing too slow etc). Not found a way to do it with SA rating yet.

Throw a pipe or something to pull him away when they all look for the bear. If you come around on the one side there's an area to hide a body you can bring him right towards.
Question about Fight Night:
I'm guessing you have to take down Patriot and put on his disguise to fight Sanchez but how do you do that? is there no way to do it except to go guns blazing? there's several guys there. And what's the teddy bear for?

you can skip all that and find a keycard hidden around one of the boxes behind the RV


Question about Fight Night:
I'm guessing you have to take down Patriot and put on his disguise to fight Sanchez but how do you do that? is there no way to do it except to go guns blazing? there's several guys there. And what's the teddy bear for?

There are other ways to kill Sanchez. If you want the Patriot disguise, however, the easiest way to do it is to get behind the RV and keep luring over and subduing his entourage until Patriot comes himself.
Steal the teddy and wait. Eventually Patriot will start bitching that his good luck teddy is missing, and all of his buddies will spread out to look for it. That's when you have a tiny window of opportunity to grab him. It always goes a little rough though (body found, subduing too slow etc). Not found a way to do it with SA rating yet.

Thanks, I did it.
I did it without getting spotted but had to subdue 3-4 guys. I basically made a loop around to behind the trailer and threw a hammer at it till Patriot walked back there.
Really cool level.

There are other ways to kill Sanchez. If you want the Patriot disguise, however, the easiest way to do it is to get behind the RV and keep luring over and subduing his entourage until Patriot comes himself.

I know there's another way to kill him
knocking down the structure over the ring on top of him, a signature kill. Did that once but it caused a ruckus
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