Much better. I just wish you could do more with your spear attacks. The bow combat never gets old.
What score would you give it as of now?
Much better. I just wish you could do more with your spear attacks. The bow combat never gets old.
What score would you give it as of now?
What score would you give it as of now?
Much better. I just wish you could do more with your spear attacks. The bow combat never gets old.
Much better. I just wish you could do more with your spear attacks. The bow combat never gets old.
On a scale of 1 to 10 white women.
It's still in the 8's to me easily
It's still in the 8's to me easily
Man your posts are all over the place, you acted like the game wasn;t very good, now you are saying it is over an 8 for you lol.
Man your posts are all over the place, you acted like the game wasn;t very good, now you are saying it is over an 8 for you lol.
from what i've seen, i agree with this.
spear attacks could have been better if there was some sort of lock on i think.
Well an 8 is considered low these days lol
It is? News to me, if it is, then people need to re-evaluate things imo.
It's still in the 8's to me easily
Than was a joke by the way.
The few white men Ive come in contact with are are all assholes. The white womenz is fine doe (and they're all granny sub characters so who gives a shit because the story is ass anyway)
Everyone else is black, brown or yellow and it's fucking hilarious
Game is still fun, but man what the fuck were Guerilla thinking. Really needed to score some points that bad after Shadowfall huh?
It's pretty bad with the racial/pandering bullshit dudes
I know you didn't ask me, but as far as what the game is trying to achieve, I think it has done it with barely any hiccups. It created a consistent, living world with lore and politics that make it real. It created great open world RPG systems, quests, and loot that feel necessary but not incredibly over-done, extraneous, or bogged down IMO. It's fun to play, the story is engaging, and the side quests are interesting. In the context of what Horizon seems to have set out to achieve and what it promised, I think it's definitely an 8/10, if not at least a 9/10 (although I hate number scales). I'm almost near the end but I'm not there yet. I'll give a proper review when I finish. It's fantastic. It's got a few things it could improve. But I think a sequel that maintains this level of quality + polishes a few things I would have liked to see added would probably be my favorite open world RPG of all time lol (that current crown goes to the Dark Souls franchise, although I have yet to finish one because they last me over 100 hours each...). I just love the setting. And it reminds me of so many games I love all at once (inFamous 2, MGSV, Uncharted, Tomb Raider reboots, The Witcher, Monster Hunter, Zelda BotW...)
Obviously he's in the honeymoon period keep upSorry, but your latest posts didn't sound like that. It would be nice of you to be less hyperbolic.
That's a good score tbh. Your biggest gripe is the story?
Alright here's some wandering/traversal gameplay where I hunt a herd, witness the stormbird eating the prey, stormbirds then attack me, I fast travel to a new part of the map, and I reach a new area where I am quickly surprised. The fast travel and times where I paused are edited out. Quote to view.
I know you didn't ask me, but as far as what the game is trying to achieve, I think it has done it with barely any hiccups. It created a consistent, living world with lore and politics that make it real. It created great open world RPG systems, quests, and loot that feel necessary but not incredibly over-done, extraneous, or bogged down IMO. It's fun to play, the story is engaging, and the side quests are interesting. In the context of what Horizon seems to have set out to achieve and what it promised, I think it's definitely an 8/10, if not at least a 9/10 (although I hate number scales). I'm almost near the end but I'm not there yet. I'll give a proper review when I finish. It's fantastic. It's got a few things it could improve. But I think a sequel that maintains this level of quality + polishes a few things I would have liked to see added would probably be my favorite open world RPG of all time lol (that current crown goes to the Dark Souls franchise, although I have yet to finish one because they last me over 100 hours each...). I just love the setting. And it reminds me of so many games I love all at once (inFamous 2, MGSV, Uncharted, Tomb Raider reboots, The Witcher, Monster Hunter, Zelda BotW...)
Yeah, I'm sure the blowback on r/the_donald will be severe. Please let us know how that goes.
Oh lol ok, hard to know on the internet.
Yeah pretty much. That and the only real unique thing about it is it's setting and the enemies. Everything else is familiar and has been done. But Guerilla nailed it with using all of those inspirations.
Yeah pretty much. That and the only real unique thing about it is it's setting and the enemies. Everything else is familiar and has been done. But Guerilla nailed it with using all of those inspirations.
Alright here's some wandering/traversal gameplay where I hunt a herd, witness the stormbird eating the prey, stormbirds then attack me, I fast travel to a new part of the map, and I reach a new area where I am quickly surprised. The fast travel and times where I paused are edited out. Quote to view.
I know you didn't ask me, but as far as what the game is trying to achieve, I think it has done it with barely any hiccups. It created a consistent, living world with lore and politics that make it real. It created great open world RPG systems, quests, and loot that feel necessary but not incredibly over-done, extraneous, or bogged down IMO. It's fun to play, the story is engaging, and the side quests are interesting. In the context of what Horizon seems to have set out to achieve and what it promised, I think it's definitely an 8/10, if not at least a 9/10 (although I hate number scales). I'm almost near the end but I'm not there yet. I'll give a proper review when I finish. It's fantastic. It's got a few things it could improve. But I think a sequel that maintains this level of quality + polishes a few things I would have liked to see added would probably be my favorite open world RPG of all time lol (that current crown goes to the Dark Souls franchise, although I have yet to finish one because they last me over 100 hours each...).
How is this not ignorant and racist given the context of time period as to when the game takes place?
Holy shit that Fox was really far out
You can say this about every game ever made....but do you know what you are saying sounds like? If you ignore what makes the game unique, it isn't lol. Something doesn;t need to be innovative/unique in all faucets.
That endingAlright here's some wandering/traversal gameplay where I hunt a herd, witness the stormbird eating the prey, stormbirds then attack me, I fast travel to a new part of the map, and I reach a new area where I am quickly surprised. The fast travel and times where I paused are edited out. Quote to view.
I know you didn't ask me, but as far as what the game is trying to achieve, I think it has done it with barely any hiccups. It created a consistent, living world with lore and politics that make it real. It created great open world RPG systems, quests, and loot that feel necessary but not incredibly over-done, extraneous, or bogged down IMO. It's fun to play, the story is engaging, and the side quests are interesting. In the context of what Horizon seems to have set out to achieve and what it promised, I think it's definitely an 8/10, if not at least a 9/10 (although I hate number scales). I'm almost near the end but I'm not there yet. I'll give a proper review when I finish. It's fantastic. It's got a few things it could improve. But I think a sequel that maintains this level of quality + polishes a few things I would have liked to see added would probably be my favorite open world RPG of all time lol (that current crown goes to the Dark Souls franchise, although I have yet to finish one because they last me over 100 hours each...). I just love the setting. And it reminds me of so many games I love all at once (inFamous 2, MGSV, Uncharted, Tomb Raider reboots, The Witcher, Monster Hunter, Zelda BotW...)
Love it lol
Yeah pretty much. That and the only real unique thing about it is it's setting and the enemies. Everything else is familiar and has been done. But Guerilla nailed it with using all of those inspirations.
You'll know what I mean once you play it.
That ending
I feel so sorry for Guerrilla if this is what expected of them.That's what I'm saying. It's a real mixed bag but overall it's really good. Especially if you love your Far Cry's and open worlders.
It just doesn't reinvent the wheel or anything.
From the top of my head, the only game that had unique mechanics in this genre is probably Shadow of Mordor.
Another thing. So you are saying this game is racist or it doesn't handle it well? Quite confused.
It's just fucking weird. You're the lone white chick in a sea of every other race in what's supposedly what's left of the world. And I'm a black dude and this makes me feel funky.
Maybe whitey got wiped out between 2066 and whenever it takes place lol
And no I didn't vote for Trump. Jeez fellas.
Remember when you were at 28% and had like 1/5 of the map uncovered? How's the rest of the map? It's unveiled at the right pace or you clean the whole map magically in a few hours? It is cohesive?
It's just fucking weird. You're the lone white chick in a sea of every other race in what's supposedly what's left of the world. And I'm a black dude and this makes me feel funky.
Maybe whitey got wiped out between 2066 and whenever it takes place lol
And no I didn't vote for Trump. Jeez fellas.
It's just fucking weird. You're the lone white chick in a sea of every other race in what's supposedly what's left of the world. And I'm a black dude and this makes me feel funky.
Maybe whitey got wiped out between 2066 and whenever it takes place lol
And no I didn't vote for Trump. Jeez fellas.
It's just fucking weird. You're the lone white chick in a sea of every other race in what's supposedly what's left of the world. And I'm a black dude and this makes me feel funky.
Maybe whitey got wiped out between 2066 and whenever it takes place lol
And no I didn't vote for Trump. Jeez fellas.
Considering there's been an overwhelming amount of games with like only one no name dark skinned character I'll take this where they seemed to have given prominent and important roles to my peopleIt's just fucking weird. You're the lone white chick in a sea of every other race in what's supposedly what's left of the world. And I'm a black dude and this makes me feel funky.
Maybe whitey got wiped out between 2066 and whenever it takes place lol
And no I didn't vote for Trump. Jeez fellas.
It's just fucking weird. You're the lone white chick in a sea of every other race in what's supposedly what's left of the world. And I'm a black dude and this makes me feel funky.
Maybe whitey got wiped out between 2066 and whenever it takes place lol
And no I didn't vote for Trump. Jeez fellas.
I see this sometimes and I never understand. None of these games are reinventing the wheel lol.It just doesn't reinvent the wheel or anything.