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Hogwarts Legacy | Review Thread


Gold Member



It hurts, it really hurts as someone who wants to see a fully progressive and liberal society to see people who are supposedly ‘Allies’ that just can’t forgive a slight or argue a counter point.

Sorry for being slightly political here but I’m about as left as it gets, and most of the shit I’m seeing over this game is fucking ridiculous. And especially over JK Rowling’s comments: controversial maybe but evil? Inhumane? Hell is it even offensive? Did anybody bother to read any of it before they jumped to the bandwagon?

I agree. Most people are moderates. Moderately right, younger people moderately left. These guys are taking people slightly on the left and pushing them far to the right. Bravo.


Extremists are extremists regardless of the cause.

Look at the Westboro Baptist Church.

All in the name of Christianity, all extremists are insane.

OMG! The Westboro Baptist Church is one of the most scary sects I've ever seen. XD They're fucking nuts!

I remember the time Michael Moore (who is evil, but a genius) drive a pink bus full of gay people called "the Sodomomile" (lol) to one of Westboro Baptist Church's protests and then the gay people started making out in front of those crazy guys and they had to leave because they couldn't stand what they were seeing. 😂 A weird way to fight bigots, but very effective, I'll give them that. 😂 I can't believe be it didn't occur to anyone sooner.



The lighting for the black characters especially with the hair is absolutely amazing (at least in fidelity mode). I’d actually say the curly hairstyles looks a lot more natural than the I guess you could say the normal white-guy straight hair, which actually looks a bit off. When it’s almost always they other way around in every other game.

That curly hair has some damn magic going on
yeah I have naturally curly hair despite being white & this is the first game where I’ve actually used the curly hair option because it looked remotely realistic



"oppression" my black arse.

Nobody is forcing these clowns to have purple hair, pronouns and all the other vapid meaningless crap they attach their identities to.

Just be normal. Contribute to society in a positive way, it will make you feel better. Is it that hard?
Honestly they're fucking retarded.


But they'll do everything to either wear women clothes/breast surgery/grab estrogen pills.


Got about 5 hours into it so far (annoying job stealing all my time) and I'm noticing they are mispronouncing some of the names of things.....off the top of my head.....they pronounce it a "pensive" instead of properly calling it a "pensieve", though it's spelled correctly in the subtitles. Also, (and I hate to go all Hermione about it), but they call it LeviosO instead of LeviosA. Even the subtitles call it Levioso, which is WRONG. Minor annoyance, but there you are.

I don't remember exactly where I saw it, I THINK it was in the main hall while it was mostly empty, but I saw Hermione reading a book. While walking past her, she made some comment about studying, but she doesn't move or react to you in any way. I looked very closely at the character and it very much DID look like Emma Watson's portrayal of Hermione. Cool little Easter egg.
Will be interesting to see the results of future game coverage by games media after this debacle.
I expect tencent and Saudi owned publishers to be given the same treatment. Soon, most of these idiots won’t have any games to review. Same with the game Nagoshi is making with netease.


Can’t Git Gud

Interesting. ps5 version is supposedly "much more stable" according to these guys.
They are not the most technical though
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We now have people comparing Hogwarts Legacy to fucking Hitler's Mein Kampf......what the fuck is going on?!

lol „Yes, I‘m transphobic“ 83.7%

Man Body GIF

I immediately knew this was the transgender because their voice is legit one of the manliest in the game, lulz.

Also - one of the female teachers is lesbian. I know this because she goes out her way to say she has a wife. Which is of course the only way you will ever learn this and of course only the gay character has to say they have a same-sex partner but hey, representation for the win!

Is that character‘s ‚gender identity‘ ever brought up in the story in some way? Or does the game just treat him/her as a normal girl? These kinds of anachronisms in historical settings really annoy me.
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Wow so i'm not familiar with twitter and such but i'm guessing this is saying Eurogamer won't review the game? no words.
This is what they are streaming and below tweet is from their video producer. Eurogamer gone down the toilet. Crazy as some of the eurogamer sites from other countries reviewed it.



That’s the charity they are supporting.
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The developer has done everything in their might to create a game to cater both sides of the argument surrounding trans people.

Have they? From what I can see, they‘ve indeed tried very hard to appeal to the trans crowd, but how have they tried to appeal to the other side? Is it even possible to ‚appeal to both sides‘ in a game like this? Maybe they could offer an option at the start of the game, where you can choose whether you’re ok with seeing transvestites in the game or not. If you choose no, then all trans characters will be replaced by non-trans characters (which probably just means a different voice actor). But something like this would probably create a much bigger shitstorm than if they just didn’t have trans people in the game at all lol.

But now that I think about it, something like this might actually not be a bad solution. Character customization for player characters is already very common, so why not extend the idea to NPCs as well? In fact, a feature like this could end all ‚diversity‘ debates once and for all, by letting us fine tune our game in the options, letting us use sliders to determine a game’s NPC demographics. People could choose at the beginning of a game to make all NPCs black for example, or female, or gay. Or all combined, so that your game is exclusively populated by black lesbians lol. Let everyone play their games in a way that appeals to them, or makes them comfortable. Problem solved.
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wow i can't believe how a big a respected gaming site like Eurogamer won't review or even acknowledge that this big ass game is out there and people are having a blast.
Won't enter their site anymore if this is how they treat their followers.

I'm okay with a site not wanting to cover a game, but when they game is this huge, they should at least be upfront about it and explain why in an editorial note or something.


they are losing. And like a child who lost an argument or got told to go to bed, they are having a tantrum while everyone else ignores them to play this amazing game.

Honestly i dont think we should give them the attentjon they desire. We also shouldnt give morons like fox news the time of day because the only reason they care about this is because it will drive idiots to their channel for the culture war
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I can't help but wonder what benefits a gaming news site believes it is getting from refusing to cover what will be one of, if not the biggest, sellers of the year?

Without an explanation I tend to suspect the business rationale would be buying loyalty from a target audience. Which is not a good look to me, but again, that is merely my personal view because its the only thing I can rationalize for a possible business decision like this.



I'm getting death threats!! HuuuuuUrrrrRrr

Lololol. The kettle has gone full pitch. Honestly, you love to see this shit.

The fact that this game will be a goty contender because it's actually GOOD is going to show these asshat journos and twitards how little their opinions matter in the grand scheme.

If this game wins, or is even nominated for some of the awards, these internet fucktards will shit bricks for looking so out of touch with reality.




Gold Member
I can't help but wonder what benefits a gaming news site believes it is getting from refusing to cover what will be one of, if not the biggest, sellers of the year?

Without an explanation I tend to suspect the business rationale would be buying loyalty from a target audience. Which is not a good look to me, but again, that is merely my personal view because its the only thing I can rationalize for a possible business decision like this.

How is it not obvious that the twitter mob is such a small minority of people in the gaming community? Why are these sites catering to such a small percentage of the market? Most gamers just want to enjoy and learn about games.
Wow so i'm not familiar with twitter and such but i'm guessing this is saying Eurogamer won't review the game? no words.
Any outlet that missed the embargo lift deadline isn't going to go back and review it now, they already missed the time of peak views and clicks. It's not evidence that EG are especially woke or something. EG.pt actually had a review up on Monday, in Portuguese.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
This is what they are streaming and below tweet is from their video producer. Eurogamer gone down the toilet. Crazy as some of the eurogamer sites from other countries reviewed it.



That’s the charity they are supporting.

Eurogamer has been trash for years now.

That they'd be right up-front with this particular dumpster-fire should surprise noone.


I don't understand what happened to people in the 21st century. And why we have forgotten how to rejoice and just enjoy the games. What is happening now with this game is contrary to any sound logic. At the same time, people simply do not understand even the simple fact that any advertisement, even negative, is still the same advertisement, and all these disassemblies only spurred interest for this game.

And the fact that people who just want to play the game quietly, and in general have nothing to do with the author of the work, have already begun to be attacked, is generally beyond comprehension.


Any outlet that missed the embargo lift deadline isn't going to go back and review it now, they already missed the time of peak views and clicks. It's not evidence that EG are especially woke or something. EG.pt actually had a review up on Monday, in Portuguese.
Thanks for your input. Do you think it's reasonable that a site as big and known as EG will just ignore on of the most massive games out there? hell even my brother who have never played a game in is life heard about the game...
Just messed up, and for nothing.


Any outlet that missed the embargo lift deadline isn't going to go back and review it now, they already missed the time of peak views and clicks. It's not evidence that EG are especially woke or something. EG.pt actually had a review up on Monday, in Portuguese.
Agreed on missing peak time. But something tells me Eurogamer would have the highest traffic it had in well over a month if it released a review this week or next. 1/2 a loaf is better than no loaf.
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