Optimus Prime
I've been playing this really slowly over the last week or so and only just made it "past the gate." I wasn't really digging it until things opened up and the story took an interesting turn.
The arena-like battle at the gate was a lot of fun. It feels a little silly crafting ammo and gathering resources in the middle of a fight but figuring out weaknesses and strategies was a lot of fun. I only imagine combat gets bigger and more intense from here.
As others have mentioned dialog is not this game's strength, the voice acting is inconsistent and the lip syncing issues are distracting. I tend to just read subtitles and skip listening to the full audio, which I never normally do in games. Aloy's VA is excellent however.
One thing I'm not super impressed by yet are the graphics. I was expecting to be blown away because of all the gushing I've seen here and elsewhere but I haven't been yet. The environments look nice for sure but not some huge leap over stuff Naughty Dog has done on the PS4. And for an open world game the environments feel very closed off - no big vistas or large landmarks you can see from far away and then travel to. I feel like you never see more than a few hundred meters away because of mountains or trees that conveniently wall off your view, or just fog.
The dinos look great though. The designs and animations are top-notch.
Anyway I'm harping on the negatives but the gameplay is awesome and I am very curious to see where this story goes.
Sounds like you just finished the first area. You're going to see some cool open vistas. And some fast moving weather that you haven't encountered yet. The environments are truly outstanding.