Holy Shit! He did it! First off I thought the season started off great with the death of Zoey, what a HOLY SHIT moment. I came to accept last season that this show isn't about politics like the West Wing nor is it about realism, it's more akin to a Greek tragedy and is all about one man's lust for power and the things he will do in pursuit of it. Once I accepted that I learned to love things like Frank outright murdering people.
The season wasn't perfect and I felt the couple episodes following the first one were a bit of a snore-fest and added little to the plot, but in the end it all tied up nicely. I was a bit disappointed with how easily the President could be manipulated and felt they were taking it too far especially by the end when he had Frank's letter. The man is a President, to make him look so weak and stupid diminishes his threat and Frank's rise to power. I just felt like Walker presented no real challenge to Frank and he just easily swept him aside and took his throne, but again this is typical Greek tragedy terrirtory so I guess it can be forgiven.
I'm just going to guess that the third season will be about Frank's fall from power, or at least I hope if we are following a Greek/Shakespearean tragedy model. All the pieces seem to be in place Rachel, Mr. Hacker, the reporters who are remaining quiet, they just need to all fall in place. My only concern with the third season is that it might not be as compelling now that Frank is the President.
As I said before, the show is not about politics or policy like the West Wing its about one man's pursuit of power. Thus, now that Frank has obtained that power his dynamic is no longer about maneuvering and scheming to become king but rather being actual king and maintaining that power. At the end of the day Frank is now the President which means he can't devote all his time to scheming and what not he has to actually govern, and while the show can definitely craft crisis for Frank to become involved in and solve politically they no longer have the same tension because he is already king. So what if a bill fails to pass or he doesnt make a deal with China, he's still king, he's reached the ceiling and has nowhere else to go. And, since the show isn't about policy it would be hard to make the audience care about these disputes without the added tension of Frank's career being on the line.
Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait and see.