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Homeland - Season 4 - Sundays on Showtime

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The season is still bogged down by silly romance subplots even without Brody, but if you could stomach season 3 I guess season 4 is worth giving a shot.

Can you point them out? The Carrie/Quinn thing is only occasionally hinted at, and hasn't been given much onscreen attention without something else more important going on.

I don't know, I'm liking this season so far. Especially the last episode, which was awesome.


Why are you all saying they didn't see which car carries whom ? It felt to me that Quinn was being silent not because he didn't know which car carried whom, but because he was pondering which car to follow: the one carrying the target or the one carrying Saul.?

uhm, i was under the impression the target was using Saul as a sort of life insurance within his OWN car.

if they had been in separate cars: bomb target, follow Saul? duh?

i seriously think it's implied they lost track of which of the cars was the decoy and which actually carried Saul and the target.


Farah must be the most stupid agent in CIA.

First the larm goes off, then she notices the bags are open and that the broken window she had just taped shut is cracked open. Yet she does not think that someones been in there ??


Yep, the concentration of stupidty in that episode was just absurd, lol.
uhm, i was under the impression the target was using Saul as a sort of life insurance within his OWN car.

if they had been in separate cars: bomb target, follow Saul? duh?

i seriously think it's implied they lost track of which of the cars was the decoy and which actually carried Saul and the target.

Yes, this is how I saw it too. That shot to the head looked brilliant.

I hope Duck Phillips is selling out to get into the pants of that boss lady. I know I would! Am I right, lads? Yeah? Lads? Women eh? Phwoaarrrrrr!


Hunky Nostradamus
I figured Haqqanni and Saul got into separate cars because the terrorists figured that the CIA knew that if Haqqanni was droned, the other terrorists would kill Saul immediately - Haqqanni doesn't need Saul to be within his vicinity for him to work as insurance.

I think the question of which car to follow was:

Do we keep track of Saul so we can find and rescue him, but lose Haqqanni's trail probably forever


Do we keep track of Haqquanni so we can come up with a new plan to kill him and probably unsuccessfully try to negotiate for Saul's life at later date when our heads are a bit cooler and tensions aren't running as high


Why risk it? If you are in the same car Saul is then you are guaranteed not to get bombed.

Anyhow, there were 3 cars, the one in the rear is the car they got Saul out of and back in:

Haqanni entering the car from the front door; back door is opened to put Saul in it.

Saul enters that same car Haqanni is inside of.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Shell game confirmed to confuse and dazzle Carrie's CIA station. She'll probably get a promotion after this.


So, on top of the whole car switcheroo I have two problems with this episode (which actually was pretty good on the whole though):

1. Quinn being all "dude didn't show up in Jo-burg? Better Call Saul!" felt really uncharacteristic, he should've known something was up right away.

2. This ambassadors husband, jesus. He's being blackmailed by the ISI, panics, and start helping them, but at that cafe he was actually genuinely proud of his work. Am I supposed to believe that this man is perfectly okay with committing treason? I mean, what the actual fuck? He's by far the worst part of this season. Yes, worse than Carrie fucking a child.
Heavy breathing Carrie is still the biggest joke on tv, even more so as a "station chief". Had to laugh really hard when he shot the boy. First believable action this whole season.


2. This ambassadors husband, jesus. He's being blackmailed by the ISI, panics, and start helping them, but at that cafe he was actually genuinely proud of his work. Am I supposed to believe that this man is perfectly okay with committing treason? I mean, what the actual fuck? He's by far the worst part of this season. Yes, worse than Carrie fucking a child.

Well his wife was just chewing him out last week about what a huge loser he is behind his back, I wouldn't be surprised if he's reveling in this as a fuck you to her.

Or maybe it's just bad direction, I don't know.


This show is so up and down for me. The moments I love are the rare ones when it gets all spy games (RIP Rubicon), and contrary to popular opinion I like Carrie, but they push her too far down the 'stupid/emotional outbursts because of a man' road. Ordering a hit on fucking SAUL reminded me a lot of the worst moment of the show - close to the end of S3 when Brody was grabbed from the safe house; Carrie has no clue who's taking him yet in a second she shouted the name of the asshole general they spent the season putting in power, which could have outed his CIA relationship. The writers made a big mistake by ignoring that.

Anyway, I'm really starting to think the ISI agent is the heroine of the other 'side'. I doubt she took that info to the terrorist uncle, she's just doing her job and will probably end up flushing out their leak (I bet it's the Pakistani British guy).


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Why risk it? If you are in the same car Saul is then you are guaranteed not to get bombed.

Anyhow, there were 3 cars, the one in the rear is the car they got Saul out of and back in:

Haqanni entering the car from the front door; back door is opened to put Saul in it.

Saul enters that same car Haqanni is inside of.

I honestly don't know what you are trying to say.

This is the part where they lost it, because they shuffled the cars.



also, why is Duck Phillips taking photos of Carrie's meds some huge discovery? Wasn't she already publicly outed by Saul last season as having bipolar disorder?


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
also, why is Duck Phillips taking photos of Carrie's meds some huge discovery? Wasn't she already publicly outed by Saul last season as having bipolar disorder?

lol yeah that crossed my mind too. That was dumb. I just hope they don't make big deal out of that now.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
also, why is Duck Phillips taking photos of Carrie's meds some huge discovery? Wasn't she already publicly outed by Saul last season as having bipolar disorder?
I'm guessing it's for the ISI, who might not have necessarily known that. But yeah it's a bit dumb.
There's so much stupid shit in the last two seasons, just mind boggling stupid shit. This last episode had so many "WTF really?" moments.

At least Clair Danes has toned down her overacting.


Killing Aayan off mid-season is straight out of the 24 playbook. Time to move onto the next arc of the story. Boning Carrie pretty much ensures a horrible death, though. I hope she's pregnant again. Just for shits and giggles.


I honestly don't know what you are trying to say.

This is the part where they lost it, because they shuffled the cars.

They had to follow one car so they should have been able to with their technology. Why was the drone positioned so the trees obstruct the view instead of being more to the side? And don't forget they are watching the whole thing frame by frame when as viewers we only get glimpses.
It wasn't like this was in the desert and before they left the cars drove in circles to kick up sand to obstruct the drone's vision.

From what they did show, Haqaani and Saul's car was in the middle when they Aayan's spot and then in that tree shot the last car sped up and overtook Haqann's, so my estimation would be that it was the car that went right. The CIA has the complete footage they can rewind and inspect more closely to try to get on top of this. At the least i would have expected Quinn to shout 'roll back the footage' or something to show they trying instead of just raising his hands in despair.


To add to the stupidity, if they already knew the kid was being setup by the cia and there would be drones watching, why did the terrorist leader even show up to the meeting and risk everything? Why not just send a random henchman to kill the kid?


Risk what? He has Saul with him so he's golden. He gets to show his face so everyone watching the drone could see he's alive; he gets to kill the person who's proven to be a dumb-ass liability and he gets to 'announce' he's got Saul, making him practically immune so no one at the CIA will dare to try any move against him lest they want to sentence Saul to death. And he lets them know he has Saul so he probably can set up demands in a potential exchange.


The political shitstorm that would erupt from killing a former CIA director would be astronomical. It's a win-win for him.


I still can't believe he's the former head of CIA. His focus seemed to be singularly on Carrie's affairs and cons and he was constantly on the ground.


Entertaining episode, even if some of the beats were predictable but

Farah must be the most stupid agent in CIA.

First the larm goes off, then she notices the bags are open and that the broken window she had just taped shut is cracked open. Yet she does not think that someones been in there ??


Yeah this is inexcusable + Unable to track 3 cars simultaneously


Farah must be the most stupid agent in CIA.

First the larm goes off, then she notices the bags are open and that the broken window she had just taped shut is cracked open. Yet she does not think that someones been in there ??



It's all a plot to fish "Peter Russo/Eph"(house of cards reference) source inside the embassy, just wait and see.


Episode was exciting. And I'm glad Aayan is dead. No more Aayan and Carrie love chats. No more Aayan domestic drama.

but the ep had a little too much dumb.

Fara needs to quit her job. She got outplayed by the ambassador's loser husband.

I lol'ed when Quinn stormed into the drone room, telling Carrie that Saul didn't get on the plane. Like okay man, but couldn't you have waited after we bomb this super important terrorist? Also, he kept Carrie from taking the shot. Does he have the authority to overrule her? cmon. Saul would have taken the shot.

And then he can't remember which car the bad buy was in. Apparently no one remembers! Are you kidding me?

For the first time in this season, I'm completely #teamcarrie.

Fara and Quinn go home.
This show is kinda dumb, guys. I'm not really sure why I watch anymore. Every once in a while Quinn is great, and his stakeout with Fara made me wish Carrie wasn't on the show, but otherwise...sigh


Risk what? He has Saul with him so he's golden. He gets to show his face so everyone watching the drone could see he's alive; he gets to kill the person who's proven to be a dumb-ass liability and he gets to 'announce' he's got Saul, making him practically immune so no one at the CIA will dare to try any move against him lest they want to sentence Saul to death. And he lets them know he has Saul so he probably can set up demands in a potential exchange.

Risk his own life obviously. They show up with three cars, they get all their crew members identified in seconds from crappy camera angles, they to do the shuffle at normal speed, they confirm the terrorist leader is alive, they show up their cards by being there with Saul. Now they leave and they don't even know if they've been followed to their hide out since the shuffle was done in plain sight without much trouble and they don't know how many drones were watching. Even if the shuffle was perfectly done there would be 1/3 chance the cia followed the right car, if they had bothered to follow any car. Or simply follow a car and if it's not the right one wait to see if they meet again at a later date or go to the same hide out. The terrorists are just lucky this 'intelligence' agency is as competent as Dexter Morgan's police department.

They could have set up a meeting with the kid in some nearby forest. Send some random fella to kill him. End of story with no risks.


But that's exactly what the terrorists want - to let the CIA know they have Saul so their hands are tied.
Haqanni getting a call from the ISI about Aayan being in bed with the CIA makes him know that the CIA knows he is alive. The cat is already out of the bag. He is a target, they will be looking to kill him at any chance they get. So before anyone gets trigger happy, Haqanni pulls out his card - Saul. Now he's untouchable. Any thought about bombing him from the sky is gone because that would mean killing Saul. Any assault on the camp would sentence Saul's fate. It doesn't matter if the drone will follow them to their camp. They can't do nothing about it.

Your suggestion would mean the people who were sent to kill Aayan will be followed as easily and if they were to go back to the head camp, the CIA would have bombed the place, killing everybody. But if you kidnapped Saul then your best interested is to let the US know you have him so they won't be able to move on you. You don't kidnap the CIA's former director to keep it a secret.
But that's exactly what the terrorists want - to let the CIA know they have Saul so their hands are tied.
Haqanni getting a call from the ISI about Aayan being in bed with the CIA makes him know that the CIA knows he is alive. The cat is already out of the bag. He is a target, they will be looking to kill him at any chance they get. So before anyone gets trigger happy, Haqanni pulls out his card - Saul. Now he's untouchable. Any thought about bombing him from the sky is gone because that would mean killing Saul. Any assault on the camp would sentence Saul's fate. It doesn't matter if the drone will follow them to their camp. They can't do nothing about it.

Your suggestion would mean the people who were sent to kill Aayan will be followed as easily and if they were to go back to the head camp, the CIA would have bombed the place, killing everybody. But if you kidnapped Saul then your best interested is to let the US know you have him so they won't be able to move on you. You don't kidnap the CIA's former director to keep it a secret.

Carrie is Station Chief, and she said "take the shot." Not sure how she was countermanded. Yes, it's Saul... the former head of the CIA. I would wager that would make it even more important that the shot be taken. Could America afford to have someone with his secrets in terrorist hands?

This was one of those "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few ... or the one" situations.

Someone should have asked Carrie "Please confirm that order, Chief." And if she'd thought for ten seconds, she would have confirmed it and taken it.

I realize that's the end of the season, yadda yadda.

I also speculate that the rest of the season is spent trying to wedge Saul out of whatever hole they put him in... and then maybe he comes back next year and is he the new Brody? Would Carrie trust him?


It's obvious by how everybody but Carrie reacted that the guideline in such situations is not to kill people who are\were in Saul's position. And they probably know Saul will let himself die before he 'breaks' and spills info. I also don't know how relevant and updated information he can give.
I have written the scene that allows us all to accept the Saul kidnapping.
This is for Princess Bride fans

Scene opens. Saul is bound to a wooden chair in the center of a small room. Sunlight filters through slats in the wooden walls. The door opens and Haqqani enters.

Haqqani (pacing): You know I must ask you these questions. Who ordered the drone attack?

Saul: I don't know.

Haqqani: I find that ... inconceivable. Who are you working for?

Saul: I can't tell you that.

Haqqani: So you would rather be tortured then reveal your employer? Inconceivable. I don't believe you left the CIA. I think you're still working for them. I think you're responsible for the drone attacks.

Saul: You can think what you like.

Haqqani: Of course I can. But you, you can think many things that you and I will share.

Saul: I won't share anything with you.

Haqqani: (laughs) Inconceivable.

Saul: (camera focuses closely on his face, and he raises his chin): You keep using that word.


To add to the stupidity, if they already knew the kid was being setup by the cia and there would be drones watching, why did the terrorist leader even show up to the meeting and risk everything? Why not just send a random henchman to kill the kid?

Probably a personal honour thing. It was his nephew, and he had helped him in his past. It was a big gamble, but know they know that Saul is even more important than seeing Haqqani dead. That is some leverage.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Is no one watching this any more?

Pretty crazy episode tonight. What the hell did they give her? Is it just a placebo and this is her bi-polar flaring up or did they give her something to send her over the edge? I know bi-polar people can sometimes have hallucinations but I didn't think they could start this quickly after being off meds for what... a few hours?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
He lives!

I loved Lockhart's little introduction at the Islamabad station. "You've been fucking idiots for the last couple months, but apparently we have no one better." I enjoyed Carrie redirecting Lockhart's questions to John, because she has no fucking clue what's going on with the station.

Carrie swinging wildly from believing that taking the shot was definitely the right call to believing the CIA should immediately put together and execute an operation on a larger scale than Abbottabad to rescue Saul. Aside from the hallucinations, she's acting equally as emotionally and rationally challenged as in previous episodes.


I've also been thinking how keeping Aayan alive would have been infinitely more interesting than offing him. The CIA bombed the fuck out of his family, then targeted and manipulated him for their own devious purposes, and he was already sympathetic to Haqqani's cause. How fitting and natural would it have been for Haqqani to turn yet another CIA fuckup into a weapon? Boom. There's actual smart drama there. Carrie as the force that turns a young Muslim man into a terrorist.
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