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Hogwarts Legacy | Review Thread

Thanks for your input. Do you think it's reasonable that a site as big and known as EG will just ignore on of the most massive games out there? hell even my brother who have never played a game in is life heard about the game...
Just messed up, and for nothing.
I would say that "traditional" games "journalism" has been in steep decline for decades. When's the last time anybody actually went to IGN or Gamespot or something for gaming information or news? They are like print newspapers, only a tiny minority of people even read newspapers anymore which is why the print newspaper industry is in death throes outside of a couple of really big well known ones.

The fact that they all collectively decided to go woke and go broke isn't going to help them, but honestly if their only remaining readership is Resetera then they were already dead to begin with. But they were all dying for many years a long time now. WB Games just showed the publishers and studios the way forward, just bring in the TikTok influencers and the Twitch streamers and build some Twitter hype and offer some Twitch Drops and you literally don't need these "traditional" games "journalists" anymore. The only winner this week was IGN, who actually had a guy with enough courage to write and post a review and it ended up being a really positive one.

The only thing sad about the slightly accelerated death of the old school gaming websites is that a lot of indie games will need to adapt and find new ways to get attention in a very crowded social media landscape. But that's a story for another day methinks.
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I don't understand what happened to people in the 21st century. And why we have forgotten how to rejoice and just enjoy the games. What is happening now with this game is contrary to any sound logic. At the same time, people simply do not understand even the simple fact that any advertisement, even negative, is still the same advertisement, and all these disassemblies only spurred interest for this game.

And the fact that people who just want to play the game quietly, and in general have nothing to do with the author of the work, have already begun to be attacked, is generally beyond comprehension.
We live in a mentally brittle society.
wow i can't believe how a big a respected gaming site like Eurogamer won't review or even acknowledge that this big ass game is out there and people are having a blast.
Won't enter their site anymore if this is how they treat their followers.
imagine, over the course of the next few weeks, spending a part of every day deliberately willing yourself not to acknowledge the existence of, never mind think about, something that exists...
imagine, over the course of the next few weeks, spending a part of every day deliberately willing yourself not to acknowledge the existence of, never mind think about, something that exists...
Eurogamer have become worse and worse last few years. Pretending things don't exist that you know do exist is something that should stop about the age of 5, right? What tools they are. I guess they won't put up a DF link to any coverage they do of it, just to protect their weird logic.


wow i can't believe how a big a respected gaming site like Eurogamer won't review or even acknowledge that this big ass game is out there and people are having a blast.
Won't enter their site anymore if this is how they treat their followers.
Their Polish site had review https://www.eurogamer.pl/hogwarts-legacy-recenzja

Its like with these big companies and LGBT avatar only on markets where that virtue signaling is present.


Gold Member

mel brooks comedy GIF by HULU



Normal person: “how is Hogwart’s Legacy antisemitic?”

Reeeee person: “because it features goblins who run a bank.”

Normal person: “Why is that antisemitic?”

Reeeee person: “Well, because they're trying to say the goblins are the Jews”

Normal person: “You think Jewish people look like goblins? Isn’t that extremely antisemitic?”

These cunts can’t even see they’re the problem.
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wow i can't believe how a big a respected gaming site like Eurogamer won't review or even acknowledge that this big ass game is out there and people are having a blast.
Won't enter their site anymore if this is how they treat their followers.

It’s especially weird when it’s called EURO gamer. I thought this insanity was primarily a left wing American thing.


I don't understand what happened to people in the 21st century. And why we have forgotten how to rejoice and just enjoy the games. What is happening now with this game is contrary to any sound logic. At the same time, people simply do not understand even the simple fact that any advertisement, even negative, is still the same advertisement, and all these disassemblies only spurred interest for this game.

And the fact that people who just want to play the game quietly, and in general have nothing to do with the author of the work, have already begun to be attacked, is generally beyond comprehension.
It’s because EVERYTHING is to be political. Nobody can just take something at face value - everything has to have an agenda.



It took me a few seconds to see the "death threat" part. I think because it's so ridiculous my brain tried to glaze over it. On another note, it looks like that perpetual victim has found a way to turn HP's success into a way to get more attention. I'm sure they won't be the only one too.



As soon as people start using terms like cisgender or identifying skin colour and sex as a way to dismiss a person's painful experience, I know they have nothing of value to say. I feel for the dude talking about the threats he received for playing the game. Hopefully, more people share their experiences since this particular mob really needs more exposure. More people need to see what they're really about.
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As soon as people start using terms like cisgender or identifying skin colour and sex as a way to dismiss a person's painful experience, I know they have nothing of value to say. I feel for the dude talking about the threast he received for playing the game. Hopefully, more people share their experiences since this particular mob really needs more exposure. More people need to see what they're really about.

It should also be noted that the term 'cis' is one exclusively used by trans people and their allies, and is widely regarded as being derogatory to the (usually) women it's aimed at.

I will trash anyone who uses 'tranny' to describe a trans person, because that's derogatory towards them. They should have the same respect for women, when they are told that 'cis' is offensive to those women. But of course, the double standard exists.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

Make It Stop The Office GIF

As a left-leaning individual, the way this game is being treated as the next mein kampf across the left-leaning media is disappointing to see.

It's a game that just borrows the IP name, Rowling is not a creative director on the project.

If people have issues with supporting it because of that, they should not be tweeting on twitter, a platform whose CEO shares some of the same views.


wow i can't believe how a big a respected gaming site like Eurogamer won't review or even acknowledge that this big ass game is out there and people are having a blast.
Won't enter their site anymore if this is how they treat their followers.
So if you know the game is out and it's fun why do you need to them to acknowledge it? Plenty of people have looked and played this game. You know what you're getting. They didn't fuck your mama in the ass.


It should also be noted that the term 'cis' is one exclusively used by trans people and their allies, and is widely regarded as being derogatory to the (usually) women it's aimed at.
That's like the first word kids learn in drag queen story times which you believe to be okay.
So if you know the game is out and it's fun why do you need to them to acknowledge it? Plenty of people have looked and played this game. You know what you're getting. They didn't fuck your mama in the ass.
I think the post was more to point out how pathetic they're being, rather than actually bothering what their review might say. In any case, their reviews are mostly antagonistic for the sake of it these days unless you're a little indie company who has a mate on their staff.


I think the post was more to point out how pathetic they're being, rather than actually bothering what their review might say. In any case, their reviews are mostly antagonistic for the sake of it these days unless you're a little indie company who has a mate on their staff.
They can do what they want. They're not the only source of information. In the macro world of game information nothing is being lost by them ignoring the game. If this is the stance they want to take good for them. They'll move on to the next game.


Gold Member
Make It Stop The Office GIF

As a left-leaning individual, the way this game is being treated as the next mein kampf across the left-leaning media is disappointing to see.

It's a game that just borrows the IP name, Rowling is not a creative director on the project.

If people have issues with supporting it because of that, they should not be tweeting on twitter, a platform whose CEO shares some of the same views.
They’re all overly privileged fake ass cunts.


Jesus dude, you’re almost comically angry about this, aren’t you? 🤣🤣🤣

Calm the fuck down. It ain’t the big problem the media you consume is telling you it is.
The media I consume? I'd been out of the "cultural conversation" for so long I only caught up on all the wonderful stuff I'd managed to ignore over the years just because of the J.K. Rowling drama.
If anyone tells me to hate this person or that person, in this this case, the creator of a series that I loved as a kid, I look into what the person really said and think first, which I did and found nothing but reasonable concerns over the indoctrination of kids with gender ideology. Now you tell me what is it so important that these freaks are teaching kids that real women can't teach because I'm pretty sure it isn't how taxes work.


The media I consume? I'd been out of the "cultural conversation" for so long I only caught up on all the wonderful stuff I'd managed to ignore over the years just because of the J.K. Rowling drama.
If anyone tells me to hate this person or that person, in this this case, the creator of a series that I loved as a kid, I look into what the person really said and think first, which I did and found nothing but reasonable concerns over the indoctrination of kids with gender ideology. Now you tell me what is it so important that these freaks are teaching kids that real women can't teach because I'm pretty sure it isn't how taxes work.
But...you are obsessively telling people to hate something as well because you "believe" from wherever you consume media that it is bad and should be hated.

Drag queens are cool, don't fuck with my rupaul cunt or I'll stick a koala on you.


The media I consume? I'd been out of the "cultural conversation" for so long I only caught up on all the wonderful stuff I'd managed to ignore over the years just because of the J.K. Rowling drama.
If anyone tells me to hate this person or that person, in this this case, the creator of a series that I loved as a kid, I look into what the person really said and think first, which I did and found nothing but reasonable concerns over the indoctrination of kids with gender ideology. Now you tell me what is it so important that these freaks are teaching kids that real women can't teach because I'm pretty sure it isn't how taxes work.

Why do you keep conflating drag queens with the trans lobby? Many (most) drag queens identify as men when not in drag. They are not all trans, and have been around long before the trans activism started. And they're certainly not part of this current anti-woman bullshit some in the trans lobby are pushing. If you're going to comment on a sub culture, at least make an attempt to understand it first.
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That's the thing, I used to think I was far left and these guys have pushed me towards the center. Now I realise I'm still pretty far left with my thinking, BUT these guys have created a new left about 100 miles down the road.
They’ve gone so far left they’ve circumvented the globe and ended up being Nazis.


Gold Member
Normal person: “how is Hogwart’s Legacy antisemitic?”

Reeeee person: “because it features goblins who run a bank.”

Normal person: “Why is that antisemitic?”

Reeeee person: “Well, because they're trying to say the goblins are the Jews”

Normal person: “You think Jewish people look like goblins? Isn’t that extremely antisemitic?”

These cunts can’t even see they’re the problem.

Exactly, I don't really visit a lot of places online now. I have my little section of personal interests.

Nobody keep me up to date more on new terrible things to call people than by seeing reposts of blue hairs tweets or snips from the purple asylum.

Woah….. I can’t imagine how things are behind the scenes. I’d love to be a fly on that wall.

There are flies all over that site. They love hanging round near big piles of shit.
PSA: You should avoid reddit, twitter for a while if you want to play the game. Assholes are spoling the game to boycott it. For some fucked up reason its on r/all as well, cuz I was browsing that shit, and naturally that shitfest of a group gamingcirclejerk popped up and my eyes jumped to the spoiler shit.
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