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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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Just had a Snapmaw beat another Snapmaw, 2 scrappers and a Sawtooth before it rolled up to 3 Tramplers and beat them all as well. By the end of it I could grant it a dignified death with a single hunters arrow.



Flashless at the Golden Globes
I think I am close to the end. I just found out what happened and it's a pretty neat. Though i dont know if i like the way it was told. All of the story missions so far have been exposition dumps where you just go from ruin to ruin to find out what happened. It needs to be a little less rigid than that.

I also dont care for the side missions. They are your standard Witcher affair. Go here, talk to this guy, fight these guys then go to another dude, talk to him, follow some tracks and then go find some other dude. The problem is that they are all characters you dont know or care about. Mass Effect's side missions were great because you had this great chemistry with everyone in your crew making loyalty missions interesting and every area/hub had it's own little subplot going on. Then you had stuff like the Genophage and other race conflicts that took three games to resolve. Point is that you cared about the characters and cared about the outcome.

In witcher 3 and Horizon, you are just meeting random people who tell you to go do this and while it's not bad, it's not captivating. i dont care if some poor shmuck died before i got there, i never knew the guy. i dont care if you make a quests that sends me to talk to five different people if those five people are people who i dont care about.

A good example of a side quest in this game is the entire Meridien quest. You get to interact with one of the best characters in the game and while it ends with a whimper, it felt like it's own little tv episode. everything else has been so simple and lacking any tension, i wonder why they even bother. i mean the Red Maw quest had so much potential but they fail to create any tension between characters or even Red Maw.

The gameplay during these side quests is even more tedious. you sometimes get to fight dinobots, ok? i have been doing that on my own for the past 40 hours. Why is this different? Why should i do it? Create some setpieces. Set up some ambushes. Surprise me. The trials were a lot of fun because they forced me to do something different and tested me. They have created this giant world and while the sandbox is fantastic, the side quests are boring, tedious and predictable.

Horizon isnt the only game to do this, Witcher, Fallout and pretty much every RPG suffers from it. Next time though they should take some inspiration from the Mass Effect loyalty missions, the genophage stuff, the Skyrim Guild quests and go all out with setpieces.


Human enemies is the biggest negative of this game. Either completely overhaul hvh combat or take it out completely in the sequel.

Thanks mount


Finally managed to beat my first Thunderjaw, amazing beast. Removing his disc launcher to wreck him using his own medicine while you see all those parts flying off his body is one of the best gaming experiences I've had in a while


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Started playing tonight finally. Was planning on just playing the intro, but ended up playing for about 8 hours. Loving it so far. Now I gotta wake up for work in 5 hours though lol.
Excuse my poor in game terminology, but I spent probably an hour last night dying OVER & OVER to a flock of fucking birds (the ones that are weak to fire). I was trying to farm for a
heart so I could buy the purple
War Bow
, but never made it anywhere due to me always triggering a flock of birds overlooking the valley I'm in. Whenever this happened, it was usually best for me just to die & retry because the birds never seemed to quit chasing me.

What am I doing wrong? I tried to hit them with fire arrows & the Tripcaster, but I kept getting overrun due to the number of them (4 or 5). If I get one down, another one would hit me. I go after that one, another one would swoop down & take my life away.. ect ect.

One time I did manage to take down 3
that were roaming together, & I found that to be MUCH easier than dealing with a flock of those fucking birds.


I have my hunter bow loaded with damage mods and 4 fire arrows will take one of them down. I nock 3 of them with the skill, hit one once, then another single arrow is enough to finish it. I bet if I loaded the bow with fire mods, I could kill them with fewer arrows. Alternatively you can shoot the freeze sac as others have mentioned and then once frozen, finish them off.
I do hope human combat stays (instead of being removed in sequel) because it does add an interesting dynamic when you have different sides fighting each other.

Cauldron XI reminded me of Halo 2 in that regard. I'd love to see that aspect fleshed out.


Neo Member
I'm having a hard time killing the two corrupted Rockbreakers. I'm trying to tear off their digging arms but my tearblast arrows don't seem to do anything. Do you have to hit a specific spot on the arm? The whole thing glows yellow, so I assume you can hit it anywhere.


I'm at what seems to be the last corrupted zone with two
behemoths and 2 horses

This is gonna be tough...

I'm having a hard time killing the two corrupted Rockbreakers. I'm trying to tear off their digging arms but my tearblast arrows don't seem to do anything. Do you have to hit a specific spot on the arm? The whole thing glows yellow, so I assume you can hit it anywhere.

Ropecaster+Ice slingshot+ slow mo normal arrow to it's green belly.

I did that and I was surprised that it lost like 90% of it's health.


Ropecaster+Ice slingshot+ slow mo normal arrow to it's green belly.

I did that and I was surprised that it lost like 90% of it's health.

Yup, hitting that is pretty much key in that fight. Actually, hitting that thing is pretty much key in every large robo fight.
I like how the enemies can actually lead you with their shots. Sick of where the enemy shoots behind you as you run/strafe in nearly every other game.


Felium Defensor
I like how the enemies can actually lead you with their shots. Sick of where the enemy shoots behind you as you run/strafe in nearly every other game.
One of the first things I noticed as well when taking on bigger robos. It is a very welcomed and lovely touch, especially on higher difficulty when you think you can just run circles around them lol.


It's a good idea to upgrade your resource pouch as far as you can, so you can hold a lot of stuff, and only sell parts that the info column tells you have no other use outside of, "Sell to Merchants", as you'll need certain machine parts and materials to trade for better gear.

As a general rule to begin with, blue gear is better than green and purple is better than blue.

It's really helpful to scan each new machine you discover and check the information in the notebook for tips on how to fight them, weak points etc...

Thanks for the tips. I'll definately take them onboard from now on. Appreciated!


Thanks everyone for the tips in dealing with the birds, hopefully I will have better luck tonight & can finally grab a Trampler heart.

If you are where I think you are, you need to start thinking about new gear.

I recently made it to
& found I really wasn't "playing the game properly"...? Most, if not all, of my encounters involved me meleeing dinos to death, or killing smaller dinos with my bow -- I hadn't even paid attention to weapons outside of those two. Now that the dinos are gettin MUCH larger, I'm "backtracking" & going back to learn the ins/outs of the weapons I've been neglecting.

If all else fails there is a vendor in
Meridian that sells trampler hearts along with every robot heart in the game.

Wow, thank you for this. I assumed you were supposed to grind different dinos to get better weapons, so I didn't even think so see if I could just buy said materials.

I'll take my new
War Bow
& (hopefully) deal with those birds appropriately.


I'm having a hard time killing the two corrupted Rockbreakers. I'm trying to tear off their digging arms but my tearblast arrows don't seem to do anything. Do you have to hit a specific spot on the arm? The whole thing glows yellow, so I assume you can hit it anywhere.

They're assholes. Seems to take a couple Tearblast arrows to knock a limb off, I ended up going to the Ravager camp close by and bringing one of their guns over to help kill the damn things.


Neo Member
Ropecaster+Ice slingshot+ slow mo normal arrow to it's green belly.

I did that and I was surprised that it lost like 90% of it's health.

Thanks, that did the trick. I still wonder why my tearblast arrows didn't work, though. It specifically says "tear" as a weakness for the digging arm and I even modified my bow to have like 200 tear. But literally nothing happened when I hit the arm.

They're assholes. Seems to take a couple Tearblast arrows to knock a limb off, I ended up going to the Ravager camp close by and bringing one of their guns over to help kill the damn things.

I think I hit the same arm multiple times and it didn't seem to have any effect. But maybe I just missed. Or maybe it was a bug.


I fought a Sawtooth yesterday and accidentally shot him in his front leg a few times and he started limping on 3 legs for the rest of the fight. Made it quite easy. Thought it was a brilliant touch tho.
Human enemies is the biggest negative of this game. Either completely overhaul hvh combat or take it out completely in the sequel.

I'm sure that getting rid of them would be worse to the game than what we have now, they should improve combat. Taking it away would be a mistake for the story, any story.


I fought a Sawtooth yesterday and accidentally shot him in his front leg a few times and he started limping on 3 legs for the rest of the fight. Made it quite easy. Thought it was a brilliant touch tho.

I love that. I'm a heavy tripwire user and the blast wire is great to make the beasts limp. i love this game so much.
I'm sure that getting rid of them would be worse to the game than what we have now, they should improve combat. Taking it away would be a mistake for the story, any story.
Giving more melee options could help with the human combat. Block, Parry etc. Parrying enemy attacks with your own arrows...


Getting rid of fighting humans would be silly. Especially as human battles with robots thrown in is actually tons of fun. The end battle in Revenge of the Nora quest is one of my favourite moments.

It's only when it's just you vs a group of humans where it becomes a problem. They need to be more intelligent, more deadly but at the same time either die or become seriously injured with one shot. They should use traps of their own and different types of weapons. Melee should be designed around humans as well with blocking and parrying etc. Needs improvement but don't just scrap it completely.
Giving more melee options could help with the human combat. Block, Parry etc. Parrying enemy attacks with your own arrows...

Could it be that they didn't want to show that Aloy is phisically stonger than the human enemies since she's very young? She can knock down a machine with her spear tho...

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
That one was actually the easiest of that set of challenges for me. I simply override the Thunderjaw, then agro the Ravangers and let them fight it out.

See I am doing it the opposite way by getting the disc launchers. I can do it, but doing it under 2:00 is the trick. I'll hop into my stealth suit and try that.


I think I hit the same arm multiple times and it didn't seem to have any effect. But maybe I just missed. Or maybe it was a bug.

I think it is just because they're corrupted and stronger. That was the first time I ran in to a Rockbreaker and I had the same issue, eventually fought some normal ones and their limbs popped off with 1 Tearblast. They definitely can be shot off as corrupted but it doesn't seem to be worth the effort.


I'm having a hard time killing the two corrupted Rockbreakers. I'm trying to tear off their digging arms but my tearblast arrows don't seem to do anything. Do you have to hit a specific spot on the arm? The whole thing glows yellow, so I assume you can hit it anywhere.
I overrode the snapmaws and had them do the quest for me.
I don't mind the human combat. It's nice to get some sort of 'down time' combat. They could add in some harder to kill human types but really it's not a big deal.

Yeah it's whatever. Head shots feel nice so I just headshot everyone. It's not bad enough where I think about it. I have to admit if I'm doing a mission and I approach an area and it's all dudes I get a little bummed cause I'd much rather be fighting robot dinosaurs
Did my 1st Cauldron(SIGMA) my foe the Bellow, and it was very fun. It was done reluctantly, my quick twitch ain't what it used to be. I was contemplating and or scared to do it, but I found out you can get overrides capabilities for larger Bots. I spent 10 minutes setting up shock and blast traps, making sure my arrows were up in capacity.

What a fun experience those traps wiped him out in about 2 minutes, I hardly had to fire an arrow, I was running and flipping from one trap to the other, so I patted myself on the back. Good stuff.


Good post.

I'm not worry about gameplay improvement, I trust GG on that department. Deeper gear, skill, character customization, more veraity etc, those are easy.
Next Horizon need to improve on quest/scenario design.
Writing itself is great, the problem is I get more emotional attach via reading or listening to recording. They need to get better at storytelling through gameplay.
It's very hard to do, but it will make a 9 into a 10 if they manage to get us invested more to the characters and thier conflict.
What amazes me the most is you have 3 stocks of healing, how the hell did you manage that? I'm playing on very hard and keeping a single bar full is futile. Plants only stock it up like 14% at most.

On normal you can stumble across a lot of 24% health pick ups from plants. I was at three stocks of health most of my time when I had to make long treks, then depleted it during fights. Rinse and repeat.
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