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Homeland - Season 4 - Sundays on Showtime

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Honestly after the last episode I think I'm going to stop watching until the end of the season and then read impressions of the whole season. Quinn is the only interesting thing in this show right now and now they are putting him in a relationship with Carrie. The show would be better without Carrie.
Really liked the premier, which reminded me of my favorite parts of the S1 and S3 - the focus on espionage and shadow games. The second episode was a step down with the low point being that forced exposition scene with the baby outside of Brody's old house. WHY. I was certain Dana or the mom would peek out the window, and make the scene worse than it already was. Another problem is the idea that Carrie or anyone could simply blackmail the Director of the CIA and get such an important job. Worse yet Carrie of all people, who in any logical world wouldn't be let into the CIA HQ, much less any position of leadership. I really liked S1 because it felt realistic, or at least as realistic as these types of shows go. The idea of Carrie hiding a mental issue/medication was interesting. Now it's out in the open and seems to totally kill S1's plot point about her having to hide her condition.

Third episode wasn't bad but really highlighted the ridiculous paths the show lays out for Carrie. She was made on a global scale last season, people presumably know who she is by now. Yet she's still waltzing around "off campus" and in this case, meeting with targets. I just don't get it. I would have rather had Fara followup with the guy instead.

The Quinn stuff...I like his romance with the redhead. It seems like a good way of highlighting that he's someone who has been so far divorced from regular life that he's yearning for any version of it. That being said, this "Quinn and Carrie" thing...fuck that. I'd much rather see them play up the tension/disagreements between them and ultimately lead to Quinn going rogue. Fuck it.

I thought the show would be better without Brody, and in many ways it is. But now I'm starting to think it would be better without Carrie as well.
The show was good with Brody. His family, specifically Dana was the bad part. Never had an issue with Morena's performance as the wife. I'd much rather Brody be alive working for the CIA taking down terrorists like Bauer in 24.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Show just isn't interesting without Brody. Carrie is a bad lead character. People watched for Brody.
Bullshit. I certainly didn't. I thought Brody wasn't that interesting and he was thoroughly unbelievable, and quite unlikable too. Carrie has always been far, far more interesting.
Bullshit. I certainly didn't. I thought Brody wasn't that interesting and he was thoroughly unbelievable, and quite unlikable too. Carrie has always been far, far more interesting.

Well everyone is entitled to their opinion. Judging by falling ratings, more seem to agree with my line of thinking.


The main arc so far is just boilerplate. There's 'back to basics' and there's ' too ordinary'. I don't know if it's too soon to have fictional content based on it but they missed an opportunity to frame the season around ISIS.


Hunky Nostradamus
I think the show is much better off without the Brodys (I wasn't engaged with Brody as a character since the first season), and I think Carrie can often be a compelling lead, but I'm not very interested in Crazy Carrie anymore (again, since the first season) and I certainly don't want a romance between her and Quinn. The direction they've taken her in this season is a bit of a mixed bag, but I'm feeling mostly positive towards her so far.


The show doesn't need Brody, and seems to be doing allright so far without him. Season 3 finale was pretty much a series finale to the brody-saga


I always enjoyed Brody, even in Seasons 2 and 3. He should have died in the bunker for the biggest impact, and his family was fucking awful but I still loved Damian Lewis portrayal


Hunky Nostradamus
Lol. Unless Danes wants out there is zero chance Showtime even considers canceling this.

I could see Danes wanting to leave the show after next year (I think she has a 5 year contract) to pursue better opportunities, but if not, the show will probably go for at least 3 more seasons.
was she just horny or part of her plan to get info out? I couldn't tell.

:( I had crush on her since season 1 episode 1.
There's something about her that's really seductive. I can't put my finger on it because sometimes her face really bothers me but other times, especially when she's doing something like that I'm like ohhh man.

oh yeah apparently other stuff happened in this episode too. Is Quinn going insane or something lol.



Silly Quinn.

The last scene got old pretty fast. Carrie doing her thing to manipulate Aayan just like she did with her first interaction with Brody. How exciting!

The rest of the episode was good. From the scenes with the ambassador's husband to Saul's interaction with ISI.
#RealTalk what was so dumb about it? She was using sex to play the kid. And I also liked that she seemed to acknowledge that what she was about to do was scummy when she looked at herself in the mirror. Just because she did it with Brody doesn't make it less effective.

Carrie putting in work.
Yeah this show is going downhill very fast, i cringed and couldn't barely finish the scene. Jump meet shark, so fucking stupid.
Wtf why does this show feel it needs this kind of stuff. That was actually a good episode outside of the whole Quinn pining for Carrie and that stupid ending scene, but that's the memory of the episode they leave you with.
Wasn't Aayan dating the girl whose dad ratted him out to the college? I thought they were supposed to be in love lol I'm done with this until the end of the season and I see feedback of how it ends.
Great episode. I'm surprised that anyone is complaining about Carrie's behavior. It seemed perfectly in character to me, and Danes did her usual marvelous acting job.


guess they really are rolling with this quinn and carrie bullshit, ugh

also knew it was gonna go down after carrie had that stare in the mirror. aayan needed to relieve some of that tension. id do it
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