Did you rent it? Stream it?
Its free on OnDemand from Comcast via Megaplex Movies .. in HD even. For all the good it does.
Just finished. I'm flabbergasted. This is by far one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen. I guess the best way to describe it is a Terry Gilliam movie with the sensibilities of an 80 year old Sinatra fan. Also, is there anyone less charismatic than Danny Aiello?
I hope they get Julie Klausner for this one
besides just being a great guest, her making fun of Andie MacDowell in her last ep was hilarious
That first episode photo, haha.
She's in it. 2 girls, 2 guys, one Hawk
I love that the filename on the site is "zouks.png"
I'm pretty stoked they're doing Deck the Halls for one of the live shows this month.
Edit: The other is Jack Frost btw.
Yessssss. I'm feeling pretty good about it.Next movie is Britney Spears Crossroads. I dont know how I feel about this pick.
Next movie is Britney Spears Crossroads. I dont know how I feel about this pick.
Meh. I dont like these type of movies. I can't have fun with them like Fair Game or Hudson Hawk.
Isn't Crossroads like From Justin To Kelly?
I didn't watch that one. Or Spice Girls. Or On the Line. I'm sure the episode about it will be great. They almost always are. But I'm saying meh to the movie.
I never seen it, and wow - looks fucking terrifying
Have any of you seen this?
Paul Scheer as ArScheerio Paul meets Arsenio Hall
@HDTGM Why Jack Frost 1998 over 1997no love for killer snowmen? Also, who do we talk to about making Nundercover our next original series?
HowDidThisGetMade? ‏@HDTGM 14 Dec
@netflix @paulscheer Now this sounds like something we can get behind.
Paul Scheer ‏@paulscheer 14 Dec
@netflix @HDTGM It's a deal, we've got David Fincher signed for the 1st Nundercover movies.
That Twitter convo is amazing.
Watching Crossroads. Britney Spears is totally believable as a science whiz high school valedictorian. Totally.
I had more trouble buying the virgin part.