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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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Chris is actually getting his own spin-off series as the new "Dexter," Homeland was just a prequel to set up the fact that he is a sociopath.

Chris has the Bobby Draper syndrome, he's not a character because the plot doesn't require him too but at least with Bobby it makes more sense since he's so young and his dad isn't a terrorist.


Brody knows Chris is actually Mike's son.

Man this season is all over the place, we got emo CW stuff for half a season and now Brody's Jason Bourne.


Brody knows Chris is actually Mike's son.

Man this season is all over the place, we got emo CW stuff for half a season and now Brody's Jason Bourne.

I actually care about the characters that are doing the emo stuff on The CW shows :p That is a big difference.
Wow what a great episode. They really fooled us with that Dana hint in the preview writeup. Homeland writers trolling GAF!

Saul is becoming super boss. His conversation with Carrie was excellent. When she brought Brody back and then called him out on the trust thing, that was epic too. Mandy Patankin even gave us a little Inigo Montoya head nod in that scene.

Not sure this whole plan is going to work, but I love that Saul is going for it. There is no reward without risk, and he's taking a huge one. I also love that Saul immediately sent people to scan their houses for bugs instead of suspecting Dar Adal. It suggests that Saul trusts Dar Adal implicitly. Great little scene there and revealed a ton about their relationship.

Hopefully that's the last we'll see of Dana for a while. I guess if Brody makes it back we might see some sort of reconciliation arc but I hope not. The spy stuff lately has been riveting.


I still have yet to comprehend this Iranian plot Saul is hatching, So the plan is to have Brody get captured in Iran where he will be hailed a hero, meet the defense minister, kill him, and then hopefully be able to extract him.

-Why would Iran hail him as a hero? The whole point of the CIA bombing is that it was done covertly through a terrorist organization meaning it couldn't be linked back to Iran. By holding some sort of ceremony for Brody that is essentially Iran admitting they had something to do with the attack and publicly support it.

Pretty sure in the show Iran has already claimed responsibility because it was retaliation for bombing nuclear sites in Iran. I could be making that up though

-How is the CIA suppose to maintain this as a covert action if it succeeds? So, let's say Brody succeeds and kills the defense minister, now what? Let's assume the original plan is put in place and Brody tries to get extracted by the bearded special ops guys and let's assume all that works out. How is Iran not supposed to conclude that the CIA and America was behind the plot? You've got an American Marine who killed an Iranian official and somehow managed to gain powerful support to aid him in his mission. You also can't chalk it up to him being part of what's left of Nazir's crew because they know he isn't a terrorist, but a traitor. So not even Javadi can pretend like he was working with the terrorists to weaken Iran.

I don't think they care if it is traced back to the CIA. The CIA has already assassinated several other high value Iranians this season. As long as it is not traced back to Javadi it doesn't matter

-What happens to Brody if he survives? Assuming he survives what happens to Brody? You can't exonerate him and let him live life in the States that would all but tentatively confirm the hit on Iran was US backed. What then, give him a new name and let him wander the globe free? Dude's face is everywhere around the world and after the Iranian hit it will be even bigger, plus the Iranians will always hunt him. So the story seems to necessitate that he die.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious he has no credible future so like you I assume he will die
Homeland will run for nine seasons, with Brody somehow surviving at the end of every season despite the odds against him. Final frame will be someone nicknaming him El Gato.


This season is better than the first season. Suck it haters.

I wouldn't go that far yet, but it's been great. It's the opposite of season two so far. (Started off slow and got better with each episode)

I'm loving it and if it keeps the same quality from the past episodes, it'll surpass season 1.

I don't understand the criticism for this season.
I loved how Saul handled finding out his wife's boyfriend was a Mossad agent.

Quinn: "What do you want me to do with him?"
Saul: "For now put him in a dark hole."

Like. A. Boss.
Honestly I want Brody to live. He's the best part of the show for me. This season has hurt without him being in it for the majority o it. I can do without his family though.

Deku Tree

Brody enters Iran then reveals that he's really on the other side. Middle finger to the CIA. He stays on the shows as an antagonist. You heard it here first.



This last episode was nuts.

The av club's mention of american horror story is very appropriate. When you accept that the show makes zero sense, it's a lot more enjoyable.

The early episodes with the god awful dana stuff still bug me though. Did they do all those filler episodes because Damian Lewis was too busy? It feels like the first 6 episodes should have been 1, and the last 3 should have been 8


Pretty sure in the show Iran has already claimed responsibility because it was retaliation for bombing nuclear sites in Iran. I could be making that up though

I don't think they care if it is traced back to the CIA. The CIA has already assassinated several other high value Iranians this season. As long as it is not traced back to Javadi it doesn't matter

Yeah, it's pretty obvious he has no credible future so like you I assume he will die

1. Iran has not claimed responsibility for the attack, doing so would result in a war. Remember, this whole season was about figuring out who done it.

2. But it does matter if it can be traced back to the CIA, remember the whole point is that Saul wants a more friendly Iran with their defense minister gone. I highly doubt they would be in a nice cozy position to sit down and talk if they discover the CIA assassinated one of their leaders, rather that would push them further over the edge. And, the targets who were assassinated for the bombing weren't Iranians except I think the one financier guy not some high ranking Iranian official.

3. Yeah, it seems to me there is no way Brody can come out alive. I still just don't understand how his actions can be explained assuming he succeeds, why would he want to kill an Iranian official?
3. Yeah, it seems to me there is no way Brody can come out alive. I still just don't understand how his actions can be explained assuming he succeeds, why would he want to kill an Iranian official?
that's what I keep saying, I just don't see how he lives this season regardless of how much showtime wants him to. There's no way out,

Or maybe the writers thought of a clever way to keep him onboard and are setting it up as impossible to try and surprise everyone with how clever they are.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
If I ever get injured, I hope I get treated by that bearded Marine doctor dude. Dayum.

A potential problem with Saul's plan: if the Iranian top is taken down by Brody and Javadi moves up the ladder, wouldn't Javadi risk becoming too powerful for the CIA to blackmail him anymore?
If I ever get injured, I hope I get treated by that bearded Marine doctor dude. Dayum.

A potential problem with Saul's plan: if the Iranian top is taken down by Brody and Javadi moves up the ladder, wouldn't Javadi risk becoming too powerful for the CIA to blackmail him anymore?

I think the issue is whether the general Iranian populace would take kindly to a leader who 1, was embezzling funds for his own purposes and 2, then agreed to be an agent of the USA.

I suspect he'd have a tough time getting out of the country. Someone in the military would take matters into his own hands.



If I ever get addicted to heroin I want those two to save me


Weren't two of the main bearded special forces dudes also in 24 at one point or another, sans beards? I may be wrong but I think one was Chloe's boyfriend, and the other may have
been subject to racial profiling and beaten by some random city folk
. Wonder which other 24 alums will show up next.

Also, Brody (I still love how even his wife called him by hist last name) might not have as much of an attachment for Chris since he left the country before really bonding with infant Chris. Dana would have been older then. Still, I don't feel like that was a deliberate course taken by the writers, but that they just forgot he existed entirely.


Weren't two of the main bearded special forces dudes also in 24 at one point or another, sans beards? I may be wrong but I think one was Chloe's boyfriend, and the other may have
been subject to racial profiling and beaten by some random city folk
. Wonder which other 24 alums will show up next.

Nah, I just re-watched and played close attention as far as I can tell none of those guys were ever on 24.


The early episodes with the god awful dana stuff still bug me though. Did they do all those filler episodes because Damian Lewis was too busy? It feels like the first 6 episodes should have been 1, and the last 3 should have been 8

Yeah not a big fan of the Dana stuff. Nothing against the actress, just it's all very 'Drama'. Reminds me of 24 and Kim in terms of eating up screen time.

Have to say enjoyed the last two episodes. They're really changing it up . Though it would of been fun to see Saul interrogating that Mossad agent asshole.


Yeah not a big fan of the Dana stuff. Nothing against the actress, just it's all very 'Drama'. Reminds me of 24 and Kim in terms of eating up screen time.

Yup, was about to bring this up it's why I don't really care that Chris is largely ignored. The 24 writers realized pretty quickly that spending time on Kim Bauer was a waste and after S3 got her off the show and returned it to Jack Bauer kicking ass. Homeland needs to realize this as well. We don't care about Brody and his family, we care about the CIA doing things.


New ep had some funny moments. Those cold turkey scenes lol.

Overall it was pretty...something:

  • Brody was a weak, suicidal, hepatitis infected, junky. But all he needed was some good illegal meds, and 16 days of running with some gruff beardmen. However, I loved the training montage. The show needs more training montages.
  • Lockhart was caught using intel attained by a Mossad agent. This agent was fucking Saul's wife. For a relationship that lasted a while, is that all the Mossad guy could get out of this, that Saul took a foreign trip? I wonder if the show will dig deeper into this. And it seemed like Saul could have just asked Lockhart to give up on the CIA job, without actually having to release the information and embarrass anyone.
  • Saul's next phase of the plan: Get Brody welcomed into Iran. Have Brody kill Iran's Defense Minister. Somehow get Brody out alive (no please). The recently turned Javadi then fills this power vacuum. Javadi secretly works for the United States. ??? Profit
  • Brody is a suspected terrorist. No one in the public was suppose to know that he was in the United States. Yet Carrie drove him off base so he could have a chat with Dana. Hopefully Dana did not Facebook this.
I feared there might be some mega crazy balls in the future. This episode told me yes, loads of crazy balls will be seen. I've accepted this. I'll still have Season 1 in my heart. In the end, if Brody somehow survives this shit, he is the luckiest motherfucker to have ever lived on planet Earth.

Besides almost sabotaging the mission whenever she had the chance, Carrie also smokes while pregnant. And terrorist Brody does not give 2 fucks about Chris. Horrible people, they truly deserve each other.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Brody is a suspected terrorist. No one in the public was suppose to know that he was in the United States. Yet Carrie drove him off base so he could have a chat with Dana. Hopefully Dana did not Facebook this.

Oh man, it would be amazing if Dana went public by tweeting about meeting her dad again, and the CIA and all its plans crumble because Carrie has become the worst intelligence officer ever.


special needs, sexual needs
Oh man, it would be amazing if Dana went public by tweeting about meeting her dad again, and the CIA and all its plans crumble because Carrie has become the worst intelligence officer ever.

I wish, but the writers would spin it as all being part of Saul's brilliant plan that no one else knows about till it's convenient.


It's interesting that this series is still polarizing people since they've tightened up the weak threads and everything in regard to the Brody family. I genuinely like Damian Lewis in this role and if he bites the dust it'll be a somber moment for me at least. But at the same time his detox acting was so over-the-top maybe it's ok that he gets killed. Surely he'll be back like 24 villains who get resurrected, right?


Hunky Nostradamus
Also, Brody might not have as much of an attachment for Chris since he left the country before really bonding with infant Chris. Dana would have been older then. Still, I don't feel like that was a deliberate course taken by the writers, but that they just forgot he existed entirely.

See, that would have actually been a really interesting storyline for them to have explored in season one. You return home after all those years, and, while your daughter is mostly a stranger, you still have a history with her; she still has memories of/with you. Your son, on the other hand, is a total stranger because he was a baby when you left. So the familiar:daughter stranger:son dynamic would have been a really interesting angle to play with during season one when he was still re-adjusting to civilian life.

Unfortunately they took it to the extreme and had Brody embrace Dana and completely ignore Chris. Which wouldn't necessarily have been a bad thing if the writers had made this a conscious decision on Brody's part, but they didn't.
See, that would have actually been a really interesting storyline for them to have explored in season one. You return home after all those years, and, while your daughter is mostly a stranger, you still have a history with her; she still has memories of/with you. Your son, on the other hand, is a total stranger because he was a baby when you left. So the familiar:daughter stranger:son dynamic would have been a really interesting angle to play with during season one when he was still re-adjusting to civilian life.

Unfortunately they took it to the extreme and had Brody embrace Dana and completely ignore Chris. Which wouldn't necessarily have been a bad thing if the writers had made this a conscious decision on Brody's part, but they didn't.

At this point I'm wondering why they gave him a son. Just have the wife and daughter. It's almost laughable in how they've handled Chris.
I'm hoping that Brody lives and this mission to Iran clears his name and gets him back to being healthy mentally. I'd love to see him working with Carrie and the CIA next season in a Jack bauer-esque role. He could have team missions with Quinn even. Also why do nothing ever come of the Dana sexting pics?


Hunky Nostradamus
- EW: 'Homeland' showrunner talks final stretch

I also liked the special-ops team, how they handled Brody and pushed back at Saul. How much more will we get to see of them?

You’re going to see quite a bit of them in episode 10. I don’t know if you noticed, but they’re all Arab-Americans.

I noticed, but wasn’t sure what to make of it.

Gansa: You will learn what to make of it in the next episode.


Showtime was very vocal about the desire to keep Brody alive, but they were completely open to the idea that Brody could die last year, could die this year, could die next year.


Though we have to respect Showtime’s wishes, they never would have forced us to do something we didn’t think was right.


I’m happy they convinced us not to kill Brody in the first or second season.

I see.
Not forced to keep Brody alive?


Happy to see they are aware of the Brody family being a target of disdain

Yeah, it's a pleasant departure from the Dexter writers who just stuck their fingers in their ears and went lalalalala I can't hear you. I do prefer Brody to stay alive though. I want a Quinn/Brody team next season kicking ass.


Yeah, it's a pleasant departure from the Dexter writers who just stuck their fingers in their ears and went lalalalala I can't hear you. I do prefer Brody to stay alive though. I want a Quinn/Brody team next season kicking ass.

Even if Brody makes it back (which would frankly be a miracle) the guys entire reputation is publicly shot after that suicide confession tape went public. No amount of spin by the CIA could salvage his reputation, plus the guys going to have a price on his head from the Iranians as well.

I like Damien Lewis, but I'd be OK with them writing him out. There doesn't seem a whole of options for the character in terms of where he can go from here on in. I'm open to being proven wrong, but the writers are going to have to really dig deep to make a convincing case for it in truth.
Even if Brody makes it back (which would frankly be a miracle) the guys entire reputation is publicly shot after that suicide confession tape went public. No amount of spin by the CIA could salvage his reputation, plus the guys going to have a price on his head from the Iranians as well.

I like Damien Lewis, but I'd be OK with them writing him out. There doesn't seem a whole of options for the character in terms of where he can go from here on in. I'm open to being proven wrong, but the writers are going to have to really dig deep to make a convincing case for it in truth.

I'm wondering if they would go down the road of him turning on the CIA again and admitting everything to the Iranians and playing a double agent? They could make it public that he was framed to the American public and was forced to make that tape at gunpoint. That would clear his name and like I said he could work with the CIA at that point as a Jack Bauer-esque character.


Frankly, I think they've reached the point of no return with Brody. I get that Brody, when he's not bogged down with drama, is a great character. And I get that Damien Lewis is a terrific actor. However, at this point, there's really no way for Brody to survive this mission and have his name cleared and go back to normal that wouldn't require the writers to take a one-way trip to Stupid Town. It just wouldn't make any sense...and the plot already doesn't make much sense (Brody somehow getting close to top officials in Iran's terrorist network despite the fact that both sides know he's a double agent at this point? Yeah, ok.).

Nicholas Brody IS a terrorist. Sure, he didn't commit last season's act of terror, But he is a still a terrorist and now the entire public knows it. There's no possible way to wash that away and have it make sense. The public would NEVER forget it. Top government officials not in on "the big secret" would never forget it. And no amount of Saul mumbling "we're playing the long game" is going to make it logical. It just doesn't work. And, even if the writers somehow figured out a way to do it, what next? Brody would be completely useless in the field as an officer of any high rank. The entire world knows him. He'd be useful as nothing more than a grunt.
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