SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Bu bu bu but, 4090 is overkill!! Who needs 10,000,000fps?!!
People seriously underestimate the incompetence of development teams. Hopefully, this day 1 patch improves the ludicrous ram and vram usage.
Why are PS4-looking games dropping to 720p on a PS5 lol? You see in the PS5 a better potential for graphics, some developers see it as making it easier to run the same games with the same graphics and performance.
People seriously underestimate the incompetence of development teams. Hopefully, this day 1 patch improves the ludicrous ram and vram usage.
Why are PS4-looking games dropping to 720p on a PS5 lol? You see in the PS5 a better potential for graphics, some developers see it as making it easier to run the same games with the same graphics and performance.
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