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House of Cards - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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Yeah that's why I binged it. I knew people would do that :/

Edit: I think The Verge did a livestream of them watching it, didn't they? It's understandable that the comments would be talking about everything that happened, unless you weren't in a House of Cards related story (in which case I digress). Still sucks though.

I've been avoiding reviews and other discussions precisely for this reason. However, the Verge article on their front page indicates it's an entire review of season 2, so I'm not entirely sure if discussing spoilers was off-limits there. Not to say it doesn't suck you got spoiled or that it's your fault. :/

It was an article about Orange is the New Black, but I guess anything Netflix related I should've steered clear from.


It was an article about Orange is the New Black, but I guess anything Netflix related I should've steered clear from.

Ah I see, yea that sucks. I'd say other than HoC season 2 review articles, you shouldn't have to avoid anything. Oh well, that's the internet I guess - shitheads everywhere.


Episode 8:
So we finally discover what the secret is. Honestly, of all the things it could have been it doesn't seem that damning! but glad that plot line got brought back up. One reason i like this show, everything matters eventually.


Im not sure if this has been posted yet but has anyone been able to access the Director's Commentary for season 1 on Xbox One? I can access the subtitles menu but its not there? Anyone else have this problem?


been working on this all day! still unsold on the title placement

If the title is in the blue, then it should be the other way (with the text aligned so the top is to the top-left, not the top-right). It would be a bolder look, I think. Might as well give it a shot and see how it looks.


Is there an app that can somehow (on 203 now)
delete any part of the episodes that have to do with Rachel and Jesus and Lucas and his Hax?



This hacker plotline is dreadful. The part where he bitch slapped Lucas was hilarious. So is the prostitute going to the Christian meetings thing. Why they just don't have her killed if she's a liability.
This show is too much. So many horrible people.

Frank is such good antihero. I really hope and look forward to it all going bad for him (I know nothing about what happens later in the season)


Hunky Nostradamus
Episodes 3 - 4:

I could see that hacker twist (it was supposed to be a twist right?) from a mile off. Of course the el33t hax0r dude turned out to be working for Frank's people. Lucas is an idiot.

Claire's interview was great. I can't wait to see the repercussions.

my annoyance at the dumb Spacey narration to the audience thing (I hate that technique in anything I see)

Even in Ferris Bueller's Day Off?! :O


Wanted to wait until I finished the Season before I came into this thread and I just finished it.

Holy Shit! He did it! First off I thought the season started off great with the death of Zoey, what a HOLY SHIT moment. I came to accept last season that this show isn't about politics like the West Wing nor is it about realism, it's more akin to a Greek tragedy and is all about one man's lust for power and the things he will do in pursuit of it. Once I accepted that I learned to love things like Frank outright murdering people.

The season wasn't perfect and I felt the couple episodes following the first one were a bit of a snore-fest and added little to the plot, but in the end it all tied up nicely. I was a bit disappointed with how easily the President could be manipulated and felt they were taking it too far especially by the end when he had Frank's letter. The man is a President, to make him look so weak and stupid diminishes his threat and Frank's rise to power. I just felt like Walker presented no real challenge to Frank and he just easily swept him aside and took his throne, but again this is typical Greek tragedy terrirtory so I guess it can be forgiven.

I'm just going to guess that the third season will be about Frank's fall from power, or at least I hope if we are following a Greek/Shakespearean tragedy model. All the pieces seem to be in place Rachel, Mr. Hacker, the reporters who are remaining quiet, they just need to all fall in place. My only concern with the third season is that it might not be as compelling now that Frank is the President.

As I said before, the show is not about politics or policy like the West Wing its about one man's pursuit of power. Thus, now that Frank has obtained that power his dynamic is no longer about maneuvering and scheming to become king but rather being actual king and maintaining that power. At the end of the day Frank is now the President which means he can't devote all his time to scheming and what not he has to actually govern, and while the show can definitely craft crisis for Frank to become involved in and solve politically they no longer have the same tension because he is already king. So what if a bill fails to pass or he doesnt make a deal with China, he's still king, he's reached the ceiling and has nowhere else to go. And, since the show isn't about policy it would be hard to make the audience care about these disputes without the added tension of Frank's career being on the line.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait and see.


Something always thought about the whole baby thing (I that in itself isn't a spoiler as it started last season)
That she wanted one. Yes she used it also as a way to get at that girl she fired, but like I think the reason in episode 1 shes all like "nah" is also because she is afraid of what she has done to the women using the child as leverage she is scared of if she did have a child what she would do...or something
I burst out laughing when Freddy's son pulled out his gun. I have a hard time believing anyone could be so stupid outside of a TV show.


I get that I just though him being a religious figure could protect him

It did, he (all episodes S2)
waived the right to privilege. He could have contested it in court if he hadn't, but he was cornered in the court of public opinion. The client/patient faith/parishioner privilege probably would have held, but by then it would have been far too late (or so he thought). He never saw the betrayal coming.

Something always thought about the whole baby thing (I that in itself isn't a spoiler as it started last season)
That she wanted one. Yes she used it also as a way to get at that girl she fired, but like I think the reason in episode 1 shes all like "nah" is also because she is afraid of what she has done to the women using the child as leverage she is scared of if she did have a child what she would do...or something

I think she was (all episodes S2)
afraid of how vulnerable the unborn child had made that woman as well. From "I'll fight you til the end you fucking cunt" to "okay...okay, fine" in one stroke, all because the kid was in danger. She couldn't allow that kind of weakness in a world where Francis has killed (I assume she knows) a couple of people and she's threatened to kill a child in support of their goals.
I think she's going to
realize that she's doing all the compromising next season. No baby, no lover, no watershed act, no rape in the military bill, etc. All to make him president. When he doesn't deliver on her goals in S3, she's going to heel turn on him hard. Unless he does deliver of course, in which case, look out world. Who knows what she's capable of.
I'm midway through episode 7. The show is still super dumb, super well shot, and really great as a character study. I'm just not sure where the main plot is going, if anywhere.

That final scene monologue in Ep1 though, holy shittttttt


but it was pointless!

Eh, I look at it as mostly character stuff. Gives us a little more insight into who these people are and now we know for sure that Claire knows about Frank's "flexibility," if she didn't already. And who knows, it might play into season 3 either directly or in how it could effect his and Claire's relationship.


I'm midway through episode 7. The show is still super dumb, super well shot, and really great as a character study. I'm just not sure where the main plot is going, if anywhere.

I'm at the same point and I agree with your view. Some parts are really hilariously stupid but I can't stop watching it.


Episode 11:
I was wondering if they'd bring up his bisexuality this season. :D
I wasn't surprised, I've been expecting them to make some move on him eventually.

Episode 11:
The fuck!?
They've both been giving him sexy eyes all season.


Bitches love smiley faces
Episode 12:
That last scene with Jackie and the Underwoods. It's like a meeting with the devil. Yikes.
Episodes 3 - 4:

I could see that hacker twist (it was supposed to be a twist right?) from a mile off. Of course the el33t hax0r dude turned out to be working for Frank's people. Lucas is an idiot.

Claire's interview was great. I can't wait to see the repercussions.

Ep 4
That interview felt more human for Claire than everything in the previous 16 episodes of the series combined.


Wanted to wait until I finished the Season before I came into this thread and I just finished it.

Holy Shit! He did it! First off I thought the season started off great with the death of Zoey, what a HOLY SHIT moment. I came to accept last season that this show isn't about politics like the West Wing nor is it about realism, it's more akin to a Greek tragedy and is all about one man's lust for power and the things he will do in pursuit of it. Once I accepted that I learned to love things like Frank outright murdering people.

The season wasn't perfect and I felt the couple episodes following the first one were a bit of a snore-fest and added little to the plot, but in the end it all tied up nicely. I was a bit disappointed with how easily the President could be manipulated and felt they were taking it too far especially by the end when he had Frank's letter. The man is a President, to make him look so weak and stupid diminishes his threat and Frank's rise to power. I just felt like Walker presented no real challenge to Frank and he just easily swept him aside and took his throne, but again this is typical Greek tragedy terrirtory so I guess it can be forgiven.

I'm just going to guess that the third season will be about Frank's fall from power, or at least I hope if we are following a Greek/Shakespearean tragedy model. All the pieces seem to be in place Rachel, Mr. Hacker, the reporters who are remaining quiet, they just need to all fall in place. My only concern with the third season is that it might not be as compelling now that Frank is the President.

As I said before, the show is not about politics or policy like the West Wing its about one man's pursuit of power. Thus, now that Frank has obtained that power his dynamic is no longer about maneuvering and scheming to become king but rather being actual king and maintaining that power. At the end of the day Frank is now the President which means he can't devote all his time to scheming and what not he has to actually govern, and while the show can definitely craft crisis for Frank to become involved in and solve politically they no longer have the same tension because he is already king. So what if a bill fails to pass or he doesnt make a deal with China, he's still king, he's reached the ceiling and has nowhere else to go. And, since the show isn't about policy it would be hard to make the audience care about these disputes without the added tension of Frank's career being on the line.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait and see.

First I just wanted to ask what do you mean by the reporters remaining quiet? But most of all, you nailed it right on the head with the greek analogy. I think the next season will be about all these things coming to bite frank in the ass and having to play damage control while also being president. Then they can focus on him running for president the next year. Maybe he will have someone running against him that he has to defeat. I think this will be a great time for the show to mock the race for the presidency and how illegitimate it really is. What is the big question for next season is who is going to be the new villan for Frank now that Raymond is done and Remy is on Frank's side now.
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