The few white men Ive come in contact with are are all assholes. The white womenz is fine doe (and they're all granny sub characters so who gives a shit because the story is ass anyway)
Everyone else is black, brown or yellow and it's fucking hilarious
Game is still fun, but man what the fuck were Guerilla thinking. Really needed to score some points that bad after Shadowfall huh?
It's pretty bad with the racial/pandering bullshit dudes
I haven't been this wavy on a game in a long time. For all of the ups there's just as many downs.
I was high on it as soon as it opened and then once I got the gist it was the same shit I've been playing for the past three years (but super pretty)
It even suffers from Far Cry Syndrome in that you can absolutely overlevel yourself doing all sorts of side stuff before any main quests (that end up being way more exciting than the shit story missions). It's LITERALLY the same fucking thing in how systematic it is.
That's about the only thing that could redeem this experience significantly at this point right now.
Killing the dinobots never gets old though
And the optional dungeons are fuckin sweet. Probably better than Zelda's. Probably.