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House GOP may pass Senate's "skinny repeal" outright. CALL YOUR SENATORS.

This is the dumbest fucking shit I've ever seen. Can't even be given fives minutes? Over a bill they wrote during lunch? The GOP is pure evil.


Are they saying that insurance is going to be reversible to the first of the year? If your plan goes tits up your on the hook for all costs for the past 8 months?


First tragedy, then farce.
Our literal only prayer right now is GOP dysfunction in the house. The Senate could give a fuck what the CBO says

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Remember when the media was non-stop about how Obama and the Dems were ramming Obamacare through with not enough time for people to read the bill and other shit despite months of discussion? Yeah, I fucking remember.


If my parents have insurance through the exchanges right now, what happens?




They are not going to have insurance for long.

I work for myself and am equally fucked. I have no diseases, no illness, do P90x at least twice a year, bike 10 miles a day, own a house, have no debt, and am not going to be able to get insurance.

Think about what this means for actual poor or sick people.

My aunt is on dialysis. My uncle has a brain tumor. they are getting divorce to have separate insurance cause they ran out of money for her medication for the next 3 months (insurance only paid so much). The GOP bill will kill her. He likely won't get surgery. They will leave behind a disabled daughter who will likely lose benefits too. Hard working people who did everything right all their lives will die for some rich tax cuts and a fuck you to women.


The individual and employer mandates will cease to exist the moment the bill is enacted, retroactive to the beginning of this year. That means for individuals on their taxes next April they won't have to pay any penalties. It also means enrollment for next year will be directly impacted and the overall effects on cost and participation in the exchanges will likely happen in time for enrollment next year.


Neo Member
I'm having any first kid in 5 months and JUST figured out how to make the monthly budget break eve on a single income so my wife can raise it. This fucks me and my family super hard. Thanks GOP you assholes. Burn in hell.


Actually the main problem is that the conference will fail and the house will just pass this skinny repeal afterward.
Our literal only prayer right now is GOP dysfunction in the house. The Senate could give a fuck what the CBO says

That is a prayer that isn't gonna be answered, a win on this is required or Trump cannot move forward. This will be his Waterloo, he has to get a win. It might not be a great win, but the ACA is done. It might not be tonight, but it is over boys/girls. Elections matter, this one is gonna hurt and kill people.
Christopher Hayes @chrislhayes
The senator speaking right now represents 585,000 people. There are almost 1.5 million people in the Bronx.
10:41 PM · Jul 27, 2017

He's hogging up all the time so Democrats can't speak against it before midnight

Fuck that rural elite and fuck the rural elites that voted for him


The exchange will collapse
They'll put some "continuous coverage" clause in and say "Fixed!". And someone here who's more entrepreneurial than me can them set up their own insurance broker that pushes and pops people off insurance when they need/don't need it and spreads the premiums + penalty out to give you gold plans for basically free. Everyone wins! (until blue cross goes out of business).


Uh yes, because nobody was mad that "more people got health insurance". They were mad about the individual mandate, they were mad about premiums going up (which they were going to anyway), they were mad about the black man, they were mad about whatever Sean Hannity told them to be mad about.

Except now things are going to get demonstrably and measurably worse for literally everyone. Literally everyone. Perhaps most of all, Trump's base.
I think that is a naive view. There was backlash against coverage for people who folks thought were undeserving, who hadn't earned it. There was anger about poor people and waived fees and discounted plans.
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