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Homeland - Season 4 - Sundays on Showtime

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The plot is suffering from 24 syndrome this season: Everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. Its a cheap way of prolonging a plot line to its eventual conclusion. As a viewer I know how its going to play out. Failure after failure until the last couple episodes where either by dumb luck or some hail mary pass they will turn everything around.
Ok you know what, for all the shit we give homeland (and rightly so).
This last EP WAS

FUCKING AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really did feel it again just like the first season !!!! :O:O:O:O:O


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.

God damn that was an amazing episode. I was banned for a week :( so couldn't comment but was reading everyone's reaction.

Its hilarious people are nitpicking on this show. Tell me any show and I can find flaws in that too. Breaking Bad? Game of Thrones?

Anyways, its astonishing how authentic they are trying to make it. I mean that whole exchange scene, my god. I was LITERALLY on edge of my seat. You even hear small chatter in "Urdu" from their devices, and actors are so fucking believable. All the ISI guys, Taliban leader. Soul's not wanting to do this and carrie goes to convince him, was a brilliant touch. Their performance man, that fucking acting. SOOO GOOD.

I pumped for next week.
Homeland is off this weekend for the holiday. It will be back December 7th. There are three more episodes left this season.

Sucks that it's off because I'm dying to see things unfold. But nice that there are 3 more episodes left. That's awesome because I was thinking the next would be the finale for some reason.


Wow, I'm caught up. Congrats to the writers for pulling me back into this show. This show has me excited for the next episode for the first time since season 1.


every time i watch this show all I can think is why the hell Carrie is still employed in such a sensitive position

someone please relieve her of duty lol


this season has been better than S1/S2

just crazy

Homeland isn't capable of reaching those heights anymore.

After the latter half of Season 2, and to a lesser degree Season 3, I've come to accept that Homeland is now a smarterish version of 24. I have lower expectations now. As long as there's minimum family drama, Brody stays dead, no cringe romances, and less dumb actions by everyone involved, I'm good with the show.

Season 4 has not avoided all those issues, but after that kid from Pakistan got shot in the face, things are looking up.

It already surpassed previous heights and the season's not even over yet. Sorry, kitty.
sorry nah


The heights of Homeland have never been a problem, imo. S2 and S3 had great peaks. But they were undone by some horrible valleys; S2 especially. Part of what made S1 so great was that, when it was at its best, it was this incredibly well-oiled machine with every plot working in concert in quiet, understated ways towards telling a story. for example, back in those days, the Carrie mental illness was this quiet, looming thing that manifested itself in small, but not insignificant ways, instead of being this super loud plot device that is constantly called upon. There was a patience with those things that simply isn't there any more.

This season has had its low points but this current arc has been great, in large part because it's sucking up all the storytelling oxygen, and there just isn't any room for distractions. And that's fine too.


It's been better than every season. No time wasted on stupid family drama = best season by default.

And they've embraced the characters that people care about.

More Dar would be nice though but Lockhart has been kind of a dark horse this season.
This show uses the word Fuck so well, browsing through tumblr its literally the only thing on it.


Yeah, seriously.

I have to say that I made a complete turnaround of Lockhart. He was an asshole in the previous season and even in the first episode of this one, but he is now in my good graces. He finally understands what must be done and is not the lame politician that he used to be.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Good episode, but too short.

I have a feeling
the big bad is in the apartment that Sandy used to meet his contact that had its locked changed at the beginning of the season

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
"Who cares about the hostages, we have a job to .... oh no a named character is being threatened, OKAY LET'S OPEN THE DOOR!" :p

Good episode. It was fun seeing Quinn going all Jack Bauer on those guys. <3
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