The Lunch Legend
GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
John Marston is awesome. 

Why would anyone fight you?Quite possibly the best game of all time. Also it plays great on PC. Fight me.
Not only that, PC also fixes the laggy controller.
Tried to get into it twice but it's insanely boring and the Wild West theme does nothing for me.
It's fun as hell on PC. You get that immersive "I'm an outlaw/cowboy" feel with as much fun as mods can provide. All I need is bullet time with a key press, instant fun. Not deadeye but the ability to slow time, any time.It's visually gorgeous but a chore to play. It's more of a western simulator than an actual video game where you're supposed to have FUN.
Great review.I'm not even past chapter 2 btw, but the characters feel so fucking real, it's like they're really real.
As someone around the same age as Aurthur, this is realistic. See how limber you are after sleeping on the ground at that age. GTA6 isn't staring a middle-aged man, so I bet it's lighter.Controls feel like Arthur is underwater. I won't be buying GTA 6 until I determine whether or not the game is a chore to actually play.
I love all the slow sim aspects of it. Would be a shame if this controlled light and tight. That's not what we're doing here partner. Aside from a few misplaced story beats, this game is perfect.
As someone around the same age as Aurthur, this is realistic. See how limber you are after sleeping on the ground at that age. GTA6 isn't staring a middle-aged man, so I bet it's lighter.
Same. One of the worst games I've played in the last decade at least.Its absolutely not.
I dont care what anyone says but this game has zero chance to keep me interested.
BIggest burn in my pocket by far.
Exactly, the level of immersion and the sim aspect of it made it incredibly fun and enjoyable for me, I really loved it.Rdr2 is one if those games where I can admit most of the criticisms are true but I love it to death anyway. It all adds up somehow. Some people don't get that the Sim and realism is part of the fun and enjoyment for many people.
I’ve replayed them both in the last year, they released in 2015 and 2018 but are still the bench mark for open world games in many regardsSpecial game, I havnt played anything close to it since. Not many game realy blow me away so it takes alot, before that it was The Witcher 3, both have set a standard for me, need to replay them at somepoint.
This sums it up for me.
Arthur's loyalty to Dutch far outlasted my patience for Dutch's actions which made me divorce myself from the narrative and to an extent, Arthur's character. It just felt so unbelievable that he'd stick around to the point of me being annoyed with him. The Hamish stranger missions are the highpoint for me. I really loved how he and Arthur interacted with one another.
Agreed. I was over Dutch and Gang long before the end, mostly because I would've never tolerated such idiocracy.
Nevertheless, it was one of the few games I didn't really want to end.
While the first one could stand a remake, any sequel needs a new focus.
Said it a million times before in Gaf and I’ll do it again until people finally understand: Everything about RDR2 is great apart from the most important thing for anything that calls itself a game. That is gameplay.
No worries mate. Good on you that you were able to enjoy below standard gameplay. Says nothing about it being good objectively speaking.Thanks mate, all those years i was sure i enjoyed the gameplay was a delusion, i now understand.
Man, the fact that this game even exist is mind boggling., This is the best open world ever made, and might just be the best written game ever.
I'm not even past chapter 2 btw, but the characters feel so fucking real, it's like they're really real. Arthur is such an amazing protagonist so far
One thing I'm wondering is how the hell did rockstar not make an 60fps patch for the current gen consoles? The game looks downright incredible but the 30fps cap is definitely an issue
controls, they are clunky and unconfortable. I wish Arthur was more responsive and more accurate when doing certain actions.