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Homeland - Season 5 - Sundays on Showtime

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you muthafackas don't you dare to kill Quinn

Are everyone buying Allison Bullshit, come on I don't believe senior intelligence officers buy into those lies


They probably wont believe her but if they have flimsy evidence she is working for the Russians how can they push back on her lies especially if Ivan backs the lies.

The only problem I see is how its in Ivan's interest to say he was a CIA asset? Allison's cover was blown and he has Immunity, he can wash his hands clean an can gloat for the rest of his life that he had US intelligence by the balls for years.


Come on guys, of course Quinn isn't dead. Why the hell go through the effort of showing him getting the shot if that was the case? Remember, this is Homeland. Subtlety isn't their thing.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
If Allison manages to talk her way out of this, I'm going to be pissed.

Quinn is on some Jack Bauer shit, I'm not even worried about him. He'll be running & gunning in the next episode. I hope his storyline is going somewhere good, it feels so extraneous at this point. My gut is still telling me that all this Allison & Russian documents stuff will be wrapped up soon, and then they'll have all the Quinn stuff be the season finale. I can feel it in my bones.


Just kill Quinn. Why does there always have to be one guy in the terrorist group that doesn't know what his friends are planning, isn't cut for the job and will quickly try to help the captive if he says the right words to him? Gimme a break. You've written a character into a corner, have the balls to finish it off. Now they are writing off the corner.

Yes, Carrie, 'who else would have access to the killbox'. Is that why yo ruled Allison out as a suspect until the blessed screensaver? Is that why you confided with her?

Everybody else already described why Allison's spins won't hold to scrutiny. At least she kept her composure and tried to wing it, i guess.
Yeah it was a huge eye roll when allison began lying because I was like lol...so obvious. This won't hold up. Then Dar puts his hand to his face in deep thought and I'm all -_-.

Pls don't do that.


Man this season is just painful to watch most of the time. I really hope there's a good payoff for all these Allison's bullshit at the end. These back and forth is getting too much for me.


Hunky Nostradamus
‘Homeland’ Season 5, Episode 9: An Intelligence Expert Weighs In

Sarin is not that easy to make. Even if you’ve got a chemist – which apparently the jihadists do, on staff. Sarin is a nasty, nasty chemical weapon. If you could make it in an abandoned building somewhere with a rudimentary chemistry set, like the “Homeland” jihadists are doing, then everybody would do it.

The people best-known for using large-scale sarin production was a Japanese doomsday cult back in the 1990s, called Aum Shinrikyo. They were responsible for the Tokyo subway attacks in 1995. They used sarin gas, but they didn’t kill that many people, and it was a disaster – for the cult. But they invested, like, $30 or $40 million to try to pull this off, building a massive facility with chemists and chemical engineers, and even then, I think they only produced, like, a couple of gallons a day, of sarin. And of course, when they used it, it didn’t work.

So the idea that some guy is creating sarin gas in an abandoned building in Berlin or outside Berlin somewhere – it’s kind of crazy. It’s ridiculous. Even if you do create sarin, the challenge at that point is weaponizing it, coming up with a way to kill people with it, to find a way to disperse it. Dispersal is the key. You’re not just going to pour it on them straight, you actually have to find a way to do it. But even here, you had this cult in Japan that had more money and more technical know-how than any ISIS guys would ever know, and they still screwed it up. There’s a big gulf between the theory behind creating sarin gas and then using it for an operation. Those are real technical issues. You have to find a way to turn sarin from a liquid into at least droplets that can kill on contact, that you can breathe in. And most explosive devices that would disperse this stuff would either destroy most of the sarin or won’t disperse it very well. So it’s very, very difficult to do. That’s why this Japanese cult failed, because they tried to spray the sarin gas from a moving van, and it didn’t work, and it sprayed backward and hit them in the face. For the actual subway attack, they poked holes in plastic bags to try to seep the gas into the subway car. Sure, it made a lot of people sick, it cause a lot of people to foam at the mouth, but most of the people went to the hospital and were released. Yes, a dozen people died, but that was out of thousands of people who did survive.

If I remember right, the Japanese group ended up killing several of their own members trying to put this stuff together. There’s a reason why we have weapons labs in the United States and why we have very, very, very talented people way underground working on this stuff, because it’s very dangerous. The likelihood is that the jihadists are going to be bumbling ISIS guys that will end up gassing themselves instead of anybody else.

But the story line of Quinn being injected with atropine and then being thrown into a room filled with sarin and hopefully not dying is realistic. You can use atropine as a prophylactic before you actually get exposed to sarin – it works just as well. It’s not something you have to inject yourself with after the fact. Atropine is actually very effective against sarin gas, because what it does is it counteracts the effects of the gas on your nervous system. Most of the time you end up asphyxiating because your lungs stop working. Atropine blocks that reaction from taking place. So you can’t take atropine days before you get exposed to sarin, but right beforehand is perfectly fine. As long as it’s in the system at the same time as the sarin, then you should be OK.

Deku Tree

They probably wont believe her but if they have flimsy evidence she is working for the Russians how can they push back on her lies especially if Ivan backs the lies.

The only problem I see is how its in Ivan's interest to say he was a CIA asset? Allison's cover was blown and he has Immunity, he can wash his hands clean an can gloat for the rest of his life that he had US intelligence by the balls for years.

Ivan's career in intelligence in Russia is most likely toast at this point no matter what. They would see it as his massive failure that the safe house got raided.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I think they know Quinn is the shows mvp. He'll be fine....... eventually.
On the other hand, if they knew Quinn was the MVP, they might have given him a more active role in the story. Instead he's spent the last 6 episodes being gravely ill and lackadaisically undermining a terror plot.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Those "watching the show just for Quinn", um, why, when his storyline is all sorts of stupid this season? :p

I don't want him to die either, but if they're gonna use him in dumb as shit stories like this maybe it'd be for the best...


I've been forced into this show by my wife. Carrie Mathison must be the most unlikeable character I've encountered in a long time. She manages to make one or two good calls mixed in with a fuckton of terrible decisions. Somehow still an entertaining show, but I feel dumber every episode in.


Those "watching the show just for Quinn", um, why, when his storyline is all sorts of stupid this season? :p

I don't want him to die either, but if they're gonna use him in dumb as shit stories like this maybe it'd be for the best...

If the rest of the season was quinn fucking shit up I'd be more than happy. I don't care about what happens with everyone else.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Man, sometimes i think i'm the only person on earth who finds this show fantastic, especially since they started with self-contained seasons (4 and 5)

Disappointed he didn't go into explaining Allison's defense of her having turned that Russian agent and that she's been using him for 12 years but that there's no documentation for that all.

It seems very desperate to me. I don't think Dar will eat it - especially since someone up the chain should know about all assets, especially important ones... and Dar is on top of the chain.


Most entertaining season for me, it's a pity Quinn storyline is so dumb and I think they could have avoided that extra go at Carrie schizophrenia, anyway best HM season!


The Quinn storyline would have been so much better if he didn't just stumble into that house and got an op from Dar Adal
Man, sometimes i think i'm the only person on earth who finds this show fantastic, especially since they started with self-contained seasons (4 and 5)

Oh, there's plenty of people who do, but they're probably not here. Look at painful nerd-comments like this for example (how does that contribute to conversation at all?), and, really this thread is kind of tame this year but used to be a very ugly place with some miserable people browbeating anyone who dared say something positive


The Quinn storyline would have been so much better if he didn't just stumble into that house and got an op from Dar Adal
Having Quinn wake up getting medical treatment and have to escape to avoid his cover getting blown would have been a billion times more interesting than what we got.
Despite it's fall from grace I'm still enjoying this show a lot. It's kind of scratching the itch that 24 used to. So bring on the craziness I say!


So now Otto is going to release all of Saul's docs right? I mean, wtf Saul

i wonder what was with the lady and the dog


Really good episode.

Yeah, what was the deal with the woman and the dog?

I enjoyed the scene when Saul interrogated Allison, and when Carrie viewed the taping of the Quinn's chemical attack. Superb acting all-around.
Maaaan, if they fall for Allison's ploy I'm flipping the fuck out.

Edit: Solid episode so far. Dar.... Dar is way too stupid right now.
"Let's send full tactical teams to investigate 14 possible terror sites, for the other one it'll just be us two, Carrie! We can bond over killing terrorists!"

The old lady walking her beautiful dog was Putin, he is very hands on when it comes to his double agents.
I've only recently gotten into this series. Started from Season 1 Episode 1 a month ago and have caught up to the episode last Sunday. I have to say, this Russian story arc is so goddamned drowsy. i've tried finishing S05E08 but I've fallen asleep twice.
Yea, that lady with the dog is definitely a scout for the SVR.

Lol at "guarantees"

Quinn is alive!
But I agree with whoever said that they should just kill him. They're not doing anything with his arc right now :(

Qasim is so suspect but so lucky that he is family. Also, nothing weird about three vans driving together. Nope, just three vans here lol.

I did really enjoy this episode. One of the more solid episodes so far. Great acting from Saul and Carrie tonight.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Does anyone with the CIA or BND remember that Carrie isn't actually an intelligence officer anymore? No wonder all your stations are leaky as fuck, you keep letting random people and suspected traitors wander around and consult on things. Hey, let's go ask Allison and Ivan some questions and completely believe everything they say.

Also, at this point there aren't even any boundaries between the CIA and BND, which is silly. They're running ops for each other without question, tossing assets and prisoners back and forth, etc.

The little debate between Jonas, Laura and Otto plays as if this is the first time they're ever weighing these kinds of questions, even accounting for this show's magical ticking timebomb scenario. They're really never figured out their stance on this, or the consequences thereof? Laura in particular continues to come off as an angry, self-righteous college freshman. The interview sequence also confirmed the absurdity that Germany instantly overturned a bunch of convictions simply by virtue of the leak, as if the German government wouldn't fight to keep those people imprisoned for as long as possible. Instead it was "oops, you caught us using illegally spying, oh well, we'll let everyone go, no biggie".

I think Otto should probably have someone else do the background checks and recommendations for Carrie's replacement, considering how completely and utterly Jonas fucked up looking into Carrie.

Dar suggesting they might be able to contain and use Allison against Russia. Get outta here. Both her and Ivan are burned for every side. Neither side would ever use the other's officer as an asset again. No one would trust jackshit coming out of them.

Carrie getting so broken up about Quinn... she completely forgot about him for like 9 days. The guy who was on the verge of death from trying to help her and she hasn't cared about his disappearance since the instant it happened. She cast him out of her mind for so fucking long, spare me her weeping.


I say this every week...but it's amazing how Allison is making Dar and Saul look like complete fucking tools. It's really grating now


This Laura-argument for not telling the authorities, when you've had a sarin-demo on television with a threat of an attack happening in the next 24 hours, is fucking stupid.


The amount of stupidity and convenient coincidences this season is incredible. Only way to redeem the season is to have Alison and Putin drive off in a car together like Haqqani and Saul at the end of last season.

Also, ADR'ing the Paris attacks into the show was in poor taste imo


The amount of stupidity and convenient coincidences this season is incredible. Only way to redeem the season is to have Alison and Putin drive off in a car together like Haqqani and Saul at the end of last season.

Also, ADR'ing the Paris attacks into the show was in poor taste imo

I think you meant Dar ;)


I never noticed this was already airing, last season was really great (except for the ending) is this on the same level?


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
I don't get the "Dar so dumb duh" train: It's pretty evident he knows, he just doesn't want to believe it because it's an enormous political defeat.

Allison still rationalizing that she's not actually hurting the US when she blew up a plane six episodes ago is hilarious, though.

I never noticed this was already airing, last season was really great (except for the ending) is this on the same level?

Yes, it's out of the same playbook.
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