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How many consoles have you owned that had hardware failure?


I had xbox 360 elite red ring on me. Lucky I had a friend who fixed it with a towel and some pennys and it's been solid ever since. It's probably still running to this day.


Sega Master System
Game Boy
Xbox One
Xbox One S
Xbox One X
Xbox Series X

None of them had any failures.


Neo Member
Sega SD, model one. After only one year, it literally fried itself internally. Nice $300 brick.
PS3, 80GB MGS4 BC model. It lasted 4 years.
Original PSP. Fell 6 inches off the futon while playing. Instant brick.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
OG PSX & PS2 had reading problems but they could be fixed, so I wouldn't count them.
but actual hardware failure and not turning on?
The OG PS3

The first slim PS3 I still have and is alive and kicking, but the OG PS3?
Sony sent me a few of those before replacing it with a Slim.
That whole generation was cursed.
it was also the first generation that the console actually had a notification to tell you it's fucked.
It's like they knew 🙄
Not a single one of them. Still have the original PSOne, PS2, PS3, sold my original PS4 Pro, and PS5 is still the day one unit. The PSP worked until the day i sold it, alongside the Gamecube. Never had a single controller or anything else breaking as well.


One second hand mega drive 2 soundchip failed on me. A BBC micro power capacitor blew after 30 odd years.

That is all.

I look after my consoles. All manufactures including many launch. From kid to adult.

Keep good airflow, turn off when not in use and dust them once in a while. It ain't that difficult tbh.
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  • Sega Genesis - stopped powering on.
  • PSOne - a neighbor brought a controller to check if it worked, it somehow fried the controller ports so while everything else still worked there was no way to control the games.
  • GameCube - Stopped reading discs(this was due to poor storage placement though).
  • PS3(40gb) - YLoD.
All in all I have been pretty lucky with most of my consoles and handhelds: SNES, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Wii, NDS, PlayStation 3 Super Slim, PSVita, N2DS XL, PlayStation 4, PS4 Pro and PS5.


PS1: started having to be placed on its side to work and eventually the spindle for the disc degraded and crumbled into pieces.

DC: Several fried controller boards but that was a result of the POS madcatz six button controller.

PS2: still works but it now takes 4x longer to boot up a game initially.

X360: 1 RROD and as of now my X360's disc tray doesn't work.

PS4: Randomly hard crashed and had to be replaced.


King Snowflake
Only 360s and NES. My NES had a cap blow or something trivial and a friend of the family fixed it. on PC I have had an iGPU, and SDD, and several HDDs fail over the years. For the most part gaming HW is robust.


Two of them. My original PS1 had to be flipped upside down like a grilled cheese sandwich but it worked forever after that, and my Vita power button went bad.


Game boy
Game gear
PS4 Pro

Not a single console death
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Neo Member
2 PS1s, disc drive went wonky in both, would only play if I turned them upside down.
1 360 but it was replaced by MS
1 PS3 60 gigs. 1 was the MGS4 edition and the one I got to replace it died about a year later. My parents wouldn't replace anymore consoles after that.

I have a Sega Saturn, Genesis, SNES, GameCube that have worked since day 1 and still do. All of those were handed down to me from my brother and have used them all in some capacity within the last couple of months or so.
I've had every console but only had problems with 3:
-OG Ps2 succumbed to a disc reading problem over time
-GameCube had some faulty overheating out of the box
-360 had red ring.


Microsoft thread.

My launch Dreamcast died after hundreds of hours of PSO, RPGs, Sonic and demo disks. It was also used to bang out full ass games like Rayman 2. I burned the candle too hot too fast on that poor thing, I think it lasted 2 years. I remember needing a new DC around the time Sonic Adventure 2 came out, and having to open up both DC's and swap some stuff so I could still use my PSO character lol.
5x xbox 360z 4 of them had rrod and the last one had some dvd related issue aswell but at that time I moved to ps4.

Had a launch day imported from Japan ps4 which to this day runs like a champ although it sounds like an f16 jet but never ever had a single problem with it .
The hard drive of my xbox one x crapped out on me aswell
The only platforms that have ever failed for me were PS3s:

- Fat (40GB) PS3 failed with a yellow light of death. Sent it to Sony for repairs and it came back fine. I later sold it.

- Super slim PS3 currently has an issue where it won't connect to WiFi and won't connect to the DualShock 3 wirelessly.

Every other platform I've owned has worked with no major issues.


Gold Member
My OG PS3 phat got YLOD, but other then that I’ve only ever had the controller part go out on my launch PS2 which I replaced and it’s still kicking.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
PS1 - no issue
PS2 - disk drive failure
PS3 - no issue
PS4 - no issue
PS5 - no issue
PS2 fat got Disc Read Error disease
PS3 fat just shuts off after 15 mins
Wii U also shuts off after 15 mins
Xb360 finally got RROD after 8 years

everything else worked. My NES from 1988 works. My Nintendo 64 i got with Perfect Dark still works. My original PS1 still works
My Saturn and Dreamcast only problem they had was dead battery...so it couldn't remember anything like its the first time u booted it. But they still work


NES: the standard cart blowing thing

DS Lite: cracked hinge, can't believe there were people denying this design flaw

That's it, I've had a good run.
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I've owned most major platforms through the years and the only one that gave me any trouble was the Xbox 360. Bought one at launch and with in a year is day I received the RRoD. MS replaced it, then red ring again after some months, MS again replaced it and then that one rrod on me with in a month got another replacement and sold it. Great customer service horrible product quality .


Had a PS1 rendered junk when the spindle you snap the disk onto shattered. Had a SegaCD unit fail after a fall. Had a couple C64's blow some chips. Various controllers wear out and fail over the years. That's about it though......so far.
OG Xbox I've owned 4 of them; first died after 2 hors of usage, 2nd and 2rd bad disc drives, and the 4th on is still going strong after 15 years.
Xbox 360: the most defective console I've ever owned had 7 of them; the first 3 RROD right out of the box ; 4th one lasted for 6 months RROD
5th one lasted 3 months RROD. Number 6 was the E unit lasted 3 years RROD and 7th is the one i currently own still running also and E unit.
Ps3 Fat BC : Brought it new in 2007 ylod 2010, brought a slim model a few days later and that unit is my current Ps3.


Playstation 3: I paid $599 dollars for this unit. It was backwards compatible 60gb one. I picked up God of War 2 on the ps2 and it came with Metal Gear Solid 4. I didn't play it all that much because at the time I mostly played on my xbox 360. Played through a couple of AAA ps2 and ps3 games and then just used it sparingly for 2 years. Turned it on one day to play some God Of War 3 and the infamous yellow light kicked on. It was done!
I too got the YLOD on my OG PS3. Took it to a bunch of places and nowhere thought they could repair it. Reached out to Sony and the best they could offer me was a $100 discount on a PS3 Slim (no thank you). I still have the bricked thing in a box somewhere, with my copy of Guitar Hero 5 still jammed inside of it.

My Wii U also bricked, but Nintendo repaired it fairly quickly.

My OG Xbox One bricked and MS repaired it fairly quickly as well and got a few more years out of it. However, now whenever I turn the thing on it sits at the Xbox One splash screen forever and never boots into the dashboard, it may as well be bricked.

Had a Gamecube fail too but I'm pretty sure that one was my fault. Otherwise I have been fortunate. Surprisingly my 360 never RROD'd, though the disc tray no longer opens unless I give it a good whack after hitting eject.

Boss Mog

Two 360s and that's it so far.

EDIT: Actually I forgot my launch PS2 that stopped working properly after only a few days, I replaced it at the store right away so I forgot about it. And although the console was still fine I had a PSP 3000 whose battery pack expanded. Oddly enough my PSP 1000's battery is still just fine to this day even though I rarely use it.
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PS1, still works but has to be flipped upside-down.

Wii, GPU black pixel crawl, otherwise OK.

Xbox 360, 3x faulty ones, noisy fans and RROD.

PS3, works fine but has no casing screws.


Gold Member
I just realized... all issues I've had have been with Sony consoles.

PS1 - had to put console on it's side in order to play certain cutscenes without skipping
Vita - gyro crapped out after 6 months. Basically couldn't play Tearaway until I got a new one
PS5 - ate discs. had to send it in to get disc drive replaced.

I also have a PS2 that I bought second hand that only lasted a few months before it stopped reading discs. Not really going to count this, as I have no idea if it was taken care of by original owner.
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