I know there are a lot of comparisons being tossed around right now with Zelda and Ubisoft games, but what this most reminds me of is Rise of The Tomb Raider. This is RoTTR if they got every aspect right instead of the disappointing mess we got.
Story, characters, dialogue, gameplay(Tomb Raider's best gameplay aspect used to be the bow - not anymore), crafting is less of a chore, side missions are more involved and there just way more, I think the cauldrons here are more fun than the tombs, and the world flows so much better and has more variety than RoTTR. And I'm not going to even compare graphics and soundtrack. No contest.
The TR reboot took a lot from Uncharted and TLoU and hopefully the next TR game takes a lot from Horizon.
Horizon is probably the best out of these Ubisoft style games we've gotten in the last decade. Or at least tied with AC Brotherhood and Arkham City.