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Homeland - Season 4 - Sundays on Showtime

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At this point Carrie is just cartoonishly ignoring authority and lashing out at everyone. The real problem is that in the first season we cared about the mystery and this season I doubt anyone cares why the guy was killed and what the terrorist plan is

Really the problem is that this is basically a reboot but they're treating it like a mid-show season so we get these really slow developing plots and repeated storylines - Carrie fucks the asset and Quinn is going to get jealous


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
it would take a ton for me not to be in his situation.

I don't buy this young Pakistani college student being so quickly seduced by anyone, let alone a strange white woman. Frankly, I haven't bought any of Aayan's reactions to Carrie so far. She was alarming and looked crazy when she locked herself in a bathroom with him in their first encounter. That was pretty aggressive, and far scarier than Fara trying to connect with him. Fara failed simply because she's Fara and the writers demand it be Carrie that succeeds. The fact that he somehow came around to Carrie even being a legitimate journalist with an interest in helping him is crazy. She hasn't mentioned a damn thing about telling his story since that initial encounter. The local reporter who ambushed him on the campus quizzed him more quantitatively and qualitatively in a matter of two minutes than Carrie has in three meetings. I don't buy him believing in her, let alone being seduced. He's clearly from a fairly conservative society and up until his scenes with Carrie, he's been quite fearful, meek and socially anxious. It's rather absurd. I don't for a second buy Aayan trusting Carrie whatsoever, let alone getting into a physical relationship almost instantly.

This is an extension of Carrie's problems over the last couple seasons. She acts insane, which could be fine, and it all works out because the people around her end up warped, reacting in ludicrous ways to retroactively validate and justify Carrie's behavior. She's gone rogue in debatably treasonous ways several times, and it magically all works out as other characters and institutions bend over backwards to fabricate ways for her to climb the CIA corporate ladder. Carrie has most definitely been acting in-character. The problem is everything around her is now so illogical, inconsistent, and senseless because it needs prop up her insanity and make it seem reasonable.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
I can see the Carrie saga ending this season

She might go to far, even by her "standards".

Her mental condition is affecting her decisions again, clearly


I don't buy this young Pakistani college student being so quickly seduced by anyone, let alone a strange white woman. Frankly, I haven't bought any of Aayan's reactions to Carrie so far. She was alarming and looked crazy when she locked herself in a bathroom with him in their first encounter. That was pretty aggressive, and far scarier than Fara trying to connect with him. Fara failed simply because she's Fara and the writers demand it be Carrie that succeeds. The fact that he somehow came around to Carrie even being a legitimate journalist with an interest in helping him is crazy. She hasn't mentioned a damn thing about telling his story since that initial encounter. The local reporter who ambushed him on the campus quizzed him more quantitatively and qualitatively in a matter of two minutes than Carrie has in three meetings. I don't buy him believing in her, let alone being seduced. He's clearly from a fairly conservative society and up until his scenes with Carrie, he's been quite fearful, meek and socially anxious. It's rather absurd. I don't for a second buy Aayan trusting Carrie whatsoever, let alone getting into a physical relationship almost instantly.
Fair points, but I think you're ignoring the fact that his entire family was just killed, his own life threatened and here appears this exotic woman who is promising him safety and access to the university of his liking, a complete way out so I don't think it's terribly hard to believe he'd take any sort of comfort provided to him


I shot people I like more for less.
Seduction thing didn't bother me. Their scene from the other episode also felt like Carrie was trying to be seductive. Thought the episode overall was decent, not as good as last week's. Saul had some good scenes I thought.


Hunky Nostradamus
I thought that was a pretty decent episode and I didn't think the seduction scene was out of character or ridiculous at all. (though I do think seducing him on the very first night was a bit too much too soon. She should have waited until the second day imo)


I thought that was a pretty decent episode and I didn't think the seduction scene was out of character or ridiculous at all. (though I do think seducing him on the very first night was a bit too much too soon. She should have waited until the second day imo)
Would it actually be in character for her to wait? :p
Episode wasn't bad. I agree she was seducing the kid, but it still felt kinda forced. Seemed like she could have seduced him without banging him immediately. Give him the impression he's going to get a reward and wheel him in slowly.


Season 3 and 2 were kinda stupid, I agree, but for me they were never boring, in the slightest. At this moment I'm completely uninterested about everything that's happening in season 4, and I´m just tired of Carrie.

I'm not going to drop the show, but I'm not excited for it anymore like I was before the beginning of the season.

Put me in the "Show is worse without Brody" camp
I can see the Carrie saga ending this season


Carrie just went from crazy to batshit-crazy
This season is pretty meh so far.. but still better than the beginning of Season 3.. which was so boring


Seriously, it's as if everyone forgot she slept with a suspected terrorist with a wife and children, then got knocked up by him even after he went from suspected to confirmed.

Didnt forget that Leona Lewis.. what she did with Brody was crazy.. what she did this time to an innocent kid blatantly exploiting him for her own benefit is batshit crazy..
With Brody at least she had feelings for him..
Just my 2 cents Leona Lewis.
Falling for Brody was crazy, but sleeping with that kid was not. Guys, she's a fucking CIA agent, not some sales clerk at Wal-Mart. She's got to do what she's got to do to complete her mission and protect America. If deflowering that kid gets her to manipulate him better, then she should do it. I would have done it without a doubt, had I been in her shoes.
People complaining about the show being fucked: we're a full two seasons beyond the show's cataclysmic decline.

Do you remember when the most-wanted man in the world moved freely to Washington DC and hatched a plan to swap camera batteries for WMDs in broad daylight, in a coffee shop's parking lot? Do you remember when he took Carrie hostage so that he could force her to force the terrorist-cum-Congressman to steal the serial number to the VP's pacemaker so that the VP could be remotely heart-assassinated through the Internet?

So, yes, the Carrie-Quinn romance is ridiculous and forced and, yes, Carrie's first-night-fuck of Aayan seems both unbelievable and unnecessary. But unless we find out that Quinn is actually a clone serving as the reincarnation of Carrie's father, or that Carrie used her adamantium vagina to steal WMD-semen from Aayan's surfboard-farmer penis, this stuff wouldn't appear on a list of the top 100 stupidest things about Homeland.

That being said, I'm in until the end. I wouldn't leave this train wreck if you paid me.


Reactions seem overblown considering the context. I thought it was a great episode and can't wait to see more.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Falling for Brody was crazy, but sleeping with that kid was not. Guys, she's a fucking CIA agent, not some sales clerk at Wal-Mart. She's got to do what she's got to do to complete her mission and protect America. If deflowering that kid gets her to manipulate him better, then she should do it. I would have done it without a doubt, had I been in her shoes.

Okay officer.


Didnt forget that Leona Lewis.. what she did with Brody was crazy.. what she did this time to an innocent kid blatantly exploiting him for her own benefit is batshit crazy..
With Brody at least she had feelings for him..
Just my 2 cents Leona Lewis.

The CIA honey trap maneuver is a real thing though.


Falling for Brody was crazy, but sleeping with that kid was not. Guys, she's a fucking CIA agent, not some sales clerk at Wal-Mart. She's got to do what she's got to do to complete her mission and protect America. If deflowering that kid gets her to manipulate him better, then she should do it. I would have done it without a doubt, had I been in her shoes.

same yolo.


Terrible last scene. The kid should be calling her bluff. He has been super suspicious and cautious since the first second on this season so alarms must be going in his head. You were reported to your Uni, you ask the woman if it's going to impact his chances getting in the college at England but Carrie brushes it off and dismisses it like it's no issue at all. She then goes on to hitting on you and sleeping with you. Common. How transparent can this get? It would be hilarious if Aayan detected that and just slept with her because why not? and then leave in the morning never to return again.

But it won't happen because we gotta praise Carrie the super spy that in order to ease a super cautious asset that has been questioning anything unusual happening in his life she out of nowhere sexually seduces him to have intercourse.

Shame. The ep was neat up to that point and had interesting revelations about the case.


Terrible last scene. The kid should be calling her bluff. He has been super suspicious and cautious since the first second on this season so alarms must be going in his head. You were reported to your Uni, you ask the woman if it's going to impact his chances getting in the college at England but Carrie brushes it off and dismisses it like it's no issue at all. She then goes on to hitting on you and sleeping with you. Common. How transparent can this get? It would be hilarious if Aayan detected that and just slept with her because why not? and then leave in the morning never to return again.

But it won't happen because we gotta praise Carrie the super spy that in order to ease a super cautious asset that has been questioning anything unusual happening in his life she out of nowhere sexually seduces him to have intercourse.

Shame. The ep was neat up to that point and had interesting revelations about the case.
He's desperate now because he's lost everything else. (GF, family, school) Any port in a storm and all that.


Which would make him even more doubtful that this person comes and says everything will be fine, the accusations don't matter and then seduces you. Way to good to be true and not something Aayan should be falling into the way he was characterized up to now. At least wait until you show him the forged papers you made for his travel.

Strikes me as lazy writing to get him where they need him to be and having no card to play other than seduction. Although i'm not sure how this move will assure Aayan will stay in Pakistan. Is he not going to press about leaving now? Not going to ask about the papers? That Carrie is delaying procedures?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
The seduction scene lacks a bit of believability, but it's still far, far more believable than Brody's turning, which was the entire premise of S1. So, yeah, don't get the complaints.


After the premiere, I thought Carrie was playing a game of fuck, marry, kill with Brody, Quinn, and Aayan but she's moving quicker than I could've imagined.
Falling for Brody was crazy, but sleeping with that kid was not. Guys, she's a fucking CIA agent, not some sales clerk at Wal-Mart. She's got to do what she's got to do to complete her mission and protect America. If deflowering that kid gets her to manipulate him better, then she should do it. I would have done it without a doubt, had I been in her shoes.

Jack Bauer would shoot the guy in the knee and shout "NOW!" but Carrie uses different weapons.
The seduction scene lacks a bit of believability, but it's still far, far more believable than Brody's turning, which was the entire premise of S1. So, yeah, don't get the complaints.
Yep, that episode with Issa was the show's very first "WTF in a bad way" moment. How prophetic that episode turned out to be, since nothing Brody did from that episode on made any sense.

So glad the show's lost that dead weight.


If the bar is set that low than why bother at all?

BTW, the fact that the head terrorist is still alive and Aayan knows it, that should make him all the more tentative. If he knows he's alive and met with him then it's not out of the realm of possibility others know he's alive which would make Aayan a target for intelligence organizations so he should be even more suspicious.

Also, i'm not sure to what lengths Carrie and Co. went to establish their covers. If i were to act as Aayan then after i got the contact card from Carrie in the bathroom i would go straight to google her name\her paper and check if indeed this person exists and is employed by this newspaper. I didn't get the impression they bothered to set up the covers that thoroughly and we didn't get to see if Aayan tried to do any basic fact-checking.

All in all, i really don't think there's a reason to play a rouse on Aayan. They should have went it straight. 'You are this and that and we want to use you for this and that. Co-operate and by the end of it we'll fly you out of Pakistan. Refuse and we shall cause your GF and cousin to be expelled from Uni.' Or worse, 'leak' that Aayan was the source of the intel that led to the drone strike. Play hardball.
Flip side...

Aayan is smarter than everyone is giving him credit for... He orchestrated the wedding location and tipped for the drone strike killing his whole family, university expulsion, and dealings with good o'l uncle Haissam... all an elaborate scheme, to get laid and loose his v-plates to a CIA station-chief in an attempt to win a bar-bet set 3 years ago.

calling it.

Seriously though is he playing dumb? would be a nice twist. Quinn is underused in this season so far, the whole 'gotta be 5 feet from the phone to tap it' seemed like an unnecessary way to involve him in the episode. The start of the season was good for him, I hope they can flesh out a reason for him to be there other than the 'being in love with Carrie' line they are forcing him into.
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