While customers can still buy themselves a miter saw or a cordless drill, those who, for example, don't have room to store large power tools in their studio apartment, can rent tools, which the store will deliver and pick up.
The store will also offer urban-oriented home improvement clinics with names like "Make 500 sq. ft. feel like 5,000 sq. ft." and "How to Create a Garden on a Fire Escape."
Instead of displays of lawn mowers or lumber or sheetrock (which are still available by special order), the Manhattan store has expanded showcases of light fixtures, cabinet hardware and small appliances.
With space at a premium in many Manhattan homes, the new store has focused on storage solutions, offering the help of special closet designers.
There are also down-sized stoves, stackable washer-dryer sets and mini refrigerators, as well as a $2,299 "Gym-In-A-Box" with a treadmill, weightbench and dumbbells that all fold neatly into an armoire. New York-only items include electric fireplaces and 40 one-of-a-kind area rugs