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Homeworld Remastered |OT| All of this has happened before and will happen again


Tasty changelog incoming:
• Note: All prior in-game saves are no longer valid. Campaign progression is still valid; you just have to restart any missions you are currently on.


• Entire game rebalanced. (Singleplayer and MP!)
• Formations have been completely rewritten to better support HW1 formations
• Formations will break on combat into combat groups based on the ships that are part of the formation. This is to more closely emulate HW1 and to make sure that ships perform as optimally as you would expect.
• Formations have a unit cap depending on the ships and formation used. This is to ensure formations are as effective in combat as possible and so that the game performs at a reasonable speed.
• All ships have been rebalanced to work with formations
• All ships have had a pass to improve flight dynamics and engagement behaviors.
• Weapons will now use ballistics when set to do so. (Many ships are set to this by default now.)
• Tactics have been split into "Rules of Engagement" and "Stances" to better emulate HW1 and HW2 gameplay at the same time. (Hot keys updated accordingly.)
Rules of Engagement:
• Offensive. Ships will attack all enemy ships that enter range.
• Defensive. Ships will retaliate against attackers of allies and themselves.
• Passive. Ships will not retaliate, even when fired upon.
• Aggressive. Aggressive strike craft receive bonuses to weapon damage but penalties to speed. Aggressive ships will fight at closer ranges and will fight and stay in formation during combat.
• Evasive. Evasive strike craft receive bonuses to speed, acceleration, and take reduced damage. Evasive ships will break formation as soon as they enter combat and attempt to dodge incoming fire. Evasive strike craft fight at longer range. This stance is intended as a delaying or harassing action.
• Neutral. Normal power shunting, ships receive no bonuses or penalties. (Default)
• Ships will now automatically try and fly away from large ships that are about to explode. (Splash damage is much more meaningful now.)
• Ship Dock Holds and UnitCaps have been reworked to account for HW1 and HW2 ships being traded/salcapped and to allow a more flexible system for modders.
• 2p_Shields start locations tweaked for more balanced gameplay.
• 4p_ironcurtain, 4p_lostfalls start locations fixed to not cause rush protection damage
• 5p_treeoflife, 8p_hyerspacearena, 8p_scattered, 6p_radialsymmetry – RU locations and amounts better balanced
• Swarmers now refuel much more effectively.
• Waypoints can now be closed, creating a patrol loop. Ships can leave their patrol to attack enemy units encountered while on patrol and return to the patrol based on their Rule of Engagement or even ignore enemies altogether.
• HW2 Mission 2 – Elite Bombers are granted correctly now.
• Lagging is much less likely to cause a desync now.
• General MP game desyncs are much much rarer now.
• Drones no longer count as ships when calculating relic value
• Relic game mode balance/behaviors tweaked.
• New Magnetic field used for Tai_DefenseFighter, Tai_FieldFrigate
• Carriers Only game mode rebalanced
• Races can now have race specific formation variations.
• Various research requirements tweaked to better balance game.
• Dockpaths for Capital Ships, Motherships reworked to be quicker/more efficient.
• The salvage capture command can now be issued to multiple targets.
• Salvage capture corvettes will now stop chasing a target if it becomes obscured by fog of war.
• Added a selection modifier to select all ships not in any strike group. (Mapped to the "-" key by default).
• Fixed various drone frigate issues including some targetting issues, removing command "response" audio from drones, an issue with CPU players spamming activation, and drones sometimes not being properly destroyed.
• Cleaned up some issues with changing targets when the kamikaze command is running.
• Fixed a possible crash when cancelling a waypoint move command with no waypoints set, then issuing a move command.
• Fixed some docking issues with ships carrying back large salvage chunks (and fixed an issue with Homeworld 1 resource collectors not being able to return salvage to carriers).
• Ships running a capture or salvage capture command will break out of it if the target hyperspaces.
• Hyperspace inhibitor and defense fields will now stay active if salvage capture corvettes are latched on, but they aren't at the "returning with capture" stage.
• Fixed an issue where the Homeworld 1 scout speed boost could stay on permanently.
• The magnetic field is no longer visible through fog of war.
• Fixed the GravWell Generator so the hyperspace command is more reliably disabled when the gravity well is active.


• UI is now contextually aware of what the ships are doing. The Move Icon highlights when the ship is executing a Move Order, cooldowns are represented on the icon, and available formations/active formation highlights.
• Formations are now represented as single icons in UI. (Option to use previous flat view is in the options.)
• Launch menu performance optimized. (Also uses grouped icons. Same option to use flat view affects this as well.)
• Marine Frigate capture button is now properly displayed.
• Timer moved over to allow for better layout of subtitles and other items.
• Subtitles are forced on in tutorials. This fixes a lot of odd issues with tutorial progression we were seeing.
• Chat screens cleaned up to layout and display “Left the game” messages better.
• Game saved text is displayed when a game is quick saved now.
• Cursor is more contextually aware of the player’s commands
• Stances/Rules of Engagement icons changed to match TO icons and to be more consistent in general
• Invalid save games are not displayed to user or are greyed out depending on reason.
• Population Cap screen optimized
• MP Lobby views now auto-refresh, unless disabled.
• Fixed an issue where chat messages sent to CPU players would be sent to the host of the game.


• Dust clouds, veins, and Nebula are much easier to see.
• Various ships have had visual tweaks to improve appearance. (Geometry, texture, animations)
• Sensors screen visual fidelity updated. (Rounder shapes, clearer tactical dots). Red tactical docs are now scalable in options screen for really high rez monitors.
• Game will no longer crash on load when primary screen is in portrait mode.
• Lens flares: fixed to be occluded as intended by designers.
• Engine Glow/Burn/Trail visuals improved slightly and performance optimized.
• Merged all Goblins into ship meshes to improve performance. (Goblins no longer supported)
• Command Line: Added -fakeFullscreen option. Allows use of a fullscreen window that does not capture the device. Use this option at your own risk as it is not officially supported.
• Command Line: Added -facetCount=XX option. Draws screen in vertical slices to prevent distortion, 'bends' the view. Can allow for 360 degree rendering, etc.
• Fixed a few mismatched portrait icons.
• M02 sun and flare now align correctly.
• EZ13 mission performance greatly improved.
• Game will try and use a discrete GPU rather than integrated GPU when available. This applies to Windows Vista and Windows 7 only. Windows 8 and Windows 10 users are advised to ensure a profile exists in the vendor's control panel to ensure optimal performance.
• OpenGL initialization improved to compensate for legacy overlay rendering performed by 3rd party software. While 3rd party overlays are not officially supported, overlays should no longer cause inappropriate translucency ordering or difficulty streaming.
• Added DOK badge.
• Capture/Latch points refined.


• Various Localization fixes.
• Executable load time improved by removing most DLLs.
• Removed DirectX 9 dependency check on startup.
• Russian save games now work properly.
• Keybindings in Russian and other languages are now consistent with English.
• Handfull of new keybindings/adjustments. See keybindings menu for details.
• Plus key bound to selecting ships not in a Formation.
• NumPad now works correctly.
• Removed necessity to sign up for SHiFT to play MP.
• Selections using mouse input should feel a lot better in general.
• Improved level load times.


• Added Scenario system to allow saving and playing back of starting fleet arrangements. (-loadScenario/-saveScenario)
• Added dropdown menu control.
• Buttons now have the ability to have different behaviors based on if the alt/shift/ctrl keys are being held down. Tooltips react to inform players of changed functionality.
• Ship turrets are instanced, allowing the base game assets to be easily modded via the new mod patching system that allows base assets to be nondestructively altered.
• .HOD format has been updated. HODOR/RODOH updates to come in the near future.
• Ship performance and behaviors can now be modified depending on what stance they are in. Formations also share these modifiers and can stack on top. Bullet speed, firing rates, weapon damage are just some of the things that can be changed. A formation of Laser Corvettes can turn incrementally slower as more ships are added to the formation or accelerate faster as the formation gets smaller due to losses.
• New flight maneuver abilities allow for more intuitive behavior- for instance it is now possible for fighters to slow down during their attack run to maximize time on target and speed up when coming back around. This behavior feeds into the ballistics system-ships caught going slower during a strafing run are easier to hit.
The original, Homeworld 2 classic requirement for a ship to be mine-laying capable before it will consider firing at missiles/torpedoes/mines has been removed. Additionally, all missiles/torpedoes/mines have been separated from the generic attack class “projectile” to provide ease-of-use for mod authors wishing to create ballistic anti-missile/torpedo defense systems.
Ships will not retaliate, even when fired upon.


Aggressive strike craft receive bonuses to weapon damage but penalties to speed. Aggressive ships will fight at closer ranges and will fight and stay in formation during combat.
Evasive strike craft receive bonuses to speed, acceleration, and take reduced damage. Evasive ships will break formation as soon as they enter combat and attempt to dodge incoming fire. Evasive strike craft fight at longer range. This stance is intended as a delaying or harassing action.
Normal power shunting, ships receive no bonuses or penalties. (Default)

Ships will now automatically try and fly away from large ships that are about to explode. (Splash damage is much more meaningful now.)
Ship Dock Holds and UnitCaps have been reworked to account for HW1 and HW2 ships being traded/salcapped and to allow a more flexible system for modders.
2p_Shields start locations tweaked for more balanced gameplay.
4p_ironcurtain, 4p_lostfalls start locations fixed to not cause rush protection damage
5p_treeoflife, 8p_hyerspacearena, 8p_scattered, 6p_radialsymmetry – RU locations and amounts better balanced
Swarmers now refuel much more effectively.
Waypoints can now be closed, creating a patrol loop. Ships can leave their patrol to attack enemy units encountered while on patrol and return to the patrol based on their Rule of Engagement or even ignore enemies altogether.
HW2 Mission 2 – Elite Bombers are granted correctly now.
Lagging is much less likely to cause a desync now.
General MP game desyncs are much much rarer now.
Drones no longer count as ships when calculating relic value
Relic game mode balance/behaviors tweaked.
New Magnetic field used for Tai_DefenseFighter, Tai_FieldFrigate
Carriers Only game mode rebalanced
Races can now have race specific formation variations.
Various research requirements tweaked to better balance game.
Dockpaths for Capital Ships, Motherships reworked to be quicker/more efficient.
The salvage capture command can now be issued to multiple targets.
Salvage capture corvettes will now stop chasing a target if it becomes obscured by fog of war.
Added a selection modifier to select all ships not in any strike group. (Mapped to the "-" key by default).
Fixed various drone frigate issues including some targetting issues, removing command "response" audio from drones, an issue with CPU players spamming activation, and drones sometimes not being properly destroyed.
Cleaned up some issues with changing targets when the kamikaze command is running.
Fixed a possible crash when cancelling a waypoint move command with no waypoints set, then issuing a move command.
Fixed some docking issues with ships carrying back large salvage chunks (and fixed an issue with Homeworld 1 resource collectors not being able to return salvage to carriers).
Ships running a capture or salvage capture command will break out of it if the target hyperspaces.
Hyperspace inhibitor and defense fields will now stay active if salvage capture corvettes are latched on, but they aren't at the "returning with capture" stage.
Fixed an issue where the Homeworld 1 scout speed boost could stay on permanently.
The magnetic field is no longer visible through fog of war.
Fixed the GravWell Generator so the hyperspace command is more reliably disabled when the gravity well is active.


UI is now contextually aware of what the ships are doing. The Move Icon highlights when the ship is executing a Move Order, cooldowns are represented on the icon, and available formations/active formation highlights.
Formations are now represented as single icons in UI. (Option to use previous flat view is in the options.)
Launch menu performance optimized. (Also uses grouped icons. Same option to use flat view affects this as well.)
Marine Frigate capture button is now properly displayed.
Timer moved over to allow for better layout of subtitles and other items.
Subtitles are forced on in tutorials. This fixes a lot of odd issues with tutorial progression we were seeing.
Chat screens cleaned up to layout and display “Left the game” messages better.
Game saved text is displayed when a game is quick saved now.
Cursor is more contextually aware of the player’s commands
Stances/Rules of Engagement icons changed to match TO icons and to be more consistent in general
Invalid save games are not displayed to user or are greyed out depending on reason.
Population Cap screen optimized
MP Lobby views now auto-refresh, unless disabled.
Fixed an issue where chat messages sent to CPU players would be sent to the host of the game.


Dust clouds, veins, and Nebula are much easier to see.
Various ships have had visual tweaks to improve appearance. (Geometry, texture, animations)
Sensors screen visual fidelity updated. (Rounder shapes, clearer tactical dots). Red tactical docs are now scalable in options screen for really high rez monitors.
Game will no longer crash on load when primary screen is in portrait mode.
Lens flares: fixed to be occluded as intended by designers.
Engine Glow/Burn/Trail visuals improved slightly and performance optimized.
Merged all Goblins into ship meshes to improve performance. (Goblins no longer supported)
Command Line: Added -fakeFullscreen option. Allows use of a fullscreen window that does not capture the device. Use this option at your own risk as it is not officially supported.
Command Line: Added -facetCount=XX option. Draws screen in vertical slices to prevent distortion, 'bends' the view. Can allow for 360 degree rendering, etc.
Fixed a few mismatched portrait icons.
M02 sun and flare now align correctly.
EZ13 mission performance greatly improved.
Game will try and use a discrete GPU rather than integrated GPU when available. This applies to Windows Vista and Windows 7 only. Windows 8 and Windows 10 users are advised to ensure a profile exists in the vendor's control panel to ensure optimal performance.
OpenGL initialization improved to compensate for legacy overlay rendering performed by 3rd party software. While 3rd party overlays are not officially supported, overlays should no longer cause inappropriate translucency ordering or difficulty streaming.
Added DOK badge.
Capture/Latch points refined.


Various Localization fixes.
Executable load time improved by removing most DLLs.
Removed DirectX 9 dependency check on startup.
Russian save games now work properly.
Keybindings in Russian and other languages are now consistent with English.
Handfull of new keybindings/adjustments. See keybindings menu for details.
Plus key bound to selecting ships not in a Formation.
NumPad now works correctly.
Removed necessity to sign up for SHiFT to play MP.
Selections using mouse input should feel a lot better in general.
Improved level load times.


Added Scenario system to allow saving and playing back of starting fleet arrangements. (-loadScenario/-saveScenario)
Added dropdown menu control.
Buttons now have the ability to have different behaviors based on if the alt/shift/ctrl keys are being held down. Tooltips react to inform players of changed functionality.
Ship turrets are instanced, allowing the base game assets to be easily modded via the new mod patching system that allows base assets to be nondestructively altered.
.HOD format has been updated. HODOR/RODOH updates to come in the near future.
Ship performance and behaviors can now be modified depending on what stance they are in. Formations also share these modifiers and can stack on top. Bullet speed, firing rates, weapon damage are just some of the things that can be changed. A formation of Laser Corvettes can turn incrementally slower as more ships are added to the formation or accelerate faster as the formation gets smaller due to losses.
New flight maneuver abilities allow for more intuitive behavior- for instance it is now possible for fighters to slow down during their attack run to maximize time on target and speed up when coming back around. This behavior feeds into the ballistics system-ships caught going slower during a strafing run are easier to hit.

The original, Homeworld 2 classic requirement for a ship to be mine-laying capable before it will consider firing at missiles/torpedoes/mines has been removed. Additionally, all missiles/torpedoes/mines have been separated from the generic attack class “projectile” to provide ease-of-use for mod authors wishing to create ballistic anti-missile/torpedo defense systems.

Changelog posted on Steam mentions June 6th instead of 7th, update isn't live yet though. Can't wait!


Should we do a new thread on such a big update? I know many people have waited with playing it until the things got fixed.

EDIT: Nevermind, looks like epmode got it :p
I wonder which ships they gave ballistics to. I remember trying to make a script mod in HW2 to give ships ballistics and it ended up being hilariously unbalanced and difficult to do. Anything with turrets was useless as well, as the turrets would only get to within a certain angle of their target and the guns wouldn't fire unless on a tighter angle.

The minigun equipped flak frigates were hilarious, though. I gave them a big spread and a ridiculous ROF, so anything that got close evaporated. They killed the framerate, too, pretty funny.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I gave them a lot of shit for what they did to HW1 with this collection, but I'm glad to see they've put in the work to rectify that.


Nice patch! though it looks from that changelog like they did everything twice :p

Nobody can say they aren't at least trying to fix any issues.


I wonder which ships they gave ballistics to. I remember trying to make a script mod in HW2 to give ships ballistics and it ended up being hilariously unbalanced and difficult to do. Anything with turrets was useless as well, as the turrets would only get to within a certain angle of their target and the guns wouldn't fire unless on a tighter angle.

The minigun equipped flak frigates were hilarious, though. I gave them a big spread and a ridiculous ROF, so anything that got close evaporated. They killed the framerate, too, pretty funny.

There are several dev posts about it on the official forums patch notes thread here: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t...2-0-is-rolling-out-tomorrow-6-7-16/1500305/11 .

The summary is some ships (generally larger, destroyer/battleship type) have really bad geometry for ballistics b/c they'd just shoot themselves, so they continue to use RNG based firing. That being said, they made a lot of changes to the firing systems, so there are now different chances based on both distance and the speed the targets are currently moving - so fighters can't park in front of destroyers anymore and expect to remain unscathed because of the capital ships having a low chance of hitting them.


Started a new game, seem to have lost the green box around my ships, anyone know how to get it back?

Edit: Nevermind, it was "Tactical Overlay" - TAB key


Is it just me or are strikecraft borderline useless in HW1? I was hoping the ballistics implementation would improve things for them but they're still just as bad at killing other strikecraft as vanilla HW1. Interceptors fighting each other just devolve into a giant furball which takes forever to resole (it looks cool though). I sent 11 interceptors and 3 light corvettes to deal with 10 enemy interceptors harassing my Mothership. By the time all the enemy strikecraft were gone, I had managed to capture a destroyer, 3 assault frigates, blow up a destroyer and a bunch of ion cannon frigates. With the way things are looking right now my fleet is going to look exactly the same as the one I used during my first playthrough (nothing but capital ships).

Really stark contrast in comparison to HW2's interceptor squadrons, which are probably the best way of dealing with hostile strikecraft.


Is it just me or are strikecraft borderline useless in HW1?
HW1 is vaguely rock-paper-scissors-ish, so strike craft aren't very good against other strike craft. Use multi-gun corvettes, drone frigates or missile destroyers against them.

Oh, and light corvettes are pretty useless. Back when I first played it 15 or so years ago, I always avoided them in favour of heavies on Evasive stance.

Before I start the second Homeworld game, are there Dreadnoughts in this game or were they only used in Cataclysm?
There are, and both the Hiigarans and Vaygr have them, in different designs.

Oh, and there's also this other thing...


Is it just me or are strikecraft borderline useless in HW1? I was hoping the ballistics implementation would improve things for them but they're still just as bad at killing other strikecraft as vanilla HW1. Interceptors fighting each other just devolve into a giant furball which takes forever to resole (it looks cool though). I sent 11 interceptors and 3 light corvettes to deal with 10 enemy interceptors harassing my Mothership. By the time all the enemy strikecraft were gone, I had managed to capture a destroyer, 3 assault frigates, blow up a destroyer and a bunch of ion cannon frigates. With the way things are looking right now my fleet is going to look exactly the same as the one I used during my first playthrough (nothing but capital ships).

Really stark contrast in comparison to HW2's interceptor squadrons, which are probably the best way of dealing with hostile strikecraft.

Wait, strike craft are still useless in HW1? :'( :'(


Wait, strike craft are still useless in HW1? :'( :'(

Haven't tried bombers yet but it's not looking good for interceptors and light corvettes. Also, heavy corvettes now have a strange habit of sitting completely still when in aggressive stance (at least, I don't recall them doing this before). Makes them real easy targets :/


Before I start the second Homeworld game, are there Dreadnoughts in this game or were they only used in Cataclysm?

No Dreadnoughts, but you get much bigger ships which fulfill that role.

If I remember Dreadnoughts would be equal to Destroyer class ships.


Haven't tried bombers yet but it's not looking good for interceptors and light corvettes. Also, heavy corvettes now have a strange habit of sitting completely still when in aggressive stance (at least, I don't recall them doing this before). Makes them real easy targets :/

I don't know about the standing still, but the devs explained that under Aggressive stance, ships will slow down in order to try to maximize their time firing on the target, which also has the knock on effect of making them more vulnerable to incoming fire.

They have also been posting about a bug fix patch being worked on for problems that have cropped up since 2.0 but no mention of exactly what's in it.


As I mentioned this is basically a new game, it works better than HWR v1.0 but it's still not HW OG and it probably never will be. I've made peace with it, the originals are there, and I hope we can get a mode for "pure HW1" and "pure HW2" with the nice graphics some day.

They have mixed HW1 tactics and formations with HW2 tactics and formations, this means a very new complex way to handle your fleet, it might end up being even better than the previous games as standalone packages, but we need more time to see how it pans out.


Strikecraft are a mess right now. You basically have only 1 counter that is moderately effective and those are drone frigates (and grav wells but I'm not counting those).

Formations/stances seem completely broken for corvettes: Every corvette unit gets slaughtered since they just sit still the whole time and barely make any effort to stay alive, save for a couple of (ineffective) strafing maneuvers. You'd think 6 multi-gun corvettes would be able to handle 10 interceptors but they all die in like 15 seconds.

Also, the Cathedral of Kadesh mission is filled with broken triggers. Had to restart twice now due to the game bugging out hard. The first time I started the map without any objectives and the second time one of the Kadeshi capital ships didn't hyperspace away after reducing its health (instead, it just kept regenerating health while destroying all my frigates).

EDIT: Yep, the mission is literally unbeatable. Restarted the mission from scratch and as soon as you get the message that the capitals ships are retreating, one of them goes straight towards the Mothership and starts attacking you. Due to its regenerating health you can only watch as it fries everything you have.


EDIT: Yep, the mission is literally unbeatable. Restarted the mission from scratch and as soon as you get the message that the capitals ships are retreating, one of them goes straight towards the Mothership and starts attacking you. Due to its regenerating health you can only watch as it fries everything you have.

Did this get sorted?
I've abandoned my playthrough because I cant be doing with something like that.


The stupid bit is that the invincible Kaseshi capital ship bug has been in there since the release of the Remastered collection. Loads of people have reported it but they never fixed it.

There must be something else, I never encountered this bug.

I remember the original could be buggy at times in this mission as well, or maybe it is indeed intended to regenerate health this much? I remember those needle ships were freaking hard to take down.


There must be something else, I never encountered this bug.

I remember the original could be buggy at times in this mission as well, or maybe it is indeed intended to regenerate health this much? I remember those needle ships were freaking hard to take down.

Nope. The whole mission is simply filled with broken triggers. They're supposed to retreat to the Khar Toba wreck after you destroy 2 capital ships (Once, they started retreating after I reduced one cap ship to 1/5th health so probably another screwed trigger). They then get infinitely regenerating health so you can't kill them while they're falling back. My problem is that 1 cap ship doesn't become passive and just starts to wail on my fleet while it is invincible. I tried sending my fleet away. hoping to draw it to the Khar Toba but it just went for my Mothership instead.

I gave it another go and it just keeps happening. I uninstalled the game out of sheer frustration as I don't expect them to ever fix this.


Just started playing this (for the first time) and I have to say the opening is absolutely stunning. One of the best I've seen. Good use of Adagio for Strings (a bit unconventional as it's used to strike awe as instead of grief). The presentation is top-notch. Hard to believe any version of this game was released back in 1999.


Just started playing this (for the first time) and I have to say the opening is absolutely stunning. One of the best I've seen. Good use of Adagio for Strings (a bit unconventional as it's used to strike awe as instead of grief). The presentation is top-notch. Hard to believe any version of this game was released back in 1999.

You are in for a treat.

Please keep us updated, it's not the only use of adagio of strings :p


Just started playing this (for the first time) and I have to say the opening is absolutely stunning. One of the best I've seen. Good use of Adagio for Strings (a bit unconventional as it's used to strike awe as instead of grief). The presentation is top-notch. Hard to believe any version of this game was released back in 1999.

So happy the remaster came and allowed people to experience this gem for the first time. Enjoy, man!
I've been stuck on one of the Homeworld 1 Remastered missions for quite a while now, i can't figure out how to do it. The problem is i have captured so many ships that they all start in one huge line. I then don't have enough time to move them towards the Mothership before a large amount of ion cannon frigates, destroyers and other stuff attacks, nowhere near enough time the ships at the far end even halfway there, which means i then don't have enough ships to defend as they all just ignore my ships and target the Mothership.

Here's a screenshot showing the problem:


As you can see, my ships are too far away to get there in time. Anyone know what i can do about it?


Dont they all launch from the mothership at the start of the mission? Just keep them near it.
Unless you captured them that mission and dont have enough forces without them, in which case load up an earlier mission and make your fleet bigger.
Dont they all launch from the mothership at the start of the mission? Just keep them near it.
Unless you captured them that mission and dont have enough forces without them, in which case load up an earlier mission and make your fleet bigger.

No, they're capital ships and a lot of ion frigates, so they hyperspace in with the rest of the fleet at the start of the mission in one long line. I have more than enough ships to take on the enemy fleet but they just can't make it there before the Mothership is destroyed, there's less than a minute between getting control of them and the enemy attacking, it's pretty much immediate.


No, they're capital ships and a lot of ion frigates, so they hyperspace in with the rest of the fleet at the start of the mission in one long line. I have more than enough ships to take on the enemy fleet but they just can't make it there before the Mothership is destroyed, there's less than a minute between getting control of them and the enemy attacking, it's pretty much immediate.

I think the only option is to load an earlier mission, make a load of ships that will launch from the mothership at the start of the mission so they'll be right there.
I think the only option is to load an earlier mission, make a load of ships that will launch from the mothership at the start of the mission so they'll be right there.

The problem with that is the previous mission is also one where you get attacked right away and it's just survive until you can hyperspace.


Tried moving the mothership away while moving the fleet in? Or get the nearest ships in to help hold the line?
Tried moving the mothership away while moving the fleet in? Or get the nearest ships in to help hold the line?

It can't move in the campaign. Getting the nearest ships to try to stop them doesn't help much, there's 30+ ion frigates and other capital ships attacking, more than enough to take it out before i can destroy even a quarter of them. They all just go straight for the Mothership and ignore the rest of my ships.


It can't move in the campaign. Getting the nearest ships to try to stop them doesn't help much, there's 30+ ion frigates and other capital ships attacking, more than enough to take it out before i can destroy even a quarter of them. They all just go straight for the Mothership and ignore the rest of my ships.

Ahh ok. As I said it's been a while.

And ships cant hyperspace in game?


A friend played through the game recently (having played the original when it released) and recommends playing through the original HW1 rather than the remastered version despite the new patch. Anyone else have an opinion on this?


It used to be the case that formations didn't work properly in the remaster, so that could have been their reasoning.
I think theyre fixed now.

Last time I tried playing the original in this release it kept crashing


A friend played through the game recently (having played the original when it released) and recommends playing through the original HW1 rather than the remastered version despite the new patch. Anyone else have an opinion on this?

It depends on how much he/she likes graphics. I personally don't think the Remastered is too much of a hassle as to completely deny it and the art style and visuals certainly are top notch for this remaster


A friend played through the game recently (having played the original when it released) and recommends playing through the original HW1 rather than the remastered version despite the new patch. Anyone else have an opinion on this?

Apart from the UI changes, the patch has made the remastered version great imo.


Bought this from GOG sale.

How do i add a framerate limit to this game?

The game ignores Radeon drivers FPS limiter (i keep it set at 75 as that's my monitor's refresh rate). And there doesn't seem to be a config file or anything like it.

V-sync off causes the framerate to shoot to really high just in the menu and consequently the GPU insist on running fans at maximum.

V-sync is not an option, because i have Freesync display (IIRC v-sync is recommended off with such) and because it makes mouse very unresponsive.

Adaptive sync doesn't seem to be doing anything, at least not for the menu framerate.
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