Well, because of Horizon I went and bought an open-box PS4 Slim off Blinq.com for $200. Mainly a PC gamer but why not? If/when I get a 4k TV I'll just sell this and get a Pro. I'll probably get almost what I paid back.
use a powered up rope caster and tear arrows to remove their rocket launchers from afar. Then tie them down if need be, and use their rocket launchers to tear them apart. I'm also able to now override them
Heheheh. Soo satisfying to kill thunderjaws. So much loot.
Sorry if has been asked already but don't have time to read all the thread but how big is the open world compared to other games. Also is there plenty of secrets amd other places to discover in the world, are you free to roam it.
use a powered up rope caster and tear arrows to remove their rocket launchers from afar. Then tie them down if need be, and use their rocket launchers to tear them apart. I'm also able to now override them
Heheheh. Soo satisfying to kill thunderjaws. So much loot.
the override controls them so they're fighting for you. if you can't ride them, that's what it does. You can even shoot them and they won't even attack and you get the XP if you kill them. I haven't tested enough but I'm at full override time (permanent) but I haven't had them go aggro on me since. I can override thunderjaw, stormbird and one more top tier robot
So pretty.
Waiting for more people claiming the game lacks details and movement, since clouds and foliage don't move in timelapses made in photomode. XD
So pretty.
Waiting for more people claiming the game lacks details and movement, since clouds and foliage don't move in timelapses made in photomode. XD
Even if it doesn't beat Uncharted 4 (I still find that claim hard to believe until I see it with my own eyes), that an open world game can look this good feels like one of this generation's defining leaps
There's a noticeable difference comparing texture quality, shaders, and subsurface scattering. Lastly Decima is one of the very few engines that have really good eye shaders. Just compare both gameplay models here. Uncharted 4 rarely even has subsurface scattering activated during gameplay while Horizon seems to have it turned on at all times. Important to note that these are both gameplay photo-mode models and not cutscene models that clearly do not represent what gameplay looks like (I'm not sure if Horizon features improved shaders and other effects like Uncharted 4 did).
There's a noticeable difference comparing texture quality, shaders, and subsurface scattering. Lastly Decima is one of the very few engines that have really good eye shaders. Just compare both gameplay models here. Uncharted 4 rarely even has subsurface scattering activated during gameplay while Horizon seems to have it turned on at all times. Important to note that these are both gameplay photo-mode models and not cutscene models that clearly do not represent what gameplay looks like (I'm not sure if Horizon features improved shaders and other effects like Uncharted 4 did).
It depends on the lighting. That shot looks like it was taken in broad high-noon daylight. Elena looks a lot better when lit by torchlight in the caves, or during sunset.
Sometimes it was quite challenging to get really good shots of the in-game character models, because the lighting was just looking too flat or the lack of subsurface scattering was just extremely jarring in certain situations. But if everything fell into place it looked really good.
Aloy's model looks to be a lot more consistent all-around.
wow, sorry my mistake .I haven't played the game , but i never seen her like this in any previews or trailer. Maybe due to the lighting as said above .My bad.
Sometimes it was quite challenging to get really good shots of the in-game character models, because the lighting was just looking too flat or the lack of subsurface scattering was just extremely jarring in certain situations. But if everything fell into place it looked really good.
Aloy's model looks to be a lot more consistent all-around.
lol yeah that's UC4 pro version during gameplay under normal circumstances just like that horizon pic. The model is still consistent with or without good lighting. Impressive how good horizon looks considering it's an open world.
There's a noticeable difference comparing texture quality, shaders, and subsurface scattering. Lastly Decima is one of the very few engines that have really good eye shaders. Just compare both gameplay models here. Uncharted 4 rarely even has subsurface scattering activated during gameplay while Horizon seems to have it turned on at all times. Important to note that these are both gameplay photo-mode models and not cutscene models that clearly do not represent what gameplay looks like (I'm not sure if Horizon features improved shaders and other effects like Uncharted 4 did).
they're generally aggressive and more dangerous to fight. No new attacks. But yeah, seeing corrupted
x02 made me go hell no.
Story Comments: - so obviously some plot spoilers
so now that I'm more or less done with the open world (not quite - i've got lots of things to do still/collect/explore - my aloy is level 46ish) I'm starting to do the main quest and I've just gotten to
sunworld and now just entering zero dawn
In the previous 2 story sections, now that I've moved past side quests/errands; Guerilla's/HZD's plot and story telling properly is coming to the forefront and there is a lot of depth in story telling here. I was really wowed by what they've done and you will be too. There is some well implemented dialogue and the whole
meeting hades and follow escape with explosions and soldiers everywhere
was really quite thrilling - also loved the plot about
how this world came to be and the elizabet sobeck storyline
seeing what's his face (the actor from Fringe) in it, made me wonder if Aloy is based on a real person.
Very excited to play more. Who knows how many hours I'm at now. 34 hours?
There's a noticeable difference comparing texture quality, shaders, and subsurface scattering. Lastly Decima is one of the very few engines that have really good eye shaders. Just compare both gameplay models here. Uncharted 4 rarely even has subsurface scattering activated during gameplay while Horizon seems to have it turned on at all times. Important to note that these are both gameplay photo-mode models and not cutscene models that clearly do not represent what gameplay looks like (I'm not sure if Horizon features improved shaders and other effects like Uncharted 4 did).
Damn Sony's 1st party doesn't wait around. They love to surpass each other. Guerrilla (Shadow Fall) < Sucker Punch (Second Son) < Santa Monica (The Order) < Naughty Dog (U4) < Guerrilla (Horizon) <= Sucker Punch (?) Santa Monica (GOW) Naughty Dog (TLOU2)
Also got a shipping email from Best Buy and tracking says it's expected on Monday. I hadn't even planned to buy this right away but after the good impressions and videos I saw I impulse bought it with the Visa Checkout deal. Hope it compares to how much I loved Witcher 3!