Say, is there any way to accomplishthe well kill or the church bell kill? They apparently need a target to be killed, but I don't think any target goes to the church where both of these things are. They don't get ticked off if a non-target suffers from them.
Seems like the console patch doesn't let you complete challenges if you reload a save. It does on pc but I can't get it to work on ps4 it just resets them
I haven't tested for Sapienza, but for Paris my challenges and opportunists often didn't show as complete even if I'd done them in one run. They were still considered complete, they just didn't show up as that. Had to manually keep track of them.
Just to confirm, I tried reloading a save. In game it looks like you've lost all your challenges. In the debriefing it won't acknowledge them (I received no exp). But in the main menu all challenges and opportunities are accounted for and you receive the exp. So yes you can reload and get them.
Man, it's gonna take some precision fuckery and coin throwing to get SA,SO for Sapienza. Especially having to get down into the. Either method seems to rely on a lot of careful timing and luck to avoid being seen in the suit. I just finished my suit only run and it was pretty sloppy.cave to destroy the virus
Just finished Silent Assassin, Suit Only. I left so many unnecessary people lying unconscious all over the place but I now know how to finish up almost all the other challenges. Had a dumb moment where I made a sink overflow to attract Francesca and then having a parade of guards come in after her. Came unstuck after the third guard and finally realised I should have just let one finish cleaning up before subduing him.
I think the laptop dongle route is the only realistic way of doing it suit only.
So it would seem, yeah. Even that is tricky though because you have to fucking book it at soon as you activate the laptop. I watched a video where he did theright after, and that might be the only safe way out. I tried climbing the pipe to the upper level and got spotted. Of course, I hadn't taken Francesca out yet, either, so that's on me.plane escape
There's another, very safe way out when you just need to get to the laptop and get out.
So it would seem, yeah. Even that is tricky though because you have to fucking book it at soon as you activate the laptop. I watched a video where he did theright after, and that might be the only safe way out. I tried climbing the pipe to the upper level and got spotted. Of course, I hadn't taken Francesca out yet, either, so that's on me.plane escape
I'm starting to fear that there won't be a sniper briefcase in this game. And if that's the case, I'll be really fucking bummed out.
Just running out of the cave?
Mastery 17 so far, 6 hours in Sapienza. Still feel like I haven't seen half of the level, haven't even found the prompts for several opportunities.
This is strange. You on PS4? I reloaded on Sapienza a bunch of times earlier today and all my challenges showed up in the debriefing and I was awarded exp for them.
Speaking of this, does anyone bother completing more challenges once they hit Level 20? I got Level 20 in Paris and still have some objectives but I'm kinda more into Sapienza right is the mastery level tied into each location? I was at mastery level 15 in Paris but I ranked to level 7 on Sapienza.
Speaking of this, does anyone bother completing more challenges once they hit Level 20? I got Level 20 in Paris and still have some objectives but I'm kinda more into Sapienza right now.
Yup. I wouldn't call it snappy but it's MUCH improved.Did the PS4 version ever get a patch that made the menus not take forever to use?
Bingo.Adding extra objectives like the virus make the first playthrough a bit more interesting but man, it's boring to do over and over again on replays.
Guess I need to post this again since there are some people who seem to have already forgotten after 2 page. Wow, how the mind slips!
Opening admitting to sexually assaulting someone(then banning anyone who called him out for it)
Posting revenge porn with their real full names then another admin(a now jailed pedophile) printed the photos and jacked off over them and sent it to the boyfriend.
You're right, how can we even know if he's guilty or not? HMMMM
Do I need to play through episode one to access episode two? Don't have a problem with buying the intro, but I've already played it on my buddy's system.
Guess I need to post this again since there are some people who seem to have already forgotten after 2 page. Wow, how the mind slips!
Opening admitting to sexually assaulting someone(then banning anyone who called him out for it)
Posting revenge porn with their real full names then another admin(a now jailed pedophile) printed the photos and jacked off over them and sent it to the boyfriend.
You're right, how can we even know if he's guilty or not? HMMMM
There's a third way to destroy the virus that is much easier and less effort than the other ones.
To the right of the virus containment chamber, halfway to the sea plane, there's a slightly elevated area with some crates. From there you can snipe a stalactite that is directly above the containment chamber, which will destroy the virus.
There's a third way to destroy the virus that is much easier and less effort than the other ones.
we had pictures from the second sapienza mission a few pages ago, it takes place at nightThat said, did anyone notice the lights set in the ground around the lawn? If you're a game developer making a level only meant to be played in the daytime, you don't put in light fixtures that never turn on in the day.
There's a third way to destroy the virus that is much easier and less effort than the other ones.
To the right of the virus containment chamber, halfway to the sea plane, there's a slightly elevated area with some crates. From there you can snipe a stalactite that is directly above the containment chamber, which will destroy the virus.
Yeah I feel like any non-kill objectives should be optional, at least on subsequent playthroughs
we had pictures from the second sapienza mission a few pages ago, it takes place at night
Idle Thumbs just revealed thatyou can deliver flowers to the loser in the third story apartment with the kitchen outfit and he has UNIQUE DIALOGUE FOR IT
who's the loser in the third story apartment? the stoner?
and you need to bring him flowers dressed in the kitchen outfit?