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'How Did This Get Made?' podcast appreciation thread

God the obvious CG stunts are so bad.

What's interesting is that these characters do the goofiest stunts but the movie treats bruises and cuts and shit pretty realistically... mostly.


Homeland Security Fail
Episode is up! Guest is Ed Brubaker.

Also, a heads up, Netflix added the wonderful movie Sharknado to streaming today.
June's reaction to the movie is exactly why the movie got the theatrical cut it did. :lol

I really enjoyed this one, and having watched Daredevil the previous night, I was a bit worried because holy fuck the movie really is boring as hell. I may give the Coolio edition a rental in the future though. Still haven't seen it.

And they nailed it, too. Too many attempts to recreate iconic moments without context and everything is just thrown into it without development or allows the audience any time to embrace it.
How many women like June would have gone to the cinema to watch it though?

Couldn't tell ya. I was just being facetious though. :lol Just sounds like that particular version of the movie was far and away the result of focus testing (as many blockbusters tend to be).


Interesting episode.
It went towards the direction of more "How did this get made?" instead of just ripping on it. More informational.

Also, who would have thought Ed Brubaker would dominate the conversation so much? It was mostly just him and Paul after the first 15 minutes or so.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Nah listen to it again there's a ton of Jason in there.

He is a very involved guest though and those are usually the best...when they're not Kevin Smith that is.
Just started listening to the show late in September. Mac & Me had me in stitches. I wonder why the Rifftrax guys can't take a stab at this. Is it too tied up in copyrights? Orion has been defunct for over 20 years now, so I don't see who's feathers they'd be ruffling. Also, can a movie be so bad that either it's an honor to have the MST3K guys riff on it, or that the makers are too embarrassed to raise objection?
I rented the Daredevil director's cut over the weekend because I had never seen it, and man, what a difference 35 minutes make. It is a much more competent movie.
Watched Daredevil and After Earth today

Daredevil comments
*How blind (get it?!) is Elektra? She didn't see Daredevil out in the middle of the street trying to protect her and her dad from a lunatic throwing shit at her? She sees Bullseye throw the stick at her dad yet she still thinks Daredevil did it for some reason.
*Until they see his eyes, why does everyone just assume that Affleck is blind but has nearly magical powers of vision? Wouldnt it seem much more likely that he's bullshitting people?
*So Daredevil not only kills a guy for assaulting a woman but literally kills everyone that happened to be drinking in the same bar. Meanwhile, he lets Kingpin, a guy responsible for hundreds of crimes and murders, to go to jail .. and then he and Kingpin share a laugh over the inevitability of him escaping.
*Kingpin had Daredevil's dad murdered when Daredevil was like 10 but they seem to be the same age don't they?
*Jennifer Garner is stunning in this movie.

After Earth comments
*Not too shabby (other than those horrendous accents that would come and go). My one major comment is - what if After Earth takes place even further in the future presented in The Book of Eli. Could be possible. There's only one GAFer that can say for sure. :b
The next episode that will be watching Fair Game.
'95 version.

Cindy Crawford and Billy Baldwin? Ohhh man. I can tell from the cover alone I'm gonna love the 90s camp of this movie .. which I've never heard of before. I see there's a Fair Game that came out in 2010 with Naomi Watts .. never heard of that one either. :b
Just rented it from Amazon. Here we go!

Starting off good - Cindy Crawford running in slow mo in front of a beach sunset while 90s smooth jazz plays.

Whoo! Salma Hayak is in this apparently.


Homeland Security Fail
Cindy Crawford and Billy Baldwin? Ohhh man. I can tell from the cover alone I'm gonna love the 90s camp of this movie .. which I've never heard of before. I see there's a Fair Game that came out in 2010 with Naomi Watts .. never heard of that one either. :b

Never heard of this movie, so google'd it and the 2010 version came up lol. Never heard of that one either.

But man, the trailer is awesome.
My comments:

* Cindy Crawford is wet for about 90% of the movie. She's constantly in the rain, under fire sprinklers, taking showers, getting out of a lake, getting out of the ocean,etc. Also she has the acting ability of a dead fish.
* A guy got shot in the dick. Literally shot right in the dick.
* A prime example of 90s movies where they go off the assumption that the audience doesn't know how computers work.
* Not a lot to say really - just kind of a cookie cutter action movie that wasn't good or bad and wasn't all that crazy in comparison to the other movies they've done so far.
Fair Game? :lol Oh god. I believe the book of this movie inspired the Stallone movie Cobra.

Was listening to Toys earlier and thinking I hope they manage to get Drew McWeeny back in the future.
haha oh man this is some good shit.

these guys ought to do 2012. movie was so bad. So so bad. The worst ever.

I swear to god when the blond bitch who should have been dead in the ravine somehow flipped everyone the bird near the Ark Launch, that was the end of the movie for me. I had hated it up until then but at that moment the movie broke me and I started laughing at the sheer absurdity and stupidity of it all. And I could not stop fucking laughing. And then my buddy starts laughing and all of a sudden we are distracting the shit out of every single moviegoer nearby with our guffaws to the point where we left the theater still fucking dying just so that they could hear the rest of that shit movie. God damn I don't think I've ever laughed harder in my entire life.


Homeland Security Fail
New episode is up! Danny Zucker is the guest.

Edit- This episode is already off to a great start.


I watched the movie before the episode.... and it was definitely worth it. I actually enjoyed it wholeheartedly. Never knew Cindy Crawford was that hot.


I really hope this shirt won the contest

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