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Homeland - Season 4 - Sundays on Showtime

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Dear Homeland,

If Quinn were to spend an episode going Jack Bauer on the embassy terrorists, it wouldn't be the worst thing ever.


Uh, that episode was insane. I can't wait 2 weeks to see wtf just happened!!! This has now surpassed S1 quality.

Wait hold on, it got good? It was so boring I stopped watching it after coming back from PAX. So you mean I should watch more?


Wait hold on, it got good? It was so boring I stopped watching it after coming back from PAX. So you mean I should watch more?

This is the best Homeland has been since S1.

It's definitely a more bombastic show now compared to S1, but that's hard to avoid seeing as there are far fewer civilians characters and it's set in a foreign, 'allied' country.
I just rewatched a couple S1 eps, and it's amazing how different the show has become. The writing is relentlessly self-serious, and the characters themselves have become personality vacuums (thank God for Director Lockhart and Ambassador Boyd for actually livening up the proceedings!)

Back in S1, Carrie (when she wasn't out of her fucking mind) was so comparatively soft-spoken and "small" whereas now she seems "100% on" at all times - she's lost all the dry sarcasm and humorous banter that made her kind of adorable, especially in her interactions with Saul.

I mean, just re-watch the episode "Representative Brody" for the above-mentioned personality difference, and to see how the show used to ratchet up the tension. The final scene has objectively fewer "stakes" than the prisoner exchange in the newest episode did, but seems so much more impactful because it really earned the shocking twist.

S1 was the anti-24 in that while unexpected things happened all the time, they didn't seem designed to string the viewer along. Again, the huge twist in "Representative Brody" happens ten minutes before the episode ends, and we have time to process it and breathe, while tonight's big swerve is just a cheap cliffhanger.

Best it's been since S1? Maybe. But it's not even close.

HA! What a shit ending. Damn, I want to drop this show so bad. I am almost getting there. I didn't sign up for 24. Leave it to Showtime to ruin every show they ever produce. Just waiting for The Affair to get silly. Typical Showtime.


Really great episode. Probably my favourite of the season. The end was a bit much. It kinda steals focus from previous scenes, like Boyd's interrogation and the prisoner exchange. Explosions are nice, but I prefer non-action-ey intelligence gathering scenes.

Vert boil

Well that was as embarrassing as last weeks episode.
Luckily we have an episode of Olympus has Fallen in a few weeks. W
Dennis Boyd confirming who his contact was seems like a direct confirmation that the ISI deliberately betrayed the US government.

I have to imagine that these decisions were made by fanatical and corrupted parts of the Pakistani government, because otherwise they're completely fucking dumb for instigating open war with the USA by invading its sovereign soil (the embassy).
Fuckkkkkkkkk again. Just caught up on last two episodes and was not expecting that ending. Really intense all around. The Ambassador has just been perfect the last two episodes, the closeups always revealing how incredibly stressful and pained the job is. Not to mention how dealing with the extracurricular activities of her husband weighs on her.


Quinn needs to go nuts next episode, some action is overdue. Also, Carrie sucks. I've never disliked a protagonist more on any show, which is a testament to the great acting of Claire Danes. Also, yeah, the show hasn't been very good since S1. Season 2 and 3 were both mostly drags, this one is coming along quite nicely.
Guys, as much as I love Quinn, I think they will pull a reverse Jack Bauer on this, meaning that
Quinn will save everyone and probably die in the end, or do something crazy and die in the end anyway.

At least Saul is alive, I guess.

Please stay, Mandy, you rule.

EDIT: I'm wishing that
they would kill Lockheart and put Saul back into CIA director, but the dude is just too fucked up to do that, I think.


What a great fucking show this is! My favourite show on TV nowadays. Can't wait for the tension on next episode. Quinn please don't die!


Holy shit, my face seeing them in the cars:


I was extremely unprepared for this, even though I had in the back of my head that random post mentioning the embassy "must get hit" which seemed obvious.

The random CIA worker saying "Sounded like RPGs" was kind of weird though. Do you hear on the explosions that well? Especially if it's several blocks away. Took me out of the whole thing a little bit..


Yeah, I'm aboard this train again. This last episode jumped this to best show on tv right now. The suspense is what makes it so good.

Hopefully we get some Quinn action next episode, the wait will hopefully be worth it.

And some of the writing is stupid, but personally I don't mind, as long as they keep the twists and suspense coming.

And Lockhart lines this season, so good.


Just watched the episode... holy shit, I can't wait 2 weeks for the next one. Also I hate the ambassador's husband, that smug asshole.


inconsistent episode, but the highs are better than anything the series has done since the fucking heyday of S1. the prisoner exchange was, rightfully, the fantastic set-piece the previous episodes have been setting it up to be but the ending was disappointing and the cornering of the ambassador's husband felt half-hearted and nothing the show hasn't done before. and Homeland—when it's on it's game—is too good to stoop to 24-level shit.

but I was definitely crying like a baby during Saul and Carrie's conversation. when done right, that dynamic is so fucking good—best episode of the series remains the one where she calls Saul a pussy in front of Mira all the way back in S1.

Can't believe people are seriously saying this was a good episode. Yeah, it's gotten to the point that it's soo bad, it's good. An army of fucking taliban soldiers sneaking through the back door of the embassy? Yeah, completely plausible- not like they would be spotted or anything. What an absurdly ridiculous "plan", even by homeland standards. It's easy to make "holy shit" moments when you throw all plausibility and rationality in the trash, which is what they did. Sad that so many here support this kind of ridiculous, beyond 24 level garbage writing.

Also, carrie's "HOW DARE YOU NOT CARE ABOUT THE LIFE OF THAT BOY! THATS NOT WHO WE ARE" speech was so painful, and so laughable, considering what shes done and what shes always been willing to do "for the cause", including sacrificing the lives of an infinite amt of people "on the other side" if it means achieving certain goals, not to mention seducing/fucking kids then sending them to their deaths. But no, "thats not who we are" when Saul actually wants to do the sensible, rational thing, which is sacrifice his life so that a terror group doesn't get its entire network back.

nah that speech was great. season two aside, homeland has always been very conscious (sometimes to a fault) of the consequences of character's actions. the whole show is about "who we are;" all the way back to S1, even with much lower stakes, it was about Carrie as a true believer, ends justifying means, etc. along with the Issa backstory, which is a remarkably cringeworthy and terribly executed flaw to an otherwise excellent season. just because she says it doesn't mean it's true; the show has said over and over that it's the "wrong" thing to do. but they're going to do it anyways.


So glad i stuck with this show after the absymal Season 3.
All they had to do was kill Brody off.. which should have happened in Season 1 anayway.
Amazing how great this season has become after Ayaan's death.. If the momentum keeps up its going to surpass the greatness of S1.


Ending was a little overkill. The 24 writers got their hands on the script again.

But leading up to that was every bit as great as the best parts of season 1. The prisoner exchange was one of the most intense things I've seen on tv.


Dexter's ending may have been totally worth the sacrifice re: Showtime loosening the creative reins on their series.
wow great episode. Just watched it. Very intense prisoner exchange. I kept thinking Carrie left Quinn back at HQ because she had a plan. Maybe that was what they wanted me to think.

And that 24 ending. Nice.


that fucking piece of shit dennis boyd. dude needs to get offed by the end of this season

You know he will somehow play a role in saving someone's life or something, because TV.

At least he finally admitted something. I was going to really hate him if the denial dialogue between him and the rest of the cast continued past this episode.


Season really picked up. Was expecting Saul to die, oh well.

Quinn deserves the love he gets here.
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