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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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Yeah there really isn't much they can do with him and that final scene from the last episode felt like a goodbye to Brody's character, but damn the show isn't the same without him. I'm hoping they don't get rid of him, but it looks like that is where they are heading. It doesn't make sense for Carrie to be pregnant though if they are writing him out of the show.


Brody must die.

Brody Jr, that is currently living inside Carrie's tummy, shall continue his father's legacy.

But seriously, Brody must die. Although I was certain he was dead meat in Season 2...

...these writers...there's no way he's surviving, there's just no way. It would be a Christmas miracle.


Well, I guess we'll see in three weeks.


Frankly, I think they've reached the point of no return with Brody. I get that Brody, when he's not bogged down with drama, is a great character. And I get that Damien Lewis is a terrific actor. However, at this point, there's really no way for Brody to survive this mission and have his name cleared and go back to normal that wouldn't require the writers to take a one-way trip to Stupid Town. It just wouldn't make any sense...and the plot already doesn't make much sense (Brody somehow getting close to top officials in Iran's terrorist network despite the fact that both sides know he's a double agent at this point? Yeah, ok.).

Nicholas Brody IS a terrorist. Sure, he didn't commit last season's act of terror, But he is a still a terrorist and now the entire public knows it. There's no possible way to wash that away and have it make sense. The public would NEVER forget it. Top government officials not in on "the big secret" would never forget it. And no amount of Saul mumbling "we're playing the long game" is going to make it logical. It just doesn't work. And, even if the writers somehow figured out a way to do it, what next? Brody would be completely useless in the field as an officer of any high rank. The entire world knows him. He'd be useful as nothing more than a grunt.

^well put. Brody is infamous at this point in time. Likely the most despised man in the US. There's simply no whitewashing that aspect and him getting a free pass. It's not like if the assassination goes well and he manages to get back OK that somehow he's going to be publicly vindicated, because the CIA aren't going to publicly admit the operation ever happened or their involvement. Doing that would compromise the entire purpose of the operation namely to move their guy up the chain of command. It's one thing to go after a known terrorist like Bin Laden, it's another thing entirely to target the head of security of an nation in terms of political ramifications.
He could still do the heel turn and let Iran in on everything and then be the main baddie of season 4 again. I think honestly Saul knows he won't get out alive though. I think he's gonna send that group of soldiers with him to assasinate him even if he is successful.


So what happens to Saul after this season? I mean it doesn't seem like there is anyway for him to keep his job as Director of CIA, he had the opportunity with those photos of Lockhart and chose not to use them. Also, it doesn't look as though he can stay at the CIA has he and Lockhart simply to disparate from each other to effectively work together.

Thus, there are only three options.

1. Saul gets promoted to something like the Director of National Intelligence. This seems unlikely as the position removes him further away from directing and conducting operations personally and is more of an administrative role.

2. The White House decides to create some new unit totally dependent from the CIA which Saul runs, something similar to CTU in 24. There are a couple potential problems of course. One, is that this runs the risk of being too similar to 24. Second, it has the potential of removing the show further from reality, though at this point that doesnt seem much of a concern. Lastly, is determining just exactly what kind of jurisdiction this new unit would have, is it allowed to operate on domestic soil or foreign only?

3. Saul quits he finishes his tenure as Acting Director of the CIA and retires to a nice quiet life with his wife. This is the least likely course as his character is one of the few things that keeps the show alive. Though, they could always invent some crisis to bring him back into the game just as they seem to do every season with Carrie.


4. Carrie is killed by Dana when she finds out she is pregnant with her half sister in the season finale. Saul tracks her down, "Hello, my name is Saul Berenson. You killed my agent. Prepare to die"

Saul pulls a gun on Dana - and before he pulls the trigger we see she is wearing her father's old suicide vest. He decides to put this to good use and sends her to the new CIA director's office and has her detonate it there. Not before we find out that the new CIA director was the real father of the boy in the mental institution, who was the father of the unborn child residing now in Dana. Dana blows up the CIA director and Saul gets re-appointed to the position.

In the final 5 minutes, Brody finds a SD card with a goodbye video of Dana wearing the suicide vest. Suspecting Saul, he contacts his old terrorist buddies and gets a new suicide vest. Brody blows up himself, Saul, and Saul's wife in front of Carries grave after the graveside service.

Chris Brody becomes the head of the CIA


4. Carrie is killed by Dana when she finds out she is pregnant with her half sister in the season finale. Saul tracks her down, "Hello, my name is Saul Berenson. You killed my agent. Prepare to die"

Saul pulls a gun on Dana - and before he pulls the trigger we see she is wearing her father's old suicide vest. He decides to put this to good use and sends her to the new CIA director's office and has her detonate it there. Not before we find out that the new CIA director was the real father of the boy in the mental institution, who was the father of the unborn child residing now in Dana. Dana blows up the CIA director and Saul gets re-appointed to the position.

In the final 5 minutes, Brody finds a SD card with a goodbye video of Dana wearing the suicide vest. Suspecting Saul, he contacts his old terrorist buddies and gets a new suicide vest. Brody blows up himself, Saul, and Saul's wife in front of Carries grave after the graveside service.

Chris Brody becomes the head of the CIA

I fully support this.


If Brody survives, I could see them claiming to the general public that the terrorist video was planted by the CIA and that he had been working with the CIA since the beginning or something.


Neo Member
Am I the only one who remembers that Brody killed the vice president? I keep waiting for someone on the show to mention it, but I guess the only one who knows is Brody.


Am I the only one who remembers that Brody killed the vice president? I keep waiting for someone on the show to mention it, but I guess the only one who knows is Brody.

But he didn't. There's no evidence that he did so other than being there. I wager Carrie will not reveal what he did to save her life.


Am I the only one who remembers that Brody killed the vice president? I keep waiting for someone on the show to mention it, but I guess the only one who knows is Brody.

I feel like the writers believe that was a mistake for him to have done that and are purposefully avoiding talking about. When Saul talks to Brody about the things he's done he never mentions it, and Carrie never mentions it to him either, plus Brody is constantly going "I'm innocent." I think the writers really wanted us to feel bad for Brody but forgot about the fact that he killed the VP and enjoyed doing so.


I don't recal the circumstances around the vp's death. Who knows? Wasn't Carrie being held captive or something?


If Brody survives, I could see them claiming to the general public that the terrorist video was planted by the CIA and that he had been working with the CIA since the beginning or something.

Or just claim he wasn't responsible and the video was faked/made under duress. If they wanted to, they could keep him alive. There is however an interesting blind item on TVLine that could refer to Homeland:
A long running show is going to kill off its male lead which is causing problems for the pilot he is filming for next year, because nobody can announce it. There are only two shows hinting at killing the male lead, and Damian Lewis is one of those two.
Or just claim he wasn't responsible and the video was faked/made under duress. If they wanted to, they could keep him alive. There is however an interesting blind item on TVLine that could refer to Homeland:
A long running show is going to kill off its male lead which is causing problems for the pilot he is filming for next year, because nobody can announce it. There are only two shows hinting at killing the male lead, and Damian Lewis is one of those two.

Wonder what the other show is.
They can't say the video was fake because if the mission is successful they can never reveal that Brody was part of it or even mention it to the public. That's why there's no way out of this. Brody is dying. Period.

This will get quoted after the finale for lulz.


You know what I just realized, not only does the plot demand that Brody die I think it also demands that the plot fail. If Brody succeeds it will be all over the news that Brody killed this to Iranian official, of course because stupid Carrie took him to see Dana she knows the CIA is involved. And, considering that Dana is a complete idiot I don't see it out of the realm of possibility that she starts talking to her mom and causing problems because she knows the truth.

So, I think that the plot must fail and that Brody also die, preferably in a way that doesn't get his name on the news.
You know what I just realized, not only does the plot demand that Brody die I think it also demands that the plot fail. If Brody succeeds it will be all over the news that Brody killed this to Iranian official, of course because stupid Carrie took him to see Dana she knows the CIA is involved. And, considering that Dana is a complete idiot I don't see it out of the realm of possibility that she starts talking to her mom and causing problems because she knows the truth.

So, I think that the plot must fail and that Brody also die, preferably in a way that doesn't get his name on the news.

Yes they're in the shit now. There's really no easy way out of this. Assassination succeeds and the risk is there that it becomes known as a CIA hit. (Of course it might be suspected anyway.)

Either way I think Brody has to die. There's really no way they keep him on as an agent. His face is known throughout the world. Do they pull some plastic surgery on him and put him in a room as an analyst? I mean, it *could* happen but that's boring as hell.

Hopefully they've got this all figured out and as airtight as possible so that it makes sense in their fictional universe (as much as anything makes sense in their fictional universe). Let's not forget that at this point the US knows that the Iranians were behind a terrorist attack on US soil. No declaration of war has come out. This is very Cold War 2.0 but with bigger explosions.


4. Carrie is killed by Dana when she finds out she is pregnant with her half sister in the season finale. Saul tracks her down, "Hello, my name is Saul Berenson. You killed my agent. Prepare to die"

Saul pulls a gun on Dana - and before he pulls the trigger we see she is wearing her father's old suicide vest. He decides to put this to good use and sends her to the new CIA director's office and has her detonate it there. Not before we find out that the new CIA director was the real father of the boy in the mental institution, who was the father of the unborn child residing now in Dana. Dana blows up the CIA director and Saul gets re-appointed to the position.

In the final 5 minutes, Brody finds a SD card with a goodbye video of Dana wearing the suicide vest. Suspecting Saul, he contacts his old terrorist buddies and gets a new suicide vest. Brody blows up himself, Saul, and Saul's wife in front of Carries grave after the graveside service.

Chris Brody becomes the head of the CIA

Spilled coffee laughing at this. Great stuff.
I'm really thinking Brody will be successful in the mission and then Saul will have the spec ops team kill Brody over there and come back without him.
You think he'd do that to Crazy Carrie™?

Absolutely. He realizes she won't be stable again as long as he is alive and also it's a huge win for Saul if if its played to the media like he sent the team to capture Brody since he is a wanted fugitive at this point on the level of Bin Laden. It would potentially protect his job and have the president keep him as director of the CIA. It would also protect Javadi to the Iranians since it would never come out Brody was working for the CIA.
Remember when Carrie was remotely good at her job? Jesus. The way she handles herself watching the operation...

Has there been five-minute stretch this season where she isn't teary-eyed?
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